Author Topic: A New Silent Majority Exists in America (Bouncy Delusions from David Zephyr)  (Read 1169 times)

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Offline Ralph Wiggum

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This is long, but worth the read because it is essentially a compilation of bouncies and delusions.

David Zephyr  (1000+ posts)       
Mon Oct-04-10 06:46 PM
Original message

A New Silent Majority Exists in America. And It Is Sick of the Noise & Clamor from the Tea-Baggers.

Remember the "Silent Majority"? Well, it's back in 2010, but it's not the old Richard Nixon voting base anymore. No, there's a new Silent Majority in America. Oh, it's still silent. And it is the majority. But make no mistake, there's been a tectonic shift culturally, racially and demographically from the America of the 1950's and 1960's. And that's not good news for the Republican Party. Why?

Because America's new Silent Majority is growing sick and tired of the of crude, loud right-wing, tea-bagging minority and their vulgar antics. You can take this to the bank.

So, just who is this Silent Majority? I'll tell you.

They are the quiet men and women in the grocery line when the right-wing cranky woman starts gassing her lunacy out loud about President Obama being a Muslim, being born in Kenya, or hating white people, or that he is cozy with terrorists.

They are parents, who attend school sports events with their kids, and are forced to endure hearing that same old, cranky man in the bleachers talking loudly -- and always loud enough so everyone can hear him -- about that "god-damned Nancy Pelosi" and the Democrats for socializing our health-care" and "taking away our constitutional rights".

This new Silent Majority of Americans includes not just whites, blacks, asians, latinos, but also families that are blessedly mixed racially, and who have a gay child, brother, sister, aunt or uncle that they love dearly. These Americans may not speak up in that grocery line or at the sports event, for not wanting to embarrass their children or because it's just not how they behave. But, believe me, their silence is deadly.

Americans are not fooled. They know that every town has these cranks, who are always the usual suspects, the same ones who quote Rush Limbaugh, who always get "worked up" about this or that, who harangue city council meetings with their right-wing crap. They know them.

Americans know that the racist at the end of their street is the same one they saw at at tea-bagger "rally" in their town or is writing letters to the editor. And they know that he's only one house on their long street.

Don't forget this: This new Silent Majority is the very same American people who elected Barack Obama, an African-American to be President of the United States, preferring him over a cranky white "war hero", and doing so by over a 9 million vote margin!

This new Silent Majority also took the reins of power away from the Republican Party decidedly in 2006 and in 2008 in both mid-term and in general elections.

Now, this new Silent Majority doesn't talk a lot at the grocery store. They may not argue back at a sports event. But they vote when they feel they need to. And it looks like they feel they might need to return, yet once again to the polling booth in November. Why? Because they are really beginning to get pissed off at all the noise.

The GOP "tea-party" got just a little bit too loud and now they've awakened this new Silent Majority.


Just look at the latest polling from across the country for these past 3 weeks as we approach the election. Democrats are rising and Republicans are tanking. Across the board. State by state, Democrats who were down double digits are pulling even or even ahead. What's going on? I'll tell you.

The American People remember.

The American People know good and god-damned well who caused the great financial collapse, and who caused the national wave home foreclosures. They know it was George W. Bush and his Republican Party.

The American People know good and god-damned well who caused the horrific unemployment in our nation, who cheer-led the outsourcing of their jobs to cheap foreign labor. No amount of Republican television advertising can make them forget who ran the Titanic into the iceberg.

The American People know good and god-damned well who started these two multi-trillion dollar wars that returned young boys and girls back to their hometowns in caskets or permanently maimed physically and mentally. And Americans know exactly who to blame for it.

And this Silent Majority, normally apathetic, typically apolitical has been holding their collective tongue for the last 12 months, as the right-wing rabble began their shouting, whipping up their pathetic, puny "loud minority" into harassing Democratic candidates at public forums, seizing town-hall meetings, stirring up hatred for immigrants and minorities. And they have not liked what they have seen.

Today's Silent Majority looks nothing like the one from the 1960's. It may be unhappy with the Democratic Party, but it is really doesn't like the Republican Party.

Look at the polls. The trends are clearly on our side, not theirs.

And the GOP has begun hedge their bets, to scale back on their bragging. As Bob Dylan said, "Now you don't talk so loud, now you don't seem so proud..." Oops, maybe they have awakened a sleeping giant that would have otherwise ignored this election and just sat it out. Oops, maybe the tea-baggers got too loud, you know, like an alarm clock.

The Silent Majority in America is no longer Republican. Rise up with me and let's remind them that they may be loud and obnoxious as hell, but they are the minority now for a reason. Americans don't trust them and, really don't like them much either.

