Author Topic: Obama's final midterm rally highlights declining popularity (half empty venue)  (Read 7052 times)

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Offline Wretched Excess

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yes, we *yawn* can!  

this messiah gig is a really a tough job.  if you don't produce any miracles, sooner or later, people wander off and become obsessive about some other trendy distraction.  in BHO's case, he was supplanted by that drunk starlet that can't seem to stay out of jail; I forget her name.

Barack Obama's final midterm rally highlights declining popularity
Voter disenchantment with US president was reflected by 5,000 empty seats during event at Cleveland's Wolfstein centre

Thousands of empty seats at Barack Obama's last campaign rally of the midterm elections today highlighted the decline in his popularity and the potential meltdown facing the Democrats at the polls on Tuesday.

Screens at Cleveland's Wolfstein centre showed the Obama logo from the 2008 White House race, the old campaign songs were played and the crowd chanted his slogan 'Yes, we can'. But the excitement and euphoria of that campaign were long gone. About 8,000 people turned out to see Obama in the 13,000-capacity stadium, compared with the 80,000 at a rally in the city two days before the 2008 election.

Speaking in Cleveland at the end of a whirlwind four-state tour , Obama said it was an important election. "We have the chance to set the direction of this country for many years to come," he said. He warned that the Republicans could roll back all the progress of the last two years if they won big.

He admitted it was "a difficult election" because of the state of the economy, and blamed the Republicans for creating the federal deficit – a theme he has repeated throughout the campaign but one that has failed to resonate with the electorate.

The Democrats face defeat on a scale that political analysts say has not been seen in more than 60 years. A CNN poll today put support for the Republicans at 52% and 42% for the Democrats , a big enough lead to ensure the Republicans take control of the House of Representatives and cut deep into the Democratic majority in the Senate.


Offline zeitgeist

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yes, we *yawn* can!  

this messiah gig is a really a tough job.  if you don't produce any miracles, sooner or later, people wander off and become obsessive about some other trendy distraction.  in BHO's case, he was supplanted by that drunk starlet that can't seem to stay out of jail; I forget her name.

Ran across this thread at the dump a few days back.  Sounds like Cleveland is following in the footsteps of Detroit.

Liberal_in_LA  (1000+ posts)      Thu Oct-28-10 03:49 PM
Original message
The death of Cleveland- America’s heartland as a ghost town
 The death of Cleveland- America’s heartland as a ghost town
By Paul Wallis.

As the foreclosure wars drag on, the reality has become a brutal testimony to the financial catastrophes the US is currently enduring. The sheer devastation is nowhere more visible than in Cleveland, once the heart of the heartland.

The diminishing of America is now a social psychological problem as well as an economic problem. The traditional views of the nation are being replaced by an ugly, uncompromising economic reality in which the American Dream is now a non-issue. Even more startling, the “service economy” which replaced the industrial economy is also vulnerable to offshoring.

One economist, Alan Blinder, is concerned that 28 to 42 million service jobs are able to be shifted offshore, and is looking at a re-categorization of jobs into those which can be done anywhere and those which can’t. A customer service job, for instance, can be done from anywhere on Earth, while the job of a doctor can’t. The short message, however, is that things can get a lot worse.

Read more:

Empty Cleveland mall - once was one of nation's largest

Atlas Shrugged.
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Offline Wretched Excess

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I have read that kookspinach is even in trouble in this election.  if he goes down, we need to invent a new word to describe what happened.  "tsunami" isn't cataclysmic enough.

Offline Chris_

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Between Kucinich and Grayson, our idiot friends at the DUmp won't know what to do with themselves.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

Offline Wretched Excess

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Between Kucinich and Grayson, our idiot friends at the DUmp won't know what to do with themselves.

I think we can pretty much write the script right now.  mass recriminations, hysteria, predictions of the end of the world, finger pointing, condemnation of everyone, everything, and everyplace, name calling, a huge run on prozac in all blue states, more hysteria, bannings, thousands of "I am leaving" threads, a huge exodus, another wave of bannings, appeals to the UN, and the wadding of panties on a planetary scale.

oh, and hundreds and hundreds of calls for "street rallies".  the solution to everything seems to be a "street rally".

reckon that 'bout covers it? :-)

Offline Odin's Hand

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Cardboard cutouts could be a useful go-to tool for the staffers.  :rotf:

oh, and hundreds and hundreds of calls for "street rallies".  the solution to everything seems to be a "street rally".

