Author Topic: Human Events endorses Fred Thompson  (Read 4282 times)

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Offline DixieBelle

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Human Events endorses Fred Thompson
« on: January 11, 2008, 10:59:07 AM »
We make this endorsement on the basis of much research, having interviewed Sen. Thompson and some of his opponents, as well as examining what they have all said and done. We conclude that Thompson is a solid conservative whose judgment is grounded in our principles.

In his Senate years, Mr. Thompson compiled an American Conservative Union lifetime rating of 86.1, which is higher than both Sen. John McCain (82.3) and Rep. Ron Paul (82.3). The Club for Growth has praised Thompson as someone who has a strong commitment to limited government, free enterprise and federalist principles.

On the issues that matter most to conservatives, Sen. Thompson’s positions benefit from their clarity. He is solidly pro-life. He said that he was in favor overturning Roe v. Wade because it was “bad law and bad medical science.” As the National Right to Life Committee said in its endorsement of him Nov. 13, 2007, “The majority of this country is opposed to the vast majority of abortions, and Fred Thompson has shown in his consistent pro-life voting record in the U.S. Senate that he is part of the pro-life majority.”

Thompson’s record is solid on voting to preserve gun owners’ rights, cut taxes, reduce government spending and drill for oil in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. He has voted consistently against gay marriage. Thompson is by no means perfect. He strongly supported the McCain-Feingold bill, did not support the impeachment of Bill Clinton on perjury and more than once voted with the trial lawyers against limitations on liability in defective product and medical malpractice cases.

We like the way Thompson unhesitatingly attacks the liberal ideologues and their activists such as and the ACLU, and the way he reaches out to those we knew as the Reagan Democrats.

The question now is whether Sen. Thompson will do what he has not yet done: Take the advantages he is given by his intelligence, his principles, his political skills and this endorsement and make the best use of them.

As the primaries and debates speed by, we would like to see Sen. Thompson continue to invigorate his campaign to carry him successfully through Tsunami Tuesday and to nomination at the Republican convention.

Sen. Thompson, you suffer, like most conservatives, from the built-in problem of not being a professional politician. It’s precisely as Rush Limbaugh said of you: “The problem with Thompson is, and a little bit with me, is I’m a depth guy.  I like depth.  Television doesn’t reward depth.  Television rewards zingers, one-liners, cutesyisms. Fred Thompson produced a brilliant 17-minute video that was on YouTube that explains everything about every issue that he cares about.  It’s clear he’s thought deeply about a whole lot.”

In the next week, you have the opportunity to connect with the conservatives in South Carolina who will be eager to hear your message. We were encouraged when you told Iowans, “I think I know how to talk to the American people about the [Democrats] and the danger their victory would pose to the principles we hold dear.” Now is the time you have to do it.

Mayor Giuliani has offered a dozen proposals to American voters. We know, perhaps better than most, what yours are. For example, your stand on reforming the entitlement programs that threaten to bankrupt our nation is courageous and workable. You need to spell those ideas out for everyone in the plainspoken terms that connect with your core conservative constituents. We’ve publicized a list of the 10 most important issues to conservatives, ranging from illegal immigration to tax reform. You need to speak out forcefully on each of them.

We agree with Rush Limbaugh’s characterization of your December 30 video speech to Iowa voters. More speeches like that one and an ad campaign demonstrating the Reaganesque inspiring optimism we know you have could create a momentum in South Carolina that would carry far beyond its borders.

Tell us how you -- rather than your opponents -- would be better able to beat either New York Sen. Hillary Clinton or Illinois Sen. Barack Obama in the fall. You told the Iowans you were, but you need to tell us all now. Why you, and not Mitt or Mike or Rudy or John? Preview your fall campaign by attacking the centers of liberalism as you did in Iowa, and connect each one of them to the liberals you’ll be running against.

As you said, the Democrats are all liberals. It may not matter which candidate you run against, because they’re all a bunch of clones.

We believe that politicians, like the rest of us, can make their own luck. In that regard, we wish you a productive and successful primary season.

—The Editors of Human Events
I can see November 2 from my house!!!

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No, my friends, there’s only one really progressive idea. And that is the idea of legally limiting the power of the government. That one genuinely liberal, genuinely progressive idea — the Why in 1776, the How in 1787 — is what needs to be conserved. We need to conserve that fundamentally liberal idea. That is why we are conservatives. --Bill Whittle

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Re: Human Events endorses Fred Thompson
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2008, 11:03:56 AM »
I'm not sure this endorsement will do him much good. I really wish he had left the gate sooner in this race. I think he's blown it.

