Author Topic: "A Friends Confrontation at a Family Gathering About Supporting Romney."  (Read 3453 times)

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by romantico:

It's called "consolidating behind the winner" but she went and wrote a book about it:

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Sun May 27, 2012, 12:52 PM
 romantico (4,647 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

 A Friends Confrontation at a Family Gathering About Supporting Romney. It Gets UGLY!
Last edited Sun May 27, 2012, 12:54 PM USA/ET - Edit history (1)

Sorry this post is so long.

A close friend of mine told me this story and I just had to share. Is it fair to call this person a typical Romney supporter?

A friend of mine had a small family get together yesterday and her Aunts house. Most her family is Republican but usually never talks politics. Well, all but one. A cousin and her husband just can not resist to tell everyone no matter where they go that they are proud Tea Party supporters. They can not go a minute without telling the crowd or anyone who is within ear shot how much they HATE Obama.My friend and her boyfriend have been together now for about 6 years and some in the family made it clear they feel she should be married or at least engaged. You see, my friend lives with her boyfriend and the family see this is them living in sin. This is very important because it comes up this weekend.So, my friend goes on to tell the story:

'Back in January we celebrated my Uncle's 75th Birthday and this cousin of mine talked about how much she and her husband supported Michelle Bachman and Rick Perry. Those were the two they supported and talked about how God Awful Mitt Romney was. They hated the fact that he was a Massachusetts Governor and his health plan was basically Obamacare. The things they said about Mitt were just terrible. They expressed their hate towards him the same as they do with Obama.

In March we got together again this time for my grandparent's 55th anniversary. This time she was throwing her support towards Rick Santorum. They liked Newt but didn't think he could win. They thought Mitt was shameless the way his big money trashed Newt. She went off again about how dishonest and mean Mitt Romney was and swore they would not vote or support such filth. Forget they she and her husband had supported Michelle Bachman and Rick Perry. No, pretend that never even happened. Now they were one hundred percent behind Rick Santorum and he was the ONLY ONE who could beat Obama. They tried to make people think they were behind Santorum all along. The way they trashed Romney was just over the top.

So, now flash forward to this past Saturday. Memorial Day weekend. Nice little family get together. My boyfriend and I were there not even 5 minutes when my cousin and her husband came over and started in. They spoke about how much they adore Mitt Romney and how he is going to beat Obama in November. I could not keep quiet. I reminded her about how much she hated Mitt and this cousin went off on me. She said that was not true. She claimed she supported Mitt a year ago and he has been the one they supported all along. She said she liked Bachman, Gingrich, Perry, and Santorum, but they were never strong enough to beat Obama. My boyfriend even stepped in and said no, he recalled just a couple months ago how much they both hated Romney. This was really pissing them both off. Both of them raised their voices and were getting visibly angry. My Mom came over,asked what the trouble was and I told her. She told me to stop talking politics and try and get them to calm down. My boyfriend just walked away and I changed the subject. They just bought a new house and I started asking them about the house and that seemed to work for a while. Although after about 20 minutes she went off on me about how I am a typical Obama supporter who has to lie. She repeated the claim they she and her hubby have supported Romney since day one. What pissed her off was she then went around telling people how her and boyfriend were lying about her. She said she was secretly campaigning for Obama here at a family event by lying about them not supporting Romney when they said they did.

Then she began asking them when they were going to get married. She reminded everyone that they were living in sin. She asked her boyfriend if he really loved her cousin and then began asking questions trying to hint to everyone that he might be gay. She began asking us questions that were personal, cruel, and inappropriate.Then she came back to bashing Obama and telling everyone how she was lying claiming that she said all these terrible things about Romney. She said they were lies and claimed she never said a bad word about Romney. She was not letting up and no one in the family was asking her to stop or coming to our defense.So, after about 40 minutes,we left. When we left no one really said good bye or acted like they wanted us to stay. To me and my boyfriend it was clear why we were leaving so early.

We went out to eat and then to a movie. I got over it pretty fast thanks to my boyfriend. He knew how to take my mind off things. Still, I was angry and pissed. I felt like I should have said more in my defense and called out some of the lies she was saying about Obama and the Democrats. Then I thought of something.

