Author Topic: UGP is a real cat?  (Read 22066 times)

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UGP is a real cat?
« on: April 07, 2008, 03:38:24 PM »
This is the funniest shit I've read in a long time. :lmao: :rotf: :loser:

undergroundpanther  (1000+ posts)       Sun Apr-06-08 09:44 PM
Original message
why furry is a GBLT issue.
 Furry is not simply a fetish,for many furs it is an IDENTITY.

I am feline inside and if anyone can't handle it,****'em. I'll give them my claw to their face if they get violent with me.

Ever bother to ask yourself...What is an identity anyway?

Everyone gets a fake identity(ies) IMPOSED upon us from childhood on,from sick parents,a sick society. Most people change who they are in thier lifetimes.. some may try to make due with what they are given, others accept it with suffering and will take pains to deny or hide it, and some who are creative or just can't deal with that level of fake can't tolerate such stifling imposed social roles..They will invent their own damn identity.And no, my imagination is part of who I am and I will be who I am it is me and I am it..I will be feline and re-create myself as I a see fit and I will be happy in the way that works for ME.Regardless of whom may label it sick or claim fur is not a legitimate identity. I will be feline.That sort of bigotry is aimed at anyone who strays from the stifling sickening social norm.

An so, if you do not like the idea a person sees them self as different or more than human, more than the biological determined DNA their parents gave them, and social roles meted out like prefab social cages put on all children so they become 'productive normal adults'...So what is the big deal to you if one sees themselves differently than you think is legit? Are furries ruining your life by being different,and being whatever species they are inside and looking like that being? Doesn't that complaint of the fur bigots sound so familiar to every gay,trans person on earth?? And because the bigotry is aimed at those with a furry identity somehow that isn't bigoted to them? WTF? Bigotry always has the same ugly preferences.

Why scorn furries? If you are gay you are aware you are transgressing the silly heterosexual sex roles enforced by this sick culture, in order to be yourself and love whom you love.So why have issues with furries for?? Furries are doing the same thing as any social transgressor sickened by the banal limits society imposes upon us all.. does.. If you are transgender you are transgressing the silly dual gender roles made up by this sick society, and you feel the bigots stinging words and fists..Furries are doing this transgressing all 'deviants' from the 'norms' do in their own way.if you are furry you are transgressing the sickness of a human centered anthropocentric society,and a social transgressor will have to re-build an identity based upon the beings you love and relate to on a deep level..It is the path to liberation.WE all seek liberation.Some seek it as non human.
I am transgender bi,asexual and furry. My identity is my own creation .

I find in my life,felines embody the noble qualities I admire. Things I do not often see in humans.So I wish to be like them because to me cats are the best friends there are,and they are most beautiful to me.My tattoos and feline appearance is a homage to them,and my felineness is a spiritual,and very real thing to me..And I feel happy with my fur flying wherever I wander.. and I spit upon those who would rather me be something else than what I want to be,and deny me what makes me happy.

Humanity often makes me sick inside.I do not like feeling sick. So I reject society , reject my gender role, the sexuality I was born in and I reject the human species,I reject everything that I find to me is toxic . And so I rebel against all the stupid mental/emotional/physical cages .Many of these traps exist to please someone else, a parent, the community,the school,or to make the insecure people out there feel safe or in control,or to soothe the savage ego trip of the anthro-centric asshole... I admit it there is alot I hate about the human world and this sick culture. The injury it causes me so I do not want to be part of it. And so, I walk away from it in my own way.And I found other furries others who also walk beside me outside the wall.

Every time a person transgresses a popular cultural lie,or 'role' there is backlash aimed at them.. My soul is feline,and to walk among people as a human it hurts me just as much as being in a female body (modified partly thankfully) with a male mind hurts me, Because for me, furry is an IDENTITY. I have had enough of bowing in to the pain and pressure of superficial social conformity,I am what I want to be.. Any controversy my fur creates does not matter to me anymore.I see it as the bigotry it is.

Any people who cannot handle the furries.. maybe they need to grow up and let other people find what and who they are and want to be inside and quit the control and bigoted bullshit. Nobody likes to be forced into a self image that is false..

Everyone has a right to find what gives them happiness in this miserable world if it respects others consent. Truth is everyone has an identity, you can take what is given to you or build your own..Furries build their own,and in this world you would be wise to embrace beauty wherever you can find it, for this world can be very cold,evil, ugly and sick to the most beautiful and tender things. Embrace the beauty even if the beauty exists mostly in the imaginal has a right to be here too.

My furry persona.