Offline Atomic Lib Smasher

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Re: Human Events endorses Fred Thompson
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2008, 11:18:09 AM »
I'm not sure this endorsement will do him much good. I really wish he had left the gate sooner in this race. I think he's blown it.

Not true. We've only had 2 states that voted so far. Lots of time left. As for the Human Events endorsement... yeah, it's good, but most readers of HE are backing Fred anyways. He needs to get more of the "Undecided" (i.e. Moron) vote. Maybe he should go on Leno and play bass guitar.  ::) Or get in a fight with a bunch of hippies on UFC.  :-)

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Offline DixieBelle

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Re: Human Events endorses Fred Thompson
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2008, 11:19:42 AM »
^LOL. Yeah that. He's not one to preen for the media. Take him or leave him. Sadly, the American public needs to be reminded 24/7 what to think, who to endorse, etc....
I can see November 2 from my house!!!

Spread my work ethic, not my wealth.

Forget change, bring back common sense.

No, my friends, there’s only one really progressive idea. And that is the idea of legally limiting the power of the government. That one genuinely liberal, genuinely progressive idea — the Why in 1776, the How in 1787 — is what needs to be conserved. We need to conserve that fundamentally liberal idea. That is why we are conservatives. --Bill Whittle

Offline Atomic Lib Smasher

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Re: Human Events endorses Fred Thompson
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2008, 11:27:46 AM »
^LOL. Yeah that. He's not one to preen for the media. Take him or leave him. Sadly, the American public needs to be reminded 24/7 what to think, who to endorse, etc....

Exactly. A lot of the voting public is stupid. They need a politician to go on a talk show like a monkey dancing to organ grinder music in order to gain their approval.

Why is it that some people just can't look up someone's record, where they stand on the issues, etc.? I got into an argument with someone over at another forum a week ago over Schmuckabee, but he could not tell me WHY he likes that candidate of choice. Just that "he used to be a pastor" and the old "You insult Huckabee, you insult Christianity!".

Liberalism is the philosophy of the stupid! - Mark R. Levin

Offline DixieBelle

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Re: Human Events endorses Fred Thompson
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2008, 11:31:10 AM »
^was it my mother?? LOL! I love her to death, but this year, she's gone nuts and is spewing the same B.S. This is a woman who taught me a lot about politics. I cannot figure out why she's blinded by Huckabee. I guess she's afraid of insulting her preacher at church. Oy!
I can see November 2 from my house!!!

Spread my work ethic, not my wealth.

Forget change, bring back common sense.

No, my friends, there’s only one really progressive idea. And that is the idea of legally limiting the power of the government. That one genuinely liberal, genuinely progressive idea — the Why in 1776, the How in 1787 — is what needs to be conserved. We need to conserve that fundamentally liberal idea. That is why we are conservatives. --Bill Whittle

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Re: Human Events endorses Fred Thompson
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2008, 11:31:23 AM »
Not true. We've only had 2 states that voted so far. Lots of time left. As for the Human Events endorsement... yeah, it's good, but most readers of HE are backing Fred anyways. He needs to get more of the "Undecided" (i.e. Moron) vote. Maybe he should go on Leno and play bass guitar.  ::) Or get in a fight with a bunch of hippies on UFC.  :-)

3, Skizz... don't forget Wyoming.

But yeah, this isn't an "overwhelming' endorsement I was expecting to hear about..

Offline Atomic Lib Smasher

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Re: Human Events endorses Fred Thompson
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2008, 11:35:35 AM »
Oh, who could forget Wyoming???  ::)

Liberalism is the philosophy of the stupid! - Mark R. Levin

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Re: Human Events endorses Fred Thompson
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2008, 11:38:10 AM »
Oh, who could forget Wyoming???  ::)

someone named Skizz? :)

Offline jendf

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Re: Human Events endorses Fred Thompson
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2008, 11:40:46 AM »
^LOL. Yeah that. He's not one to preen for the media. Take him or leave him. Sadly, the American public needs to be reminded 24/7 what to think, who to endorse, etc....

Exactly. A lot of the voting public is stupid. They need a politician to go on a talk show like a monkey dancing to organ grinder music in order to gain their approval.

