Okay, I can live with Sluts and Slums, Muslims and War, and Regular Zombies, but Stupid Penguins???
That ain't right. That just ain't right. Even though they alternatively freeze their asses of for six months out of the year, going hungry in the process, those birds ain't that dumb.
They wear tuxes don't they?
Eupher, I understand why men think Penguins are stupid. However woman love the life style some what like a sea horse.
Females lay eggs and the male have to hatch the baby's by keeping them under their feet for months. They cannot hunt or even eat, must keep the chicks warm. Meanwhile the mothers of these eggs are out playing, fishing and living it up. The fathers raise the kids while mom is out looking for another male to mate with.
Sea horses are even more of a female friendly life.
Mother gets pregnant and when the hundreds of eggs in her belly begin to bother her, somehow she transfers from her belly into the stomach of a male. The male has to carry all these eggs until they go into labor spewing hundreds of live baby's out with contractions of their belly's.
Seems like woman's lib stopped when mammals came ashore.