~: "The truth shall set you free. But first it will make you miserable."~"Thou shall not be a victim, thou shall not be a perpetrator, and above all, thou shall not be a bystander" ~ We are imprisoned in a dream of our leaders' making and it is killing us. ~~" The revolution will not be Lobotomized."~ 
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I have to ask, honestly, What the **** is a furry?
I feel that once a black fella has referred to white foks as "honky paleface devil white-trash cracker redneck Caspers," he's abdicated the right to get upset about the "N" word. But that's just me. -- Jim Goad

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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2008, 03:40:50 PM »
I have no idea what a furry is, or why being one is a GLBT issue.  :mental: :mental:
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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2008, 03:43:17 PM »
That fruit is victimhood personified.

Oh, and don't bring claws to a gun fight, nutjob.
NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

Offline Rebel Yell

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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2008, 03:45:09 PM »
I have no idea what a furry is, or why being one is a GLBT issue.  :mental: :mental:

From Wiki....
Differing approaches to sexuality have been a source of controversy and conflict in furry fandom. Examples of mainstream sexual aspects within furry fandom include erotic art, a style known as yiffy art (from the subculture term "yiff" referring to sexual activity or arousal), and furry-themed cybersex.[35][36] According to The Pitch, examples of present usage of the word yiff include "a yiffy fur", meaning a furry who is sexually aroused or active, "yiffy artwork", meaning sexually explicit furry artwork, and "to yiff", meaning to have sex.[37] Yiffy art often depicts humanoid animals in poses and outfits similar to those in standard erotic art.

The term yiff is most commonly used to indicate sexual activity or material.[38] This applies to sexual activity and interaction within the subculture whether online or offline; it is also applied to sexual arousal and to erotic material causing it.[39] A common explanation offered for the etymology of the term within the subculture is that it is an onomatopoeia for the sound foxes make when mating.[40] Efforts to identify the origin of the term suggest that it was a term in "Foxish" (a language invented circa 1990 by a FurryMUCK participant) that originally was meant as an expression of happiness but over time and through popular usage came to acquire the sexual connotation now commonly associated with the term.[41]

In cybersex, also known as "TinySex" and "TextSex", yiffing is the act in which one or more players engage in the interactive writing of erotica, describing their "tinybodies" or fursonas engaged in sexual activities.[42]

The term furvert (a portmanteau of "furry" and "pervert") specifically refers to the subgroup of the fandom that sexualizes anthropomorphic animal characters.[43] Similar to the word queer in homosexual culture, the term furvert may be used pejoratively, as a self-referential joke, or merely as a descriptor
I feel that once a black fella has referred to white foks as "honky paleface devil white-trash cracker redneck Caspers," he's abdicated the right to get upset about the "N" word. But that's just me. -- Jim Goad

Offline Rebel

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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2008, 03:45:19 PM »
BTW, "furries"? They actually have a name for that bullshit?  :lmao:
NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

Offline Rebel Yell

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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2008, 03:46:46 PM »
My life is now complete.  Thanks to the DUmp, I now know what a furry is and what a pansexual is.  I may now die in peace.
I feel that once a black fella has referred to white foks as "honky paleface devil white-trash cracker redneck Caspers," he's abdicated the right to get upset about the "N" word. But that's just me. -- Jim Goad

Offline PatriotGame

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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2008, 03:48:39 PM »
I have to ask, honestly, What the **** is a furry?

Furry is that fuzzy stuff you see after a dog lifts its leg over the petri dish UP was  germinated in.

(Edited to clarify the petri dish spawn)
« Last Edit: April 07, 2008, 05:02:40 PM by PatriotGame »
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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2008, 03:53:32 PM »
And no, my imagination is part of who I am and I will be who I am it is me and I am it..I will be feline and re-create myself as I a see fit and I will be happy in the way that works for ME.Regardless of whom may label it sick or claim fur is not a legitimate identity. I will be feline.

 :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental:
 :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental:

Would someone please, PLEASE trap and neuter that bitch?
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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2008, 03:54:53 PM »
And no, my imagination is part of who I am and I will be who I am it is me and I am it..I will be feline and re-create myself as I a see fit and I will be happy in the way that works for ME.Regardless of whom may label it sick or claim fur is not a legitimate identity. I will be feline.

 :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental:
 :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental:

Would someone please, PLEASE trap and neuter that bitch?

I thought it was conservatives who were all "Me, Me, Me". Isn't that what they imply with their incessant attempt to paint us greedy? I.e., "I got mine"?

BTW, DUmbasses, I do have mine. I plan on getting more. I also don't owe any of your f'n leeches a Damn thing. If you starve to death, I will not care. Trust me on that.
NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site

Offline Rebel Yell

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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2008, 03:57:26 PM »
And no, my imagination is part of who I am and I will be who I am it is me and I am it..I will be feline and re-create myself as I a see fit and I will be happy in the way that works for ME.Regardless of whom may label it sick or claim fur is not a legitimate identity. I will be feline.

