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Offline franksolich

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#03 Top DUmmie of 2011 (Omaha Steve)
« on: December 29, 2011, 03:07:00 PM »



Oh my.

Well, well, well.

Well, well.

The winner of the #03 Top DUmmie of 2011 is a complete newcomer, someone who’s never been in the top twenty, ever, my fellow Nebraskan, Omaha’s Ed Norton, Omaha Steve.

Nebraska finally gets some respect, as we’ve never been represented in the awards before.

Omaha Steve, who’s in his late 50s and a rather big burly dude with beard, actually lives in a suburb south of Omaha, Bellevue, which is chock full of retired and current military personnel, Republicans, and conservatives.

One’s mystified as to why so many primitives—the brain-damaged primitive in New Jersey being an example, among many others—choose to live in red areas rather than blue areas, but there you have it.

Omaha Steve however does work for the city of Omaha, at the main waterworks in the southern part of that city, conveniently close to Bellevue.  One’s not exactly sure if this involves incoming clean water or outgoing sewage, but probably both.

As is the habit of many primitives, Omaha Steve makes much of the 1/64th part of him that is, apparently, Native American, utterly ignoring the other 63/64th parts of him derived from the evil white man.  His majority ethnicity isn’t clear; to franksolich, he seems Polish, but to many others he seems more likely Irish.

This of course is because primitives like to identify themselves with long-ago oppressed minorities, never the evil European-derived white man.  The late Chief S itting Bull, the Greatest Primitive Ever, the bird-smacking stoned red-faced primitive Redstone, did this, as does Doug’s stupid ex-wife, Beth.

Omaha Steve first made a big-man splash earlier in 2011, during the troubles in Wisconsin, in which he bombasted greatly in his fraternal affiliation with the labor unions there, and even begged for money, lodging, and football tickets so that he could go up over there and join them.

You see, Omaha Steve doesn’t like to pay his own way; better that others pay his way.

Then later in the year, Omaha Steve, in a complete and utterly insane lack of judgement, announced on Skins’s island that he’s running for the Bellevue city council next year.

franksolich’s eyes grew as large as turkey-platters when seeing that.

Bellevue, as already mentioned, is a pretty red town, and publicly acknowledging that one hangs around on Skins’s island is not a “positive.”  In fact, it’s a very big negative, and one’s surprised that his professional Democrat campaign advisers didn’t look at him with alarm, “No, Steve, don’t go there.”

franksolich offered to become his fellow Nebraskan’s campaign manager, an offer which Omaha’s Ed Norton coldly and silently declined, not aware that this gift horse had plenty of golden eggs in its mouth, and that as events subsequently played out, it probably would’ve been better if Omaha Steve had taken franksolich up on his magnanimous offer.

The first thing franksolich would’ve advised was that Omaha Steve immediately, right then and there, quit hanging around the primitives on Skins’s island.  Just walk away from them, saying nothing.  Never showing up there again.  And by the time the campaign got underway in earnest, no one would’ve remembered that this stealth socialist candidate is Omaha Steve; the name of the primitive and the name of the candidate wouldn’t have been connected.

Too bad for Omaha Steve that he didn’t listen to franksolich.  Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and a woman scorned hath no fury like franksolich scorned.

note: what follows are some inanities of Omaha Steve this past year, selected at random but put into chronological order.

also, franksolich must acknowledge his enormous gratitude to JakeStyle here, for making my fellow Nebraskan more prominent—I’d just never paid much attention to him until our colleague pointed out to me earlier this year how interesting the big guy is…..and I was very happy to be able to write the surprise ending for everybody of course, but again somewhat more so for JakeStyle.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2011, 04:01:56 PM by franksolich »
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2011, 03:10:42 PM »
Omaha Steve  (1000+ posts)  Wed Mar-09-11 10:39 PM
Original message

Any DUers that live in or near Madison, may I sleep on your floor a couple nights?

