Author Topic: Bristol Palin winning DWTS the Democrats lose the mid-terms and the Rangers win?  (Read 1260 times)

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Offline Ballygrl

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Equals meltdown overload? :lmao:

Issa posted something very funny in the shoutbox, she said:

You know what would be cool?  Bristol Palin winning DWTS, Texas Rangers winning the World Series, and the Dems losing.

So let's trot over to the abc thread on Dancing With The Stars and see what's going on :lmao:

This is actually a pretty nice thread for Bristol:





Very mature post.


Reverse psychology at work.  Imagine that if all those threads and thousands of posts had not happened, she might have been the first one gone.  I love it!

You think they are in a meltdown over Bristol, wait till November 3rd!!!  they will dropping off of bridges every where and it will be so much fun to watch!! LOL!!!!

Meltdown indeed. Let's keep it going.

Amen Cathy.  From your keyboard to God's ears.  :)

And their Messiah is going to abandon them in their hour of need.  He is leaving for a twelve day trip to Asia on the 4th.  Tee hee.

There you have it folks.  Bristol voters only voting for her because of Sarah PALIN.

She must feel awful knowing that she's getting votes only because of her mother - and not because she's popular with any "fan base" of her own or because she's a better dancer than those who have been voted off  before her.  She may really suffer from this experience - but I guess the money will make up for it (unless she has to pay off her mother for all the votes).

Can you show me where in the OP's post anything is said about Sarah. Palin? No? Didn't think so.

Barking moonbats.

Maybe I'm missing a nuance here  - I didn't see anything in the original post referring to anything political or anything about Sara Palin. - could just be me

Here is the deal.  I am not in a meltdown nor do I hate Bristol.  I actually like her a lot and threw her a couple of votes last week because I thought she showed improvement.  What I cannot abide are some of her supporters (like you CathyB)  who want to turn a silly little dance show into a forum to spew hate.

What I can't figure out and wish someone anyone could explain it to me is the fascination with Sarah Palin.  I don't see it, the women quit her job as Governor of Alaska, she couldn't get voted as Vice President (oh BTW thank you John McCain for introducing the women on an unsuspecting public now we can't get rid of her) and now all she does is go around bashing those who are trying to do a job.  I just don't get it, I feel like I'm missing something that others are seeing, and then I'm like what am I missing, there is nothing there.  At least not that I can see.  For me Bristol is either making it or not making it on her own merit.  This week was one of her better dances so perhaps she did deserve to stay in a bit longer (I think Kyle should of went home).  I don't judge Bristol by who her mother is, if I did I wouldn't like her too much I have to admit, because I really can't stand her mother, mainly because I can't figure out what the big deal is all about.

About 20 years more mature than all the people, many of whom are probably twice or more Bristol Palin's age, who poured such vitriol out over her.

So? I just read a post from someone who wrote that he/she was voting for Rick--who has a lot more money personally than Bristol Palin--for no other reason than that she/he's a big basketball fan. Again, zero to do with dance.

Yeah, although not as scary as the people who decided who our current President should be. Let's see...which vote is of more potential impact.. tv dance/comedy show...President of the ance/comedy show...President of the US....

tough one

How do you feel about her detractors turning a silly little dance show into a forum to spew hate?

This woman has no talent, the fix is in and the show is treating us , the general public, like we don't know it. The judges give her scores that are unreal when she gets fatter and shows no work, one step. How far is this gonna go, people I know have decided to actually quit watching the show because of her, saying the fix is in. Alaska votes and I guess no one cares about ratings.

Even though the ratings are as high as they've ever been??

Fat and Stupid always wins, ....just like a Big Mac!!! Billions sold to morons everyday

People do not hate Brisol...really?  Is this your first day on this board?
"The nation that couldn’t be conquered by foreign enemies has been conquered by its elected officials" odawg Free Republic in reference to the GOP Elites who are no difference than the Democrats

Offline Ballygrl

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Oh my!

ROBO Calls for Bristol

ROBO calls being placed so that Bristol gets votes.  I know that's how they are doing it- because that's the only way she'd get votes.

I received a robo call with her mother's voice today when I'm not a REPUGlican . I also have an unlisted number.

Her mother is up to her old ways, cheat, lie and scare the people. That girl should dance her way home to take care of her baby. OH I forgot she's learning all of her mother's dirty tricks. I feel bad for those kids- their parents are teaching them the way to the top is to cheat and lie.

How long are you going to beat that dead horse?    Brandy is a talented singer, Bristol would be just another statistic if her mother wasn't out shilling for the tea party.  These people have few redeeming qualities and they do nothing unless it is for money.

Amen.  I'm voting for Bristol.  Not just because she did well this week. But because there are those who vote against her just because they don't agree with her mother's politics.   It's time the conservatives rise up and take the country back.