 :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental:
 :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental:

Would someone please, PLEASE trap and neuter that bitch?

I'm not trapping this........

I feel that once a black fella has referred to white foks as "honky paleface devil white-trash cracker redneck Caspers," he's abdicated the right to get upset about the "N" word. But that's just me. -- Jim Goad

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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2008, 03:59:00 PM »
I wish I had a link to that UP thread from a few years back where she decribed that as a child she would snatch the food from off the family dinner table and run like a cat to her backyard into the bushes and eat.  I remember Gern's reaction to that, I thought he was gonna bust a gut.

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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2008, 04:03:51 PM »
This is the funniest shit I've read in a long time. :lmao: :rotf: :loser:

undergroundpanther  (1000+ posts)       Sun Apr-06-08 09:44 PM
Original message
why furry is a GBLT issue.
 Furry is not simply a fetish,for many furs it is an IDENTITY.

I am feline inside and if anyone can't handle it,****'em. I'll give them my claw to their face if they get violent with me.

Ever bother to ask yourself...What is an identity anyway?

Everyone gets a fake identity(ies) IMPOSED upon us from childhood on,from sick parents,a sick society. Most people change who they are in thier lifetimes.. some may try to make due with what they are given, others accept it with suffering and will take pains to deny or hide it, and some who are creative or just can't deal with that level of fake can't tolerate such stifling imposed social roles..They will invent their own damn identity.And no, my imagination is part of who I am and I will be who I am it is me and I am it..I will be feline and re-create myself as I a see fit and I will be happy in the way that works for ME.Regardless of whom may label it sick or claim fur is not a legitimate identity. I will be feline.That sort of bigotry is aimed at anyone who strays from the stifling sickening social norm.

An so, if you do not like the idea a person sees them self as different or more than human, more than the biological determined DNA their parents gave them, and social roles meted out like prefab social cages put on all children so they become 'productive normal adults'...So what is the big deal to you if one sees themselves differently than you think is legit? Are furries ruining your life by being different,and being whatever species they are inside and looking like that being? Doesn't that complaint of the fur bigots sound so familiar to every gay,trans person on earth?? And because the bigotry is aimed at those with a furry identity somehow that isn't bigoted to them? WTF? Bigotry always has the same ugly preferences.

Why scorn furries? If you are gay you are aware you are transgressing the silly heterosexual sex roles enforced by this sick culture, in order to be yourself and love whom you love.So why have issues with furries for?? Furries are doing the same thing as any social transgressor sickened by the banal limits society imposes upon us all.. does.. If you are transgender you are transgressing the silly dual gender roles made up by this sick society, and you feel the bigots stinging words and fists..Furries are doing this transgressing all 'deviants' from the 'norms' do in their own way.if you are furry you are transgressing the sickness of a human centered anthropocentric society,and a social transgressor will have to re-build an identity based upon the beings you love and relate to on a deep level..It is the path to liberation.WE all seek liberation.Some seek it as non human.
I am transgender bi,asexual and furry. My identity is my own creation .

I find in my life,felines embody the noble qualities I admire. Things I do not often see in humans.So I wish to be like them because to me cats are the best friends there are,and they are most beautiful to me.My tattoos and feline appearance is a homage to them,and my felineness is a spiritual,and very real thing to me..And I feel happy with my fur flying wherever I wander.. and I spit upon those who would rather me be something else than what I want to be,and deny me what makes me happy.

Humanity often makes me sick inside.I do not like feeling sick. So I reject society , reject my gender role, the sexuality I was born in and I reject the human species,I reject everything that I find to me is toxic . And so I rebel against all the stupid mental/emotional/physical cages .Many of these traps exist to please someone else, a parent, the community,the school,or to make the insecure people out there feel safe or in control,or to soothe the savage ego trip of the anthro-centric asshole... I admit it there is alot I hate about the human world and this sick culture. The injury it causes me so I do not want to be part of it. And so, I walk away from it in my own way.And I found other furries others who also walk beside me outside the wall.

Every time a person transgresses a popular cultural lie,or 'role' there is backlash aimed at them.. My soul is feline,and to walk among people as a human it hurts me just as much as being in a female body (modified partly thankfully) with a male mind hurts me, Because for me, furry is an IDENTITY. I have had enough of bowing in to the pain and pressure of superficial social conformity,I am what I want to be.. Any controversy my fur creates does not matter to me anymore.I see it as the bigotry it is.

Any people who cannot handle the furries.. maybe they need to grow up and let other people find what and who they are and want to be inside and quit the control and bigoted bullshit. Nobody likes to be forced into a self image that is false..