Back in January and March, my boyfriend took his camera and shot the 75th Birthday of my Uncle and the 55th anniversary of my grandparents. It took no time to find, on both occasions we found footage of both my cousin and her husband BASHING Romney like you would never believe. The video does not lie. You can clearly see her and her husband. You can clearly hear them. I don't remember this but at one point she even made a clear death threat. We counted on both occasions and she praised Bachman and Perry and said ONE OF THOSE TWO WERE GOING TO BE THE NOMINEE. Then she bashed Romney something awful. Then, we have on tape her saying SANTORUM WILL BE THE NOMINEE, THERE IS JUST NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. She then bashed Romney something awful including a very disgusting slur towards him that even I was offended by. Between the two, we had 17 minutes of her bashing Romney.

Now, I want to upload it and send it to EVERYONE on Facebook and who was there Saturday. My boyfriend says if I do, I can NEVER go to another family gathering again. Don't know what to do.'

That's her story. I can't tell her what to do but I hope she does. She said she will send it to me if she does and if so I will post it here.

So, is this a typical Romney supporter or what?

So what? Loon.

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Oh geeeze get a freaking grip.  No one gives a shit.
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If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

Offline Kyle Ricky

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It sounds to me like they have the same mind set as I do. I don't completely like Romney, and I do bash him. But I will vote for him to get Obama out of there. It is which one is the lesser of the two evils, and to me that is Romney.

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I bet these fictional tea party supporters will also criticize President Romney when he does something they don't agree with too, unlike you butt lickers.

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A friend's confrontation.....  I'm third generation don't give a ****.
"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful."

C.S. Lewis

A community may possess all the necessary moral qualifications, in so high a degree, as to be capable of self-government under the most adverse circumstances; while, on the other hand, another may be so sunk in ignorance and vice, as to be incapable of forming a conception of liberty, or of living, even when most favored by circumstances, under any other than an absolute and despotic government.

John C Calhoun, "Disquisition on Government", 1840

Offline Kyle Ricky

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A friend's confrontation.....  I'm third generation don't give a ****.

Good one, Tater Salad. Hi5

Offline jukin

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When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline Ballygrl

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True story that I heard in the grocery store line.

So I'm at the Gynecologists office, no doubt he's a Repiglipuke because the reading material in the office includes the Limbaugh Letter, Wall Street Journal, you get the drift. BTW I opened up 1 of the magazines and there was a copy of a picture inserted into the magazine of Kartrina vanden Heuvel, the Repiglipukes are so mean, they made Katrina's picture look like she was eating a lemon, Katrina is beautiful, she doesn't look like she has a puss on when she smiles.

I think most of the office staff are Repiglipukes too, they asked me for my insurance card, I told them that I can't afford insurance but when Obamacare goes through I'll have it and I'll have a wide range of Doctors to choose from, they looked at me in such a way that they had to be racists, not against me of course because I'm white, but at the mere mention of Obama you could see the racism in their eyes. They then proceeded to tell me what the cost was going to be and that payment had to be made at the time of service, I told them I have the money with me, but we really need Medicare for all. They then asked me for a Drivers License for identification purposes, I told them that's racist, what if I wasn't able to get to the DMV because I was poor? or elderly? they said ID please, I told them the need to produce ID no doubt comes from when Chimpy was President and this has to be tied in somehow to the Patriot Act.

As I was talking I saw someone in the receptionists area staring at me, this persons jaw was dropping, no doubt the person was so embarrassed that she lives in a Country where people have to pay for insurance and how ID is required, and how the Patriot Act was such an embarrassing thing to happen to the Country, the poor thing, stuck working with all these Repiglipukes.

So I go back to sitting in my seat waiting to be called, I see all these women who are expecting and think how much they're overpopulating the Earth, they looked miserable, no doubt they're married to knuckle dragging cave dwellers who force them to have a baby instead of doing what's right for the Earth.I flash them a sympathetic look and they glance back at me, eyes squinting, no doubt they're saying to themselves how right the person wearing the Birkenstocks is when it comes to my situation. Time drags on and I'm finally called into the office.