It is time for me to be in Madison for a few days!,56450.0

Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts)  Thu Mar-31-11 11:15 PM
Original message

I return to work Monday morning
I almost forgot to mention this. I've been off work since my surgery on Jan. 25th. I'll be on light duty for 3-4 months while I continue therapy on my neck and shoulder. My job requires the ability to lift 90 pounds. I'm going off narcotics to do this. I won't be as active as on the DU as I have been.,57378.0

Omaha Steve  (1000+ posts)  Sun Jun-05-11 07:10 PM
Original message

Can the DU get Omaha Steve to Madison (ground zero) as a project?
Most of you know just how pro labor/worker I am. I never made it to Madison for the protests early this year. I was in a motion restrictive sling for my right shoulder after rotator cuff surgery. I was on drugs and couldn't drive. The AFL-CIO bus was full before I could say I'd go.

Here is the deal. I'd love to be in Madison, Wi on Oct. 1. NU will be there to play the Badgers. I'm not asking for $. I'm asking for help finding two tickets at a reasonable price. Because of my size, on an isle would help but isn't mandatory.

I will go up two days before with my best friend (the Putz) Jeff. We go to all kinds of sporting events together. We will wear "NU fans in solidarity with Wisconsin" shirts. We will visit the capital and the offices of locals involved in the long public union fight. I am an AFSCME member after all.

IF there is an NFL season by then, I could also use two tickets to the Packer game that Sunday. I'm a life long Packer fan that watched the Ice Bowl on the new black and white TV I got for Christmas that year. I'll wear my cheese head. I've never been to a Packer game before. They were out of the country for a preseason game in Canada the one time I made it to Green Bay. Jeff is a Bronco fan first, then a Packer fan.

I did donate to the Wisconsin AFL-CIO, the State Democratic party, bought pizzas, gave to AFSCME Wisconsin, etc.

Can the DU pull some strings and get Jeff and I to the promised land? Only time will tell.,59780.0

Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts)  Wed Jun-08-11 04:24 PM
Original message

My post # 29,000
Dear friends,

I wish I had something better to tell you all today. I did not win the executive board election to be the next Vice President of my local union. I feel I was by far the most qualified candidate. Apparently that didn't matter. I'm taking some time away from labor, politics, and the DU. I don't know how long it will take to recharge my batteries.

Understand I have always loved the DU and pretty much being the person that speaks for labor on the DU. This just hurts so much.,59946.0

Omaha Steve  (1000+ posts) Sat Jun-18-11 05:15 PM
Original message

DUs not my playground anymore (this is not aimed at the mods)
We keep trying to make this the great place it once was again. So far it ain't happened. I've had three questions that went unanswered from powers above in the last couple weeks. Today I had my first deleted (that I can remember in over 29,000 posts) message because I asked if someone anti-union was really a Democrat. I thought it was fair. I remember much worse mud thrown in my direction that never was removed than that. I got nailed by another user for posting a blond joke. The list grows. The fun things don't seem to be here anymore.

I was gone a week and returned Tuesday. For me in the past, 24 hours without the DU and I'd go into withdrawal. Not this time. And my few days since returning have been less than happy. So I won't be around as much. Up to now I've averaged over 4,000 posts a year. I'll be looking for someplace that is more like what the DU used to be. I'll always be reading and may say "duh" and get back in the swing.

Hoping to find nirvana for liberals,,60709.0

Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts)  Tue Jun-21-11 10:16 PM
Original message

When the door gets slammed, a window might break out an opening
Stay tuned. A career change is on the table for me again. Two weeks ago I was so low when I didn't get my locals VP slot. It might take a couple months before I can blab.

Change subject. I'm still catching up on DU mail from the weekend. I will get to it and reply to all.,60835.0

Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts)  Sat Aug-13-11 05:23 PM
Original message

WE said YES!
Marta and I were both asked just now to run for public office in the next election cycle. I can't tell you the offices until after we file at the end of the month. But we are both taking aim at conservative REPUBLICANS!,63125.0

Omaha Steve  (1000+ posts)  Thu Aug-18-11 08:20 PM

Original message

Life can suck some days, it did for me today

I met with my bosses today. Best managers on the planet. Most of you know I had shoulder surgery in January. I also have a pinched nerve in my neck causing problems. I've been in therapy for several months. I start work hardness therapy tomorrow. I pretty much HAVE to get back to being able to lift 90 pounds and use 100 pounds of force. Most of the jobs I could demote to also have heavy physical requirements. The next couple months will tell. The case nurse assured me they will not rush this and give me plenty of time to try to get to where I need to be. If not, I'm looking at a disability.

