Author Topic: Hey DUmmies. The Perfect Conservative.  (Read 443 times)

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Offline thundley4

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Hey DUmmies. The Perfect Conservative.
« on: December 21, 2010, 03:21:12 PM »
Posted by Herman Cain (Profile)
Monday, December 20th at 12:30PM EST
He was not born into a royal family, but He left a royal impression on the world.

For 30 years, He learned the ways of the world without becoming of the world. He then changed the world for the better.

He led without a mandate. He taught without a script. His common sense parables filled people with promise and compassion, His words forever inspiring.

He never condemned what others believed – just sin, evil and corruption.

He helped the poor without one government program. He healed the sick without a government health care system. He feed the hungry without food stamps. And everywhere He went, it turned into a rally, attracting large crowds, and giving them hope, encouragement and inspiration.

For three years He was unemployed, and never collected an unemployment check. Nevertheless, he completed all the work He needed to get done. He didn’t travel by private jet. He walked and sailed, and sometimes traveled on a donkey.

But they made Him walk when He was arrested and taken to jail, and no, He was not read any Miranda Rights. He was arrested for just being who He was and doing nothing wrong. And when they tried Him in court, He never said a mumbling word.

He didn’t have a lawyer, nor did He care about who judged Him.
His judge was a higher power.

The liberal court found Him guilty of false offences and sentenced Him to death, all because He changed the hearts and minds of men with an army of 12.

His death reset the clock of time.

Never before and not since has there ever been such a perfect conservative.

For over 2,000 years the world has tried hard to erase the memory of the perfect conservative, and His principles of compassion, caring and common sense.

His followers are now millions and millions the world over, as those who resent Him have intensified their attacks on who He was and what His followers believe.

The attacks are disguised as political correctness, or a misunderstanding of the First Amendment to the Constitution. Separation of Church and State does not mean Separation of Church from State. The State cannot impose Church on the people, but the people can display and say as much Church in the public square as they desire.

Our Founders recognized that distinction, which helped to inspire the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the founding of this nation – The United States of America!

We must be the Defending Fathers and the defenders of the perfect conservative.

That’s why I proudly wish one and all a very Merry Christmas!

Offline vesta111

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Re: Hey DUmmies. The Perfect Conservative.
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2010, 04:20:38 PM »

You forget that there were others in the world at that time that did almost the same thing.

When the followers asked Jesus what to do about them, he answered that as long as they were doing his fathers work--let them be.

Darn now you have me searchin the bible for the link.

Seems like every day someone on this forum sends me to looking up quotations from the bible.  Not easy.

Remember the quote that cleanliness is next to godliness, that is not in the bible, as are so many other quotes we believe are in the book.

Frustrating for me to look for Jesus saying not to cast pearls after swine----- or one cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear.

Jesus was a Conservative in some ways he saved his ass when he told people to rend unto Cesar what was
Ceasar and taxaction and the army draft.

Interesing person, the son of God, causing contrasty every where he went.

Is there any possibility that he had his faith but had no idea of who he was.?

Offline MrsSmith

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Re: Hey DUmmies. The Perfect Conservative.
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2010, 06:01:21 PM »
You forget that there were others in the world at that time that did almost the same thing.

When the followers asked Jesus what to do about them, he answered that as long as they were doing his fathers work--let them be.

Darn now you have me searchin the bible for the link.

Seems like every day someone on this forum sends me to looking up quotations from the bible.  Not easy.

Remember the quote that cleanliness is next to godliness, that is not in the bible, as are so many other quotes we believe are in the book.

Frustrating for me to look for Jesus saying not to cast pearls after swine----- or one cannot make a silk purse out of a sows ear.

Jesus was a Conservative in some ways he saved his ass when he told people to rend unto Cesar what was
Ceasar and taxaction and the army draft.

Interesing person, the son of God, causing contrasty every where he went.

Is there any possibility that he had his faith but had no idea of who he was.?

Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;
Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?
If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.
But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father [is] in me, and I in him.

Two good sites with bible searches.  Lifeway has a Strong's concordance, also, for word studies.

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