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Offline jukin

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I hope DUchebag Zephyr has some type of head matter containment system on the night of NOvember 2.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline Celtic Rose

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You know, it is one thing to tell lies, it is quite another when they actually start believing their lies.

Offline Odin's Hand

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Rise up with me and let's remind them that they may be loud and obnoxious as hell, but they are the minority now for a reason. Americans don't trust them and, really don't like them much either.

Break out the pots and pans, red paint and pink t-shirts and rise up everyone!  :rotf:
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Offline Karin

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Always with the grocery lines!  This guy reads the DUmp bouncies and actually believes them!

includes not just whites, blacks, asians, latinos, but also families that are blessedly mixed racially, and who have a gay child, brother, sister, aunt or uncle that they love dearly.
   Awwwww how adorably politically-correct, multi-cultural of you.  I'm picturing that hippy teacher on Beavis & Butthead. 

Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Always with the grocery lines!  This guy reads the DUmp bouncies and actually believes them!
   Awwwww how adorably politically-correct, multi-cultural of you.  I'm picturing that hippy teacher on Beavis & Butthead. 

You mean this guy?  :-)

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They'll all bookmark this thread and point back to it as proof of election fraud when they have their asses handed to them in a month.

  Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day.  Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.


Offline Carl

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 :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

Offline true_blood

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They are parents, who attend school sports events with their kids, and are forced to endure hearing that same old, cranky man in the bleachers talking loudly -- and always loud enough so everyone can hear him -- about that "god-damned Nancy Pelosi" and the Democrats for socializing our health-care" and "taking away our constitutional rights".
Sounds like my kind of people!!
I would be right there with that "old, cranky man" any day of the week, than be a zombie like you and the rest of the DUmmies, liberals and progressives. :bird: :censored:

Offline AllosaursRus

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Now how often has this been proven to be the exact opposite?

How delusional do ya have to be to believe this shit?

Ya know, there are times when I actually see a thread of intelligence over at the DUmp. Then some asshat blimp, post's absolute crap and I realize, naw, they're all just full of shit!!

Why else would a sane person continue to listen to this, without callin' 'em out on it more than once in a blue moon?

DUmmies defy the logic the Good Lord gave to slugs!

How proud they must be!
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Offline Freeper

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It may be true a lot of people don't trust the republicans but, after the past 20 months they trust the democrats even less. Besides the tea party is slowly taking over the GOP anyway so maybe in the next few years we will have a trustworthy Republican party.

I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

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David Zephyr  (1000+ posts)      
Mon Oct-04-10 06:46 PM
Original message

A New Silent Majority Exists in America. And It Is Sick of the Noise & Clamor from the Tea-Baggers Congress and the Dimocrats.

Remember the "Silent Majority"? Well, it's back in 2010, but it's not the old Richard Nixon voting base anymore. No, there's a new Silent Majority in America. Oh, it's still silent. And it is the majority. But make no mistake, there's been a tectonic shift culturally, racially and demographically from the America of the 1950's and 1960's. And that's not good news for the Republican Party. Why?

Because America's new Silent Majority is growing sick and tired of the of crude, loud right-wing, tea-bagging minority and their vulgar antics. You can take this to the bank.

"Bank on it!"  W. R. Pitt
So, just who is this Silent Majority? I'll tell you.

They are the quiet men and women in the grocery line when the right-wing cranky woman starts gassing her lunacy out loud about President Obama being a Muslim, being born in Kenya, or hating white people, or that he is cozy with terrorists.

They are parents, who attend school sports events with their kids, and are forced to endure hearing that same old, cranky man in the bleachers talking loudly -- and always loud enough so everyone can hear him -- about that "god-damned Nancy Pelosi" and the Democrats for socializing our health-care" and "taking away our constitutional rights".

Then I guess this makes me one of them "cranky old folks", though I don't mutter these things out loud, I DO agree with them.
This new Silent Majority of Americans includes not just whites, blacks, asians, latinos, but also families that are blessedly mixed racially, and who have a gay child, brother, sister, aunt or uncle that they love dearly. These Americans may not speak up in that grocery line or at the sports event, for not wanting to embarrass their children or because it's just not how they behave. But, believe me, their silence is deadly.

Yes, I say America does include "whites, blacks, asians, latinos, but also families that are blessedly mixed racially, and who have a gay child, brother, sister, aunt or uncle that they love dearly."  

This is the most truthful sentence in your entire screed.  

There is another definition for "silent but deadly".  Describes your post quite well.
Americans are not fooled.

Not usually.  However, they did vote for Obama and the Dimrat majority.  Mistakes that can be corrected easily.
They know that every town has these cranks, who are always the usual suspects, the same ones who quote Rush Limbaugh, who always get "worked up" about this or that, who harangue city council meetings with their right-wing crap. They know them.

