Author Topic: How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot  (Read 6197 times)

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Offline thundley4

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Re: How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot
« Reply #125 on: December 14, 2011, 09:41:02 PM »
Why is it when a liberal shows up here, the first thing they run to is the gay marriage discussions?

Boring boring boring.  Same ****ing thing every time.

Do you want to get into economics with them?  Gay marriage is probably their best case for making any reasonable argument.

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Re: How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot
« Reply #126 on: December 14, 2011, 09:45:21 PM »
Why is it when a liberal shows up here, the first thing they run to is the gay marriage discussions?

Boring boring boring.  Same ****ing thing every time.

I think some of it is the hope of baiting decent and civilized people, with the additional hope that an inappropriate comment might be made, which the liberal can take back to other liberals, saying, "look, this is what they're all like."

But that's old, and we're used to it.  The trick doesn't work like it did some years ago.

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Re: How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot
« Reply #127 on: December 14, 2011, 10:11:53 PM »
I think some of it is the hope of baiting decent and civilized people, with the additional hope that an inappropriate comment might be made, which the liberal can take back to other liberals, saying, "look, this is what they're all like."

But that's old, and we're used to it.  The trick doesn't work like it did some years ago.
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Offline dutch508

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Re: How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot
« Reply #128 on: December 15, 2011, 06:35:42 AM »
Well, I imagine oat that nolimit is one of those poor cocksuckers who is picked on, beaten,
 thrown into the camps, executed, and burned on a large fire with the other gays, gypsies, slavs, Jews, etc.
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Offline vesta111

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Re: How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot
« Reply #129 on: December 15, 2011, 07:09:56 AM »
Do states have the right to deny gay people driving licenses? Why not?

States do have the right to deny a drivers license to those that have Grand Mal seizures, are blind, behind on child support, have a number of convictions for Drunk driving, The deaf can be licensed but must have big mirrors on the front of the car. Some states will yank the licence of a driver if their doctor calls in that they are too old, loss of reflexes, or have a debilitating heart condition.

Age limit, no 10 year old can be licensed but is allowed to drive a tractor or truck on private property. Driving is a privilege not a RIGHT.

So, what does SEXUAL preference have to do with a drivers license, a hunting license, buy a home, register a pet, vote or get medical care???

Marriage my dear came into being in the past to insure the kingdom next door does not attack yours.   Marriage is to protect the children and wives from having a man just  up and leave them to fend for themselves.   Marriage is to insure the children have both male and female training in how to become an adult themselves. Sexist sure.

Woman teach their girls how to cook and make a home for children of their own.   Males taught their sons to hunt. fish, to provide for their family's.  How to Protect their family's when the woman were pregnant and could not march out to war.  

Two men raising an adopted son with little female bonding, having no idea of what the opposite sex goes through, can leave the child adrift in the world as an adult.  If it is true children are born Gay, is it not also true that children are born heterosexual ????

Two woman raising a male child can be disastrous, children mimic the actions of their parents and will soon be calling their skivies panties.

While we worry about Gay children born into a heterosexual family-----What happens to a heterosexual adopted into a Gay family ???

Like it or not, there are 2 sexes on earth for most mammals, ever wonder if the dinosaurs died out because they for some reason all turned GAY?????

Ever cook, the word marriage is used to denote two separate things to make a new mixture.   Someone has to come up with a new word for same sex coupling that is unnatural in the scheme of things.  One cannot fool mother nature.

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Re: How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot
« Reply #130 on: December 15, 2011, 10:18:13 AM »

I love how you guys are all for small government, except when it's to deny people basic human rights or to shove your fairy tales...I mean religion...down people's throats.

This from a "guy" that has Jesus as an avatar.

What is even weirder is he is accusing the faithful of forcing their beliefs down others throats while the gay community is trying to force their beliefs down everyones collective throat.
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Re: How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot
« Reply #131 on: December 15, 2011, 10:29:01 AM »
What is even weirder is he is accusing the faithful of forcing their beliefs down others throats while the gay community is trying to force their beliefs down everyones collective throat.