Aren't those a synonym for "flash mobs"?
"Hell is full of good wishes and desires"~St. Bernhard of Clairvaux

"Brave men are found where brave men are honored."~Aristotle

"Generally speaking, the "Way of the Warrior" is resolute acceptance of death."~ Miyamoto Musashi

Offline Wretched Excess

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Cardboard cutouts could be a useful go-to tool for the staffers.  :rotf:

Aren't those a synonym for "flash mobs"?

yeah, except that no one actually shows up at a "street rally".  :-)  the lazy, lifeless bast*rds couldn't sell out my living room.  they can type, though, by golly.  they can type like the wind.

Offline bijou

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I think we can pretty much write the script right now.  mass recriminations, hysteria, predictions of the end of the world, finger pointing, condemnation of everyone, everything, and everyplace, name calling, a huge run on prozac in all blue states, more hysteria, bannings, thousands of "I am leaving" threads, a huge exodus, another wave of bannings, appeals to the UN, and the wadding of panties on a planetary scale.

oh, and hundreds and hundreds of calls for "street rallies".  the solution to everything seems to be a "street rally".

reckon that 'bout covers it? :-)
Sounds good.  :popcorn:

Offline Wretched Excess

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democrat apathy is apparently catching on all across the country:

President Clinton Draws Dozens Upon Dozens in Ohio

Offline JohnnyReb

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“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

Offline Odin's Hand

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democrat apathy is apparently catching on all across the country:

President Clinton Draws Dozens Upon Dozens in Ohio

Man, I've seen bigger crowds at taco wagons on Saturday night.
"Hell is full of good wishes and desires"~St. Bernhard of Clairvaux

"Brave men are found where brave men are honored."~Aristotle

"Generally speaking, the "Way of the Warrior" is resolute acceptance of death."~ Miyamoto Musashi

Offline Wretched Excess

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all 12 people at the ohio rally heard the president implore his disciples to get them uppity republicans . . . that he commanded to get in the back of the bus, or the car (or whatever it was), just last week.

Barack Obama: Republicans 'are feeling cocky'

(NECN) - President Barack Obama spoke to an enthusiastic crowd of supporters in Ohio, trying to create energy within the crowd to get to the polls on Election Day.

The President spoke at Cleveland State University with Vice President Joe Biden and Ohio governor Ted Strickland, who is up for re-election this year against Republican John Kasich. Obama told the crowd that congressional Republicans have the wrong priorities in mind.

"I guess they're feeling cocky, maybe," said Obama. "The Republican leader of the House says, 'this is not a time for compromise' - that's a quote. The Republican leader of the Senate said his main goal for the next two years -- his top priority -- is to win the next election and to beat me. Think about this, his priority is not to get the economy moving, it's not to create jobs, it's not to reduce the deficit, his top priority is to win the next election. We haven't' even finished this election."

« Last Edit: October 31, 2010, 07:35:36 PM by Wretched Excess »

Offline GOP Congress

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Hey!! I saw ONE happy camper at Obama's rally!!

"The main purpose of the Democrat Party and the Left is to destroy the United States, transform Western Civilization to a tribal-based dystopia, and to ultimately kill all conservatives and non progressives." - Jonah Kyle

Offline zeitgeist

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democrat apathy is apparently catching on all across the country:

President Clinton Draws Dozens Upon Dozens in Ohio

Um, that a seimi-trailer?  Drag a ten dollar bill through that crowd..................Talk about trailer trash, how the mighty have fallen. 
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Offline true_blood

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Barack Obama's final midterm rally highlights declining popularity
Voter disenchantment with US president was reflected by 5,000 empty seats during event at Cleveland's Wolfstein centre
Thousands of empty seats at Barack Obama's last campaign rally of the midterm elections today highlighted the decline in his popularity and the potential meltdown facing the Democrats at the polls on Tuesday.

He admitted it was "a difficult election" because of the state of the economy, and blamed the Republicans for creating the federal deficit – a theme he has repeated throughout the campaign but one that has failed to resonate with the electorate.
Why is that, lord zero? Why is it a "difficult election" because of the economy?! OH,...I know. Because in your first year in office, you could have cared less about the economy and the amount of people losing their jobs and put your main focus on HELLCARE. So, eat crow you loser. I hope the democraps fall BAD!

Offline Boudicca

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Hey!! I saw ONE happy camper at Obama's rally!!

 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
You also saw the most intelligent and attractive camper there, including the TOTUS.
Sneaking into a country doesn't make you an immigrant any
more than breaking into someone's house makes you part of the family.
(Poster bolky from blog discussion)