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Offline franksolich

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franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend
« on: May 28, 2012, 09:21:10 PM »
franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend.  Last Thursday evening, the property caretaker, who was here cutting firewood, illuminated me that I would have guests for the weekend.

Oh no, I said; I was going to be busy all weekend long, no time to be pleasant to company.

“I didn’t mean here in this house,” he told me; “yesterday a bunch of hippies from Indiana were hanging around town.  They’d stopped up at the lake for the night, but were asking around if there was somewhere ‘nicer,’ where they could set up camp for the weekend.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I said; “they wanted to camp on secluded private property, where the sheriff and the state patrol don’t give them any problems.  The lake’s state property, and we all know the rule—no alcohol on state property…..or drugs either.”

“Well, I didn’t figure you’d mind,” the caretaker replied; “they were paying cash for everything, and they ‘sir’ed and ‘madam’ed everybody, and were kind to the old ladies.  They didn’t even have any objectionable bumper-stickers on their vehicles, like RE-ELECT 0BAMA or FREE THE COP-KILLER MUMMY or ELECT STEVE DAWES or anything.

“I didn’t figure you’d mind them camping down on the river, because they looked like the type who’d leave you alone.”

Well, whatever, I murmured.  The property caretaker and his wife were joining their son and his family down in southern Nebraska for the weekend.  The neighbor, his wife, and family were going down to Kansas City for the weekend.  The femme was going to spend the weekend with her sister and her family in Omaha for the weekend.  The old guy across the river was still out in California visiting his daughter and her family there, and wasn’t coming back anytime soon.

“You know, I’m going to be the only person around in this half of the county over the weekend, the nearest person in town six miles away—if there’s anybody in town at all--and I’m going to be around much myself.

“I’m not worried about it, but how many are there going to be?”

Oh, about twelve or fifteen, the caretaker guessed, “all of them hippies, but most of them look as if they’re already collecting social security.

“They shouldn’t be any bother for you.”

Good, I said.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Friday was cool, damp, and overcast.  Just before heading to the big city, I looked out back and saw that the hippies had arrived, and were setting up camp.

The river is about two football-field lengths away from the back porch, and a few summers ago, the property caretaker had found an old Sears, Roebuck mounted telescope at a garage-sale, and had installed it on a railing of the back porch (the tube part is detachable, and taken inside during the winter).

“I don’t need that,” I protested; besides, I’m not a snoop, who gets jollies out of spying on other people.”

“It’s for your own protection,” he argued; “everybody knows you mind your own business, but it’s a good idea to once in a while check on things—how many vehicles, how many people, that sort of thing.”

Since I was going to be away, I checked.  The telescope is by no means a professional one, perhaps originally made for high-school amateurs, but it was adequate for me to take note that there were eleven of the long-hairs, and they had four vehicles; a couple of vans that looked as if from the gas-guzzling 1980s, an ancient grey Ford Taurus station-wagon, and a 1980s sedan of some indeterminate make, but a big one.

They had set up a canvas shelter with open sides.

I briefly returned yet that morning, but was gone most of the day.

Much to my non-surprise, nothing had been molested here, and the cats were cool.

Nothing ever is; I’m not sure what the property caretaker tells strangers seeking to camp on my (rented) property, but whatever it is he tells them about me, it’s effective in keeping them at arms’-length; all these years here, I’ve never been bothered, not even a single time.

Old hippies camp, do their hippie thing, clean up their mess, and leave.

Perhaps he tells them franksolich is an axe-murderer on parole, or something.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Early on Saturday, I drove out west, to see the business partner. 

There was no business going on, but I desired the company.  Arriving about noon, I learned he was planning to play some golf with two customers and a friend of his, and I was invited along.

I do not golf; I don’t have the patience and exactitude.  I just hit golf balls, nothing more than that.

I had grown up around golfers, one of the most avid which had been my younger brother.  Because we were so close in age, and because of my deafness, the parents insisted we do many things together, my younger brother looking out for me.  Usually—we were both in our early teens at the time—he played with others, but on some Sandhills summer mornings, finding no one else, he insisted I come along.

As I “owed” it to him, I grudgingly went along, to idly whack golf balls around the 18-hole course, while he did his own stuff, practicing, I assume.

My ardor, already pretty much non-existent, waned further the summer he was 14 years old, and I sixteen, the one time I was paying attention to something else, and unbeknownst to me, a rattlesnake was on my trail, right behind my back. 