I love my job and co-workers. I want to stay.,63312.0

Omaha Steve  (1000+ posts)  Sat Aug-27-11 05:37 PM
Original message

Here it is DUers, Marta & I are running for the public offices of....   
Because of a misunderstanding, Marta and I didn't file before yesterdays deadline. There is a moratorium for a couple months on filing for our races. Our opponents didn't file yet either.

I'm running for the city council against a very well connected Republican.

Marta is running for the school board.

Today was the county party running for office seminar. As soon as I have a treasurer, I will have a Act Blue page for those that asked for it a few weeks ago. Critical since the state just removed all campaign donation limits:,63614.0

Omaha Steve  (1000+ posts)  Sat Sep-03-11 07:16 PM
Original message

Omaha Steve is ramping up slowly, but ramping up just the same
Today my treasurer and I opened my political bank account. George is married to a state central committee member. There are a few things to do in the next couple months before really kicking things off.

Marta will be running a low key campaign we hope will raise below $5,000 for the much simpler bookkeeping requirements.

More news as it happens on the DU. Stay tuned.,63913.0

Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts)  Sat Sep-10-11 03:04 PM
Original message

Hail did $9,000 in damage to house & my car
The Omaha area has all kinds home repair salesmen going door to door.

We are out $1,500 on the deductibles. It could have been much worse.

I wish it had been our old insurance company that I didn't care for. Don't ask.

We switched to Hartford through AARP in May and are very happy campers.

The Hartford Receives Ethisphere's 2011 World's Most Ethical Companies Recognition

The Hartford Named As One Of The "World's Most Ethical Companies" Again In 2010

The AARP Consumer Cellular phone is a great deal too.,64154.0
apres moi, le deluge

Offline franksolich

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2011, 03:15:01 PM »
Omaha Steve  (1000+ posts)  Sat Sep-17-11 11:07 AM
Original message
Omaha Steve & Marta election update 9-17-11

Marta and I own most popular historic web site in town. It is in my ward when I run for city council. Marta will be running city wide for board of education. So soon there will be mention of Marta's and my run for office on this page, and the front page of our site.


Olde Towne Bellevue is also in my district. My slogan will be: Vote DAWES, Olde Towne Cause! /

We will be filling to run in December.

after which a photograph of.....a cemetery marker,64429.0

Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts)  Sun Sep-18-11 09:35 AM
Original message

Entitlement? It puts a roof on my mom's head
My 87 year old mom currently lives in a senior apartment with a HUD subsidy. Once she is approved for Medicaid she will be going to assisted living. My sister and I are the only live with a family member options she has. We couldn't provide the level of care she now needs. There would be nobody with her in the weekday (7-5) hours either. Both homes have stairs while her balance requires a cane as a minimum. Therapy says she needs a walker, but she won't have any of it.

Republicans want her to live in the street and die fast. Shame on them ALL!

She paid taxes all her life until dad passed away in 94. She didn't have enough income after that.

I've been pretty quiet for me on the DU the last few days. I've been busy with mom. I'll be a little more active today.

Edit: Mom has a small pension from a non-profit religious hospital. It has lost about 75% of it's monthly payout thanks to lack of regulations on Wall St.

Scourge of the Primitives
Posts: 27514

My question for my fellow Nebraskan is this: where do "evil" Republicans want to take something away from an 87-year-old woman who's worked all her life?

I've looked far-and-wide, hither-and-yon, here-and-there, and can't find it, where we "evil" Republicans want to take something away from an old woman.

Omaha Steve is lying, and he knows it.

