Author Topic: "Houston...We Have A Problem"...  (Read 550 times)

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Offline zeitgeist

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"Houston...We Have A Problem"...
« on: December 02, 2011, 12:47:49 PM »

I loaded the dinghy to the gunwales with this one, anymore and I'd shipped water.  Enjoy the angst now found among the best and brightest. :fuelfire:

 Ok... Read Essentially The Same Thing Twice In 24 Hours... "Houston...We Have A Problem"...

2400657, Ok... Read Essentially The Same Thing Twice In 24 Hours... "Houston...We Have A Problem"...
Posted by WillyT on Tue Nov-29-11 08:26 PM

What Obama may not understand so well is the degree of frustration inspired by him specifically among the protesters and their prime movers. Or the extent to which OWS and its energy is, as one liberal strategist puts it, is “the rotten fruit of Obamaism”—an army of young people, many of them inspired and mobilized by his campaign in 2008, who feel betrayed by his performance since he has, er, occupied the Oval Office.

“He cheated,” says Husain, who volunteered for the campaign on the belief that Obama could be a transformative president. “He ran on a platform he never intended to push. He made promises he never intended to keep. I was just amazed in his inaugural speech how little transformative there was. And then Tim Geithner—what the hell was that? And then the bailouts. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out what was going on. It was a continuation of the same bullshit.”

Then there are others who never put any faith in Obama in the first place. “The new boss is ever the same as the old boss,” says Sandy Nurse. “I think if either political party or politician thinks they have any credibility to come down here and tap into this energy, they’re gravely misinformed.”

The last point is one I heard again and again from OWSers about Team Obama’s talk of channeling the movement. “They don’t have a ****ing clue what they are talking about,” says Berger. “These aren’t out here because they’re offended that they haven’t been spoken to nicely. They’re out here because they owe shitloads of money in student-loan debt and can’t find a job. Or they can’t afford their mortgage. And if Obama thinks that they’re gonna be able to divert this energy by talking about doing something, he’s got another think coming.”

From: /



This new movement is probably more threatening to President Obama, because many of the young people and minorities who campaigned and voted for him in 2008 might drift away to Occupy’s direct action. If Obama refuses to get tougher on reining in Wall Street, these former supporters may just skip voting in 2012. Yet this new force can ultimately help Obama if he responds to its message. Led by the young, the movement is aligning with the reviving militancy of labor and other progressive constituencies. The spirit is open-armed and patriotic, not negative and divisive. Obama should dare to lead it rather than dodge or oppose it. The Republicans are hopeless, of course, utterly in thrall to banking industry demands.




2403728, Senator Obama supported, lobbied FOR, and voted FOR TARP.
Posted by bvar22 on Wed Nov-30-11 10:39 AM

Prior to voting FOR the Bailouts, he stated that he would NOT vote FOR them unless there were solid protections FOR taxpayers and transparent accountability for the funds. He then voted FOR them anyway.
While he was President, he repeatedly defended the Bailouts,
supported the obscene Bonuses,
and used the Bully Pulpit to down talk the movements for Clawbacks and Cramdowns.

"We can't befrudge them their wealth,"
I know these guys, "and they are just savvy businessmen!"

"Look at all the Baseball Players."

"Its the Free market."

TARP and the Bailouts WERE very much a Bi-partisan SCAM,
and Obama played a BIG part. Any attempt to deny that now is a BIG sack of FAIL.
Too many of us WERE Paying Attention.

Paulson with Co-Conspirators

Now THIS is Bi-Partisanship!

You will know them by their WORKS,
not by their excuses.



2404591, Your cite is from the Damage Control PR follow up.
Posted by bvar22 on Wed Nov-30-11 01:04 PM

Here is what really happened:

(naturally, from the foreign press)

"Last week, when President Obama was asked about the $9m dollar bonus for Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, he described Blankfein as a savvy businessman, adding that Americans don't begrudge people being rewarded for success. While the White House later qualified Obama's comment about Blankfein and his fellow bank executives, it's worth examining more closely some of the ways in which Blankfein and the Goldman gang were "savvy".

"some people cannot see the wood for the trees"?

..and others simply refuse to face the painful truth.


2403802, Continued under Obama and endorsed by him
Posted by proud2BlibKansan on Wed Nov-30-11 10:54 AM
2400689, Then it will be like '68 and help elect '12's Nixon.
Posted by Pirate Smile on Tue Nov-29-11 08:31 PM
2400709, Could Just Be... Maybe Obama Sould Be More Like RFK, Than HHH...
Posted by WillyT on Tue Nov-29-11 08:34 PM


2400781, Maybe. But it would have been a hell of a lot better if people would have realized that HHH was
Posted by Pirate Smile on Tue Nov-29-11 08:44 PM

better then Nixon.

I have no doubt that RFK would have disappointed a lot of those same protesters.

Everyone can assume a slain martyr would have done exactly what they wanted. We all know that the choices in governing never end up so clean. A dream makes it easy to imagine perfection. 
2407011, HHH Hated American Policy in Vietnam
Posted by mckara on Wed Nov-30-11 07:56 PM

So much so, that LBJ wouldn't let him attend briefings and conferences with the military.