How did the 8 years of baby Bush work out for ya?  God help us all if those dunces TAKE our country back.  Back to women dying from having a quack perform an abortion, back to women and blacks being second class citizens, back to people who are gay having to hide in closets.  Back to  the rich overpowering the poor.  Back to greed and selfishness. Back, back, back.

Very well.  Thank you for asking.

"The nation that couldn’t be conquered by foreign enemies has been conquered by its elected officials" odawg Free Republic in reference to the GOP Elites who are no difference than the Democrats

Offline true_blood

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ROBO Calls for Bristol
ROBO calls being placed so that Bristol gets votes.  I know that's how they are doing it- because that's the only way she'd get votes.
I received a robo call with her mother's voice today when I'm not a REPUGlican . I also have an unlisted number.
Her mother is up to her old ways, cheat, lie and scare the people. That girl should dance her way home to take care of her baby. OH I forgot she's learning all of her mother's dirty tricks. I feel bad for those kids- their parents are teaching them the way to the top is to cheat and lie.
You meaningless skrunt!  :censored:

Offline IassaFTots

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and for a little Rangers action..................

taterguy  (1000+ posts)        Tue Oct-26-10 07:52 PM
Original message
Arlington Texas is the largest city in the United States without mass transit
 **** the Rangers.,_Texas#Transport...  

niyad  (1000+ posts)       Tue Oct-26-10 08:10 PM
Response to Reply #3
8. how many millions have the rangers gotten in subsidies? including those given to a former partial  
 owner, one gwb?


Because of comments like that, I would feel like I HAVE to root for the Rangers.  Even if I hadn't been going to games since 1980.  Now, granted, I primarily went because I was either:

a) Dragged by my parents and spent my time playing the DOT game
b) went as a teen to try to get beers.
c) going as part of a "team building" exercise with work

Because, I really don't like Baseball.  But, I will still be rooting for the Rangers.  :-)

R.I.P. LC and Crockspot.  Miss you guys.

The infinite is possible at zombocom.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." ~ Martin Luther King
“Political Correctness is about turning a blind eye to painful reality because your comfortable feelings are more important to you than saving lives and providing quality of life to people who work their ass off to be productive and are a benefit to this great American Dream"  ~Ted Nugent

Offline diesel driver

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SOOOOOO much stoopid on one post!  Where to start...

How did the 8 years of baby Bush work out for ya?

Very good.  A whole lot better than the last 2 years under Lord Zero (piss be upon him).
God help us all if those dunces TAKE our country back.

God IS helping us take our country back from liberals, socialist, and DUmbasses like you.
Back to women dying from having a quack perform an abortion, back to women and blacks being second class citizens, back to people who are gay having to hide in closets.  Back to  the rich overpowering the poor.  Back to greed and selfishness. Back, back, back.

Back to reality, back to sanity, back to freedom, back from bankruptcy, back from socialism, back, back, back, back to AMERICA, THE WAY IT WAS MEANT TO BE, the way it was created by our Founding Fathers over 2 centuries ago.

And most of all, back to REAL AMERICANS, who make this country work and are tired of supporting lying, lazy, stoopid, moronic, barking moonbat liberals who think they DESERVE the fruits of MY labor.  **** YOU!   :bigbird:

Murphy's 3rd Law:  "You can't make anything 'idiot DUmmie proof'.  The world will just create a better idiot DUmmie."

Liberals are like Slinkys.  Basically useless, but they do bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs...
Global warming supporters believe that a few hundred million tons of CO2 has more control over our climate than a million mile in diameter, unshielded thermo-nuclear fusion reactor at the middle of the solar system.

"A dead enemy is a peaceful enemy.  Blessed be the peacemakers". - U.S. Marine Corp

You can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out of office.

Offline true_blood

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SOOOOOO much stoopid on one post!  Where to start...
Very good.  A whole lot better than the last 2 years under Lord Zero (piss be upon him).
God IS helping us take our country back from liberals, socialist, and DUmbasses like you.
Back to reality, back to sanity, back to freedom, back from bankruptcy, back from socialism, back, back, back, back to AMERICA, THE WAY IT WAS MEANT TO BE, the way it was created by our Founding Fathers over 2 centuries ago.
And most of all, back to REAL AMERICANS, who make this country work and are tired of supporting lying, lazy, stoopid, moronic, barking moonbat liberals who think they DESERVE the fruits of MY labor.  **** YOU!   :bigbird:
I like the way you think Diesel. And, have a Dodge in your avatar. lol
 :hi5: :hi5:

Offline diesel driver

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I like the way you think Diesel. And, have a Dodge in your avatar. lol
 :hi5: :hi5:

Ford body, Cummins engine.  That's as close as it comes to being a Dodge.