Where we "evil" Republicans want to take something away is from those who never worked, or worked only a little tiny bit, those who never contributed to the well-being of society, those who only took without giving, such as the primitives on Skins's island riding the social security disability gravy-train, with first-class parlor-car tickets paid for by the rest of us.

Omaha Steve is lying, and he knows it.  No one wants to take anything away from his mother.,64453.0

Omaha Steve  (1000+ posts)  Sun Sep-18-11 12:50 PM
Original message
All good things must come to an end (my bumper stickers will be coming off)

I'm told I need a more neutral car to win the election to city council next year. Last look.

Center to right side.

after which a photograph of bumper-stickers on an automobile bumper

Left side.

after which another photograph of other bumper-stickers on the other automobile bumper,64456.0

Omaha Steve  (1000+ posts)  Sat Sep-24-11 09:34 AM
Original message
While shopping at the mall a saleman asked "would we like to test drive a Toyota?"
When a simple "NO" wasn't enough, he got a blast from both of us his other prospects could all hear.  I hope he learned his lesson for the rest of the weekend sale.

Japan didn't extend it's clunker program to US cars.

Some models not made in North America.

Profit goes mostly to Japan.

Lingering questions about safety.

Union organizing drives have been treated unfairly according to the National Labor Relations Board. It was chilly and I had my AFSCME wind breaker on.

He turned and made a get away with a brisk walk.

MineralMan  (1000+ posts)  Sat Sep-24-11 09:37 AM
Response to Original message
1. Nice. So you read a guy trying to do his job the riot act?

I doubt that the guy you were ranting at has much to do with Toyota's corporate policies, you know. Just say, "No, thanks" and walk on. Very rude behavior on your part, I think.,64656.0

Omaha Steve  (1000+ posts)  Sun Sep-25-11 05:08 PM
Original message

(Hiatus) When talking about the truth gets a threat of violence from a DUer

I never thought talking about this would lead to a physical threat, but it did. Perhaps I should have never let the DU know who we are in real life. I certainly never expected a DUer that claimed to be a union member to be the person making the threat in reply #50. All this over my response to an abusive salesman. Maybe others don't see the truth the way I do.

Japan didn't extend it's clunker program to US cars.

Some models not made in North America.

Profit goes mostly to Japan.

Lingering questions about safety.

Union organizing drives have been treated unfairly according to the National Labor Relations Board. It was chilly and I had my AFSCME wind breaker on.

After saying "NO" the salesman he heckled us in front of others waiting for a test drive. "What reason could you have not to take a free test drive?"

He got more than he bargained for.

After complaints from shoppers, security had to remind the Toyota dealer that does not have a lot there that they were not to cross the street and approach pedestrians on the sidewalk.

I'm taking some time away from the DU. I don't know is OS will ever return. I may start a new alias and avoid labor or other issues that point to me.,64700.0

Omaha Steve  (1000+ posts)  Mon Sep-26-11 12:01 AM
Original message

The joy in the Conservative Cave can be overwhelming


IF my leaving the DU causes so much joy at the (troll) cave, I know I need to stay.

A few DU friends enlightened me.,64711.0

Omaha Steve  (1000+ posts)  Thu Oct-06-11 11:00 PM
Original message
Some days life sucks
I'm going to be having another epidural on my neck tomorrow afternoon. My third since the end of July. I've been in a lot of pain the last few days. Pinched nerve right C4-5.

Today my sister and I got mom's test results on her mental abilities. Mom is 87. We now will have to move her to assisted living against her will.

Medicaid will make this possible. I thank ALL the Democrats fighting any cuts to Medicaid!

So many Republicans are pro life. How many support a pro-quality life for seniors like my mom?,65226.0

Omaha Steve  (1000+ posts)        Sat Oct-08-11 05:03 PM
Original message

It's been 2 weeks, I apologized to the Toyota salesman
I went to the dealership salesroom today. I found the guy I was looking for. He barely remembered me. He said he heard a lot more profanity from others compared to my family friendly comments. I explained I'd been in sharp neck pain and was on narcotics. Plus dealing with mom when she can't comprehend she is a danger to herself living alone in her senior apartment. He understood and said people aren't used to a test ride pitch on the mall sidewalk.

