Author Topic: Is Racism to blame...Comments section  (Read 1792 times)

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Offline zeitgeist

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Is Racism to blame...Comments section
« on: May 26, 2011, 07:32:01 PM »
I read a lot of comments to articles to try and gage public opinion.  I am posting a link to this article and a single comment. 


ByteRider 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand WHY WE HATE OBAMA: THE TRUTH--

Obama's list of FAILURES & LIES - all in 24 months


*Remove all combat troops from Iraq in 16 months - FAIL
*Closing of GITMO in 1st Year of presidency - FAIL
*Create 5 million Green Jobs - NONE created - FAIL
*Said no former Lobbyist will work on contracts in the Obama Administration - FAIL
*Restrict Warrantless Wiretaps - he promised but has done nothing - FAIL
*Transparency - promised 72 hour posting of laws before HE SIGNED them - FAIL
*TRILLION Stimulus JOB Plan - FAIL
*Said unemployment rate would go no higher than 8% - FAIL
*Tripled National debt after saying he would not add one dime - FAIL
*Bi-Partisanship - said he would cross party lines, instead calls them names - FAIL
*Demands Pay/Go only to sign the Unemployment Bill unfunded - FAIL
*Said Obamacare would cover every child but it doesn't - FAIL
*GULF Coast Support - tells everyone to go there for vacation while he goes to Maine for his - FAIL
*Housing Market - 40 Billion Mortgage Plan to save homeowners - FAIL
*Russian Spy Swap - gives Russia 6 spies and the US gets 2 - FAIL
*Prosecution of 9-11 Terrorists - wants their trials at ground zero - FAIL
*Olympics for USA - goes to Copenhagen and gets the US out of the 1st round - FAIL
*Race Relations - calls a white cop stupid then has a beer - FAIL
*Tennessee Flood Disaster Response - no response - FAIL
*Delayed GULF OIL Leak Response - did nothing but golf & blame BP - FAIL
*Border Security - sues a state trying to protect its border – Fail
*Response to Michigan OIL Spill - no response - FAIL
*Goes to a memorial in Tucson and throws a Campaign Rally - Fail
*G20 Summit - tells them to keep spending money - they laugh at him - FAIL
*Afghanistan -Top US General Resigns over Obama's plan for US defeat - FAIL
*European Missile Defense - scraps program for the Russians, gets nothing - FAIL
*Bowing to 3rd World Leaders & making excuses for America’s existence - Fail
*Haiti Response - gave 1 week of effort never to be heard of again - Fail
*Mexico Border - drug war along the border & he has made no trips - FAIL
*North Korea – He was laughed at & taunted - FAIL
*Global Climate Change Consensus - He lead but nobody followed - FAIL
*Tells the world Bahrain and other nations are "Stable" right before revolution! - FAIL
*Ignores Iran's (our greatest enemy) near-revolution but speaks out about Egypt's (our friend) revolution.  - FAIL
*Sides with terrorists and demands Israel give up its borders. - FAIL



SAUL ALINSKY: *Overthrow Capitalism *Taught use of Class Warfare *Well-know Marxist/Socialist
*Wrote “Rules for Radicals” *Uses Trojan-Horse tactics *Uses deception to hide your motives
*Uses techniques to make people feel so defeated *Is a Master Manipulator *Obama said, “Best education I ever had” *Obama pushed Alinsky model while at ACORN *Obama wrote an article honouring Alinsky
GREGORY GALLUZO: *Alinsky leader *Alisnky’s “Greatest Diciple” *Uses a radical socialist agenda
*Wants collective property ownership *Pushes wealth redistribution *Teaches “The Need for Power”
*Trains militant activist *He mentored Obama on Alinsky *Obama instructed workshops on Alinsky’s Power & Self-Interest *Obama worked for Galluzo’s org.

FRANK MARSHALL DAVIS: *Communist leader/author *Opposes Capitalism * Friend of Obama’s family
*Praises Soviet Red Army *Was under FBI investigation *Fled to Hawaii from Chicago *Obama’s childhood mentor in Hawaii from age 10-19 *Advised Obama on Education *Obama calls him “Frank” in his memoir

BERNADINE DOHRN & BILL AYERS: Radicals “Down with Capitalism” *”Kill all the rich people” *I’m a marxist and anarchist *”I didn’t bomb America enough” Sept 11, 2001 *Self-proclaimed communists *Plotted to overthrow government *Worked with Obama 7 years *Friendly neighbours *Obama’s political party at Ayers’ house *Obama endorsed his book *Spoke together on panels

ACORN: Socialist Welfare Agenda *Uses the poor as leverage *Pushes wealth redistribution *Trains militant activists *Pushed Sub-Prime mortgages *Guilty of Voter Frauds *Acorn’s lawyer trained ACORN on Alinsky *Obama paid ACORN $832K in 07/08

DR KHALID AL MANSOUR: *Said “There will be the largest bloodbath in America” *”Tear the flesh out of the White people – don’t worry, Attah wants you to do it” *Radical Muslim-Black Panther *Pulled strings for Obama’s acceptance to Harvard *Funded Obama’s education *Got Obama into Harvard’s Law Review

