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green giant primitive inflates and hides
« on: May 15, 2008, 07:24:19 PM »

Oh my.

The green giant primitive, although he's not jolly.

Gentle Giant  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Thu May-15-08 03:26 PM
Original message

My recent experiences with "hidden" food price inflation and declining quality.
I thought I would take a minute to rant about some serious changes I'm witnessing regarding common food items, which many of you have probably noticed. I'd also like to hear of any other examples of these types of things if any of you out there have them. This is something that needs to be talked about because it's the type of stuff that just sort of "sneaks by" an inflation index which is already ridiculously biased and false.

The first thing I've recently noticed is that Dreyer's ice cream, which used to come in 2 quart containers, has been shrunk down for the second time in about a year. The first time, they left out about a cup to make a container 1.75 quarts. Now just this past week my wife went to buy us some as a treat and it was 1.5 quarts. Of course, the price hasn't dropped. And if I do say so myself, the stuff actually tasted pretty flaky to me. Since this is the sort of thing we only buy once every couple of months anyway, I suppose now I'll just write it off as not worth the money. It's full of corn syrup anyway.

Next stop, Doritos. I can remember back in my high school days of all-weekend Dungeons and Dragons sleepovers, Doritos and bean dip being one of our staples. Back then, 7-11 had the 16 ounce bags of the various flavors for about $1.79, and occasionally on sale for barely a buck (this was in the mid 80s). The chips were thick and crunchy, tasted wonderful, and wouldn't break as you drug them through a can of thick bean dip. Over the years, that 16 ounce bag of chips has decreased in size by small steps to where it is now only either 12.25 or 12.5 ounces and is price stamped $3.79 at the factory. I tried some of the Cooler Ranch chips a couple days ago and could not believe the difference in taste and texture. The chips now have a thin, flaky, frail body to them and after one chew they just melt into your mouth as though they were made out of some kind of flour rather than stone-ground corn like before. They also tasted much less "ranchy" than I remember, though that's harder to really quantify. Once again, this is a junk food item which I really can't justify being in the same zip code as with my health issues, but to me it sucks that one of my lifelong favorite comfort foods has taken a nosedive to the point where I no longer have any interest in it at all.

Finally, today we're expecting the exterminator over any time now to help get our bug problem under control, so the kitchen has been pretty much emptied out and I'm not about to mess it up trying to cook anything until he's come and gone. I needed some kind of snack to stop the hunger pangs I'm feeling, and sometimes when I get desperate I'll break open a bag of the 10-for-a-buck ramen noodles and just munch on them dry (and I know I'm not the only one who does this so don't even start with me!). Anywho, I notice that the noodle package is the same size it has always been, but it seems conspicuously... empty compared to how they used to be. Inside the package was this little square-shaped clump of dry ramen noodles, whereas not too long ago they came in a longer, more rectangular portion. The weight on the package said 3 ounces. I might be wrong here, but I could swear that they used to be 4 ounces. At least they otherwise tasted as predictably cardboard-ish as they normally do.

At Trader Joe's, where we do a lot of our shopping, the staples we depend on like organic, unsweetened soy milk and organic whole wheat pasta have seen price increases of around 50% in the past year. The cereals, which used to be almost universally under $2 per box, are now around $3 and in many cases higher. Sprouted grain bread is almost double in price compared to when I first started going there a few years ago.

I guess it's time to look into a thrift store bread machine, and to start worshipping at the altar of split pea and potato soup. On the bright side, it's a hell of a lot healthier and cheaper!

So, what other examples do my fellow DU'ers have of hidden inflation and declining food quality?

Hmmm.  I wonder if split-pea and potato soup have fiber in them.

That might help the green giant primitive.

ayeshahaqqiqa  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Thu May-15-08 03:28 PM
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1. I've noticed milk prices going up
even powdered milk, which is the cheapest way to buy the product. Luckily, I don't eat grains and many processed foods. And I've found a small garden keeps me in greens fairly well. When I do need to buy produce, it hasn't leaped up as much in price as processed foods.

