Author Topic: Born again ???  (Read 2423 times)

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Offline vesta111

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Born again ???
« on: December 05, 2011, 08:59:14 AM »
For the last couple of hours  have been watching a Dateline old program about  after death experiences.

Only person I ever knew was my dad that told family about his after heart stopped, but he never told me.  So I wonder if his story was a --SEA STORY-- to benefit the religious in the family.   Was one of his last acts on earth to encourage his loved ones to BELIEVE.

I do so remember that day, I had Mom in the waiting room, I took the 8 year old great grand son to visit Dad.

When we approached the door, the curtains were drawn about his bed, the voice of a young woman called out frantically " I Don't know what to do."   The mumble of a Male voice and at that time I knew dad was in distress.

Why or how I managed to tell the boy, GrandDad was being giving a bath, turned in complete tunnel vision and went to the waiting room where Mom had no idea what was going on.    Shock comes in many forms.

Dad survived the paddle, heart began to beat again.  He lived another 3 months after and told everyone that walked in the door about his after death experience.

Like an old Chief Bosun's Mate each telling had a bit of an add on.   One day he asked if he had told ME about his experience, I lied and said yes. I had heard from family and friends his story and afraid this was just another Sea Story.  You see I have a scepticism about these story's.   I did not want to hear from my Dad the last thing he told me to be the result of chemical changes in his mind.

Today I wonder if his Sea Story was in fact real, his story to others had no tunnel or white light, no family to meet him, he said he awoke to be in a field of flowers and saw a baby lamb.   He somehow went over but before he could pat the lamb he heard a voice telling him to return.  Then in the wink of an eye he found himself back in the hospital in agonizing pain.

Dad seemed happy with his dream or hallucination, but the fact stands his heart had stopped for minutes, some how he knew I had told his beloved great grand son he was being bathed. 

  How on earth did he know that, the boy was confused not really remembering this later, I asked a number of times but the boy, now a man blocked all out of his memory.

Some things in life and near death are inexplicable.

Offline Boudicca

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Re: Born again ???
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2011, 10:01:58 PM »
My dad was nearly murdered while scuba diving in the Mediterranean Sea. So, his line is cut and his buddies find him floating face up, a rescue chopper picks him up, chaplain and military police banging on the door at midnight, mom crying and arranging a neighbor to watch us while she went to the clinic on Iraklion.  The AF had to send a plane from Rota to transport him to Tripoli.  All the while, he's technically dead, no heartbeat, no breathing, except by artifical means.  I know the doc cut his trachea open and inserted a tube and the medics were doing compressions and stuff.

So, while he was dead, he said he saw that light at the end of the tunnel and felt like he was being fought over-he joked that it was between God and the Devil, but he was probably feeling the medical team working him over.

After six weeks in Libya he came back to Greece long enough to pack us up and ship out to the States, and an MOS switch from military intelligence to supply.  He did live almost another 30 years.
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