Author Topic: 911  (Read 665 times)

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Offline catswiththumbs

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« on: April 03, 2011, 08:55:16 AM »
I wrote this a long time ago, just found it again - I don't often come up with something that actually makes ME laugh - I don't know why, this just does.


"Police Emergency - what is the nature of your emergency?"

"My thread was stolen."

"All right, sir. Do you know who stole your thread?"

"There was a whole gang of them."

"This incident was gang related?"

"Well, not a GANG gang, just a lot of thread stealers."

"Can you describe them?"

"Well, no. I've never seen them."

"You saw them steal your thread, but you don't know what they look like?"

"Well, see, it's a forum where we post different things."

"Can I have the forum street address, sir?"

"Well, no, it's on the internet, and I started a thread one way and they stole it and went the other way."

"What was the color and how much of your thread was stolen sir?"

"No, no, it's a long, continuous list of posts under one category by a lot of different people."

"Where do you think they might have taken your thread?"

"Well, see, it's technically still THERE, they just took it somewhere else."

"Your thread is there?"

"Well, yes, you can look and see for yourself."

"You said it was stolen, sir."

"Well, yes, they stole the GIST of my thread, the physical words are still there. Hello? Hello?"