Author Topic: brain-washed Faux News Addict  (Read 330 times)

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brain-washed Faux News Addict
« on: September 28, 2011, 06:29:39 PM »

lindysalsagal (263 posts)      Tue Sep-27-11 09:32 PM

Original message
I won one round with a brain-washed Faux News Addict today
 I threw some doubt on the “Socialist” accusation.

Someone I’m involved with has been brainwashed by hate TV/radio, so, he’s baffled by my librul politics.

But I finally cut a trough through his irrational fear of Obama.

Here’s a good way to knock the false questions away.

The statement that started it was,
“He’d better not turn our country socialist.”

I of course started with “They are bigots and can’t call him the n word, so they make up anything and repeat it and you believe it.”

Followed by, “But the government’s taking everything over.”

Here’s the tactic. I was quick enough to immediately ask, “What exactly is the government taking over?”

Dead silence. “Health care!.”

So, here’s what shut him up and ended his train of thought: “There is no government health care policy. He’s just making people buy private policies so we don’t waste thousands on non-covered people at emergency rooms. He’s making people go out and get blood pressure medications so they don’t end up in emergency rooms and ICU’s when a simple cheap pill can prevent it. But it's all private insurance companies. There are no government ones. (I left out medicaid and medicare so as not to confuse him.)

“We all pay for these people who don’t have insurance because we treat everyone who comes in, and then the hospitals raise prices or just close entirely.”

That did the trick.

Just wanted to pass that along. At least he knows there’s no point in trying to spew the talking points at me, and now he knows that I know he doesn’t understand what he’s saying.

That's what surprised me: He really doesn't know what he's saying or the implications of stopping Obama.


lindysalsagal, there was no education, no trickeration.  Your Faux News Addict let you win to shut you up.  He wanted to get in your pants and it worked.

Dawgs (1000+ posts)        Wed Sep-28-11 09:35 AM

Response to Original message
4. Did the same thing on facebook yesterday.

 Edited on Wed Sep-28-11 09:35 AM by Dawgs

At first he started out all arrogant and proud.

I countered with my remark and then he responded with a debunked article.

After shutting him up on that I proceeded to destroy his argument on why the rich shouldn't be taxed.

It was surprisingly easy. Unfortunately, our mutual friend removed the whole comment thread and I can't retrieve it. Wish I could so you could see some of his stupid remarks.

Here's an example of one.

"first I don't watch fox news but if I did what is the difference between fox news and the washington post or the atlantic that you use for your sources...they all manipulate data..especially percentages...I guess I have 8 years Bush increased it by 4.9 trillion and under Obama is has increased 4 trillion in 2 years...the fastest pace ever...and it is projected to increase, since we are running at a 1.6 trillion dollar deficit...I don't like it increasing under any president...And personally I believe when the health care debacle kicks in, I don't remember the extact date around 2014? will get worse...and if there is a Republican in office they will get blamed for this too...Bush didn't just cut taxes for the rich...he cut taxes for everyone...I love how it is labeled tax cuts for the rich...sorry got tired of writing.."

The stats he used in this comment were debunked over a month ago.

Dawg, for your bouncy to work, we need to read what you said too.  It's only funny when we can laugh at you.  DUmb Dawg