Louis Farrakhan: *Said, “Allah will destroy America” & “America is the Great Satan” *Radical Muslim leader *Pushes Marxist Socialism *Ties to Black Panthers *Calls Obama “The Messiah” *Endorsed Obama *Organized Million-Man March with Obama *Honored Farrakhan with Prestigious Award

Rev Jeremiah Wright: *Said, “God @#$% America” *Demands “Economic Parity” *Instills Class & Racial Warfare *Claims Gov. “created AIDS to kill blacks” *Met with Arabs with Farrakhan *Obama’s pastor for 20+ years *Married the Obamas *Obama’s father figure

Michelle Obama: *Called America “just down-right mean” & “For the first time in 26 years, I am proud of my country” *Views America as Black vs White *Quotes Saul Alinsky in a speech

COMMUNIST PARTY OF THE USA: *“The future is Socialism” *”Capitalism is the enemy” *Pushes Marxism-Leninism *Remove private ownership *Wealth redistribution *Class Warfare & Welfare state
*Endorses Obama

DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST OF AMERICA: *Pushes Marxist principles (81 Democrats in congress are members) *Wealth redistribution *Remove private ownership & property rights *Obama’s Chicago new party *Obama once a registered Socialist! *Obama presented at Socialist Conferences & endorsed

Barack Obama: *Claims flaws in Constitution *Acting on Alinsky’s plans *Implementing Class Warfare
*Wealth redistribution *Economic justice *Said “Spread the wealth” *Pushes for Global welfare *Studied Marxist Doctrines


Obama, in his book, said he was mentored as a youth by Frank Marshall Davis an avowed Communist… THE LAP DOG MEDIA SAID IT DIDN’T MATTER……

When it was discovered that his grandparents were socialists who sent Obama's mother to a socialist school where she was introduced to Frank Marshall Davis & he was later introduced to young Barrack Hussein Obama… THE LAP DOG MEDIA SAID IT DID NOT MATTER…..

When people found out that Barrack Hussein Obama was enrolled as a Muslim child in school & his father & stepfather were both Muslims… THE LAP DOG MEDIA SAID IT DID NOT MATTER…..

When he wrote in another book he authored "I will stand with them (Muslims) should the political winds shift in an ugly direction… THE LAP DOG MEDIA SAID IT DID NOT MATTER…..

When he admittedly, in his book, said he chose Marxist friends & professors in college.

When he traveled to Pakistan, after college on an unknown national passport..

When he sought the endorsement of the Marxist Party in 1996 as he ran for the Illinois Senate… THE LAP DOG MEDIA SAID IT DID NOT MATTER…..

When he sat in a Chicago Church for twenty years & listened to a preacher spew hatred for America & preach black liberation theology... THE LAP DOG MEDIA SAID IT DID NOT MATTER…..

When an independent Washington organization that tracks Senate voting records gave him the distinctive title as the "most liberal senator…” THE LAP DOG MEDIA SAID IT DIDN’T MATTER...

Read more:

And FWIW it appears a dummy got loose from the 911 Dungeon to post comments as well.  Sad, those nutcases need help.
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Offline zeitgeist

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Re: Is Racism to blame...Comments section
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2011, 07:36:29 PM »
The truth squad in the White House must be in full panic mode over these comments:

Barack Mugabe 1 comment collapsed Collapse Expand

Hard to blame you for playing the race card.  Your other option would be to tout his great economic agenda, his fantastic effort on the deficit and his having rammed radical Marxist laws down the country's throat against its will, his having wasted trillions of borrowed dollars to no good end and his having backtracked on his demagoguery of Bush's national security policies.

Yeah, stick with the race card.  It's your best bet at this point.

Read more:

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Offline RightCoast

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Re: Is Racism to blame...Comments section
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2011, 08:28:19 PM »
Must add: humiliates himself at formal dinner for the Queen.
nine eleven is a car
nine one one is an emergency service
September 11, 2001 was an attack
Never Forget, or Minimize.

Offline zeitgeist

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Re: Is Racism to blame...Comments section
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2011, 11:58:39 AM »
Must add: humiliates himself at formal dinner for the Queen.

It has been my general experience that when one makes a social faux pas like this, the retribution from the spousal unit is far greater and more vicious than that of the public.  I would love to have been a fly on the wall listening to that conversation.  Women absolutely hate to be made to look the fool or be seen as low class in public, whispers,snickers, and side glances take on a whole new meaning for them. Paddy O'bumbler heard about this from Mooch.  I would make book on it.

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Offline Chris_

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Re: Is Racism to blame...Comments section
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2011, 12:07:48 PM »
It has been my general experience that when one makes a social faux pas like this, the retribution from the spousal unit is far greater and more vicious than that of the public.  I would love to have been a fly on the wall listening to that conversation.  Women absolutely hate to be made to look the fool or be seen as low class in public, whispers,snickers, and side glances take on a whole new meaning for them. Paddy O'bumbler heard about this from Mooch.  I would make book on it.

As bad as some of the stories I heard about Hillary during the 90's were, I think Michelle could give her a run for her money.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.