Author Topic: President Obama signs Executive Order allowing control over all US resources  (Read 787 times)

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Offline Mr Mannn

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President Obama signs Executive Order allowing for control over all US resources
First of all, let me say: I've not bumped into the Examiner as a source before. Not sure how good it is or how much I can rely on it. I'll post excerpts. click the link above for the rest.
On March 16th, President Obama signed a new Executive Order which expands upon a prior order issued in 1950 for Disaster Preparedness, and gives the office of the President complete control over all the resources in the United States in times of war or emergency.

The National Defense Resources Preparedness order gives the Executive Branch the power to control and allocate energy, production, transportation, food, and even water resources by decree under the auspices of national defense and national security.  The order is not limited to wartime implementation, as one of the order's functions includes the command and control of resources in peacetime determinations.
Executive Orders created for national defense and national preparedness are not new in American history, but in each instance they brought about a Constitutional crisis that nearly led standing Presidents to hold dictatorial power over the citizenry.  During the Civil War, President Lincoln halted freedom of speech and freedom of the press, while at the same time revoking Habeas Corpus and the right to a fair trial under the sixth amendment.  During World War I, when Congress refused to grant Woodrow Wilson extended power over resources to help the war effort, he invoked an Executive Order which allowed him complete control over businesses, industry, transportation, food, and other economic policies.

In both cases, it was only after the death of each President that full Constitutional powers were restored to the citizens of the United States
The Obama administration appears to be preparing for a long drawn out war in the Middle East, or at the very least, an expected crisis that will require the need to override Constitutional authority and claim dominion over all resources in the United States under the guise of national defense.  With the rise in Disaster Preparedness growing for both individuals and states leading up to yesterday's Executive Order, the mood of the nation points strongly towards some event or disaster that will require massive preparations on a national as well as local scale.

The comments are all speaking of wartime actions re: Iran. Frankly I'm unconvinced with even that. This executive order allows for NATIONALIZATION of key resources --even in peacetime--and any excuse will allow for an Obama socialist takeover...

*** AGAIN.
Let me say. I have not verified this with any other source. A story with only one source is unusual and executive orders like this tend to make news...especially with Obama.

Offline MrsSmith

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Antifa - the only fascists in America today.

Offline formerlurker

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I wonder what prompted this.

Offline vesta111

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I wonder what prompted this.

Humans are resources, as is said our greatest resource is our children.

Is this the first step in a military draft for all men and woman over the age of 18.   

Those that are for any reason unfit to fight, then they can be used as some form of work according to their ability's.  Himmmmmmmmm .

Intersting but not impossible that children that at age 8 are tested and those with extraordinary talent, IQ, removed from the home to attend SPECIAL schools for the gifted run by the Government.

Prisons will be interesting, for those who refuse to work, Welcome to Andersonville, 2015.

A cleaver way to make use of the immigration problems, put them, when caught in work camps.

As all children born in the USA are considered American, if both parents are not American, special schools and orphanages can be built to raise the children away from the influence of the law breaking parents and family.

So much for Science Fiction we think-----I still have a collection of books for kids written in the 1930's that were SF. and by golly in some extent or other most of the impossible back then is normal for us today.

Offline CG6468

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It's coming closer and closer. Total control of our lives.
Illinois, south of the gun controllers in Chi town

Offline Mr Mannn

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Text of said order...
Well. I would say that is confirmation...This day just got a whole lot scarier.

I wonder what prompted this.
Preparations for a war with Iran, if the gulf of Hormuz is closed, an oil crisis happens and a crisis allows for govt takeover of key industries...including the internet. all before the election.  and thats what all this is for Obama, reelection.

Offline JohnnyReb

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Well. I would say that is confirmation...This day just got a whole lot scarier.
Preparations for a war with Iran, if the gulf of Hormuz is closed, an oil crisis happens and a crisis allows for govt takeover of key industries...including the internet. all before the election.  and thats what all this is for Obama, reelection.

That Bill Ayers guy is sharp....and he just keeps sharpening his Obama pencil.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

Offline Mr Mannn

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DU discussion of the subject. They are mostly all for this.