Why is it that some people just can't look up someone's record, where they stand on the issues, etc.? I got into an argument with someone over at another forum a week ago over Schmuckabee, but he could not tell me WHY he likes that candidate of choice. Just that "he used to be a pastor" and the old "You insult Huckabee, you insult Christianity!".

I agree, Skizz. I guess that's my concern. Those who care one wit about electing a conservative have done their research and found Thompson to be the answer. I fear there aren't a lot of us out there who do that anymore. That's why I was hoping to see him be a little more vocal and get his face out there for those who could care less.

Although, I hear he kicked serious ass last night in the debate. His name is being mentioned today because of it. That's a good thing.

Offline Atomic Lib Smasher

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Re: Human Events endorses Fred Thompson
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2008, 11:45:03 AM »
^LOL. Yeah that. He's not one to preen for the media. Take him or leave him. Sadly, the American public needs to be reminded 24/7 what to think, who to endorse, etc....

Exactly. A lot of the voting public is stupid. They need a politician to go on a talk show like a monkey dancing to organ grinder music in order to gain their approval.

Why is it that some people just can't look up someone's record, where they stand on the issues, etc.? I got into an argument with someone over at another forum a week ago over Schmuckabee, but he could not tell me WHY he likes that candidate of choice. Just that "he used to be a pastor" and the old "You insult Huckabee, you insult Christianity!".

I agree, Skizz. I guess that's my concern. Those who care one wit about electing a conservative have done their research and found Thompson to be the answer. I fear there aren't a lot of us out there who do that anymore. That's why I was hoping to see him be a little more vocal and get his face out there for those who could care less.

Although, I hear he kicked serious ass last night in the debate. His name is being mentioned today because of it. That's a good thing.

It is a good thing. I don't get why Fred's been lacking recently. I mean, ya listen to talk radio....Rush, Sean, Levin are all backing Thompson.... go to FR, RN, MAYBE CU and most of them back Fred.... most of the blogs support Fred like Right Wing News, Ace of Spades, IMAO, etc. There is a LOT of talk amongst strong minded conservatives that he will be the nominee. Thing is, where's the outside reflection from the rest of the people? I just don't get it.

Liberalism is the philosophy of the stupid! - Mark R. Levin

Offline LadyLiberty

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Re: Human Events endorses Fred Thompson
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2008, 11:54:18 AM »
I'm not sure this endorsement will do him much good. I really wish he had left the gate sooner in this race. I think he's blown it.

That is what the people in the forum said last night after the debate.  I was about to start considering someone else myself, up until last night's debate.

If Fred comes off as strong in the upcoming debates as he did last night, I believe he will prevail as the winner.
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Re: Human Events endorses Fred Thompson
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2008, 12:46:48 PM »
I got into an argument with someone over at another forum a week ago over Schmuckabee, but he could not tell me WHY he likes that candidate of choice. Just that "he used to be a pastor" and the old "You insult Huckabee, you insult Christianity!".

They did tell you why...they like him because he's an Evangelical Christian, but big whoop.

It's not enough for me, but apparently it is for some.
"My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me to try to change it."

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Offline DaSaintFan

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Re: Human Events endorses Fred Thompson
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2008, 01:18:13 PM »
It is a good thing. I don't get why Fred's been lacking recently. I mean, ya listen to talk radio....Rush, Sean, Levin are all backing Thompson.... go to FR, RN, MAYBE CU and most of them back Fred.... most of the blogs support Fred like Right Wing News, Ace of Spades, IMAO, etc. There is a LOT of talk amongst strong minded conservatives that he will be the nominee. Thing is, where's the outside reflection from the rest of the people? I just don't get it.

Plain and simple, a lot of the Radio hosts are showing they _want_ to back Thompson, but they're not going all the way, simply because they're going to avoid p'ing off whoever does win the nomination if it's not Sen. Thompson.

Which is a shame.. .what happened to the day when even radio talk show hosts (include those I admire, including the three listed above and even Bortz.) took a stand or belief and  backed their guy 100%?   

The blogs, I see as a "small group".   We know they're there, because we pay attention to them, but a majority of people don't, so they won't.

And the third biggest problem is that the TV personalities are the one that _most_ people follow, and other than the NBC crowd officially "endorsing" Obama (and getting reamed for it by the above two groups), are only showing full-time for the 'likeable' candidates  (Fox w/ Huckabee,  NBC w/ Obama, ABC w/McCain, Clinton, Romney, etc).  So the mass majority of people don't see ANYTHING about the other candidates.