Everyone has a right to find what gives them happiness in this miserable world if it respects others consent. Truth is everyone has an identity, you can take what is given to you or build your own..Furries build their own,and in this world you would be wise to embrace beauty wherever you can find it, for this world can be very cold,evil, ugly and sick to the most beautiful and tender things. Embrace the beauty even if the beauty exists mostly in the imaginal has a right to be here too.

My furry persona.

~: "The truth shall set you free. But first it will make you miserable."~"Thou shall not be a victim, thou shall not be a perpetrator, and above all, thou shall not be a bystander" ~ We are imprisoned in a dream of our leaders' making and it is killing us. ~~" The revolution will not be Lobotomized."~ 
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I have to ask, honestly, What the **** is a furry?
See here:

I am sad to say if you read the thread it appears that CC harbours 2, yes 2, 'furryphobes'.  I'm looking at you Lauri and Schade.   :-)

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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2008, 04:09:44 PM »
FFS  ::)

These people are adults? Heaven help us.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2008, 04:30:35 PM »
I have 5 cats.
I can tell you with the utmost confidence...cats DO NOT want UPanther as part of THEIR species.

We have only one, but Oreo agrees with your cats, and I'm certain that the Coach's (frank) cats would agree.
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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2008, 05:00:08 PM »
That fruit is victimhood personified.

Oh, and don't bring claws to a gun fight, nutjob.

Exactly my thought. That's one quick way to turn any cat into a full length rug

"Someday, when all your civilization and science are likewise swept away, your kind will pray for a man with a sword."-- Conan the Barbarian

Clint Eastwood - Because God wanted Chuck Norris to have nightmares.

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Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2008, 05:02:29 PM »
I wish I had a link to that UP thread from a few years back where she decribed that as a child she would snatch the food from off the family dinner table and run like a cat to her backyard into the bushes and eat.  I remember Gern's reaction to that, I thought he was gonna bust a gut.


I just did a preliminary search of the DUmp and CU, and couldn't find that thread, USA4ME.  I'll see if I have some more time tomorrow.
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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2008, 05:05:00 PM »
And no, my imagination is part of who I am and I will be who I am it is me and I am it..I will be feline and re-create myself as I a see fit and I will be happy in the way that works for ME.Regardless of whom may label it sick or claim fur is not a legitimate identity. I will be feline.

 :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental:
 :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental:

Would someone please, PLEASE trap and neuter that bitch?

I'm not trapping this........


Oh my fracking hell!
It's true! It's true!
The Night of the Living Dead IS a true story.
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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2008, 05:05:40 PM »
What ever you do don't go and Google up pics for Yiffy.

"Someday, when all your civilization and science are likewise swept away, your kind will pray for a man with a sword."-- Conan the Barbarian

Clint Eastwood - Because God wanted Chuck Norris to have nightmares.

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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2008, 05:15:00 PM »
What ever you do don't go and Google up pics for Yiffy.

Damn you, damn you man. You knew darned well I would do that.  :naughty:
That shit there just ain't right.
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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #19 on: April 07, 2008, 06:28:15 PM »
Okay...that thread over there is disgusting and UPG is pure evil.  What the heck created that?  In reading that thread you have a feeling there is this creature waiting to pounce on the next disagreeable poster.  I knew this UPG was completely insane.  And I'm NOT gonna google yiffy!
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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #20 on: April 07, 2008, 08:50:39 PM »
I am sad to say if you read the thread it appears that CC harbours 2, yes 2, 'furryphobes'.  I'm looking at you Lauri and Schade.   :-)

yeah, i guess dressing up as a cat and having sex with people just doesnt do much for me... but then .. i'm a normal [normie] person from way back.  :popcorn:

did anybody count how many times she/he/it used "transgressed" and "transgressing" ...? UGP must have gotten a 'word of the day' calendar when she got locked up last...  :mental:
« Last Edit: April 07, 2008, 08:52:35 PM by Lauri »

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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #21 on: April 07, 2008, 09:22:51 PM »
I find in my life,felines embody the noble qualities I admire. Things I do not often see in humans.


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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2008, 11:02:04 PM »
I have to ask, honestly, What the **** is a furry?

Welcome to the Parade of Shame and Eternal Horror! is many things, and a friend to furries is not one of them.  This is an old article and the video links no longer work, but you really don't want to see these sad, sad people.  Oh, and imagine them having teh secks with each other.  While wearing those costumes.  That's what it's all about.  One giant, freaky orgy of swinging mascots.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2008, 11:10:56 PM »
I don't want her as part of my group either!


Offline PatriotGame

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Re: UGP is a real cat?
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2008, 12:19:05 AM »
I find in my life,felines embody the noble qualities I admire. Things I do not often see in humans.



And worms....
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