Offline MrsSmith

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DU discussion of the subject. They are mostly all for this.
I'd love to see this discussion if the order had been signed by Bush.  Oh, wait, wasn't there some similar but not as encompassing order signed by Bush, and they had a total fit??   :whatever:

Antifa - the only fascists in America today.

Offline vesta111

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I'd love to see this discussion if the order had been signed by Bush.  Oh, wait, wasn't there some similar but not as encompassing order signed by Bush, and they had a total fit??   :whatever:

Well we just have to ask the grandparents to recall all the changes that came about in WW2.  Some people still find ration cards never used for butter, meat, gas.  It was a crime to dispose of metal pots, pans, ETC. the government came by and picked it up to use in the war effort. For a few years cars and trucks were not manufactured, tires almost impossible to find.  Sewing machines and the old wringer washing machines, you name it very hard to come by.

Woman were encouraged to move into the manufacturing businesses,  Government was war time assembly plants, Mom went to DC to work for the war department along with hundreds of thousands of young highschool graduates to type, file and hold down desk work normally held by men.

After the war everything shifted to get the woman out of the work force so the returning men could find work. This was the start of exceptable jobs for woman, Nurse, Secretary, Sales in department stores, teachers or waitresses.   Woman went to college to find a husband, not a carear a man could hold down.

Hollywood propaganda came in with TV to enforce the idea that woman belonged at home, men in the work force.

The people living oh say 50 miles from the sea coast had to use blackout curtains, street lights turned off, Curfews enforced and any auto on the road after dark had better be one the town police recognized.   

That was then and we still have people that remember the time very well.  Today I wonder what in case of Middle East blows up Americans would do. { have to remember the people affected back then had parents that survived the Depression, they knew how to live well on very little}

My generation spoiled rotten by well meaning parents that tried to protect us from living and growing up with need as they had, have indeed spoiled our kids to the point half the kids are moving home to survive and get their wants from their parents.

How they would react to rolling blackouts to save electricity, $6.00 a gallon for gas, down time for the phone, all the techie toys that use electricity, darn the very idea gives me fear, we are just too soft.  Total black out in the news of any defeats, PCs will as well all mail censored.-----  Hundreds of people buying or building Ham Radios as no new licenses will be granted.   

Few ever heard of the Draft riots in NY during the Civil War, just wait until we begin to draft females and put them on the front line.    World War 1 the solders were fed salt perter in the mistaken belief it would help to keep the men from becoming fathers.    Next world war every female over 18 will try to conseve from any man just to get out of the Draft.   Lots of special spice on the females chow line and in highschools.-----Wouldn't be surprised to find it in fast food and Teen friendly snacks.

No more College deferment except for the top 30% of a class. Teachers will clean up a bundle of money from parents desperate to get the kid M/F into school away from battle.

And still the Senior military within 3 years of retirement will be released from duty.  Cannot afford life time retirement with the goodies attached and pay a salary to the new recruits.  Better to send an unseasoned leader that has 17 years until retirement, the loss of a few hundred men and woman due to inexperience actually saves the Government money.  Cannon Fodder, no one is unexpendable.   All can be replaced. 

I do hope I live long enough to find out what the end of the world as we know it is like.   Hell we are only a few months from finding out as it seems we are oh so close to it with out a real leader. But then my family has weathered the storms in America, with any luck my great grand kids will also.

Question is will they love and appreciate the USA or damn it  and us for allowing it to implode with in.

Offline Mr Mannn

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Updated: This blog is worth reading...

The blog makes some serious points, scary stuff. But I will only quote two here...
Some of the best stuff follows in Sec. 104 with the naming of the Secretary of Homeland Security as the overseer of portions of this order.

Part II — Priorities and Allocations of this executive order ought to bring shivers up the spines of all Americans, if not a tingling sensation up one’s leg (Chris Matthews notwithstanding)! Since when does the Secretary of Defense need to concern himself with the allocation of water resources? And now we’re going to give the Agriculture Secretary the authority to oversee “the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer.” The notion that the Agriculture Secretary can, by fiat, distribute farm equipment for any purpose violates the Fifth Amendment clause that reads “nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.” And what’s this reference to “all forms of civil transportation” under the Transportation Secretary’s purview supposed to mean? Does that mean the government can take my automobile for no other reason than it wants it?

