Author Topic: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole  (Read 1141 times)

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An open letter to the 53%


HarveyDarkey (1,533 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

 Open Letter to that 53% Guy

I briefly visited the “We are the 53%” website, but I first saw your face on a liberal blog. Your picture is quite popular on liberal blogs. I think it’s because of the expression on your face. I don’t know if you meant to look pugnacious or if we’re just projecting that on you, but I think that’s what gets our attention.

In the picture, you’re holding up a sheet of paper that says:

I am a former Marine.
I work two jobs.
I don’t have health insurance.
I worked 60-70 hours a week for 8 years to pay my way through college.
I haven’t had 4 consecutive days off in over 4 years.
But I don’t blame Wall Street.
Suck it up you whiners.
I am the 53%.
God bless the USA!

I wanted to respond to you as a liberal. Because, although I think you’ve made yourself clear and I think I understand you, you don’t seem to understand me at all. I hope you will read this and understand me better, and maybe understand the Occupy Wall Street movement better.

onehandle (28,740 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

2. The first comment on that page parrots what I think...

"Dear sir: You're obviously too ****ing stupid to realize you're being screwed by the 1%. You should re-enlist immediately. Signed, Someone With A Bit More Common Sense Than You."


samfarkus (10 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

4. love it! can-do spirit!

Last edited Sun Mar 4, 2012, 01:21 PM USA/ET - Edit history (2)

I respect the OWS movement, because its grass-roots political action, and that can only be a good thing. I don't agree with alot of the slogans I hear out of it, and I am a conservative. But I love the OWS's spirit. And they get off their ass and participate in our democracy.

And its for that EXACT same reason I love this guy's photo too. I mean he's really what america is all about. He kicks ass and takes names. He doesnt WANT a handout, even if it was offered to him, this is the kind of guy who would REFUSE it.

You broke? Get a job. Cant find a job? Do odd jobs, under the table. Cant do that? grow some food. I mean I honestly dont get it. People complain about these broke, unskilled mexicans who cant even speak english. Yet they survive here just fine? Whereas us superior americans, who speak the god's tongue fluently, received great educations, and are very well fed - are reduced to begging for handouts?

Why is it that the average american isnt even able to survive in life as well as a third world refugee, who is 5'2, 120 lbs and has permanent lung damage from childhood tuberculosis? This 'illegal' is able to live with EASE here. And yet we, blessed with so much more stuggle but we're the 'superior' ones? Please explain. I am baffled by this (I am 2nd gen myself). I have also travelled abroad and seen similar situations of people with so much less, accomplishing so much more than my american friends, who basically sit around eating cheetos and watching TV all day complaining about 'the greedy republicans'.


Sam is saying a lot of things the average DU'er is not going to want to hear....

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2012, 12:45:34 PM »
Response to HarveyDarkey (Original post)Sun Mar 4, 2012, 01:18 PM
4. love it! can-do spirit!

Last edited Sun Mar 4, 2012, 01:21 PM USA/ET - Edit history (2)

I respect the OWS movement, because its grass-roots political action, and that can only be a good thing. I don't agree with alot of the slogans I hear out of it, and I am a conservative. But I love the OWS's spirit. And they get off their ass and participate in our democracy.

And its for that EXACT same reason I love this guy's photo too. I mean he's really what america is all about. He kicks ass and takes names. He doesnt WANT a handout, even if it was offered to him, this is the kind of guy who would REFUSE it.

You broke? Get a job. Cant find a job? Do odd jobs, under the table. Cant do that? grow some food. I mean I honestly dont get it. People complain about these broke, unskilled mexicans who cant even speak english. Yet they survive here just fine? Whereas us superior americans, who speak the god's tongue fluently, received great educations, and are very well fed - are reduced to begging for handouts?

