Author Topic: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED April 12, 2011)  (Read 7940 times)

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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 18, 2011)
« Reply #25 on: March 19, 2011, 09:53:19 AM »
Bullshit, Vesta. Many of us people from middle America knew quite a bit about nuclear power & "The Bomb". Perhaps it's because there WERE quite a few USAF Bases around??  Ya know, **** you, you biased idiot!! OBTW...... where did most of the experimentation with "The Bomb" happen??  Do you know?? Do you happen to remember?? Just to refresh your mind, it was in New Mexico.....

Oh yes Thor I remember that well, for a month the government put out news releases on the first experiment, people all over the country were invited to wittiness this event. --------  Right, few people in government knew anything about the tests.

Sure the farmers that lived 70 miles from the site were a bit upset when then they found 500 sheep dead a week later,  OOPSI, that was not supposed to happen.   so sorry but the test had nothing to do with your problems, perhaps the sheep died of fear because there were wolf packs in the area.

Going back to the tests on Bikini Islands and the ships that Observed the tests, that must have been fun for the men on the ships with no goggles to blunt the flash of the bomb or protective clothing from the radiation fall out.

Thor, I am not a young kid, I see what is going on, I have a good friend that finally at the age of 60 got  a government pension because of Agent Orange.  All these years this man was ill but no one would give the agent Orange a thought---was it money that they could not spend on the veterans ??

I distrust every thing our and any other governed does, I have read history , lived through it, and now find that most of my worse fears are true.  I am not paranoid, I just look back to see what was what  and become very confused about about the world of today.

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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 18, 2011)
« Reply #26 on: March 19, 2011, 11:01:07 AM »
Today's update:


At a March 19 news conference, Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said that sea water injection is continuing at reactors 1, 2 and 3 at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.

Preparations were being made to spray water into the used fuel pool at reactor 4, and an unmanned vehicle sprayed more than 1,500 gallons of water over seven hours into the used fuel pool at reactor 3, Edano said. He also said he believed that the situation at the reactor 3 fuel pool is stabilizing.

Some reactor cooling capacity has been restored at reactors 5 and 6 after the installation of generators at those reactors, Edano added.

Edano said that progress had been made on “a fundamental solution” to restore power at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, with electricity expected to be restored at reactors 1 and 2 today and reactor 3 as early as Sunday.
Edano said that additional equipment was being transported to the site and that other means of providing cooling water to the pool is be examined.

Radiation dose at the west gate of the Fukushima Daiichi was 83 millirem per hour on March 18 at 7:10 p.m. EDT and dropped to 36 millirem per hour by 8 p.m. EDT, Edano said. Radiation levels have decreased since March 16. Although they are higher than normal, radiation levels near the reactors are within the range that allows workers to continue onsite recovery measures, the International Atomic Energy Agency said.

According to the IAEA, radiation dose rates in Tokyo and other areas outside the 30-kilometer zone remain far below levels which would require any protective action by the public.

All reactors at the Fukushima Daini nuclear power plant are in cold shutdown (See the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum website).

Radiation levels have increased above the federal government’s level in some food products from the Fukushima Prefecture and nearby areas. These levels were detected in samples of milk in Fukushima Prefecture and six samples of spinach in neighboring Ibaraki Prefecture, according to the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum. Edano said that if these products are consumed for a year, the total radiation dose would be equivalent to one CT scan.

Additional monitoring of food products is continuing in those regions

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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 18, 2011)
« Reply #27 on: March 19, 2011, 11:44:43 AM »
Today's update:


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« Last Edit: March 19, 2011, 11:49:07 AM by Jaro »

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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 19, 2011)
« Reply #28 on: March 19, 2011, 11:52:08 AM »

TVDOC has been providing informational updates on the state of the reactor and if you have something to add to that as far as factual information please feel free tp add.
If you wish to discuss the possible effects of the problem then start a thread of your own regarding that and state what you want to discuss.

DO NOT continue to use this one for that purpose and that is final.

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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 19, 2011)
« Reply #29 on: March 19, 2011, 07:22:09 PM »
Public opinion poll since event:

U.S. Public Opinion Data
U.S. public opinion on the safety of nuclear energy is relatively unchanged from 2008 levels despite the Fukushima accident, and 60 percent of Americans surveyed said the situation in Japan has made no difference in how they feel about nuclear energy in the United States.