Obama is on an Alinsky mission. He knows he will not have congressional support, and he knows he may not survive the election. He will not give up. this executive order allows him to suspend the constitution-it may be his only chance.

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Why Did The DHS Just Order 450 Million Rounds Of .40 Caliber Ammunition?
Interesting read at the link.

Offline vesta111

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Updated: This blog is worth reading...

The blog makes some serious points, scary stuff. But I will only quote two here...
Obama is on an Alinsky mission. He knows he will not have congressional support, and he knows he may not survive the election. He will not give up. this executive order allows him to suspend the constitution-it may be his only chance.

Gee will I have to get federal permission to plant a tomato plant in my back yard??? 

Seems like somehow I was redirected to a Ron Paul site and some guy was talking about the new law in LA. the State, now makes it illegal to sell second hand goods for CASH.   Used appliance stores down to used cars and even yard sales.    Some how the TSA became involved when a flier was asked about the $500.00 in silver the man carried, why did he have it, what was he going to do with it ETC. 

Then I was interested to find out that Texas now scans a thumb print to get a drivers license, and some States can demand a blood test for anyone suspected of DWI.  The DNA most likely will be scanned into the Crime Enforcement Banks.

Interesting site on MSN, found it by clicking around links on a TSA scan of a  3 year old toddler with a broken leg in a wheel chair. 

A cash less society seems to be the goal of  those that want to track our money, Cash is hard to track, buy a weapon with a credit card you can be tracked.   Every penny you win or loose is tracked at Foxwoods Casino, most slots now do not pay off in cash, on gets a receipt of won money to be turned in to a pay out window.

Wallmart hates cash as do the large grocery chains, with a store card each and every item one buys is noted and could be sold to company's that have a related business.  That is how when one gets cupones in the mail out of the blue, say you buy diapers suddenly you get coupons for  baby related items.

This is crazy, my daughter house sat for the winter in a 2 story house, she never went up stairs and the toilet was leaking.   The Water company reported he huge increase in water used and one day the cops show up with a rep from the water company to investigate if she was growing drugs.

In 16 years the water company has replaced our sensor devise 5 times as we did not use as much as our neighbors.

Waiting for our propane supplier to inform the Feds that we pay more then others due to me being home all day and cold blooded.

Why do we have to explain to anyone how much cash we carry, how we spend the cash ??? It is nice to be informed that we have a problem with our consumption of energy, but when a running toilet brings in drug sniffing dogs and when stopped for a tail light being out and have to explain why you have over $500.00 in cash on you------ As we Yankees say " None of your damn business."

Really I was OK until I found that link, reminds me of living in the UP of Michigan in 1976 and a family member wanted to sell a gun to a friend and they both had to go to the town police to record the transfer. 

Baby steps the government and Obama are taking to place us in a federal law over comes State law.  Our State motto, Live Free or Die is just a motto now on our license plates.   

Rant ended for now, and BTW when will hording become illegal again ?????


Offline JohnnyReb

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Why Did The DHS Just Order 450 Million Rounds Of .40 Caliber Ammunition?
Interesting read at the link.

Lousy shots or double tap....could be either one with liberals doing the shooting.

That's more than enough to get Bill Ayers quota of 25 million....that's enough to kill everyone of us and Moochelle. Moochelle is stoopeder than she looks if she thinks she wouldn't be on the list.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

Offline Karin

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There's a lot of "nothing to see here, move along" going on amongst the establishment.  But, reading through the internet, nobody's buying that.  I know this is a continuation of sorts from prior EO's, but it's telling the reaction it's bringing forth.  Nobody trusts Obama or his government. 

Sometimes I really do believe we're looking at the second Civil War. 

Offline BlueStateSaint

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Sometimes I really do believe we're looking at the second Civil War.

Two years, Karin, maybe three if the Republican (Romney, probably) wins.
"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

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"Those that trust God with their safety must yet use proper means for their safety, otherwise they tempt Him, and do not trust Him.  God will provide, but so must we also." - Matthew Henry, Commentary on 2 Chronicles 32, from Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible

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