They proceed to weigh me, then they take my blood pressure, they comment that it's a little high, and I tell them of course it's high, I'm asked if I have an insurance card, I'm forced to produce ID, I'm living in a Nation where people are too stupid to realize how great Obama is, didn't you read Nutting's column? Obama didn't spend as much as they're saying, Bush did. They're yapping about unemployment, so what? it's a little high, that's Bush's fault too, and besides, why do they care that they don't have a job? the Government provides them with their basic needs, what more should they want? The Nurse looks at me and say um okay, please change into this gown. Typical Repiglipuke, can't refute the facts.

The Repiglipuke Doctor finally comes in, he's smiling, of course he is, he's not only getting to peek at what's under this paper gown, but he's thinking about how much money he's making off me, his eyes were green, dollar sign green. He asks me if I'm having any problems, I tell him yes, I need birth control pills and I have no insurance, what the hell am I supposed to do? this should be covered by somebody, I shouldn't have to pay for it, he doesn't even respond, but I know he was thinking that I should go to Planned Parenthood, they get so much of my tax money, get your damn birth control from them. I ignored him saying this in my head. He continues to smile, that evil smile, and tells me to put my feet up in the stirrups, and I know he's enjoying the pleasure of me being in a submissive position. Repiglipukes are sexist of course. He then tries to insert the speculum, he says ooooops, wrong size, I say excuse me, he says he has to use a larger one, I say are you insinuating that I'm a "slut" because you have to use a larger speculum? by this point I knew I pegged him right, I had him in a corner, he says I'm not insinuating anything, but I knew what he was thinking.

He proceeds to take a sample for the pap and removes the speculum, he then does the exam, and says looky what we have here, by this point I'm furious, I know what he's going to say, he's going to say "look what jumped out of the bushes" of course he's thinking that, but he just says there's a string from your tampax, yeah right, I know how you Repiglipukes are and what you're thinking at all time. He brushes off my comment, he knew I was right. He tells me everything looks fine, they'll call me with the pap results at my home number when they get them. I then say I don't have a home number I have a cellphone number, see, that's the problem with you Repiglipukes, that's why the polling is all wrong in reference to Obama, your rightwing polling companies only call people with home phone numbers, what about those of us who only use cellphones? this is why Romney won't win even though the polls are showing different. He then condescendingly tells me to have a good day. I get dressed, pay my bill and leave. As I was walking out the door I heard applause, I felt so good about myself, these people were applauding what I stood for, I converted these people, they're going to vote for Obama!
"The nation that couldn’t be conquered by foreign enemies has been conquered by its elected officials" odawg Free Republic in reference to the GOP Elites who are no difference than the Democrats

Offline I_B_Perky

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Well if any of ya all read that drivel in it's entirety ya all better than me. I couldn't make it past the first paragraph.
Living in the Dummies minds rent free since 2009!

Montani Semper Liberi

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Response to romantico (Original post)Sun May 27, 2012, 03:56 PM
 lumberjack_jeff (21,214 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore
33. Here's an alternative solution.

Upload the video, edited to only the relevant bits, to your phone or to a dvd. At the next family gathering, give the cousin a chance to walk back having called you a liar.

"On memorial day, you called me a liar for pointing out that you didn't support Romney. That hurt my feelings".

Because she's a republican, she will of course double down and get screechy and call you a liar again. At this point you produce the dvd and play it for the family.

"Unless you apologize right now in a manner that I find sincere for calling me a liar and for being a liar yourself, I'm posting this to youtube."

Lumberjack_jeff?  That's a pretty macho name for someone who comes off as such a catty nancy boy poofter in this post.
"I sat down, and I said, 'America's back' and Mitterrand from Germany — I mean from France — looked at me and said … "Well, how long are you back for?"
Crooked Joe Biden

Offline Chris_

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Lumberjack_jeff?  That's a pretty macho name for someone who comes off as such a catty nancy boy poofter in this post.
He's a lumberjack and he's okay.  He sleeps all night and he works all day.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

Offline Kyle Ricky

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True story that I heard in the grocery store line.

