Author Topic: Arizona Sheriff Says Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano Is 'Divorced From Re  (Read 2917 times)

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Arizona Sheriff Says Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano Is 'Divorced From Reality'

Friday, January 28, 2011
By Penny Starr

( – Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, delivering her first State of Homeland Security address last Thursday, gave an upbeat account of her agency’s accomplishments, including its efforts on immigration and securing the U.S. border.

But Arizona's Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu -- named Sheriff of the Year last week by the National Sheriff's Association -- said Napolitano’s speech was selective in what it emphasized and what it did not disclose.

Much more at the link. It's pretty much what we expect from Napalitano, but it needs to be heard from this Sheriff in the trenches. He's one of the Good Guys!

“2010 was a historic year when it comes to securing and managing our borders and enforcing our immigration laws,” Napolitano said. “There are now more resources on the southwest border in terms of personnel, technology, and infrastructure than ever before in American history. And we continue to see progress on every metric.”

Babeu said Napolitano’s claim was “not surprising.” But he also said her remarks did not reflect conditions on the ground in Arizona, where in the last two years the amount of illegal drugs entering the state that have been confiscated by local authorities has doubled, and the number of pursuits of criminal illegal aliens has tripled.

“Why isn’t the secretary of Homeland Security speaking to these threats?” Babeu asked in a telephone interview with “Why does she keep trying to convince us through argument that everything is just fine to the point that she’s trying to hypnotize us into believing this crap.”

Obiewan and his minions continue with the band aid approach in order to swell the ranks of the DemoncRat party!
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Offline JohnnyReb

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Divorced from reality.... hell I didn't know they were ever married... were the two even shacking up?....for that matter, has she ever even had a one night stand with reality?
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Offline Alpha Mare

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Everything's just peachy, Janet.

Hundreds Gather to Honor Murdered Border Agent
Jan 21st, 2011 | By Michel Marizco
The U.S. Border Patrol held a memorial service in Tucson on Friday morning, paying homage to one of its elite agents, Brian Terry, who was killed during a gunbattle with bandits in a canyon along the Arizona-Mexico border. He was a man who friends called “Super-Cop.” (Click inside for slideshow of images.)

TUCSON – Hundreds of Border Patrol agents filled part of the baseball stadium in a sea of olive green. A line of riflemen stood at attention as the American flag and the agency’s own flag fluttered in the cool morning air.
They were here to honor an elite Border Patrol agent murdered last month. Brian Terry was a former Marine and cop who became an agent in his late thirties.

Janet Napolitano—who keeps telling us the border is just fine, nothing to see here, move along—should be put under hot lights over the Terry killing.

She needs to explain why she thinks it’s safe for American citizens to venture onto this Coronado National Forest land. Would she go there herself? Would she take her family, her dog? Or would she go only with a heavily-armed security detail?

From his ranch headquarters this morning, David Lowell says: “I feel bad about the really lousy job our government is doing—not Border Patrol, but the politicians. If the same Border Patrolman had shot first and killed the (presumed) Mexican that killed him, he’d probably have a ticket to go to prison. It’s a really dumb way to try to protect our southern border.

“The rules of engagement need to be changed
,” Lowell continued. “We should do whatever we can to allow the Border Patrol to terrify the Mexican criminals, instead of vice versa.”
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Offline true_blood

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Good thing she went to Afghanistan to make "sure all was well" there. ::) She can't even control "our" borders and she's going to help control the borders between Afghanistan and Pakistan?!? :rotf: :rotf: :lmao:

Offline DefiantSix

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Divorced from reality.... hell I didn't know they were ever married... were the two even shacking up?....for that matter, has she ever even had a one night stand with reality?

I would be hard pressed to believe reality could sink that low, even with two bags over Nappy's ugly head. :puke:
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Offline Airwolf

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I do not think for one minute that reality and Janet ever were in the same universe.

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