Author Topic: Mother sets fire to her daughter's gloating rapist  (Read 785 times)

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Mother sets fire to her daughter's gloating rapist
« on: May 27, 2011, 08:13:44 PM »
A Spanish mother has taken revenge on the man who raped her 13-year-old daughter at knifepoint by dousing him in petrol and setting him alight. He died of his injuries in hospital on Friday.

Antonio Cosme Velasco Soriano, 69, had been sent to jail for nine years in 1998, but was let out on a three-day pass...


...and returned to his home town of Benejúzar, 30 miles south of Alicante, on the Costa Blanca.

While there, he passed his victim's mother in the street and allegedly taunted her about the attack. He is said to have called out "How's your daughter?", before heading into a crowded bar.

Shortly after, the woman walked into the bar, poured a bottle of petrol over Soriano and lit a match. She watched as the flames engulfed him, before walking out.

The woman fled to Alicante, where she was arrested the same evening. When she appeared in court the next day in the town of Orihuela, she was cheered and clapped by a crowd, who shouted "Bravo!" and "Well done!"


A judge ordered her to be held in prison and undergo psychiatric tests, provoking anger from friends and neighbours, who have set up a petition calling for her release.

Soriano suffered 60 per cent burns in the attack on June 13 and was airlifted to a specialist unit. He survived for 11 days before succumbing to his injuries.

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Re: Mother sets fire to her daughter's gloating rapist
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2011, 08:39:55 PM »
Go, mom!  Hope she gets off. 

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Re: Mother sets fire to her daughter's gloating rapist
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2011, 08:46:27 PM »
Is the year a typo? He should have been out in 2007, otherwise.
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Offline Boudicca

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Re: Mother sets fire to her daughter's gloating rapist
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2011, 09:13:10 PM »
Don't get between a Mama Grizzly and her cub.
So glad the ****er didn't get to die with dignity OR without pain.
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more than breaking into someone's house makes you part of the family.
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Re: Mother sets fire to her daughter's gloating rapist
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2011, 08:10:29 AM »
Story is from 2005.

Not exactly timely, but still gives a warm fuzzy.  Roast in hell, sumbitch.
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Offline vesta111

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Re: Mother sets fire to her daughter's gloating rapist
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2011, 09:50:14 AM »
Story is from 2005.

Not exactly timely, but still gives a warm fuzzy.  Roast in hell, sumbitch.

Interesting how monsters are dispatched in this world.

Remember the story of a 6 year old kidnapped and spent a few weeks being raped ????   Was this California perhaps.

The child lived and the kidnapper was arrested. For some reason I don't remember the kidnapper was to be transported by air to face trial.    The next was filmed by airport security, as the Marshales walked him through the airport a man talking on the phone drew a gun and shot him dead.---The child's father.

Bad Vesta, I cheered and told family "" Here's a real MAN""    What I did not think of at the time was this father was going to jail himself charged with murder first degree-----death penalty possible.

Gave me pause for thought, if this happend to my child would their father do the same ????  Not likely ,  we parents who have never faced this horror can sit about and tell ourselves and others what we would do in that situation and if God forbids it does happen, the shock makes us unable to do anything for years after.  :banghead:   

The difference between these two cases is the mother that set her child's rapists on fire acted on the spur of the moment, the dad that shot his sons rapists was premeditated an worked out well.   He stalked the man, coldly and calmly executed the man. 

According to the law both were themselves murderers, worse then the people they killed.   Both their children survived physical assaults and lived.  Both people had a catalysts that came into the lives of children and changed them forever.

Should the parents of the children risked both their lives to end the existence from the earth of MONSTERS?????

I believe so, I look at this as from the view point of our men and woman in the service that head out to war, if they die or become a POW the family will just have to go forward without them.  A parent avenging harm to their child is not so different, to face the consequences of fighting Monsters that MAY become a threat to the family and fighting Monsters that have all ready harmed the family-----A bitch of a decision.

One does what one must to rid the world of Monsters, an age old fight, Good vrs Evil.

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“Sometimes the curses of the godless sound better than the hallelujahs of the pious.”

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Re: Mother sets fire to her daughter's gloating rapist
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2011, 11:05:10 AM »
Adios cucaracha! Say hi to Osama bin Laden for me.  :fuelfire:
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Offline vesta111

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Re: Mother sets fire to her daughter's gloating rapist
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2011, 11:38:11 AM »
No jury in the world will convict her.

All depends on the jury, the judge and where the trial took place.

Iran and the rest of the middle eastern Muslims would have her stoned to death.  Asia is a toss up as the child was a female, India closes it's eyes to female deaths, rapes etc.

Parts of Africa may give her a pass, Russia, depends as the Muslim comunity is growing day to day.

France perhaps time served in prison waiting for the trial, South America would most likely never brought this to arrest or trial.

Interesting how all our cultures come to a split on these matters.------

Texas had a law that a man that found a man in his bed with his wife  he could shoot him.   Considered temporary insanity. Some how the woman got left out if they shot husbands girlfriend----off to prison.


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Re: Mother sets fire to her daughter's gloating rapist
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2011, 12:28:44 PM »
Interesting how monsters are dispatched in this world.

Remember the story of a 6 year old kidnapped and spent a few weeks being raped ????   Was this California perhaps.

The child lived and the kidnapper was arrested. For some reason I don't remember the kidnapper was to be transported by air to face trial.    The next was filmed by airport security, as the Marshales walked him through the airport a man talking on the phone drew a gun and shot him dead.---The child's father.

Bad Vesta, I cheered and told family "" Here's a real MAN""    What I did not think of at the time was this father was going to jail himself charged with murder first degree-----death penalty possible.

Gave me pause for thought, if this happend to my child would their father do the same ????  Not likely ,  we parents who have never faced this horror can sit about and tell ourselves and others what we would do in that situation and if God forbids it does happen, the shock makes us unable to do anything for years after.  :banghead:   

The difference between these two cases is the mother that set her child's rapists on fire acted on the spur of the moment, the dad that shot his sons rapists was premeditated an worked out well.   He stalked the man, coldly and calmly executed the man. 

According to the law both were themselves murderers, worse then the people they killed.   Both their children survived physical assaults and lived.  Both people had a catalysts that came into the lives of children and changed them forever.

Should the parents of the children risked both their lives to end the existence from the earth of MONSTERS?????

I believe so, I look at this as from the view point of our men and woman in the service that head out to war, if they die or become a POW the family will just have to go forward without them.  A parent avenging harm to their child is not so different, to face the consequences of fighting Monsters that MAY become a threat to the family and fighting Monsters that have all ready harmed the family-----A bitch of a decision.

One does what one must to rid the world of Monsters, an age old fight, Good vrs Evil.
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Offline vesta111

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Re: Mother sets fire to her daughter's gloating rapist
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2011, 12:44:24 PM »
Then you have this mind bending film