Fox News Poll conducted by Anderson Robbins Research and Shaw & Co. Research. March 14-16, 2011. N=913 registered voters nationwide. Margin of error plus or minus 3.

"Do you believe nuclear power is a safe source of energy?"

.                          Yes   No   Unsure
.                            %    %    %
March 14-16, 2011   51   40    9
June   17-18, 2008   53   34    13

"Has the current situation in Japan made you less likely to support using nuclear energy as a power source here in the United States, or has it not made a difference to how you feel?" If less likely: "Is that much less or just somewhat less likely?"

.                         Much less likely         Somewhat less likely        Not made a difference         Unsure
.                                  %                    %                                 %                                   %
March 14-16, 2011         19                   18                                 60                                   3

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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 19, 2011)
« Reply #30 on: March 19, 2011, 07:28:11 PM »
Latest update:

Radiation doses at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant continue to decrease. Radiation dose rates at the site boundary of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant ranged from 1 millirem to 3 millirem per hour on March 18. Eighteen locations were monitored in a 30-kilometer to 60-kilometer radius of the plant. The highest radiation dose rate at any of those locations was 14 millirem per hour.

Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) is installing high voltage cables from a nearby transmission line to reactors 1 and 2 at Fukushima Daiichi. Power is expected to be restored to reactors 1 and 2 later today (Saturday, March 19, Japan time). Priority is being given to restoring power to residual heat removal and cooling water pumps at the reactors. Plans are being made to extend high voltage cables to reactors 3 and 4 by March 21.

TEPCO also is stepping up efforts today to add water to the used fuel pool at reactor 4.

Two diesel generators are running and supplying electrical power to reactors 5 and 6 at Fukushima Daiichi. A residual heat removal pump, powered by a diesel generator, is providing cooling to the spent fuel pool at reactor 5. Temperature in the spent fuel pool at reactor 5 is “high, but decreasing,” according to Japan nuclear industry sources.

There has been no change in the primary reactor containment structures at the Fukushima Daiichi plant. Crews are still pumping seawater into the reactors 1, 2 and 3 to cool the fuel.
All four reactors at Fukushima Daini have reached cold shutdown conditions with normal cooling being maintained using residual heat removal systems.

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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 19, 2011)
« Reply #31 on: March 19, 2011, 09:55:04 PM »
1-3 mr/hr at the fenceline?  Sounds like some material got scattered around, but none of the primary containments have been breached.  Good news after all for a change.

Oh, and Vesta?  As someone who DOES know about nuclear power, you're so full of shit your eyes are brown.  Have an extra big bowl of STFU, won't you?
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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 19, 2011)
« Reply #32 on: March 19, 2011, 10:01:28 PM »
1-3 mr/hr at the fenceline?  Sounds like some material got scattered around, but none of the primary containments have been breached.  Good news after all for a change.

Oh, and Vesta?  As someone who DOES know about nuclear power, you're so full of shit your eyes are brown.  Have an extra big bowl of STFU, won't you?

Lucky for her, I hear it's free.    :-)

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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 19, 2011)
« Reply #33 on: March 19, 2011, 10:12:44 PM »
1-3 mr/hr at the fenceline?  Sounds like some material got scattered around, but none of the primary containments have been breached.  Good news after all for a change.

Oh, and Vesta?  As someone who DOES know about nuclear power, you're so full of shit your eyes are brown.  Have an extra big bowl of STFU, won't you?

Yeah....reading between the lines, I suspect that happened with the hydrogen explosions at the spent fuel rod pools, which seem to be the focus of their efforts right now.

In comments just released the power has been restored to the main reactor systems, and they are preparing to start the primary cooling circuits.  Some concern over possible damage to the pumps however, so I assume that they are doing inspections and tests.

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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 19, 2011)
« Reply #34 on: March 19, 2011, 10:26:01 PM »
About the only thing they can really do at this point is ensure that they won't cavitate when they start them up.  The mechanical seals should have remained intact.  If these are like the coolant pumps at other older BWR's I've been to, these are 4160 vac motors versus the 12-15 kV motors found in most larger PWR's.  This is good because less starting surge, less "robust" generators, etc., will be needed.

