When I was seeing a physician in the big city today, during the visit he decided he wanted a sample of blood for a "potassium check."
He explained why, but I was tired and out of it, and got only that he wanted a sample of blood for a "potassium check."
So the nurse took out a whole vial of blood, which wasn't any problem for me--although as much as she got, one wonders if she thought I was donating to the Red Cross too.
Okay, I'll find out later what it was all about.
But for the meantime, speculate, if you can. Why a potassium check? Why so much blood?
Normally, wouldn't just pricking on the ear or finger get one a large enough sample for this kind of test?
Remember, he told me the "why," but I wasn't paying attention.
Because it takes too much energy to "listen," generally in my own life, as long as I get the "what," I worry about the "why" later.