We shook hands.

A few DUers were correct I lashed out at this guy over other things bothering me.

To my friends living in their parents basement that read me regularly, I've noticed some of the same verbiage here used by those in the basement chat room.,65314.0

Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts)   Sat Nov-26-11 05:35 PM
Original message

Dear Skinner you need to check your e mail ASAP! (it's a secret)
Anyone care to guess what this BIG secret might be?

nadinbrzezinski Donating Member (1000+ posts)  Sat Nov-26-11 06:27 PM
Response to Reply #10

12. You are in the running too?

Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts)  Sat Nov-26-11 06:38 PM
Response to Reply #13

14. The high mark of excellence here

I was nominated for a DUmmy.,67044.0

Omaha Steve  (1000+ posts)  Mon Nov-28-11 08:29 PM
Original message

Our new TV has net features built in Many are free And get this
Several great free news features. CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, etc. It also lets us stream individual segments of shows from the past week or so. Just had to plug in the blue lan cable.

Wonder why it doesn't have any FOX NEWS????,67087.0

Omaha Steve  (1000+ posts)  Wed Nov-30-11 10:09 PM
Original message
Hole in the Wall Gang report: 11-30-11
First an I'm sorry to any REAL DUer that felt I was bragging about a new TV in our house. I should have pointed out it is our only big ticket item item this year. It was our Christmas to each other. My sole reason for the post was pointing out FOX NEWS was not offered on the net connected set. I know it bothers the Hole in the Wall Gang when they see a fact not fiction that they can't tolerate.

For those that can't connect the dots. Back when Madison, Wisconsin had over 100,000 people from out of town, I could not find a motel room. I still had my right arm in an immobilizer after surgery and couldn't even drive. By the time a room was offered (at my own cost) it was to late to go. So unless the (nameless) motel fairy has a wand for a room and didn't tell me about it, I looked for any place I could find. Said fairy that appears after the fact can stick the wand where the sun don't shine. It will be a tight fit up against his or her head.,67161.0

Omaha Steve  (1000+ posts)  Thu Dec-01-11 08:13 PM
Original message

These people can't tell the truth ($50 reward for the DU!)
Some Republican conservatives (a few live in the greater Omaha area) want to distort my record as I run for local public office next year. Seems that is the only tactic they know.

Does this look like a security guard to you?

This is the exact same tux I wore a few weeks ago, and they call this security. I was a volunteer for a fund raiser to benefit the Nebraska Kidney Foundation. Best viewed in explorer: /

They say I asked for free Packer tickets last year on the DU. I asked for reasonably priced tickets to the NU-Wisconsin game & the Packer-Denver game. You can see from my photo I'm not an easy fit in standard seats. Find a post on the DU where I asked for free Packer or Wisconsin tickets and the DU will get $50 donated in your name verified by Skinner.

They say I'm not working and am on disability. I returned to work following my surgery I had in late January. As of today I am still working for the City of Omaha. I do have restrictions below those required for the job. I'm waiting to see if I can get an accommodation for my job or reassignment to a less strenuous and lower paying job. That is not my decision, it is up to my employer.

I wonder why trash like this want to stay anonymous? I live in a fish bowl and could care less. Get the idea.

If your one of the offending liars, the reward can go instead to the Nebraska Kidney Foundation.,67198.0
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2011, 03:17:41 PM »
Last autumn, there occurred one of those random by-chance things—something that happens only very rarely, but often enough to make one aware there is in fact a God—when a member of conservativecave happened to be in Omaha.  He doesn’t live in Omaha, but he did for a few years in the late 1990s.

He was with a friend who was going to attend some sort of function at the world-famous Joslyn Art Museum there.  Kidneys aren’t his thing, but as he was doing nothing else in particular, he dressed up and accompanied this friend to that fund-raiser for the Kidney Foundation.

Sometime while inside the building, he spotted a phenomenon, and stopped in his tracks.

“Whoa—who’s that guy, the Incredible Bulk?” he asked someone associated with the affair.