If these are "watercooled" bearings like on some RCP's there might be a problem with air binding in the bearings, but God knows I wouldn't want to be the one going in the primary containment and venting them off.  They're just going to have to keep a real close eye on the pump RTD's and discharge pressure to make sure they don't eat the impellers from cavitation.
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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 19, 2011)
« Reply #35 on: March 19, 2011, 10:33:42 PM »
About the only thing they can really do at this point is ensure that they won't cavitate when they start them up.  The mechanical seals should have remained intact.  If these are like the coolant pumps at other older BWR's I've been to, these are 4160 vac motors versus the 12-15 kV motors found in most larger PWR's.  This is good because less starting surge, less "robust" generators, etc., will be needed.

If these are "watercooled" bearings like on some RCP's there might be a problem with air binding in the bearings, but God knows I wouldn't want to be the one going in the primary containment and venting them off.  They're just going to have to keep a real close eye on the pump RTD's and discharge pressure to make sure they don't eat the impellers from cavitation.

My understanding is that the power lines they were runniing was to backfeed from the grid, so they can transfer the generators to the pumps on the pools.

« Last Edit: March 19, 2011, 10:36:36 PM by TVDOC »

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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 19, 2011)
« Reply #36 on: March 19, 2011, 11:57:29 PM »
My understanding is that the power lines they were runniing was to backfeed from the grid, so they can transfer the generators to the pumps on the pools.


So IOW, they're doing like any other power plant does during a scheduled outage (like the one we're going into in a couple of weeks.)  That also makes it easier to isolate damaged electrical systems from the rest of the busses.

I'd go into more detail, but the big long post I just typed up disappeared for whatever reason.  Effin Windows 7 laptop.
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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 19, 2011)
« Reply #37 on: March 20, 2011, 01:14:10 AM »
So IOW, they're doing like any other power plant does during a scheduled outage (like the one we're going into in a couple of weeks.)  That also makes it easier to isolate damaged electrical systems from the rest of the busses.

I'd go into more detail, but the big long post I just typed up disappeared for whatever reason.  Effin Windows 7 laptop.

Abbreviations do the lay person little good, Sparky.

BTW, I'm, pretty sure it's operator error when it comes to disappearing posts....... I haven't had but ONE problem with Windows 7 that wasn't operator induced.... :fuelfire: :tongue:
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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 20, 2011)
« Reply #38 on: March 20, 2011, 02:52:08 PM »
Latest update:

A two-part operation to spray water into the used fuel pool at Fukushima Daiichi reactor 4 ended just before 7 A.M. EDT. Japan’s defense ministry announced that the Self Defense Force discharged more than 100 tons of water at the pool, and concluded that much of it reached inside the reactor building.

This was the first time since the March 11 quake that reactor 4 has been doused. Yesterday the Tokyo elite fire services used a high-pressure fire truck to spray water for more than 13 hours into the fuel pool of reactor 3.

The ministry also reported conducting surface temperature measurements of reactors 1 through 4 from a helicopter to evaluate the effect of the water discharge operations. The surface temperature of each unit is below 100 degrees Celsius.

Tokyo Electric Power Co. said this morning that pressure within the reactor containment vessel from reactor 3 has begun to stabilize and has decided against an operation to vent gases to reduce pressure inside the containment vessel.

TEPCO is continuing work to restore electricity to reactor 2. A power cable has been connected from a nearby transmission line. TEPCO hopes to have power restored to the reactor’s control room sometime today. Connections to reactors 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are to follow.

« Last Edit: March 20, 2011, 02:55:43 PM by TVDOC »

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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 20, 2011)
« Reply #39 on: March 21, 2011, 12:06:42 PM »
Late report yesterday:

Fukushima Daiichi
Reactors 5 and 6 at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant are in cold shutdown, the International Atomic Energy Agency reports. This means that the reactors are in a safe mode, with cooling systems stable and under control, and with low temperatures and pressures.

When the quake struck, both reactors had been shut down for inspection and refueling, and had some fuel inside the reactor cores. Tokyo Electric Power Co. has been using a pair of diesel generators at reactor 6 to pump water through the reactors and to their used fuel pools.

An elite firefighting unit sprayed water over the spent fuel pool of reactor 3, Japan's Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency reported.