So I'm at the Gynecologists office, no doubt he's a Repiglipuke because the reading material in the office includes the Limbaugh Letter, Wall Street Journal, you get the drift. BTW I opened up 1 of the magazines and there was a copy of a picture inserted into the magazine of Kartrina vanden Heuvel, the Repiglipukes are so mean, they made Katrina's picture look like she was eating a lemon, Katrina is beautiful, she doesn't look like she has a puss on when she smiles.

I think most of the office staff are Repiglipukes too, they asked me for my insurance card, I told them that I can't afford insurance but when Obamacare goes through I'll have it and I'll have a wide range of Doctors to choose from, they looked at me in such a way that they had to be racists, not against me of course because I'm white, but at the mere mention of Obama you could see the racism in their eyes. They then proceeded to tell me what the cost was going to be and that payment had to be made at the time of service, I told them I have the money with me, but we really need Medicare for all. They then asked me for a Drivers License for identification purposes, I told them that's racist, what if I wasn't able to get to the DMV because I was poor? or elderly? they said ID please, I told them the need to produce ID no doubt comes from when Chimpy was President and this has to be tied in somehow to the Patriot Act.

As I was talking I saw someone in the receptionists area staring at me, this persons jaw was dropping, no doubt the person was so embarrassed that she lives in a Country where people have to pay for insurance and how ID is required, and how the Patriot Act was such an embarrassing thing to happen to the Country, the poor thing, stuck working with all these Repiglipukes.

So I go back to sitting in my seat waiting to be called, I see all these women who are expecting and think how much they're overpopulating the Earth, they looked miserable, no doubt they're married to knuckle dragging cave dwellers who force them to have a baby instead of doing what's right for the Earth.I flash them a sympathetic look and they glance back at me, eyes squinting, no doubt they're saying to themselves how right the person wearing the Birkenstocks is when it comes to my situation. Time drags on and I'm finally called into the office.

They proceed to weigh me, then they take my blood pressure, they comment that it's a little high, and I tell them of course it's high, I'm asked if I have an insurance card, I'm forced to produce ID, I'm living in a Nation where people are too stupid to realize how great Obama is, didn't you read Nutting's column? Obama didn't spend as much as they're saying, Bush did. They're yapping about unemployment, so what? it's a little high, that's Bush's fault too, and besides, why do they care that they don't have a job? the Government provides them with their basic needs, what more should they want? The Nurse looks at me and say um okay, please change into this gown. Typical Repiglipuke, can't refute the facts.

The Repiglipuke Doctor finally comes in, he's smiling, of course he is, he's not only getting to peek at what's under this paper gown, but he's thinking about how much money he's making off me, his eyes were green, dollar sign green. He asks me if I'm having any problems, I tell him yes, I need birth control pills and I have no insurance, what the hell am I supposed to do? this should be covered by somebody, I shouldn't have to pay for it, he doesn't even respond, but I know he was thinking that I should go to Planned Parenthood, they get so much of my tax money, get your damn birth control from them. I ignored him saying this in my head. He continues to smile, that evil smile, and tells me to put my feet up in the stirrups, and I know he's enjoying the pleasure of me being in a submissive position. Repiglipukes are sexist of course. He then tries to insert the speculum, he says ooooops, wrong size, I say excuse me, he says he has to use a larger one, I say are you insinuating that I'm a "slut" because you have to use a larger speculum? by this point I knew I pegged him right, I had him in a corner, he says I'm not insinuating anything, but I knew what he was thinking.

He proceeds to take a sample for the pap and removes the speculum, he then does the exam, and says looky what we have here, by this point I'm furious, I know what he's going to say, he's going to say "look what jumped out of the bushes" of course he's thinking that, but he just says there's a string from your tampax, yeah right, I know how you Repiglipukes are and what you're thinking at all time. He brushes off my comment, he knew I was right. He tells me everything looks fine, they'll call me with the pap results at my home number when they get them. I then say I don't have a home number I have a cellphone number, see, that's the problem with you Repiglipukes, that's why the polling is all wrong in reference to Obama, your rightwing polling companies only call people with home phone numbers, what about those of us who only use cellphones? this is why Romney won't win even though the polls are showing different. He then condescendingly tells me to have a good day. I get dressed, pay my bill and leave. As I was walking out the door I heard applause, I felt so good about myself, these people were applauding what I stood for, I converted these people, they're going to vote for Obama!