It needs explained that this person has a phobia about certain surfaces, generally ice, marble floors, polished parquet, and shiny tiles.  Born with a certain, uh, anatomical deficiency, he has no instinctive sense of balance and equilibrium, and going down on slippery surfaces has been a problem for him; he’s had considerable damage throughout his life because of it.

Some of those times, he’s been knocked down by someone else slipping and sliding, usually large people, and he’s not as durable as he looks; thus far he’s suffered one dislocated shoulder, three cracked ribs, and a sprained ankle being crushed by behemoths. 

And so when on treacherous surfaces, he steers clear of anyone who looks as if they’re capable of smashing him flat as a pancake.  He’s a nice guy, one of the nicest guys one can ever hope to meet, and has no aversion to big people, but if it looks like there’s a chance that big person might slip and fall on him, he tries to stay at least circa eight feet away.

The person associated with the event identified the big guy by name, adding that he was “security,” but dressed fancy so as to “blend in” with the crowd.

Oh, okay, and so this person and his friend walked on.

Halfway across the room, he stopped in his tracks again, remembering something.

Now, this person is notorious for his loathing of photographs, and wishes the camera had never been invented.  When he’s been compelled to use one, he’s never gotten anything but lousy pictures; not that he’s inept, but that he just doesn’t care.

But this occasion called for a photograph, albeit a clandestine one.

His friend offered him a cellular telephone—the Devil’s own invention, this person thinks of them—with the following result:

It was nice seeing you, Omaha Steve, but too bad you were working, as otherwise maybe we could’ve had a nice friendly little sit-down tete-a-tete about your upcoming campaign.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2011, 03:39:24 PM »
Congratulations on capturing #3, fat ass.

ETA:  Great picture, Frank, what kind of phone did you take it with?


I wouldn't have gotten too close to Grizzly Adams, either.  He looks like he'd dent the floor if he fell.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2011, 04:04:05 PM by wasp69 »
"We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and then bid the geldings to be fruitful."

C.S. Lewis

A community may possess all the necessary moral qualifications, in so high a degree, as to be capable of self-government under the most adverse circumstances; while, on the other hand, another may be so sunk in ignorance and vice, as to be incapable of forming a conception of liberty, or of living, even when most favored by circumstances, under any other than an absolute and despotic government.

John C Calhoun, "Disquisition on Government", 1840

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2011, 03:41:09 PM »
You can't discount home-court advantage in any competition.

Go and tell the Spartans, O traveler passing by
That here, obedient to their law, we lie.

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Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2011, 03:47:17 PM »
You can't discount home-court advantage in any competition.



It certainly wasn't rigged in honor of Frank's home state. Bumbling Omaha Steve earned this honor.
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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2011, 03:50:18 PM »
Maybe he can parlay his big win (cough **loser** cough) into a job and a better rental tuxedo.  That thing looks like he stole it from an employee at Bonanza Steak House.
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Offline Charles Henrickson

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2011, 03:57:46 PM »
So far I am not doing so well on my choices.

For the special awards:
Newbie: MiddleFingerMom--but it turned out to be fire_walk_with_me
Golden Bong: Dreamer Tatum--but it turned out to be Sarah Iburruri
Broken Elbow: Cyrano--but it turned out to be bobbolink
Willie: Skinner, EarlG, Elad--but it will not be them

For my Top Ten, I had:
10. Raven (a big zip, I'm guessing)
9. EFerrari--came in #8 (pretty close)
8. Skinner, EarlG, Elad--came in #16 (meh)
7. WilliamPitt--came in #17 (meh)
6. Mineral Man--came in #18 (meh)
5. kentuck--came in #14 (meh)
4. Cyrano (still hope)
3. SidDithers (still hope)
2. Sarah Iburruri--came in #6 (at least a Top Ten, plus the Golden Bong)
1. nadinbrzezinski (Nadin WILL win!)

Now there is no doubt in my mind that Nadin will be #1--she better be, or there will be hell to pay!--and that will make all my disappointments melt away.

