Author Topic: Pakistini RC woman refuses to convert to ROP after torture, forced marriage  (Read 2630 times)

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Offline Splashdown

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More from the good old "Religion of Peace"TM
A young Pakistani Catholic woman from Quetta, Pakistan is refusing to renounce Christ even after being forced to convert and marry a Muslim man who regularly drugged her and subjected her to mental and physical torture for two years.

Agenzia Fides is reporting that Alfred Arifa, 27, who was kidnapped by a Muslim man named Amjad in May 2009, was finally able to escape after two years of unimaginable suffering. Her story, which was told to Fides by the Pakistani Christians Association in Italy, is not unlike hundreds that routinely take place in this predominantly Muslim country where Christians are barely tolerated and treated as second-class citizens.

Arifa’s ordeal began two years ago when she went to the home of two trusted friends who had secretly aligned themselves to Amjad in the plot to kidnap her. She was given a cup of tea laced with drugs that caused her to fall unconscious.

When she awoke, she found herself in Amjad’s house. He told her she had converted to Islam and married him. Amjad even produced a phony marriage certificate. Arifa said it was impossible for her to have converted to Islam or married him because she was unconscious.
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Offline Aristotelian

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What a magnificent lady.

But Arifa is standing firm: “I am a Christian and have always remained steadfast in my Christian faith and continued to pray to Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary in my heart for liberation during these two years of imprisonment”.

Offline PatrickMahoney

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Here's antoher story, this one is about an ex-muslim woman.

I am a ex-muslim womyn who was formerly married to a muslim man and I want to share my story. This article is INCREDIBLY biased & I found it offensive that such a whitewashed version of islam could be put on a public site. It tells nothing of the MILLIONS of muslim women raped or even murdered in the name of Islam.
I was married at gunpoint when I was 11 years old because a rich 60-year old man from my country decided that I was to become property and not a humyn being. My family was poor then, and my mother needed an operation so my family agreed to it because they were promised money. Of course it is normal in Arab culture to lie and cheat, so we never received the money. We went to court, but before the trial could convene, my husband had my whole family murdered in front of me as I was forced to watch. My baby brother was tied to a Mercedes Benz and dragged through the desert, while my 90-year old grandmother was stabbed. The rest of my family was locked in a barn as a dozen trucks pulled up, and were suffocated to death using diesel exhaust.
After this my "husband" who had kidnapped me and murdered my family for the crime of being poor left the country and we lived for a while in Switzerland as he had some money stashed away in a Swiss bank account. I was raped, drugged and beaten almost every night, and forced to cook dinner. If I didn't do as my kidnapper and tormenter demanded, he would resort to violence and force me to watch videos of my family being murdered. While we were in Switzerland my husband had a friend a white Swiss man who converted to islam and sometimes he would come and join in the torture. He was an ex-SS man who worked in Auschwitz and had a number of torture implements from the war, and would take joy in torturing me and laugh maniacally as I cried out in pain.
Around this time I realized that I was lesbian as well so I attempted to ask my "husband" for a divorce. Of course since Islamic law does not permit divorce or same-sex relationships this only made the abuse even worse. I managed to escape and lived in the woods for about a month, eating mud and grass, and sometimes even drinking my own blood to stay alive. During that time I was hiding and had to sleep in an outhouse. Eventually my husband found me and he gouged out one of my eyes and amputated one of my feet with a sword for this (afterwards locking me in a dark closet with nails in the door for a week) and said "women are not humans, the Koran says they have to serve men". My husband's Nazi friend helped him set up an electrified barbed wire fence around our house so that I could not leave without permission.
I went to the police but after my husband made a donation of a new fleet of squad cars and promised to renovate their headquarters the charges were dropped. The torture continued for about a whole year. Around the same time, my husband started associating with more far-right thugs, and they would regularly go out at night and "look for a Jew or two to beat up". When I tried to say that it was wrong, somehow my husband became paranoid that I might have had some Jewish blood as his friend the Nazi told him. So just to show me who was "boss" he locked me in the closet again for two weeks. Daily he would insult me as a "filthy Jew" and hurl racial slurs at me. So I tried to run away again. I dug underneath the electrified fence in our yard using a spoon and eventually made it to the Dutch border. As I did not have any money, I was forced to sneak across the border.
I hitchhiked to Paris and went into the American embassy. An Israeli Jew who was doing business in Paris at the time generously sponsored me to get a visa, paid for my living expenses in Paris, and also gave me first-class airline ticket to the United States, along with $5000 in cash. He said that, as someone whose parents and entire family had died in the Holocaust, he felt moved and compelled to help another person in need. Today I live in California and have a fufilling relationship with my fiancee (we would have gotten married if it had not been for the draconian Prop 8 which reminds me of shariah) and a job. In 2008, I voted for the first time for Obama, who like me, comes from an oppressed minority background. I am here to tell everyone we MUST fight Islam because Islam is the worst form of patriarchy, a barbaric death cult that encourages subjugation of womyn and indeed all humyn beings.
It will not be an easy fight but fight it we must.

Offline vesta111

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Propaganda goes wild here.

Anyone want to join in here as to worse written story???

Lets see if I can do a horrid story, worse then usual.

Back way back after the 2WW I was captured by a band of Japanese Army that had been stranded in the North Woods for 20 years after the war. I was about 8 years old and had stayed out after dark and these men were disguised as traveling Gypsies.

I had no problem with them as they just needed a Caucasian female to throw people off-----No Asians in this caravan.

Never feared sexual assult as when I was first captured they did a complete physical on me and were horrified to find I was built sideways from their woman.   

I need to think on this one-----Later-------