Japan's NISA reported that TEPCO early this morning began pumping sea water into the used fuel pool at reactor 2.

The company is checking individual circuits as it prepares to restore offsite electricity to the reactor's main control room, where it will be able to check and monitor plant systems. To restore power to reactors 3 and 4, TEPCO is considering laying power cables to bypass a radiation contaminated area.

The March 11 earthquake was stronger than the Daiichi plant was designed to withstand, the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum reported. Maximum ground acceleration near reactor 3 was 507 centimeters per second squared - more than the plant's design reference values of 449.

Fukushima Daini
All four reactors at Fukushima Daini nuclear power plant are in cold shutdown with normal cooling.

Small amounts of radioactive iodine - less than a third of the safety limit - have been found in tap water in Tokyo and five other areas, the Japanese government reported. Earlier, radiation had been found in milk and spinach in areas near the reactor.

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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 21, 2011)
« Reply #40 on: March 21, 2011, 12:12:02 PM »
This mornings report:

Fukushima Daiichi
Tokyo Electric Power Co. continued efforts on Monday to restore power to its reactors at Fukushima Daiichi as well as stabilize cooling in the used fuel pools of some reactors. Reactors 1, 2 and 3 are in stable condition and reactors 5 and 6 are stable and being cooled by systems powered by electricity that was restored over the weekend.

The Tokyo Fire Department sprayed cooling water into the reactor 3 used fuel pool for about 4.5 hours, ending early Monday morning. At reactor 4, Japan’s Self-Defense Force sprayed water into the pool for about two hours. Overall, 13 fire engines have been used in the spraying. Efforts to spray water into the used fuel pools at reactors 3 and 4 reactor buildings and used fuel pools was stopped on Monday while TEPCO assessed the effectiveness of these efforts.

Workers were evacuated from the area around reactors 2 and 3 Monday when smoke was observed coming from the secondary containment buildings.  The smoke was determined to originate from a source unrelated to reactor systems.

Electricity is expected to be restored to both reactors 3 and 4 by March 23.

Radiation dose rates at monitoring posts are slightly higher than on past days. Rates at the plant site boundary range from 1 to 3 millirem per hour. Radiation dose rates in the area where fire trucks have been located are reported to be 2 to 3 rem per hour, with some isolated areas as high as 30 rem per hour.

Fukushima Daini
All reactors are in cold shutdown and are stable.

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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 21, 2011)
« Reply #41 on: March 21, 2011, 12:18:28 PM »
Of course, the news is still pushing the "OH, NOES!!!  THEY'S RUNNING AWAY--WE'S ALL GONNA DIE!!!!" meme about the smoke from Unit 3. 

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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 21, 2011)
« Reply #42 on: March 21, 2011, 12:35:02 PM »
Of course, the news is still pushing the "OH, NOES!!!  THEY'S RUNNING AWAY--WE'S ALL GONNA DIE!!!!" meme about the smoke from Unit 3


Yeah....the rumors leaking out are that building three was extensively damaged by the quake (the exterior building), and while testing circuits in preparation for starting the pumps, a junction box shorted and caught fire.  I would speculate that there are numerous damaged wiring problems to deal with.

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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 21, 2011)
« Reply #43 on: March 21, 2011, 12:37:26 PM »
Yeah....the rumors leaking out are that building three was extensively damaged by the quake (the exterior building), and while testing circuits in preparation for starting the pumps, a junction box shorted and caught fire.  I would speculate that there are numerous damaged wiring problems to deal with.


That makes a lot of sense.  I just want to say again, thank you for posting these updates.  I really do appreciate these un-hysteria-filled reports. 
R.I.P. LC and Crockspot.  Miss you guys.

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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 21, 2011)
« Reply #44 on: March 21, 2011, 12:41:16 PM »
I really do appreciate these un-hysteria-filled reports.

Even Fox is getting into the hysteria bullshit.    :hammer:
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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 21, 2011)
« Reply #45 on: March 21, 2011, 01:07:08 PM »
That makes a lot of sense.  I just want to say again, thank you for posting these updates.  I really do appreciate these un-hysteria-filled reports. 

You're welcome!

I confess to having multiple agendas in doing so........

First......I wanted to highlight the sheer hypocrisy and sensationalism of the media (even Fox News).  One simply CANNOT rely on media, ANY media to report factually on important issues, particularly regarding nuclear power. Their business model is to attract an audience, not to report the facts.