But now we must ask, Who will win the Willie?  Will it be Nadin, giving her a double victory?  Or will it be the mysterious other-winner-yet-to-be-named? And who will THAT be, the #2? I'm pulling for either Cyrano or SidDithers.

I'm on pins and needles!
Co-host (with PJ-Comix) of the DUmmie FUnnies, both on Free Republic and at the DUmmie FUnnies' own blogspot.

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2011, 04:00:11 PM »

also, franksolich must acknowledge his enormous gratitude to JakeStyle here, for making my fellow Nebraskan more prominent—I’d just never paid much attention to him until our colleague pointed out to me earlier this year how interesting the big guy is…..and I was very happy to be able to write the surprise ending for everybody of course, but again somewhat more so for JakeStyle.

Hey thanks for that Frank, that was very kind of you. :cheersmate:

Congrats on the #3 spot OS, you giant weepy tool.  I am looking forward to following your misadventures on the city council campaign trail.

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2011, 04:01:04 PM »
I'm on pins and needles!

Alas, you'll have to stay on pins and needles a bit more, sir.

I'm burned out on the primitives.

And so probably #02 top primitive won't be posted until tomorrow (Friday) night.  I'd scheduled it for Friday anyway, but in the earlier part of the day.  But I'm burned out.
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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2011, 04:03:47 PM »
Hey thanks for that Frank, that was very kind of you. :cheersmate:

You might recall my fellow Nebraskan was a subject of acrimonious discussion between the two of us earlier this year; I'd never paid much attention to him, and was making statements based upon fragmentary knowledge, and you with your comprehensive knowledge kept correcting me.

As I should be corrected when wrong.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2011, 04:09:57 PM »
Woohoo, a dark horse out of no where has come into place.  I can't wait too see who is show and who finishes first.  Glad I'm not much of a betting type, as I never would have picked the scourge of Bellevue to finish so high up.  Does anyone think this will help or hinder is chances for public office?
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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2011, 04:17:56 PM »
So far I am not doing so well on my choices.

For the special awards:
Newbie: MiddleFingerMom--but it turned out to be fire_walk_with_me
Golden Bong: Dreamer Tatum--but it turned out to be Sarah Iburruri
Broken Elbow: Cyrano--but it turned out to be bobbolink
Willie: Skinner, EarlG, Elad--but it will not be them

For my Top Ten, I had:
10. Raven (a big zip, I'm guessing)
9. EFerrari--came in #8 (pretty close)
8. Skinner, EarlG, Elad--came in #16 (meh)
7. WilliamPitt--came in #17 (meh)
6. Mineral Man--came in #18 (meh)
5. kentuck--came in #14 (meh)
4. Cyrano (still hope)
3. SidDithers (still hope)
2. Sarah Iburruri--came in #6 (at least a Top Ten, plus the Golden Bong)
1. nadinbrzezinski (Nadin WILL win!)

Now there is no doubt in my mind that Nadin will be #1--she better be, or there will be hell to pay!--and that will make all my disappointments melt away.

But now we must ask, Who will win the Willie?  Will it be Nadin, giving her a double victory?  Or will it be the mysterious other-winner-yet-to-be-named? And who will THAT be, the #2? I'm pulling for either Cyrano or SidDithers.

I'm on pins and needles!

Looking at Mineral Man in that list, it may be that next year we should consider having a "Kewpie Doll Award," also honoring the DUFU usage, for the DUmmie with the most notably lucid moments, such as MM has given us this year and in the past have been rendered up by the likes of OMC and the Poetess CalPig's nemesis, OldLeftyLawyer.
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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2011, 04:30:20 PM »
Hey thanks for that Frank, that was very kind of you. :cheersmate:

Congrats on the #3 spot OS, you giant weepy tool.  I am looking forward to following your misadventures on the city council campaign trail.

I'd imagine another good reason to steer clear of The Weeper near any smooth floor would be to avoid the copious puddles of weep-juice that he probably leaves everywhere he goes. 



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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #15 on: December 29, 2011, 05:06:33 PM »
So it comes down, as we expected all along, to nutcase nadin and the hopeless intravenous drug addict Taverner, alone at center stage in their evening gowns, each clutching the other's arms for support, nearly in tears with excitement.