The person who told this story is so full of shit. Let me guess, she weighed about 300 pounds, was bald, stood about 5 foot 2, and waddled when she walked?


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Offline I_B_Perky

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True story that I heard in the grocery store line.

So I'm at the Gynecologists office, no doubt he's a Repiglipuke because the reading material in the office includes the Limbaugh Letter, Wall Street Journal, you get the drift. BTW I opened up 1 of the magazines and there was a copy of a picture inserted into the magazine of Kartrina vanden Heuvel, the Repiglipukes are so mean, they made Katrina's picture look like she was eating a lemon, Katrina is beautiful, she doesn't look like she has a puss on when she smiles.

I think most of the office staff are Repiglipukes too, they asked me for my insurance card, I told them that I can't afford insurance but when Obamacare goes through I'll have it and I'll have a wide range of Doctors to choose from, they looked at me in such a way that they had to be racists, not against me of course because I'm white, but at the mere mention of Obama you could see the racism in their eyes. They then proceeded to tell me what the cost was going to be and that payment had to be made at the time of service, I told them I have the money with me, but we really need Medicare for all. They then asked me for a Drivers License for identification purposes, I told them that's racist, what if I wasn't able to get to the DMV because I was poor? or elderly? they said ID please, I told them the need to produce ID no doubt comes from when Chimpy was President and this has to be tied in somehow to the Patriot Act.

As I was talking I saw someone in the receptionists area staring at me, this persons jaw was dropping, no doubt the person was so embarrassed that she lives in a Country where people have to pay for insurance and how ID is required, and how the Patriot Act was such an embarrassing thing to happen to the Country, the poor thing, stuck working with all these Repiglipukes.

So I go back to sitting in my seat waiting to be called, I see all these women who are expecting and think how much they're overpopulating the Earth, they looked miserable, no doubt they're married to knuckle dragging cave dwellers who force them to have a baby instead of doing what's right for the Earth.I flash them a sympathetic look and they glance back at me, eyes squinting, no doubt they're saying to themselves how right the person wearing the Birkenstocks is when it comes to my situation. Time drags on and I'm finally called into the office.

They proceed to weigh me, then they take my blood pressure, they comment that it's a little high, and I tell them of course it's high, I'm asked if I have an insurance card, I'm forced to produce ID, I'm living in a Nation where people are too stupid to realize how great Obama is, didn't you read Nutting's column? Obama didn't spend as much as they're saying, Bush did. They're yapping about unemployment, so what? it's a little high, that's Bush's fault too, and besides, why do they care that they don't have a job? the Government provides them with their basic needs, what more should they want? The Nurse looks at me and say um okay, please change into this gown. Typical Repiglipuke, can't refute the facts.

The Repiglipuke Doctor finally comes in, he's smiling, of course he is, he's not only getting to peek at what's under this paper gown, but he's thinking about how much money he's making off me, his eyes were green, dollar sign green. He asks me if I'm having any problems, I tell him yes, I need birth control pills and I have no insurance, what the hell am I supposed to do? this should be covered by somebody, I shouldn't have to pay for it, he doesn't even respond, but I know he was thinking that I should go to Planned Parenthood, they get so much of my tax money, get your damn birth control from them. I ignored him saying this in my head. He continues to smile, that evil smile, and tells me to put my feet up in the stirrups, and I know he's enjoying the pleasure of me being in a submissive position. Repiglipukes are sexist of course. He then tries to insert the speculum, he says ooooops, wrong size, I say excuse me, he says he has to use a larger one, I say are you insinuating that I'm a "slut" because you have to use a larger speculum? by this point I knew I pegged him right, I had him in a corner, he says I'm not insinuating anything, but I knew what he was thinking.