I have the BIG version of that pic as my wallpaper.  Trust me, it's a Ford.

YouTube has some videos of this thing in action.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2010, 03:03:27 PM by diesel driver »
Murphy's 3rd Law:  "You can't make anything 'idiot DUmmie proof'.  The world will just create a better idiot DUmmie."

Liberals are like Slinkys.  Basically useless, but they do bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs...
Global warming supporters believe that a few hundred million tons of CO2 has more control over our climate than a million mile in diameter, unshielded thermo-nuclear fusion reactor at the middle of the solar system.

"A dead enemy is a peaceful enemy.  Blessed be the peacemakers". - U.S. Marine Corp

You can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out of office.

Offline true_blood

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Ford body, Cummins engine.  That's as close as it comes to being a Dodge.

I have the BIG version of that pic as my wallpaper.  Trust me, it's a Ford.
My bad. Looked like a Dodge. Either way, very cool. :cheersmate:

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taterguy  (1000+ posts)        Tue Oct-26-10 08:25 PM
Response to Reply #3
10. They're part of the disease that's killing our country
 **** them

Wow, tammywammy, quite the highbrow cast you've willingly decided to insulate yourself with there.
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Offline Godot showed up

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I might as well add it here, since I added it in the shoutbox: since this is the #1-rated tv show, and if we think of Bristol Palin as a stand-in for the midterm itself, then the voting for her on DWTS might be a pretty good measure/poll of conservative voting intensity.

Offline Karin

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Stop it stop it stop it!   :hammer:  You car people stop hijacking the threads.  (I feel like I'm in a Monty Python skit).  

Back to women dying from having a quack perform an abortion, back to women and blacks being second class citizens, back to people who are gay having to hide in closets.  Back to  the rich overpowering the poor.  Back to greed and selfishness. Back, back, back.

I did quite well financially under GWB, about 2X as under BHO.  Also, this numbnuts apparently thinks that GWB was president in 1836 or something.  

Offline IassaFTots

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taterguy  (1000+ posts)        Tue Oct-26-10 09:07 PM
Response to Reply #14
15. Bet it doesn't have bike racks either
 But I've never been so I can't say for sure

Well maybe you should just STFU?  And maybe the reason there isn't any bus service, is because no one voted for it?  Ya little turd.  
R.I.P. LC and Crockspot.  Miss you guys.

The infinite is possible at zombocom.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." ~ Martin Luther King
“Political Correctness is about turning a blind eye to painful reality because your comfortable feelings are more important to you than saving lives and providing quality of life to people who work their ass off to be productive and are a benefit to this great American Dream"  ~Ted Nugent

Offline jukin

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I've never watched the show, much less voted.  I will this week.

Man, I wish I had gone long in head containment systems. 
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline diesel driver

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Stop it stop it stop it!   :hammer:  You car people stop hijacking the threads.  (I feel like I'm in a Monty Python skit).

What car?  WE were talking TRUCKS!  

You must have us confused with those guys that hijacked a DUmpster thread a couple days back.   :rotf:
I did quite well financially under GWB, about 2X as under BHO.  Also, this numbnuts apparently thinks that GWB was president in 1836 or something.  

So did I, and I plan to again, sometime around 2012-13.

I'm sure this DUmbass has the names of "all those wymen that died from back-alley abortions, sat in the back of the bus, and hid gays in closets." 

Funny, no mention of the food nazis in Baltimore busting a restaurant for too much trans fats in their food, or the air nazis in California busting citizens for using a grill. 

Thank you, Dims, for "taking care of me".   :sarcasm:
« Last Edit: October 27, 2010, 03:46:09 PM by diesel driver »
Murphy's 3rd Law:  "You can't make anything 'idiot DUmmie proof'.  The world will just create a better idiot DUmmie."

Liberals are like Slinkys.  Basically useless, but they do bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs...
Global warming supporters believe that a few hundred million tons of CO2 has more control over our climate than a million mile in diameter, unshielded thermo-nuclear fusion reactor at the middle of the solar system.

"A dead enemy is a peaceful enemy.  Blessed be the peacemakers". - U.S. Marine Corp

You can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out of office.

Offline Ballygrl

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I've never watched the show, much less voted.  I will this week.

Man, I wish I had gone long in head containment systems.

I'm not a fan of the show either but I sure as heck watch with Bristol on. :-)
"The nation that couldn’t be conquered by foreign enemies has been conquered by its elected officials" odawg Free Republic in reference to the GOP Elites who are no difference than the Democrats

Offline chitownchica

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and for a little Rangers action..................