Each is wearing the banner of their constituency, the Near Dead Junkies , and the Arrogant Condescending Assholes, one of which will soon be replaced by the coveted DOTY sash. The hateful, squinty little witch, Proud 2BDUmb waits in the wings with a tiara to crown her successor.

The winner will stroll down the runway to a recording of this year's selected theme, a Redstone/TiTtyboy cover of Sir Mix-A-Lot's "I Like Big Butts". It's been rumored the theme song was chosen in honor of the expected winner, so if there's an upset, it could be a little bit inappropriate.

The anticipation builds.

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #16 on: December 29, 2011, 05:20:25 PM »
Didn't Omaha Steve have MM on ignore a few months ago? Steve never showed up on the Nelson thread . . .

Well, I think he deserved being in the top ten, not sure he deserved as high as third place, though. But he is running for office, and that sofa thread was gold. I had no idea he was camera-shy, he was muggging for the cameras with Cindy Sheehan in his DUmp blog:

his "graveyard"

is full of pictures and he showed! Way to go, Omaha Steve!

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #17 on: December 29, 2011, 05:22:46 PM »
Frank -- the work you have done for the Republican party in Bellevue is priceless.   H5. 


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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #18 on: December 29, 2011, 05:27:33 PM »
We need to dredge up that LTTE or whatever it was, where the Weeper wrote that priceless sentence, "I have always supported socialism."

Someone copied it here just a few months ago.

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #19 on: December 29, 2011, 05:28:12 PM »
Omaha Steve   (1000+ posts)             Tue Dec-06-11 09:25 AM
Response to Reply #1
4. Marta hates the campaign politics (fund raise, be at certain parties, etc.)

She plans a campaign under the $5,000 limit. I don't.  

More on her race next year.


Scott Houghtaling -- you need to straight up request his campaign finance filings for each quarter.   Omaha Steve should be held accountable for every dime received from the land of the misfit toys.  

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #20 on: December 29, 2011, 05:29:25 PM »
We need to dredge up that LTTE or whatever it was, where the Weeper wrote that priceless sentence, "I have always supported socialism."

Someone copied it here just a few months ago.

Absolutely.   :cheersmate:


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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #21 on: December 29, 2011, 05:36:46 PM »
Now we know who took that Facebook avatar photo of nadin.

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #22 on: December 29, 2011, 05:41:10 PM »
This story is way off base. The rush to sign contracts was to insure a continuation of the benefits and working conditions of the workers. Something very easy to understand. Why go out of your way to make union leaders look bad? Do they make 300+ times more than their members like CEOs of most major US companies?

And to think unions and socialists used to be on the same page. I’ve always backed socialism. Together with labor the team passed workers comp, unemployment insurance, and several other important worker protections. I’d be interested in any reply, update, correction, etc., you might have or publish.

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #23 on: December 29, 2011, 05:55:13 PM »
Omaha Steve Donating Member (1000+ posts)  Sat Nov-26-11 06:38 PM
Response to Reply #13

14. The high mark of excellence here

I was nominated for a DUmmy.

This one is a keeper.
Come to think of it, unions do create jobs. Companies have to hire two workers to do the work of one.

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Re: #03 Top DUmmie of 2011
« Reply #24 on: December 29, 2011, 06:02:42 PM »
So it comes down, as we expected all along, to nutcase nadin and the hopeless intravenous drug addict Taverner. . . .

Taverner. I forgot about Taverner. D*MN him! You're probably right. I'm almost certain now that the T-man will come in at #2. My own #2, Sarah, at least finished #6. But now there goes my #3 (Sid) and #4 (Cryano), not even in the Top 20!

There's no way, though, that a mere Taverner can topple the All-Knowing One. This is the Year of Nadin. Start celebrating, baby, you've got this thing in the bag! And you'll probably win the Willie, too!
Co-host (with PJ-Comix) of the DUmmie FUnnies, both on Free Republic and at the DUmmie FUnnies' own blogspot.