He proceeds to take a sample for the pap and removes the speculum, he then does the exam, and says looky what we have here, by this point I'm furious, I know what he's going to say, he's going to say "look what jumped out of the bushes" of course he's thinking that, but he just says there's a string from your tampax, yeah right, I know how you Repiglipukes are and what you're thinking at all time. He brushes off my comment, he knew I was right. He tells me everything looks fine, they'll call me with the pap results at my home number when they get them. I then say I don't have a home number I have a cellphone number, see, that's the problem with you Repiglipukes, that's why the polling is all wrong in reference to Obama, your rightwing polling companies only call people with home phone numbers, what about those of us who only use cellphones? this is why Romney won't win even though the polls are showing different. He then condescendingly tells me to have a good day. I get dressed, pay my bill and leave. As I was walking out the door I heard applause, I felt so good about myself, these people were applauding what I stood for, I converted these people, they're going to vote for Obama!

DAMN!!! I miss all the good conversations!!!! <stamps foot and has a hissy fit>

 :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Living in the Dummies minds rent free since 2009!

Montani Semper Liberi

Offline Ballygrl

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The person who told this story is so full of shit. Let me guess, she weighed about 300 pounds, was bald, stood about 5 foot 2, and waddled when she walked?

It was a "story" I heard while waiting on the grocery store line <wink> <wink>
"The nation that couldn’t be conquered by foreign enemies has been conquered by its elected officials" odawg Free Republic in reference to the GOP Elites who are no difference than the Democrats

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It was a "story" I heard while waiting on the grocery store line <wink> <wink>

That story needs to appear at DU.  :-)
I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

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The person who told this story is so full of shit. Let me guess, she weighed about 300 pounds, was bald, stood about 5 foot 2, and waddled when she walked?

What you're quoting is a composite of all the critical elements of what we refer to as a "bouncy;" a fictionalized tale, presented as a genuine event to the hive-dwellers. It usually involves locations such as grocery stores, doctor's offices or family gatherings. There is a stimuli such as a TV or random comment that instigates the DUmbass into a fit of moralizing pique. There is --by necessity -- a witless RW prop presented in these stories so that the RWer can be summarily castigated and dispensed with using a readily available (but easily refuted) argument/rant that leaves all onlookers gape-jawed in its presumed eloquence before they erupt in grateful applause.

If the DUmbass is feeling charitable they will add that the RWer was converted as well (ordinarily we're to be ignored/re-educated/exterminated; hence the charity).

The term "bouncy" itself derives from a long-ago terminated DUmbass by the name of Bouncy Ball who regaled the DUmp with such tales on a regular basis; each more absurd than its predecessor.

Bouncies are graded on a score of 0 to 5 bongs to grade their creativity and plausibility.

One of the most memorable involved a tale where the presenter was walking home with his employer who was supposed to be Native American when a cop jumps out of the bushes to harass him for being an Indian. Much righteous indignation followed. Hence the tone of the faux bouncy you cited.

No, really. It's DU's one cottage industry.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline Ballygrl

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That story needs to appear at DU.  :-)

"The nation that couldn’t be conquered by foreign enemies has been conquered by its elected officials" odawg Free Republic in reference to the GOP Elites who are no difference than the Democrats

Offline Kyle Ricky

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It was a "story" I heard while waiting on the grocery store line <wink> <wink>

What you're quoting is a composite of all the critical elements of what we refer to as a "bouncy;" a fictionalized tale, presented as a genuine event to the hive-dwellers. It usually involves locations such as grocery stores, doctor's offices or family gatherings. There is a stimuli such as a TV or random comment that instigates the DUmbass into a fit of moralizing pique. There is --by necessity -- a witless RW prop presented in these stories so that the RWer can be summarily castigated and dispensed with using a readily available (but easily refuted) argument/rant that leaves all onlookers gape-jawed in its presumed eloquence before they erupt in grateful applause.

If the DUmbass is feeling charitable they will add that the RWer was converted as well (ordinarily we're to be ignored/re-educated/exterminated; hence the charity).