My younger brother, seeing it and knowing I could not possibly hear it, and be aware it was there, grabbed a club with the largest end on it—it was an end made of wood, not metal—and crashed it down on the head of the malevolent reptile.  I’m sure it was killed at first stroke (the back of its head), but to be sure, my younger brother kept thrashing.

Sensing something going on behind my back, I turned, but it was a dead, bloodied mess by then.

And lo, three decades later, I have yet to see a tornado or a live rattlesnake; something I share in common with surely no more than six or half a dozen native Nebraskans; even those from urban areas have seen at least one of these phenomenons, and many both of them.

So I’ve always hung around with golfers golfing, but never participated in a game.  As I did this particular afternoon, I generally allow the serious golfers to get a couple of holes ahead of me, after which I begin following, aimlessly hitting the ball in the same direction.

This is the sparsely-populated Sandhills; there’s very few times a party is behind me, and if so, I courteously allow to play through, while I wait until they’re a couple of holes ahead, after which I resume.

In the meantime, the party with whom I’m associated finishes far ahead of me, but no big deal; they need to go to the clubhouse and socialize a bit, and being deaf, I don’t care much for socializing (with a group; one-on-one is something different).

It has suddenly struck me that how I “play” “golf” is the same way I live life.

--from 2009; photograph intentionally miniaturized, so as to not give primitives stalking franksolich any clues about what he looks like in real life--

This afternoon however, I was somewhat encumbered.  Like my long ago-late younger brother, I have a propensity towards melanoma, and it’s a bother and a worry, having to see a dermatologist too often.

As recently as three years ago, I used to wear a simple baseball cap to keep the sun out of my face, but then the next two years, I wore a tan bush-helmet while on a golf course, but that proving inadequate, this day I was wearing a hat with a wide straight rim, as if an oversized Philadelphia Quaker hat from the times of William Penn.  Whenever someone approached, it was necessary for me to quickly take that off, and jam the bush-helmet on my head.

I care very much about decorum and appearances; I’m very conscientious about trying to not look like an ass.

It has suddenly struck me a second time that how I “play” “golf” is the same way I lead life.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

The afternoon shot, the business partner and I went out to eat and chitchat, until mid-evening, when I decided I should return home.

It was dark when I got back here, but when I stepped on the back porch looking towards the river, I could see a great bonfire going.  The telescope in the darkness wasn’t much help, but I could discern enough movement and action to decide it was some sort of raucous hippie festival marking the beginning of summer, or something.

Or maybe they were just drunk.  Or stoned.  Or something.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Just as Saturday had been torridly hot, so too was Sunday.  I had not bothered yet installing the air-conditioning in the bedroom, as the weather never seemed to make up its mind to be seasonable, or unseasonably cool. 

Such things are a trial in this old house, and one usually doesn’t like putting something up, or out, unless one's pretty certain it’s going to be permanent for a while.  So I went to bed Sunday night, all the windows open and several fans circulating air inside.  It was too hot to use even a thin sheet covering oneself.

During the night, a series of violent thunderstorms, accompanied with occasional tornadoes, passed through, but since I can’t hear, such climatic convulsions bothered me not at all.  The cooler air and the high wind helped me sleep some, but after the storms passed, it got hot and muggy again.

About four in the morning, Monday morning, I got up to make coffee, which I took with me out to the back porch, reclining on the chaise longue, smoking.

I had quit smoking last January, but then ten weeks ago during the middle of another night on the highway, I’d abruptly found myself walking in the darkness right into a sawed-off shotgun.  It ended well, no harm done, but it had been, uh, rather discombobulating, and I was still waiting for my nerves to settle, before I try quitting smoking again.

There was no fire at the hippie encampment, but of course it was very early in the morning.

It was considerably cooler under the stars, and so I dozed off, on the back porch.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Suddenly I awoke with a jerk; it was now light outside, mid-morning, and there were three hippies towering over me, staring at me.  Two of them, their scraggly grey hair tied back in silver pony-tails, looked old enough to be grandfathers of adult children; the other was some guy who looked to be in his late twenties, early thirties, with a paunch.

Irritated at this rude intrusion, I sat up, and then stood up, asking who they were, and why they were here, casually drawing back my hair to show the absence of ears, hinting that there would be, uh, problems with communication.

Then remembering something else, I apologized for my state of complete undress, adding that I care very much about decorum and appearances.