Uh oh.  franksolich bets the eyeshadow primitive has poor bowel management.

Breeze54  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Thu May-15-08 03:31 PM
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2. This short changing has been going on for a while now.
It pisses me off! You can't buy a pound of coffee anymore. It's now 12 or 13 2/3 ounces!

A can of coffee's been 13 ounces since the hyperinflation during the administration of the Incompetent One (1977-1981); anyone who remembers 16-ounce cans of coffee is dating himself.

eleny  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Thu May-15-08 03:36 PM
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3. Luckily, the ice cream and even Doritos can be made at home
A small electric ice cream machine doesn't take up too much space and you know how you'd like the flavor of homemade - for that once in a while treat. And chips are easy to make in the oven with corn tortillas.

I feel your ire. It's so aggravating when it feels like we're being taken for suckers. So I've been going the 'make it from scratch' route for some items and giving up on others.

Btw, you might enjoy visiting our Cooking & Baking forum here at DU. We discuss this issue and solutions often.

And then there's our Frugals forum, too

yardwork  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Thu May-15-08 03:44 PM
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4. Interesting post! I was a kid in the 1960s and early 1970s.
I remember noticing how the candy bars rapidly shrank in size and increased in price during that time of hyperinflation. I used to think about saving the candy wrappers to have a record of how they changed over time. (I wish I'd done that.)

In the late 1960s candy bars like Milky Way came in two sizes - dime size and nickel size. Then the nickel bars disappeared and the dime bar shrank to about the size of the previous nickel bar. Then the price started going up. Then the size started going up so that they could raise the price a lot more, which they did.

So, when I was a kid a person could buy a small candy bar for a nickel. Now we can buy a big candy bar for what, 75 cents? And the ingredients aren't the same, either. It used to be real chocolate, cane sugar, and vanilla flavoring. Now it's cocoa powder, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial flavorings.

And the worst insult of all - those nasty plastic wrappers! I miss the satisfying sound the old paper wrappers made when you tore into them.

Progress phooey.

The five-cent candy bar disappeared in 1971; it's in the history books and old magazines.

Warpy  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Thu May-15-08 03:49 PM
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5. Well, if you're going to blow money on a piece of kitchen gear invest in a Kitchen Aid stand mixer instead of the bread machine. It's the one mixer hefty enough to do bread dough, plus there's a stone grinder attachment if you want to buy whole wheat and really do cheap bread. The mixer is a lot more versatile than a bread machine and eats up less counter space than most of them do. Most general cookbooks have adequate bread recipes, or you can search "New York Times No Knead Bread" on the web for the easiest recipe out there--it lives up to its label, trust me.

Cheap French bread at Wally's is double what it was in January. I get it once in a blue moon because it squishes down and makes great panini sandwiches. Package sizes have been shrinking for about 4 years now, just so that they can sneak huge price increases past people who aren't paying attention.

Of course, that's a good thing. I know I've been losing weight lately and I suppose other people are starting to, as well, as the whole bag of chips they snarf up in a night of TV watching has only 3/4 of the calories that got them fat.

They can no longer do the scam of the incredible shrinking package contents. They're now jumping the prices up as well, so that inflation is right there out in the open for the most ovine of us to see.

Meanwhile, I notice they're still talking about low inflation and a great economy. Instead of being angry, realize that everybody knows that they're being lied to by all "official channels," government and media, and that trust is finally breaking down. This is the good news.

franksolich is curious.  What's a "panini sandwich"?  It must be Massachusetts cuisine.

slampoet  (1000+ posts) Thu May-15-08 03:53 PM
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6. All the Microwaves in the US have had their "popcorn" function disabled by this.
The "popcorn" button on a microwave is set for a certain popcorn size.

That size was reduced by nearly all microwave popcorn manufacturers about two-three years ago.