Because of comments like that, I would feel like I HAVE to root for the Rangers.  Even if I hadn't been going to games since 1980.  Now, granted, I primarily went because I was either:

a) Dragged by my parents and spent my time playing the DOT game
b) went as a teen to try to get beers.
c) going as part of a "team building" exercise with work

Because, I really don't like Baseball.  But, I will still be rooting for the Rangers.  :-)

Amen sister.  I not a baseball fan, although I have to go occasionally for work events and entertain myself by drinking and talking to other coworkers who are just as enthused as I am.  Used to work on the corner of Six Flags Dr. and Randol Mill. Couldn't actually see the ballpark, but drove by it nearly every day. I had an awesome view of the Judge Roy Scream though :).  
Who hates on a baseball team because of mass transit?  If you don't want to drive, don't live in TX.

« Last Edit: October 27, 2010, 04:34:11 PM by chitownchica »

Offline blitzkrieg_17

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I'm just going to be neutral and watch the Series, though it is a bit odd to be starting it this late. I don't watch or care about DWTS but if Bristol can give the moonbats fits, I hope she does win.
Caught somewhere in time

Offline IassaFTots

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Amen sister.  I not a baseball fan, although I have to go occasionally for work events and entertain myself by drinking and talking to other coworkers who are just as enthused as I am.  Used to work on the corner of Six Flags Dr. and Randol Mill. Couldn't actually see the ballpark, but drove by it nearly every day. I had an awesome view of the Judge Roy Scream though :).  
Who hates on a baseball team because of mass transit?  If you don't want to drive, don't live in TX.

That basically sums up our mass transit system, I highly doubt it would be as evolved as it is without all these furriners moving down here.  Although, I do take the TRE out to Fort Worth, and will probably ride the DART rail when it comes up my way.  My company will pay for an annual DART membership if you commit to using it 4 times a week.

R.I.P. LC and Crockspot.  Miss you guys.

The infinite is possible at zombocom.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." ~ Martin Luther King
“Political Correctness is about turning a blind eye to painful reality because your comfortable feelings are more important to you than saving lives and providing quality of life to people who work their ass off to be productive and are a benefit to this great American Dream"  ~Ted Nugent

Offline Godot showed up

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That basically sums up our mass transit system, I highly doubt it would be as evolved as it is without all these furriners moving down here.  Although, I do take the TRE out to Fort Worth, and will probably ride the DART rail when it comes up my way.  My company will pay for an annual DART membership if you commit to using it 4 times a week.

All those furriners must bring a lot of attention from PETA.

Offline IassaFTots

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  • Oh well, I wasn't using my civil liberties anyway.

All those furriners must bring a lot of attention from PETA.


Furriers.  FURRIERS Godot!  Not furriners.  Furriners are something different entirely.
R.I.P. LC and Crockspot.  Miss you guys.

The infinite is possible at zombocom.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." ~ Martin Luther King
“Political Correctness is about turning a blind eye to painful reality because your comfortable feelings are more important to you than saving lives and providing quality of life to people who work their ass off to be productive and are a benefit to this great American Dream"  ~Ted Nugent

Offline Godot showed up

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Furriers.  FURRIERS Godot!  Not furriners.  Furriners are something different entirely.

Oh, furriers. Right.

But  I thought that was some French mathemetician.


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Oh, furriers. Right.

But  I thought that was some French mathemetician.


I thought you were talking about "ferniners" (someone not from this country), til I looked it up in my "Redneck to English" dictionary.  

It's says "furriers" are people that trap animals for their skins and where (wear) them for clothes.   :confused:

I guess it's not that far off then, is it.
Murphy's 3rd Law:  "You can't make anything 'idiot DUmmie proof'.  The world will just create a better idiot DUmmie."

Liberals are like Slinkys.  Basically useless, but they do bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs...
Global warming supporters believe that a few hundred million tons of CO2 has more control over our climate than a million mile in diameter, unshielded thermo-nuclear fusion reactor at the middle of the solar system.

"A dead enemy is a peaceful enemy.  Blessed be the peacemakers". - U.S. Marine Corp

You can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out of office.

Offline BlueStateSaint

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It's says "furriers" are people that trap animals for their skins and where (wear) them for clothes.   :confused:

Do they then become the animal? ::)
"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"All you have to do is look straight and see the road, and when you see it, don't sit looking at it - walk!" -Ayn Rand
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Chase her.
Chase her even when she's yours.
That's the only way you'll be assured to never lose her.

Offline IassaFTots

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Do they then become the animal? ::)

That would make them a furry....right?
R.I.P. LC and Crockspot.  Miss you guys.

The infinite is possible at zombocom.

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." ~ Martin Luther King
“Political Correctness is about turning a blind eye to painful reality because your comfortable feelings are more important to you than saving lives and providing quality of life to people who work their ass off to be productive and are a benefit to this great American Dream"  ~Ted Nugent