“Hey dude, don’t worry about it,” one of the older hippies indicated to me; “we’re with the party down on the river, and we’re getting ready to take off.  But we thought we’d check to see if someone was home, so we could thank them, because we had a fine time here.

“It’s great, all this wide-open outdoors, and nobody around, all this freedom to, uh, run around letting it all hang out and nobody the wiser.”
apres moi, le deluge

Offline Ballygrl

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Re: franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2012, 09:26:22 PM »
Oh that was nice that they thanked you.
"The nation that couldn’t be conquered by foreign enemies has been conquered by its elected officials" odawg Free Republic in reference to the GOP Elites who are no difference than the Democrats

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Re: franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2012, 09:44:03 PM »
Awesome tale, but was a bit put off that these old timer hippies were wandering around in the buff who knows how much of the time they were there. I sincerely hope you never saw such a thing. Especially before a meal.

:usflag: :salutearmy: :saluteaf: :saluteusmc: :salutenavy: :taps:
THANK YOU for what you do!

soon as you find your manhood all else falls into place.

Quote from: Greg Gutfeld
If Ft. Hood was "workplace violence," then the Hindenburg was an air show.

Guns do not kill people. Rotting, festering, disgusting, grimy, evil, un-reparable souls kill people.

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Offline Ballygrl

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Re: franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2012, 09:54:05 PM »
Awesome tale, but was a bit put off that these old timer hippies were wandering around in the buff who knows how much of the time they were there. I sincerely hope you never saw such a thing. Especially before a meal.

I think frank was in the buff not the hippies.
"The nation that couldn’t be conquered by foreign enemies has been conquered by its elected officials" odawg Free Republic in reference to the GOP Elites who are no difference than the Democrats

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Re: franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2012, 03:58:04 AM »
Not the way it sounded to me, but OK. Lol. I personally think a hippie is more prone to "let it all hang out" in front of God, and nature than Frank is though.

:usflag: :salutearmy: :saluteaf: :saluteusmc: :salutenavy: :taps:
THANK YOU for what you do!

soon as you find your manhood all else falls into place.

Quote from: Greg Gutfeld
If Ft. Hood was "workplace violence," then the Hindenburg was an air show.

Guns do not kill people. Rotting, festering, disgusting, grimy, evil, un-reparable souls kill people.

I don't know if sand glows in the dark, but we're gonna find out.

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Re: franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2012, 04:30:36 AM »
Not the way it sounded to me, but OK. Lol. I personally think a hippie is more prone to "let it all hang out" in front of God, and nature than Frank is though.

That's how I took it, too, Rev. :puke:
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Re: franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2012, 05:51:11 AM »
Love the story; I have one small point of contention. They may be hippies and leftists, but I don't think you can call them "primitives" like our beloved DUmmies. They made it a point to thank someone before they left, after all. And if they cleaned up after themselves, it's an added bonus!
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Offline vesta111

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Re: franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2012, 07:24:20 AM »
Love the story; I have one small point of contention. They may be hippies and leftists, but I don't think you can call them "primitives" like our beloved DUmmies. They made it a point to thank someone before they left, after all. And if they cleaned up after themselves, it's an added bonus!

Dear Frank,

I thank you on behalf of my friends that were allowed to camp on your rented property.

You see this was an outing for the old timers, the disabled Vets from Nam, some in wheel chairs and some with walkers.

Lovely area you have and perhaps the very reason these men and woman who had lost limbs and sanity was the reason for doing so, to keep America beautiful for future generations.

A large bonfire and blasting music from the past that has a meaning, not that it would bother you, passing a joint here and there and a clean up before they left tells it all.

Long hair, earrings and a joint smoking disabled vet with a clean up and respect to you and a thank you, is about as close to Hero's as we can get in our life time.

Thank you Frank, for your hospitality to those that gave all so we are so far Free. :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:   

Offline franksolich

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Re: franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2012, 08:04:51 AM »

Oh now vesta, dear, you went and ruined it.

I suppose there is a possibility of what you suggested, given that the campers didn't have any offensive political bumper-stickers--but generally people who look like old hippies but who are actually, say, long-haired veterans of the War for the Liberation of Vietnam, or fanatical motorcyclists, wear stuff on their gear advertising a military battalion or that they've been to Sturgis, South Dakota--you know the "types" I mean.