As a result people all over the US have been complaining that their microwave burns their popcorn to a crisp when it used to work.

Liberal_in_LA  (1000+ posts) Thu May-15-08 04:18 PM
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7. I've noticed the sizes getting smaller. NPR reported on this, I think, a few weeks ago.
manufacturers making smaller sizes when economy goes south.

KitSileya  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Thu May-15-08 04:21 PM
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8. Price pr pound
Here in Norway the government got thru a bill that mandated price pr kg/liter etc on the labels on the shelves several years ago. That means that if they shrink the amount of goods inside a carton, the consumer is told anyway. It also makes it much easier to compare prices of different brands.

But then, we have a government that works for the people, not for the corporations that are trying to trick the consumer. Americans are very unfortunate to have no such regulations, nor regulation when it comes to the manufacturing of foodstuffs.

Hmmmm.  Norway.  Isn't that where a loaf of bread costs $5 or something, because of the taxes?

REACTIVATED IN CT  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Thu May-15-08 04:53 PM
Response to Reply #8

11. We have that here, too, but it is in very small print
If you want to take the time to compare prices, it is there.

simskl  (1000+ posts) Thu May-15-08 04:48 PM
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9. My favorite marketing scam.
Orville Reddenbaker(sp?) popcorn about 15 years ago. I head into the store and notice the New and Improved marking on the popcorn bottle, nothing else on it different, just "New and Improved". The price was exactly the same as it used to be so I didn't pay much attention. When I got home I noticed that the bottle looked the same from the side and the top as the old one but when you looked at the bottom it was punched in in the center removing damned near 25% of the capacity of the original bottle. New and Improved simply meant 25% less for the same money.

Toilet paper was notorious for this scam "new and improved" would show up on the bag and you were down 10% in sheets.

Oh yes.  And the bottoms of glass shot-glasses got thicker too.

I was looking around for a bonfire on Skins's island where the primitives complain about the inflation in the price of marijuana and the excess windfall profits of the marijuana industry, but alas for some odd reason the primitives remain mum about the subject.

For those who don't know, the prices of groceries and gasoline has gone up circa 3x since 1981; the price of a one-ounce baggie of marijuana has gone up circa 16x since 1981.
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Re: green giant primitive inflates and hides
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2008, 07:26:08 PM »
Doom and gloom, doom and gloom. That's all we hear from those morons. That and demanding the government step in and take over their lives for them.
NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

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Offline dandi

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Re: green giant primitive inflates and hides
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2008, 08:39:37 PM »
Weren't they just complaining not long ago about how everything was supersized - candy bars, chips, other junk food, restaurant portions, etc.? Now they're bitching about it being undersized.

I swear these asshats would complain if they were hanged with a brand new rope.
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Re: green giant primitive inflates and hides
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2008, 08:50:43 PM »
franksolich is curious.  What's a "panini sandwich"?  It must be Massachusetts cuisine.

It is an Italian inspired sandwich, usually grilled in its American version.

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Re: green giant primitive inflates and hides
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2008, 08:55:02 PM »
The five-cent candy bar disappeared in 1971; it's in the history books and old magazines.

My apartment rent was $102.50 (I remember it well) and my paycheck was $175.00 every two weeks.  So what is the DUmmie's point?  The last job job I held paid $1200.00 per week.

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Re: green giant primitive inflates and hides
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2008, 09:16:46 PM »
I started noticing lately that my DSL connection started getting slower and my bandwidth was shrinking but my ISP still charges me the same price. Whatz up with dat!
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Re: green giant primitive inflates and hides
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2008, 09:34:35 PM »
I started noticing lately that my DSL connection started getting slower and my bandwidth was shrinking but my ISP still charges me the same price. Whatz up with dat!