Second......To find as much factual information as possible, even if the facts are not pleasant to read.  Were there a risk of a nuclear catastrophe here, I'd be the first to say so.  There IS low level radiation at this facility, and my hat is off to the workers who are there doing their jobs every day.  Although progress seems slow, one must understand that due to the elevated radiation levels, workers are limited to only short periods of exposure to keep them safe.

Lastly......I am a strong supporter of nuclear power generation.  It has for decades been the ONLY long term source of large amounts of electrical power generation at low cost and environmental impact.  All this garbage about solar and wind are simply a practical just won't work. The sooner we come to grips with this premise, the better off we will be.  No one ever does the simple math required to compare the US total daily average consumption of electricity to the output of ONE wind turbine, and ONE solar array, then back into the number of either that would be needed........the simple answer is that there isn't enough geography available to do it......let alone the cost.

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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 21, 2011)
« Reply #46 on: March 21, 2011, 07:31:41 PM »
Monday evening update:

TEPCO believes the tsunami that inundated the Fukushima Daiichi site was 14 meters high, the network said. The design basis tsunami for the site was 5.7 meters, and the reactors and backup power sources were located 10 to 13 meters above sea level. The company reported that the maximum earthquake for which the Fukushima Daiichi plants were designed was magnitude 8. The quake that struck March 11 was magnitude 9.

Smoke seen from Fukushima Daiichi reactor 3 on Monday subsided after about two hours. Water pressure and levels at the reactor were unchanged through the episode, as were radiation levels, the company said.

TEPCO continues work to reconnect external power to all six reactors. Connections were made to the distribution line at reactor 1 and 2, and components and circuits at those reactors are being checked. Similar power connections have been made to reactors 5 and 6 and a diesel generator is providing power to a cooling pump for the used fuel pools. Power cable is being laid to reactor 4, and power is expected to be restored to reactors 3 and 4 by Tuesday.

Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano announced that Prime Minister Kan has ordered the governors of four prefectures near Fukushima to restrict the shipment of spinach and “kakina,” another leafy vegetable. The shipment of milk from Fukushima prefectures was also restricted. Edano said the order was a precautionary emergency measure.

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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 21, 2011)
« Reply #47 on: March 22, 2011, 08:23:39 AM »
Their business model is to attract an audience, not to report the facts.

Which has pretty much been the case ever since the networks made revenue the priority over journalism.
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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 21, 2011)
« Reply #48 on: March 22, 2011, 09:22:57 AM »
Which has pretty much been the case ever since the networks made revenue the priority over journalism.

Not to hijack, but that has been the priority since at least the Spanish-American War in 1898.
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Re: Latest Status of Fukushima Nuclear Plant (UPDATED March 22, 2011)
« Reply #49 on: March 22, 2011, 12:58:26 PM »
Tuesday morning update:

Tokyo Electric Power Co. has reconnected external power supply at Fukushima Daiichi reactors 1, 2, 5 and 6. Offsite electricity is providing power to cooling pumps for the used fuel pools at reactors 5 and 6. Components and circuits at reactors 1 and 2 are being checked before power is restored to them. The company on Tuesday was installing cable at reactor 4 and power is expected to be restored at reactors 3 and 4 on Wednesday (Japan time).

TEPCO said the radiation level at the main gate at Fukushima Daiichi has declined from 33 millirem per hour to 25 millirem per hour.

Fire departments on Tuesday continued to pump water into the used fuel pools at reactors 3 and 4. Seawater is being pumped through a manually laid hose and sent to a water truck for continual spraying. Firefighters have sprayed a total of 3,600 tons of seawater, or about three times the pool’s capacity, in recent days.

Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary, Ukiyo Edano, reported the detection of low levels of iodine 131 and cesium 137 in seawater near the plant. There is no threat to human health, officials said.

Prime Minister Naoto Kan has ordered the governors of four prefectures (Fukushima, Ibaraki, Gunma and Tochigi) to suspend shipments of spinach and milk from specified areas. However, Kan said the levels of airborne radiation in those areas pose no risk to human health.

The Fukushima Daini reactors remain in safe condition today.

"Study the past if you wish to define the future"