Why is it that the average american isnt even able to survive in life as well as a third world refugee, who is 5'2, 120 lbs and has permanent lung damage from childhood tuberculosis? This 'illegal' is able to live with EASE here. And yet we, blessed with so much more stuggle but we're the 'superior' ones? Please explain. I am baffled by this (I am 2nd gen myself). I have also travelled abroad and seen similar situations of people with so much less, accomplishing so much more than my american friends, who basically sit around eating cheetos and watching TV all day complaining about 'the greedy republicans'.

Do you mean your democrat underground friends, who basically sit around eating cheetos and watching TV all day complaining about the greedy republicans?
"I sat down, and I said, 'America's back' and Mitterrand from Germany — I mean from France — looked at me and said … "Well, how long are you back for?"
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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2012, 12:49:46 PM »
5. too bad some of the first comments contradicted his post

"So, if you think being a liberal means that I don’t value hard work or a strong work ethic, you’re wrong. I think everyone appreciates the industry and dedication a person like you displays."

Well except for the CLLs who always want to remind other people "I am superior to thee"

The only value of hard work that you have is wanting a cut from those who work hard.
I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2012, 12:50:43 PM »
It didn't take the jury long to weigh in on samfarkus.
"I sat down, and I said, 'America's back' and Mitterrand from Germany — I mean from France — looked at me and said … "Well, how long are you back for?"
Crooked Joe Biden

Offline FaC

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2012, 01:01:39 PM »
Wow - no more than 40 minutes between last edit and post killing. The DUmmies may not be good at very many things but they are absolutely outstanding at killing posts that do not agree with their (slanted) view of the world.

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2012, 01:05:46 PM »
I see now, suicide run.  
samfarkus 10 posts
When I go to DU, I don't see the post count for the different posters, must be because I'm not registered there.  Must be a new DU3 thing.  
"I sat down, and I said, 'America's back' and Mitterrand from Germany — I mean from France — looked at me and said … "Well, how long are you back for?"
Crooked Joe Biden

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2012, 01:06:26 PM »
Once again the commies show no respect for the working stiff that provide all the freebies for the leeches.

Offline FaC

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2012, 01:07:51 PM »
Apparently sam did not survive pointing out the truth but he touched a nerve before he left the island...
uppityperson (61,534 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

7. I see you are no longer with us, but I wanted to respond anyway.

You broke? Get a job. Cant find a job? Do odd jobs, under the table. Cant do that? grow some food. I mean I honestly dont get it. People complain about these broke, unskilled mexicans who cant even speak english. Yet they survive here just fine? Whereas us superior americans, who speak the god's tongue fluently, received great educations, and are very well fed - are reduced to begging for handouts?

"get a job"? Seriously? "get a job"? That is your solution? At least you notice we may not be able to find a job so instead should "do odd jobs, under the table" to avoid paying taxes. And if we can't "get a job", which "odd jobs" are part of, we should "grow some food"?

Tell me, what utility company will take lettuce in payment for electricity? Or should I walk away from my home and live with 10 others in a small unheated shack while picking apples and making $20/day? That seems to be your definition of "survive here just fine".

I guess I have higher hope for myself than living with EASE here in that way. Sounds like you need to get a new group of friends if all yours "basically sit around eating cheetos and watching TV all day complaining about 'the greedy republicans'. " Odd how you, a republican conservative, have fallen in with such a group of friends, isn't it?

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2012, 05:54:51 PM »
The only value of hard work that you have is wanting a cut from those who work hard.

It's hard work taking a cut from a hard worker. It's almost as hard as working to earn the cut taken from the hard worker. But why cut out the middleman ?
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2012, 07:05:18 PM »
"Dear sir: You're obviously too ****ing stupid to realize you're being screwed by the 1%. You should re-enlist immediately. Signed, Someone With A Bit More Common Sense Than You."

I work for the 1%.  They definitely aren't screwing me.  They are giving me an opportunity to make a living and support my family.
You may call me Jessica or Jess.