But these hippies had nothing indicating service in that or membership in this.

They may have been "hillbillies" (quotation marks intentional, as I don't mean to denigrate what I've always found a rather fascinating segment of society) who were too poor to buy patches and stuff.

Their lack of motorcycles precluded their being bikers.

And even though they were polite and gracious, and cleaned up after themselves, like both bikers and old veterans do, one doubts they were ancient warriors.

So they might have just been "hillbillies," but this is in the DUmpster, and so I had to make them primitives.

You'd be surprised at what I don't know, vesta dear, even when it's right in front of me.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2012, 09:29:45 AM »
And even though they were polite and gracious, and cleaned up after themselves, like both bikers and old veterans do, one doubts they were ancient warriors.
Which leads me to believe they were primatives that have escaped the island, have begun to evolve, and are becoming somewhat civilized.  :drink:
Then-Chief Justice John Marshall observed, “Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.”

John Adams warned in a letter, “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”


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Re: franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2012, 10:18:56 AM »
Maybe it was the cast of Swamp People.

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Re: franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2012, 10:38:47 AM »
franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend.

So, how did they taste?
"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful."

C.S. Lewis

A community may possess all the necessary moral qualifications, in so high a degree, as to be capable of self-government under the most adverse circumstances; while, on the other hand, another may be so sunk in ignorance and vice, as to be incapable of forming a conception of liberty, or of living, even when most favored by circumstances, under any other than an absolute and despotic government.

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Re: franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2012, 10:46:10 AM »
I imagine they're hard to clean, more trouble than they're worth.  But Frank probably dumped a quart of sour cream on them to cut the bitterness. 

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Re: franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2012, 12:12:41 PM »
Maybe it was the cast of Swamp People.

Or people on their big redneck vacation.

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Re: franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend
« Reply #14 on: May 31, 2012, 12:16:49 PM »
I imagine they're hard to clean, more trouble than they're worth.  But Frank probably dumped a quart of sour cream on them to cut the bitterness. 
Each.  :-)
Then-Chief Justice John Marshall observed, “Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.”

John Adams warned in a letter, “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”

Offline franksolich

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Re: franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2012, 07:13:13 AM »
Which leads me to believe they were primitives that have escaped the island, have begun to evolve, and are becoming somewhat civilized.  :drink:

Quite possibly they were once primitives, but are now evolving into a higher state.

Four years ago, even here in the reddest part of one of the reddest state, those stupid 0bama bumper-stickers were around, but here it is, June, and I have yet to see the first one for 2012.  I'm starting to think I won't see any at all this year, the (former) acolytes of the Magic One having given up.

In the meantime, I've been working on OSC, something that in its planning stages is taking on the proportions of planning for D-Day, the invasion of France in 1944, and so I've been out of circulation.

Has that one weird guy in Canada, the subway cat's boyfriend, who fed a cat to a python and cannibalized his Chinese pal, mailing the body parts to various places, revealed his DU handle yet?
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2012, 09:53:13 AM »
Quite possibly they were once primitives, but are now evolving into a higher state.

Four years ago, even here in the reddest part of one of the reddest state, those stupid 0bama bumper-stickers were around, but here it is, June, and I have yet to see the first one for 2012.  I'm starting to think I won't see any at all this year, the (former) acolytes of the Magic One having given up.

In the meantime, I've been working on OSC, something that in its planning stages is taking on the proportions of planning for D-Day, the invasion of France in 1944, and so I've been out of circulation.

Has that one weird guy in Canada, the subway cat's boyfriend, who fed a cat to a python and cannibalized his Chinese pal, mailing the body parts to various places, revealed his DU handle yet?
Then-Chief Justice John Marshall observed, “Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.”

John Adams warned in a letter, “Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet, that did not commit suicide.”

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Re: franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2012, 11:04:15 AM »
Hippies from Indiana?  I wonder if I know any of them.


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Re: franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend
« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2012, 11:23:02 AM »
I'm nostalgic for the beatniks.
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

Offline vesta111

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Re: franksolich has primitives for the holiday weekend
« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2012, 12:08:09 PM »
I'm nostalgic for the beatniks.

Good Grief the fore runners of the Hippies, they did their thing on booze not drugs.    Darn now I' m thinking of Beach Blanket Bingo and some crazy movie that had a biker gang called the Black Widows.

By the way is Annette and Frankie still alive  ????