The term "bouncy" itself derives from a long-ago terminated DUmbass by the name of Bouncy Ball who regaled the DUmp with such tales on a regular basis; each more absurd than its predecessor.

Bouncies are graded on a score of 0 to 5 bongs to grade their creativity and plausibility.

One of the most memorable involved a tale where the presenter was walking home with his employer who was supposed to be Native American when a cop jumps out of the bushes to harass him for being an Indian. Much righteous indignation followed. Hence the tone of the faux bouncy you cited.

No, really. It's DU's one cottage industry.

You can tell by reading it that it is a bull shit story. That part that she was applauded as she left, and how she says she converted them all to vote for obama gives it away.

My point was that most of these stories are told by fat and ugly little trolls who never leave their house, let alone go to a doctors office.  :-)

Thanks a lot for the explanation of a bouncy. Up to this point I had no idea what you were talking about when you mentioned it. Hi5 to both you and Ballygrl

Offline Ballygrl

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You can tell by reading it that it is a bull shit story. That part that she was applauded as she left, and how she says she converted them all to vote for obama gives it away.

My point was that most of these stories are told by fat and ugly little trolls who never leave their house, let alone go to a doctors office.  :-)

Thanks a lot for the explanation of a bouncy. Up to this point I had no idea what you were talking about when you mentioned it. Hi5 to both you and Ballygrl

You see the part where the person leaves the Doctors office and there's applause? in reality if that happened? people would be applauding the person leaving the office, something like "yipee the idiot finally left the office" but in the mind of leftists? they speak and the skies open and everyone around them is "enlightened" and the applause is FOR THEM as opposed to the applause being for the person leaving the office because they're a pain in the butt.
"The nation that couldn’t be conquered by foreign enemies has been conquered by its elected officials" odawg Free Republic in reference to the GOP Elites who are no difference than the Democrats

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Thanks a lot for the explanation of a bouncy. Up to this point I had no idea what you were talking about when you mentioned it.

There is actually quite a bit of history between our site and DU as you can tell by how we even have our own vernacular. I'm a fan/student of history myself and seeing it play-out lo these many years has been fascinating.

To a newcomer I would imagine there are times when there is a sensation of being an outsider as people make references to matters beyond your time here.

Stick around, it never gets dull.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

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Somewhere along the line someone in the entertainment business determined that comedy was best when it was served in small servings. Think of all the 30 minute sitcoms out there. The number overwhelms any longer sitcoms.

Since a DUmmie's main use in life is to use their stupidity and ignorance to comedically entertain normal people, they should take a lesson from the professionals in the business and keep their posts short.

I didn't read romantico's post because it was the length of a Pittian pamphlet…I mean book. A DU post that long should be the equivalent of a Redd Foxx show, a Richard Pryor movie, or Eddie Murphy's Delirious or Raw. I just have a hunch that romantic isn't up to that task so I didn't read its post.
“Don’t vote for the person who tells you you deserve something. Just don’t do it if it’s something other than life, liberty, or the pursuit of possible happiness. If everyone is telling you you deserve something, vote for the one who is promising you the least. Be suspicious of the man or woman who tell you deserve everything. Because you don’t.” ---Mike Rowe

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You see the part where the person leaves the Doctors office and there's applause? in reality if that happened? people would be applauding the person leaving the office, something like "yipee the idiot finally left the office" but in the mind of leftists? they speak and the skies open and everyone around them is "enlightened" and the applause is FOR THEM as opposed to the applause being for the person leaving the office because they're a pain in the butt.

Yeah, that is exactly what I was thinking at the time I read it. I on the other hand, if I was sitting there at the time, would have stood up and "politely" helped her out the door.

Offline Kyle Ricky

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There is actually quite a bit of history between our site and DU as you can tell by how we even have our own vernacular. I'm a fan/student of history myself and seeing it play-out lo these many years has been fascinating.

To a newcomer I would imagine there are times when there is a sensation of being an outsider as people make references to matters beyond your time here.

Stick around, it never gets dull.

I plan on sticking around for a while. It gets more interesting everyday.