Offline thundley4

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2012, 07:08:19 PM »
I work for the 1%.  They definitely aren't screwing me.  They are giving me an opportunity to make a living and support my family.

You shouldn't have to work for those reasons, only work at something you enjoy not to make a living. /DU mode

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2012, 04:34:27 AM »
You shouldn't have to work for those reasons, only work at something you enjoy not to make a living. /DU mode

Absolutely...and I think I would like to work at not working.[DU/mode] 
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2012, 07:12:47 AM »
I work for the 1%.  They definitely aren't screwing me.  They are giving me an opportunity to make a living and support my family.

Me too.  And though I'm not in the "1%", I've certainly made it into the top  "5%".
Help keep America beautiful...deface a liberal.

The Democrat and Republican parties are simply the left and right wings of the same bird of prey.

The road to freedom is paved with dead liberals.


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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2012, 07:19:28 AM »
hfojvt (28,150 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore

6. we were promised more

I was told, over and over and over again, that if I went to college, and graduated, that I would get a good job.

I was not told that I needed to compete to make it in this country

So nobody told you, so you didn't expect it?  Even though you can look around and see all sort of talented people?  Even though you know that every job applicant doesn't get the job?  You are the world's biggest idiot and this is the stupidest post of the day.  You're so dumb, you deserve to be destitute. 

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2012, 08:13:49 AM »
Written in my best DUmmie frame of mind.......
"I was not told that I needed to compete to make it in this country. I haven't competed. I've been waiting for Obama to give me a high paying job. Until then, I'll just continue to suck the government tit that the working DUmbass's feed."
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2012, 08:36:43 AM »
uppityperson (61,534 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore
"get a job"? Seriously? "get a job"? That is your solution?

Actually it does sound like a pretty good solution to the "Not having a job" problem, you stupid twat.
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That here, obedient to their law, we lie.

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2012, 09:13:13 AM »
"I was not told that I needed to compete to make it in this country. " The stupid hurts!  What an idiot!

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2012, 09:32:56 AM »
6. we were promised more

I was told, over and over and over again, that if I went to college, and graduated, that I would get a good job.

I was not told that I needed to compete to make it in this country. To compete for $3 an hour seasnal jobs picking fruit so I could live with six others in an unheated little shack.

The immigrants make it because they have a community. They don't have to do it alone. They have relatives an amigos they can live with. Americans have no such communtiy. Ours is a community of YoYos all trying to get what they can - for themselves.

This has to be one of the dumbest mofos on the planet. No, seriously, one of the dumbest mofos on the planet.
NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #18 on: March 05, 2012, 10:03:19 AM »
6. we were promised more

I was told, over and over and over again, that if I went to college, and graduated, that I would get a good job.

I was not told that I needed to compete to make it in this country. To compete for $3 an hour seasnal jobs picking fruit so I could live with six others in an unheated little shack.

The immigrants make it because they have a community. They don't have to do it alone. They have relatives an amigos they can live with. Americans have no such communtiy. Ours is a community of YoYos all trying to get what they can - for themselves.

Strange, I don't remember ever getting any such guarantees.  Could you show us the document on which this claim is based?

I do recall being promised certain things if I did things to get them first, like 'Pay,' 'VA benefits,' and few things like that, but I have some contractual paper to support those...
Go and tell the Spartans, O traveler passing by
That here, obedient to their law, we lie.

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2012, 01:46:20 PM »
uppityperson (61,534 posts) Profile Journal Send DU Mail Ignore


"get a job"? Seriously? "get a job"? That is your solution? At least you notice we may not be able to find a job so instead should "do odd jobs, under the table" to avoid paying taxes. And if we can't "get a job", which "odd jobs" are part of, we should "grow some food"?

Tell me, what utility company will take lettuce in payment for electricity? Or should I walk away from my home and live with 10 others in a small unheated shack while picking apples and making $20/day? That seems to be your definition of "survive here just fine".

