Author Topic: Democrats at DEFCON 1: Is Christine O’Donnell now leading in internals?  (Read 3450 times)

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Offline thundley4

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Yesterday, a poll went around showing Christine O’Donnell just five points behind Commie Coons in Delaware’s Senate race. This SORT OF explains the weird amount of time the White House has been spending in a slam dunk blue state.

But, Democrats are ferociously attacking CoD as hard as they attacked Scott Brown in Massachusetts.  If she is so far behind, what is the point in beating up on this woman?

This is anecdotal, but I think I know why they are doing this…just like with Hottie McAwesome there are internals showing O’Donnell ahead.

Today I talked to a friend from Team Hillary who is a big Dem fundraiser. He told me that for the last week or so the DNC has been at DEFCON 1 leaning HARD on the rainmakers because they are terrified of a CoD win in Delaware.

CoD = Christine O'Donnell

Offline Wretched Excess

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it would fit her pattern.  o'donnell came out of nowhere in the primary, too.  she trailed by in insurmountable amount right up until a few days before the primary when a poll put her within 3 points.  it could all depend on turnout, and there just aren't any exciting down ballot races;  the highest state office being contested is AG.  bottom line:  our folks are more motivated than their folks.

the conventional wisdom has written her off, but they wrote her off in the primary, also.  she is a incredibly interesting candidate, and she would be a gigantic thorn in the administration's side.  hell, if minnesota can elect al franken, anyone can be elected to the senate.

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a new poll out this morning has christine cutting coons' lead in half.  it's still a huge lead, but this is exactly how she dropped mike castle in a heap of lifeless flesh;  a last minute surge that many polls didn't pick up at all.

and the smarmy "one night stand in a ladybug costume" story that is making the rounds in the MSM this morning is likely to create pro-christine blowback.  I have never read such an outrageous or offensive hit piece in my life.

Monmouth Poll: O’Donnell within 10 points of Coons

In what is sure to be a surge of polling data coming at the end of the race, the newest numbers from Monmouth University show Democrat Chris Coons leading Republican Christine O’Donnell by 10 percentage points.

The newest poll, shows O’Donnell with 41 percent and Coons with 51 percent of those polled. The poll of 1171 likely voters was conducted October 25 to 27 and has a margin of error of 2.7 percentage points.


Offline thundley4

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a new poll out this morning has christine cutting coons' lead in half.  it's still a huge lead, but this is exactly how she dropped mike castle in a heap of lifeless flesh;  a last minute surge that many polls didn't pick up at all.

and the smarmy "one night stand in a ladybug costume" story that is making the rounds in the MSM this morning is likely to create pro-christine blowback.  I have never read such an outrageous or offensive hit piece in my life.

Gawker is getting trashed for running that hit piece.  NOW has even complained about it.  That is a big shocker.

Offline Splashdown

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Gawker is getting trashed for running that hit piece.  NOW has even complained about it.  That is a big shocker.

Of course, NOW also took the opportunity to praise Coons, but I guess it's something that they complained about Gawker's hit piece.
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Offline Wretched Excess

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Gawker is getting trashed for running that hit piece.  NOW has even complained about it.  That is a big shocker.

yeah, but the MSM is giving it play by trashing it.  and they know it.  and that's why they are doing it.