You can't be serious. Get with the program, man. It's the BFEE at work, damnit.
NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

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Re: green giant primitive inflates and hides
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2008, 09:56:35 PM »
He's right about certain food items shrinking. General Mills shrank cereal boxes last year, Tropicana reduced on of their orange juice jugs to make it more "appealing", Country Crock (margarine) is now a few oz. smaller, Breyer's and Edys (Dryers) have also made their ice cream containers smaller. All of these are still being sold at the same price or higher. I bet this DUmmie reads one of the consumer/shopping blogs I read. That's why I know all of this. I bet he wants everyone to think he's wise to this all on his own. Idjit.

But it's still your typical DUmmie whine. No mention of having a backyard garden or buying from local farmers...hmmmm...
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Re: green giant primitive inflates and hides
« Reply #8 on: May 15, 2008, 10:01:03 PM »
He's right about certain food items shrinking. General Mills shrank cereal boxes last year, Tropicana reduced on of their orange juice jugs to make it more "appealing", Country Crock (margarine) is now a few oz. smaller, Breyer's and Edys (Dryers) have also made their ice cream containers smaller. All of these are still being sold at the same price or higher. I bet this DUmmie reads one of the consumer/shopping blogs I read. That's why I know all of this. I bet he wants everyone to think he's wise to this all on his own. Idjit.

But it's still your typical DUmmie whine. No mention of having a backyard garden or buying from local farmers...hmmmm...

Cool, so I won't have so many products going bad now.  :-)
NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

Offline Lord Undies

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Re: green giant primitive inflates and hides
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2008, 10:15:09 PM »
He's right about certain food items shrinking. General Mills shrank cereal boxes last year, Tropicana reduced on of their orange juice jugs to make it more "appealing", Country Crock (margarine) is now a few oz. smaller, Breyer's and Edys (Dryers) have also made their ice cream containers smaller. All of these are still being sold at the same price or higher. I bet this DUmmie reads one of the consumer/shopping blogs I read. That's why I know all of this. I bet he wants everyone to think he's wise to this all on his own. Idjit.

But it's still your typical DUmmie whine. No mention of having a backyard garden or buying from local farmers...hmmmm...

Typically, the shrinking package has been to benefit the consumer's pocketbook.  There rally isn't anything sinister about it.  The DUmmies seem to think the manufacturers are trying to fool the public.  That isn't possible if anyone has a working brain cell.

Shrinking the package instead of raising prices helps the consumer stay in control of their spending.  The consumer can always buy two of something if one package is not enough.....But, the consumer cannot break a package in half in order to save money at the checkout. 

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Re: green giant primitive inflates and hides
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2008, 04:33:04 AM »
That isn't possible if anyone has a working brain cell.

And therein is the DUmbasses' problem.
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Re: green giant primitive inflates and hides
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2008, 05:40:06 AM »
He's right about certain food items shrinking. General Mills shrank cereal boxes last year, Tropicana reduced on of their orange juice jugs to make it more "appealing", Country Crock (margarine) is now a few oz. smaller, Breyer's and Edys (Dryers) have also made their ice cream containers smaller. All of these are still being sold at the same price or higher. I bet this DUmmie reads one of the consumer/shopping blogs I read. That's why I know all of this. I bet he wants everyone to think he's wise to this all on his own. Idjit.

But it's still your typical DUmmie whine. No mention of having a backyard garden or buying from local farmers...hmmmm...

And all this time I thought that I was getting bigger...

I'm going to have to rethink things I guess...
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Re: green giant primitive inflates and hides
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2008, 10:38:31 AM »
And when Barry Hussein Obama wins the White House and the Democrats get a larger majority in Congress, all the grocery prices will go back to normal. :whatever: :whatever: :whatever:
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Re: green giant primitive inflates and hides
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2008, 10:45:54 AM »
Gentle Giant  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Thu May-15-08 03:26 PM
Original message

My recent experiences with "hidden" food price inflation and declining quality.

So tell me DUmmy, howz that plan to add tax increases to the cost of energy to reduce global warming working our for you?

Seriously, if you DUmmys starve from this, I won't give a rats ass.
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