I guess I have higher hope for myself than living with EASE here in that way.

You're a DUmmie, hard work is beneath you, no need to get pissy since the rest of the civilized world knows that.

6. we were promised more

I was told, over and over and over again, that if I went to college, and graduated, that I would get a good job.

I was not told that I needed to compete to make it in this country.

A participation trophy generation, ass-douche checks in....
"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful."

C.S. Lewis

A community may possess all the necessary moral qualifications, in so high a degree, as to be capable of self-government under the most adverse circumstances; while, on the other hand, another may be so sunk in ignorance and vice, as to be incapable of forming a conception of liberty, or of living, even when most favored by circumstances, under any other than an absolute and despotic government.

John C Calhoun, "Disquisition on Government", 1840

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2012, 02:05:55 PM »
6. we were promised more

I was told, over and over and over again, that if I went to college, and graduated, that I would get a good job.

I was not told that I needed to compete to make it in this country.

What an idiot...  seriously?  It is not a case of compete or not compete... it's just called hard working and trying to make something of yourself.  If you are good enough you do better than your co-workers or competitors and you win.  How freaking dumb are you people?
"The society that puts equality before freedom will end up with neither; the society that puts freedom before equality will end up with a great measure of both."

"Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program."

"We have a system that increasingly taxes work and subsidizes nonwork."

-Milton Friedman

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2012, 02:28:11 PM »
What is your degree hfojvt?  You have to have a degree that is marketable idiot. Jewelry making or feminist studies are not a career.

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2012, 02:28:19 PM »
I see now, suicide run.  
samfarkus 10 posts
When I go to DU, I don't see the post count for the different posters, must be because I'm not registered there.  Must be a new DU3 thing.  

Nope. All you have to do is go to the right of the poster's name. You'll see an arrow. Click it, and you'll see the post count.

I'm not registered there either, (or am I?) but I figured I'd let you know, Delmar.

:usflag: :salutearmy: :saluteaf: :saluteusmc: :salutenavy: :taps:
THANK YOU for what you do!

soon as you find your manhood all else falls into place.

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If Ft. Hood was "workplace violence," then the Hindenburg was an air show.

Guns do not kill people. Rotting, festering, disgusting, grimy, evil, un-reparable souls kill people.

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #23 on: March 05, 2012, 02:33:50 PM »
Now if these DUmbass posts don't define the lazy POS's at DU nuttin' does!

I never even graduated high school, as back then it was no big deal. I worked part time, saw the money I could make full time, and I decided havin' the cash, was just too inviting! It got me a '65 Chevelle with a Corvette motor, with bucket leather seats, and big fat tires, a knock down drag out gorgeous girl friend, that BTW is still with me, and it put me in at least the top 10%, sometimes the top 5%, for most of my life!

Ya wanna know how I got there, ya lazy POS? I learned a skill that was in demand! I didn't go into "Women's Studies", or "Political Science", (better known as, "How to Learn to Leach Off the Working Class", either. I busted my ass, taught myself enough that now I'm considered to have the equivalent of a 4 year college degree, and worked my way up the ladder! I could build the Space Shuttle off a set of prints!

You slugs want to have it handed to you on a silver platter! I earned everything I have. Can you leaches say the same? Oh I forgot, you don't have anything 'cause ya can't get yer fat ass off the couch and earn it!
I'm the guy your mother warned you about!

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Re: An open letter to the 53% guy, a ray of light and a soon to die mole
« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2012, 05:39:00 PM »
Nope. All you have to do is go to the right of the poster's name. You'll see an arrow. Click it, and you'll see the post count.

I'm not registered there either, (or am I?) but I figured I'd let you know, Delmar.
Thanks.  No telling how long it would've taken me to stumble onto that without being told.
"I sat down, and I said, 'America's back' and Mitterrand from Germany — I mean from France — looked at me and said … "Well, how long are you back for?"
Crooked Joe Biden