Author Topic: DUmmies support extra-judicial killings and tell complainers to STFU until Dec.  (Read 388 times)

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MadHound (30,895 posts)

So, who, and how, does the administration decide to kill this week? [View all]
"US officials with firsthand knowledge of how the government determines who gets put on the CIA and Pentagon's lists for 'targeted killing' have confessed concern over the implications and nature of the process. In conversations with the Associated Press, one official involved -- who spoke with assurances of anonymity -- said that some of those carrying out the policy have become leery of "how easy it has become to kill someone," under the rules established under the Obama administration and orchestrated by Obama's top counter-terrorism adviser, John Brennan.
Needless to say, all of this takes place in total secrecy, with no legal framework and no oversight of any kind. Indeed, even after they had Brennan publicly defend the CIA drone program, the Obama administration continue to insist in federal court that the program is too secretive even to confirm its existence. It’s just a tiny cadre of National Security State officials who decide, in the dark, whom they want dead, and then — once the President signs off — it is done. This is the Change with which the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize laureate has gifted us: ”some of the officials carrying out the policy are equally leery of ‘how easy it has become to kill someone."

Sorry, but there is no defense for these kinds of actions, none. The real scary part about this is that these Obama administration programs are laying the groundwork for this assassination program to come home to America. We already have drones taking to the skies over this country, how long before we start seeing those drones armed and targeting American citizens in this country?

What have we come to, where it is now normal to have weekly meetings behind closed doors, where it is decided who lives and who dies, whether you are an American citizen or not.

So one of the main things they hated about the Bush Admin, and wanted him frogmarched to Hague over, they are perfectly fine with because (a) a NEGRO PERSON is doing it, and (b) there's an election to steal win. Just another normal day for the DUmp.

****mom starts off:

pnwmom (37,939 posts) 
24. Who would a Romney administration want to kill? He says Russia is our biggest enemy.

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Maybe he'd like to start a war with them?

But who cares about Romney. This is a Democratic site, so we should all be focusing on possible crimes of Democrats, right?

Poll_Blind tries to fight the good fight...

Poll_Blind (20,588 posts) 
25. More bizarre equivocation. Don't hold Obama accountable because Romney would be worse?

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What kind of citizen are you? What kind of Democrat are you? And are you so ignorant on the point as to be unaware that the President himself would consider your kind of situational morality embarrassingly flawed thinking, at best?

If you can point out once that our President has embraced your bizarre idea of campaigning, please cough it up!

All I see is an attempt to attack Democrats for doing what Democrats do, which is giving a shit about our rights.

What are you doing? And what are you supporting in the guise of supporting our President?

PB slapped down right away by ****mom:

pnwmom (37,940 posts)
28. I think attacks on Obama like this can wait till after the election. Priorities, people!

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What am I doing in support of our President? Working on getting people registered, and I'm giving money. What are you doing, besides trying to churn up suspicions against him?

So it was illegal when Bush did it - but STFU if 0bama perfects it. Right.

NoPasaran (16,094 posts)
49. And here I was, thinking they just spun the big Wheel of Misfortune

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Well, good for them anyway. Keep killing the bad guys, Mister President.

Wow, they used to be called 'freedom fighters' on DU. I guess  a Dem in the White House changes things, huh, hypocrites?
NJCher (31,658 posts)

5. IMO

a certain percentage of DU is depressed and has other mental issues.

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Don't worry if Romney wins, war crimes will become part of their daily vocabulary once again.  :-)
I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

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This is a common trait of the "Useful Idiot."

When Hitler put the average Hitler supporter out with a shovel to build the Autobahn, the average Hitler supporter would ask "Does Hitler know of this?"

When Stalin put the average Stalin supporter out to the Siberian Gullogs , the average Stalin supporter would ask "Does Stalin know of this?"

The average IQ (used) to be 100 but have of the people are on the south side of that. Those are the people that are "Useful Idiots". This particularly applies if those south think they are on the north side, way north.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

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Quote from:

... for doing what Democrats do, which is giving a shit about our rights.


How about trying that lie somehwere else, idiot.  No reasonable person believes libs care about anything but themselves and their ideology.


Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.


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This targeted killing of select muzzies is the only administration policy I've agreed with since W left office.

While I'd prefer the killing be more wholesale, some of the drone operations have done really good work.