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Re: How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot
« Reply #132 on: December 16, 2011, 06:58:26 AM »
Equal protection means that if a state has a set of laws (laws dealing with marriage licenses in this case) all people must be treated equally under those laws. Yes, that includes gay people.

So if a state has a law on the books which gives out marriage licenses to 2 consenting adults it has no right to discriminate which adults it will give them out to. If 2 men or 2 women want a marriage license a state has no right to deny that if it gives marrige licenses to one men and one woman.


I make no claim to be a constitutional scholar or a jurist, indeed I'm not an American. As I understand the case, the states cannot discriminate against a person because of the fact of him being gay - fine and good, the states do not do so; they do, however, accept the natural law reality that marriage is legitimately limited to couples of different sexes. If you go to get a marriage licence, does the clerk ever ask you whether you're gay or straight? No, merely whether there is a man and a woman in the couple to whom a licence is being issued.

There are no laws protecting polygamy in states, so trying to compare gay marriage to that is not accurate.

It is precisely the same issue. Your contention is that states should accept any pair of consenting adults who desire to wed; yet in the same breath refuse to extend that protction to a consenting trio, quartet &c. You oppose the natural law definition of marriage, and posit marriage's nature as linked exclusively to consent...then refuse to allow three consenting adults to contract a marriage.

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Re: How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot
« Reply #133 on: December 16, 2011, 11:04:59 AM »
Polygamy and to a much lesser extent polyandry have a much better claim to being within the bounds of marriage as human cultures have defined it in practice than bone smugglers stuffing each other.
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Re: How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot
« Reply #134 on: December 16, 2011, 08:52:06 PM »
Advocating Same-Sex Marriage: Consistency Is Another Victim
by Matthew J. Franck
December 15, 2011

In deciding the basic question, people should ask themselves, what is marriage? For it is a thing with a nature, and a purpose. Marriage has always been understood, throughout human history, as a comprehensive union of a man and a woman, grounded in their complementary natures—a couple of the kind that is capable of generating offspring, and being father and mother to them.


Same-sex marriage advocates have so far been unable to give an answer to the question “What is marriage?” that does not result in the complete collapse of all shape and form to the institution.

Several more excellent points in this article

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Re: How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot
« Reply #135 on: December 19, 2011, 10:54:07 AM »
My feeling is a marriage is between a man and a woman, end of discussion. If same sex couples want to share a life together, adopt, buy a house, go for it....

In all honesty however, if one of my parents decided to have a same sex partner, I would have a hard time with it...

I may find other women attractive, but that doesn't mean I want to live with them as a man and a wife would.
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Re: How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot
« Reply #136 on: December 19, 2011, 12:44:14 PM »
I may find other women attractive, but that doesn't mean I want to live with them as a man and a wife would.

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Re: How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot
« Reply #137 on: December 19, 2011, 01:11:56 PM »
Adam and Steve have the "right" to do whatever they want. Not a dang thing stopping them from finding a pastor to marry them and have a ceremony with friends and family share in the celebration. What they want is to be recognized by the government. IMO, I'd just as soon see the government out of the marriage business (can you say "flat tax") but plenty of groups aren't allowed to marry. Polygamists can only marry one of their wives. For them, this is deeply held religious belief. They simply have meaningful, religious ceremonies binding them together. And at last time I checked, the government won't come in and arrest 2 gays who are living together as man and man or woman and woman. Gay people think they have it bad, they should try choosing polygamy as an alternative lifestyle.

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Re: How To Explain Gay Rights To An Idiot
« Reply #138 on: December 19, 2011, 01:20:56 PM »
I don't have a problem with gay people. I have a problem with gay "progressives". Then again, I have a problem with all "progressives". These are the f'ers that aren't content with just living their lives like everyone else, no they want to force others to accept them as if it's somehow a special arrangement. Same can be said about atheist "progressives". I know atheists and the ones I know could care less what you put in front of the city hall on Christmas day. They also don't care if you wish them a merry Christmas. They do it also, even though they don't believe. It's something about being a "progressive".
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