2400700, In the many hours I've spent at the Occupy Los Angeles camp at
Posted by coalition_unwilling on Tue Nov-29-11 08:33 PM

City Hall, I have not heard one expression of support for Obama. Not one. Not surprising, since Obama has stayed entirely silent regarding the police brutality that OWS protesters have been subjected to. 
2401500, +100000000000
Posted by Fantastic Anarchist on Tue Nov-29-11 10:26 PM
2402323, Same thing in Denver
Posted by donheld on Wed Nov-30-11 01:25 AM
2402950, Same deal with the protesters in Madison last spring and again this month....
Posted by Scuba on Wed Nov-30-11 06:01 AM

... for the recall Walker rally.

Nobody, nobody, seems to be happy with the actions of the President.

2403840, Same in Philly
Posted by MadrasT on Wed Nov-30-11 11:00 AM

2406828, the only place I ever hear support for Obama is here
Posted by xiamiam on Wed Nov-30-11 07:17 PM

but not in my real life..I'm 61, not a kid..we hoped, we're pissed..and there a lot of people who feel as I do but never come to du 


2406872, BUT THE POLLS!!!!!111
Posted by a2liberal on Wed Nov-30-11 07:27 PM

I'm surprised one of the apologists hasn't chimed in yet with one of those stupid polls that purport to show that the base loves Obama 
2406955, 87% percent want to kiss him!!!! OWS is inconsequential!
Posted by Marr on Wed Nov-30-11 07:45 PM

Unless Obama loses, of course. Then it's THEIR FAULT!


I'm so frickin' disgusted & disappointed with him. 
2408967, Obama's army is now an Army of Occupation. n/t
Posted by Raksha on Thu Dec-01-11 02:50 AM


2404416, How many of those disillusioned OWS people skipped voting last year?
Posted by Major Hogwash on Wed Nov-30-11 12:35 PM

Thinking they had done their part by showing up to the polls in 2008.
The tea party coalition got 87 members elected to the House of Representatives last year.
That didn't happen in a vacuum.

2404700, IT is the JOB of LEADERSHIP to Motivate the Troops.
Posted by bvar22 on Wed Nov-30-11 01:27 PM

If The Voters did NOT turn out in 2010,
it is a Failure of Leadership....Nothing Else.

Blaming the Voters solves NOTHING.
You can't CHANGE The Voters.
But Blaming the Voters DOES allow Leadership to escape from acknowledging their failure,
which only ensures MORE failure.

You can't Fix the Voters,
but you CAN address Failures of Leadership and solve the problems.

If Leadership wants voters to Turn Out,
then Leadership must give them something to Turn Out FOR.
If you promise them "CHANGE",
but deliver the Same Old Shit in a different wrapper,
then don't expect them to turn out.
That IS how it works.

"I've seen it happen time after time. When the Democratic candidate allows himself to be put on the defensive and starts apologizing for the New Deal and the Fair Deal, and says he really doesn't believe in them, he is sure to lose. The people don't want a phony Democrat. If it's a choice between a genuine Republican, and a Republican in Democratic clothing, the people will choose the genuine article, every time; that is, they will take a Republican before they will a phony Democrat, and I don't want any phony Democratic candidates in this campaign."
---President Harry Truman

Leadership! "The Buck Stops HERE!" NO Excuses!

You will know them by their WORKS,
not by their excuses.



2408716, Yes. Why is that seemingly so hard to understand? If the administration were
Posted by WildNovember on Thu Dec-01-11 01:27 AM

doing things the troops were enthusiastic about, the troops would be there in support. If they're not, it's not because they're lazy, stupid, or evil -- it's because they don't support what you're doing, or don't benefit from it. I keep reading posters who act like the low enthusiasm is a willful act to deliberately thwart Obama. Maybe there's some Machiavellian DC types who act on that level, but most ordinary people don't. 

2406774, If OWS didn't hear Candidate Obama say he'd fight tirelessly for
Posted by MannyGoldstein on Wed Nov-30-11 07:06 PM

"Free" trade, extrajudicial torture, imprisonment, and execution, a war on whistleblowers, endless gifts to bankers, and a war on medical marijuana, they just weren't paying attention.

Not Obama's fault.


2406837, helping main street instead of wall street which I haven't heard since the campaign
Posted by xiamiam on Wed Nov-30-11 07:20 PM

he sure cant use that again

Wheeew. And that is heavily edited for brevity.  Much more available at the link. :popcorn:

< watch this space for coming distractions >

Offline Boudicca

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Re: "Houston...We Have A Problem"...
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2011, 12:59:57 PM »
HI5 zeit!  :cheersmate: This is such a good find, and I want to savor their bitter disappointment to the full later when I have run all my errands. :-)
Sneaking into a country doesn't make you an immigrant any
more than breaking into someone's house makes you part of the family.
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Offline Karin

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Re: "Houston...We Have A Problem"...
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2011, 01:38:12 PM »
A thought that comes to mind is, why did Obama think that dividing the country was the winning strategy?  It pisses everybody off.

1)  Let's divide the entire population into the haves and the have-nots, whether that's perceived or real.  Make it part of the culture and conversation.  Never mind that that's not what this country is about.

2)  Come on Moooochelle!  Let's live high on the hog!  Life is full of golf and vacations and extravagent dinners & parties and expensive clothes! 

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Re: "Houston...We Have A Problem"...
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2011, 01:55:59 PM »
Come on Moooochelle!  Let's live high on the hog!..........expensive clothes!  

There is no designer in the world with enough talent.......nor is there enough make that woman look simply ain't gonna happen.

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Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: "Houston...We Have A Problem"...
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2011, 04:48:13 PM »
Obama haz toast...this is legs.... :-)

Yeah, ass backwards just like DUmmies and their president.
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"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin