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Offline dandi

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Re: OET primitive wants others to take the opportunity
« Reply #225 on: January 12, 2011, 02:06:32 PM »
What I am suggesting in this essay is that leaders on the right have an opportunity to do something about this problem.  If they refuse to do so, they call into question their professed devotion to this democratic republic, and they open themselves up to charges of fomenting domestic terrorism.


Wow, the irony in that statement alone is enough to build a fleet of battleships.

It's interesting, though, that the true hate mongers in this country (the left) are not held to the same standard.  Now, why is that?  Why would you demand a higher standard for a group that you are in opposition to but not the one to which you belong?

I personally believe that democrats and leftists need their professed devotion to this representative republic questioned on a daily basis and I also believe that they have been fomenting domestic terrorism for many, many years.

I formed this observation from actually reading their words, not from some ideological whim.  You, on the other hand, well......
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Re: OET primitive wants others to take the opportunity
« Reply #226 on: January 12, 2011, 02:26:32 PM »
Do you honestly believe that?  You know what your conservative friends say.  I certainly know what my conservative friends say.  "Second Amendment remedies" are definitely on the table among my right wing friends.

I have not denied that the left is complicit in this charged political environment.  Lots of people are complicit.  You can't sell me, or the American people, on the notion that the right is as pure as the driven snow.  I know that's not the case.

What I am suggesting in this essay is that leaders on the right have an opportunity to do something about this problem.  If they refuse to do so, they call into question their professed devotion to this democratic republic, and they open themselves up to charges of fomenting domestic terrorism.


Remember these?

In all fairness, though, to the extent I am "pointing fingers" in the essay above, I am not pointing exclusively at the right.  I freely admit that lots of people are complicit here, and I am inviting the right to condemn violent rhetoric from any source--right or left or middle.  The source does not matter to me.


I have never said this problem was confined to the right.  Try all you want, you won't find that argument from me.


Looks like that position is out the window. You tore off your own mask a while ago. We didn't have to "try" at all.

Offline Boudicca

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Re: OET primitive wants others to take the opportunity
« Reply #227 on: January 12, 2011, 03:32:14 PM »
Tank, this person is a delusional attention-whore.

OK, I've been reading this thread for awhile.  Guys and gals, I finally have to ask you, why bother to continue to debate someone who won't acknowledge the truth as it stares him in the face?  He KNOWS damn well his lefty buds were wrong to jump to conclusions and still persists in sophistry?  My vote is for him to pack his bags and go back to his echo chambers at DU and OET.
If beating your head against a brick wall would help win an argument, I'd be all for full speed ahead.  But this guy will never be convinced he's not right and the rest of us are morally bankrupt morons who don't appreciate his "appeal to our higher sensibilities" where we on the right, having been categorized as hatemongers, roll over and present our bellies to the munificent "progressives" and beg their forgiveness for having an opinion contrary to what they feel is correct and furthermore having the sheer audacity to express it over the airwaves.  Nevermind that this murderer was described by his friends (but what the hell do THEY know, right, Laelth?) as apolitical.

And yeah, your usual disclaimer that you never SAID that is noted.   :whatever:
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Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: OET primitive wants others to take the opportunity
« Reply #228 on: January 12, 2011, 03:50:37 PM »
Well, dear lady, I enjoy mocking his silliness, not for the sake of enlightening him (A lost cause if ever there was one), but for the exercise of deconstructing his writing to elaborate its flaws for our own stalwarts to see and possibly use if anyone pulls the same shit on them if trapped into a discussion with a moonbat co-worker or relative.

But that's just me.  Still, I don't think anyone else is really expecting to change his alleged mind, either.   
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Offline dandi

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Re: OET primitive wants others to take the opportunity
« Reply #229 on: January 12, 2011, 03:54:51 PM »
OK, I've been reading this thread for awhile.  Guys and gals, I finally have to ask you, why bother to continue to debate someone who won't acknowledge the truth as it stares him in the face? 

For the same reason you shave one eyebrow off the first guy to pass out at the party.

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Offline Boudicca

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Re: OET primitive wants others to take the opportunity
« Reply #230 on: January 12, 2011, 04:01:16 PM »
Well, dear lady, I enjoy mocking his silliness, not for the sake of enlightening him (A lost cause if ever there was one), but for the exercise of deconstructing his writing to elaborate its flaws for our own stalwarts to see and possibly use if anyone pulls the same shit on them if trapped into a discussion with a moonbat co-worker or relative.

But that's just me.  Still, I don't think anyone else is really expecting to change his alleged mind, either.   

Oh, gotcha :wink:you are using him for amusement the same way we, in the broader sense (can I say broader without incuring the enmity of the feministas :mental:)use the DUmp denizens.
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Offline Boudicca

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Re: OET primitive wants others to take the opportunity
« Reply #231 on: January 12, 2011, 04:02:06 PM »
For the same reason you shave one eyebrow off the first guy to pass out at the party.


But YOU wouldn't know anything about shaving, wouldja? :lmao:

Modified to specify shaving EYEBROWS.
Make of all this what you will.  Although, that's more of a leftwingerdummalinger trait.

Sneaking into a country doesn't make you an immigrant any
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(Poster bolky from blog discussion)

Offline dandi

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Re: OET primitive wants others to take the opportunity
« Reply #232 on: January 12, 2011, 04:26:21 PM »
But YOU wouldn't know anything about shaving, wouldja? :lmao:

Me?  No, I wouldn't.  There is a damn good reason I call myself a "Hillbilly Yeti".

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Re: OET primitive wants others to take the opportunity
« Reply #233 on: January 12, 2011, 05:09:05 PM »
Do you honestly believe that?  You know what your conservative friends say.  I certainly know what my conservative friends say.  "Second Amendment remedies" are definitely on the table among my right wing friends.

I have not denied that the left is complicit in this charged political environment.  Lots of people are complicit.  You can't sell me, or the American people, on the notion that the right is as pure as the driven snow.  I know that's not the case.

What I am suggesting in this essay is that leaders on the right have an opportunity to do something about this problem.  If they refuse to do so, they call into question their professed devotion to this democratic republic, and they open themselves up to charges of fomenting domestic terrorism.


Just because you and your ilk want it to be true doesn't mean that it is true.  That's a tactic amongst the DUmp denziens.
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Offline chitownchica

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Re: OET primitive wants others to take the opportunity
« Reply #234 on: January 12, 2011, 06:03:23 PM »
Oh dear - I'm quite late to the conversation, although I have been reading this thread diligently. I've spent more than enough time at Pitcairn Island the last few days to realize that the inhabitants there make many at DU look somewhat reasonable. How is that even possible? The liberal mantra of do as I say and not as I do has been vomited across the elms like that of the proverbial teenager the morning after an all night kegger. The cognitive dissonance should be deafening, but alas, it is not.   I've read so many threads on the AZ incident, and like Ballygrl, I must give credit to ATJ for trying to be the voice of reason.  He, Political Heretic, and a couple of others have at least tried to point out that what the left is doing now is seriously jeopardizing credibility with people who don't have an axe to grind, and who can intelligently separate the actions of a mad man from political discourse.  Interestingly enough, I've only seen Laelth in a couple of conversations, mainly with Ecarina/crazy Depakid of DU notoriety, extolling the virtues of his benevolence in coming here to educate us on how to make peace. 

In real life, nobody ever accuses me of being at a loss for words, but seriously, I've been dumbfounded over the argument Laelth is trying to present here.  It's been discussed already in many excellent points in this thread alone, so I won't rehash the argument.  I'm just honestly trying to get my brain around how all the toning down of rhetoric is reserved for the right, and how the left can throw any crap at the wall, see if it sticks, and call it a logical argument. For the last few months, all we've heard from the left is how evil the blue dog dems are and how they need to be taken out. Should we just believe that to be figurative speech, or should we start a campaign of justice against progressives for how they talk about their representatives?  Is that a different argument because it's made by the left?  Now suddenly, since it fits the agenda, the left has forgotten all about their vicious slams of the moderate dems in favor of castigating the right. It seems to be a game, and its one adults should not be playing. While you should be having a heart to heart talk with yourself about integrity, instead you personify the child in your example of pointing and saying, "Make him apologize first." Shame on you if that's what you are modeling in your home, and shame on you for modeling it with your cohorts.

As for Sarah Palin, she's a grown lady and knew the political climate was heated when she arrived on the national scene. Still, the audacity one must have to say that she's playing the victim card here is simply unbelievable.  Have we not seen two plus years of her, her family, and many of her associates being constantly mocked for not toeing some imaginary line in the sand? With as much respect as I can possibly muster, I ask you and all the other political do-gooders, who seek to politicize this tragedy, to go pound sand. 

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Re: OET primitive wants others to take the opportunity
« Reply #235 on: January 13, 2011, 09:10:21 AM »
"In all fairness to people on all sides of this issue, let me remark that it is entirely reasonable to assume a political motivation when a politician is killed.  It is also entirely reasonable to assume that the killer comes from the opposite end of the political spectrum.  Those are natural assumptions.

It is equally fair to say that we know nothing about the killer(s) motivations in this case, and well, we all know what usually happens when people assume things."

As I said above, Loughner's "true motivations" are not relevant for the purpose of this essay.  As a result of this tragedy, politicians and pundits on the right do have an opportunity to reign in violent rhetoric in this country, and I am inviting them to take it.


Why is it the right has to "do the right  thing" if  it is the left,  and the left ONLY, that is politicizing this affair, and it is the left, and the left ONLY,who is calling for the literal death of conservatives?

When you can answer that question without the usual circular argument,, get back to us...
Don't get stuck on stupid...

I am of the CauCajun persuasion...  :-)

Leftwing lunatic thought process concerning police: I'm armed with bad breath and body odor. The police are armed with a badge, a tazer, a 9mm, and a shotgun.  I should antagonize them.

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Re: OET primitive wants others to take the opportunity
« Reply #236 on: January 13, 2011, 09:35:50 AM »
Why is it the right has to "do the right  thing" if  it is the left,  and the left ONLY, that is politicizing this affair, and it is the left, and the left ONLY,who is calling for the literal death of conservatives?

When you can answer that question without the usual circular argument,, get back to us...

Not expecting a straight answer from a Liberal lawyer are you?  :tongue:

This was Laelth's clever attempt at blaming the right....just like the rest of the slobbering Libtards have done...without appearing to say the shooting was our fault.
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Re: OET primitive wants others to take the opportunity
« Reply #237 on: January 13, 2011, 10:01:52 AM »
Not expecting a straight answer from a Liberal lawyer are you?  :tongue:

Maybe one or the other but not both at the same time.
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Offline Mike B the Cajun

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Re: OET primitive wants others to take the opportunity
« Reply #238 on: January 13, 2011, 11:09:42 AM »
Not expecting a straight answer from a Liberal lawyer are you?  :tongue:

This was Laelth's clever attempt at blaming the right....just like the rest of the slobbering Libtards have done...without appearing to say the shooting was our fault.

Maybe one or the other but not both at the same time.

A guy's gotta try, even if it seems fruitless...
Don't get stuck on stupid...

I am of the CauCajun persuasion...  :-)

Leftwing lunatic thought process concerning police: I'm armed with bad breath and body odor. The police are armed with a badge, a tazer, a 9mm, and a shotgun.  I should antagonize them.

Offline Ballygrl

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Re: OET primitive wants others to take the opportunity
« Reply #239 on: January 13, 2011, 11:15:43 AM »
Why is it the right has to "do the right  thing" if  it is the left,  and the left ONLY, that is politicizing this affair, and it is the left, and the left ONLY,who is calling for the literal death of conservatives?

When you can answer that question without the usual circular argument,, get back to us...

They want the right to apologize, even if we have no reason to, because they want to say "see, they must feel guilt if they apologized", that's all. They know they made fools of themselves in front of the American people, so this is their way to try and save face.
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Re: OET primitive wants others to take the opportunity
« Reply #240 on: January 13, 2011, 11:20:03 AM »
They want the right to apologize, even if we have no reason to, because they want to say "see, they must feel guilt if they apologized", that's all. They know they made fools of themselves in front of the American people, so this is their way to try and save face.

That and they want to completely establish that the left is automatically on the correct side of everything.
They wish to be the ones to define right and wrong as it fits into a socialist agenda.

It really isn`t difficult to see how Marxism migrates to Socialism and has to end as Communisim.

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Re: OET primitive wants others to take the opportunity
« Reply #241 on: January 13, 2011, 12:35:45 PM »
Have you seen a single MSM show that points out the hatred of the lefts comments? A single one? Of course you haven't, and Lilith ****in' knows it!

When she points that out in one of those "essays", snicker, essays, then perhaps she'd have an opinion worth readin'!

Until then, she's just another MoonBat, worthy of our scorn!
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Offline Mike B the Cajun

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Re: OET primitive wants others to take the opportunity
« Reply #242 on: January 13, 2011, 05:29:20 PM »
Until then, she's just another MoonBat, worthy of our scorn!

H5 for that one!! :lol:
Don't get stuck on stupid...

I am of the CauCajun persuasion...  :-)

Leftwing lunatic thought process concerning police: I'm armed with bad breath and body odor. The police are armed with a badge, a tazer, a 9mm, and a shotgun.  I should antagonize them.

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Re: OET primitive wants others to take the opportunity
« Reply #243 on: January 14, 2011, 05:38:23 PM »
.....worthy of our scorn!

By the way, speaking of, by chance, if anyone happens to know, how's our former friend, the unexceptional Short Al, doing over there?

<<keeping promise to leave Pitcairn Island alone, concentrating instead on Skins's island.
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Re: OET primitive wants others to take the opportunity
« Reply #244 on: January 15, 2011, 08:12:09 PM »
As I said:

So where's the Laelth's calls for liberals to "Take the High Road and Condemn Violent Rhetoric?"  Silence from him on any of these events, until now.


If he truly believes as he claims, then the responsible thing for him to have done would have been to call upon his lib opinion commentators to not say anything that might even have remotely caused someone to act out what they believed the commentator was asking.  But did he?  No.

This Monday morning quarterback appeal falls falt.  To have been taken seriously, you should have written this months and, more accurately, years ago about your own side and the many things they've said and done in the past that could be refered to, by some, as "violent rhetoric."  Instead, you wait until now and then demand the other side step up and do the right thing as you see it.

Not interested.  You fail.

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apres moi, le deluge