I don't listen to Rush because I believe what he says.  I listen to Rush because he says what I believe.  I don't have to "quote Rush Limbaugh".  Rush Limbaugh quotes ME!
Americans know that the racist at the end of their street is the same one they saw at at tea-bagger "rally" in their town or is writing letters to the editor. And they know that he's only one house on their long street.

My town had a "tea-bagger rally" a couple of weeks ago.  1/4 of the attendees were black.  I guess that makes THEM racists too, huh.  The last time I wrote a letter to the editor (concerning John F'n Kerry, who served in Vietnam), I got phone calls from complete strangers complimenting me on the letter.  I guess our whole town is racist.
Don't forget this: This new Silent Majority is the very same American people who elected Barack Obama, an African-American to be President of the United States, preferring him over a cranky white "war hero", and doing so by over a 9 million vote margin!

22 million if you're DUmmie truthisall.
This new Silent Majority also took the reins of power away from the Republican Party decidedly in 2006 and in 2008 in both mid-term and in general elections.

Because Republicans choose to run as "Dimrat lites" instead of conservatives.  Like I said, it can be easily corrected, come November 2nd.
Now, this new Silent Majority doesn't talk a lot at the grocery store. They may not argue back at a sports event. But they vote when they feel they need to. And it looks like they feel they might need to return, yet once again to the polling booth in November. Why? Because they are really beginning to get pissed off at all the noise.

Mostly coming from DC and liberal/commie/hippie types at grocery stores and sporting events.
The GOP "tea-party" got just a little bit too loud and now they've awakened this new Silent Majority.


Sure, whatcha got?
Just look at the latest polling from across the country for these past 3 weeks as we approach the election. Democrats are rising and Republicans are tanking. Across the board. State by state, Democrats who were down double digits are pulling even or even ahead. What's going on?  I'll tell you.

The PPP Poll came out.
The American People remember.

The American People know good and god-damned well who caused the great financial collapse, and who caused the national wave home foreclosures. They know it was George W. Bush and his Republican Party.

Even thought it started right after the Dims took over Congress, it's still BUSH'S FAULT!
The American People know good and god-damned well who caused the horrific unemployment in our nation, who cheer-led the outsourcing of their jobs to cheap foreign labor.

Government regulation, increased corporate taxation, and thuggist unions.
No amount of Republican television advertising can make them forget who ran the Titanic into the iceberg.

Capt. Edward J. Smith
The American People know good and god-damned well who started these two multi-trillion dollar wars that returned young boys and girls back to their hometowns in caskets or permanently maimed physically and mentally. And Americans know exactly who to blame for it.

Muslim extremists
And this Silent Majority, normally apathetic, typically apolitical has been holding their collective tongue for the last 12 months, as the right-wing rabble began their shouting, whipping up their pathetic, puny "loud minority" into harassing Democratic candidates at public forums, seizing town-hall meetings, stirring up hatred for immigrants and minorities. And they have not liked what they have seen.

Their country hijacked by a bunch of American-hating, communist-loving, egotistical, maniacal, liberal, socialist, who call themselves "Democrats".
Today's Silent Majority looks nothing like the one from the 1960's. It may be unhappy with the Democratic Party, but it is really doesn't like the Republican Party.

Though they really like the Conservatives, most of who just happen to be Republicans.
Look at the polls. The trends are clearly on our side, not theirs.

Republican +10 Senate and +90 House.  Yep, Dims have the trend clearly on their side.   :rotf:
And the GOP has begun hedge their bets, to scale back on their bragging. As Bob Dylan said, "Now you don't talk so loud, now you don't seem so proud..." Oops, maybe they have awakened a sleeping giant that would have otherwise ignored this election and just sat it out. Oops, maybe the tea-baggers got too loud, you know, like an alarm clock.

Oops, maybe HCR was a bad idea.  Oops, maybe we SHOULDN'T have passed Crap and Tax.
The Silent Majority in America is no longer Republican.

Wanna bet?
Rise up with me and let's remind them that they may be loud and obnoxious as hell, but they are the minority now for a reason. Americans don't trust them and, really don't like them much either.

Were you referring to Republicans, or the current rabble of incumbent Dimrats?
« Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 09:54:46 AM by diesel driver »
Murphy's 3rd Law:  "You can't make anything 'idiot DUmmie proof'.  The world will just create a better idiot DUmmie."

Liberals are like Slinkys.  Basically useless, but they do bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs...
Global warming supporters believe that a few hundred million tons of CO2 has more control over our climate than a million mile in diameter, unshielded thermo-nuclear fusion reactor at the middle of the solar system.

"A dead enemy is a peaceful enemy.  Blessed be the peacemakers". - U.S. Marine Corp

You can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out of office.

Offline franksolich

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Damn, you're good, Freeper, sir.

apres moi, le deluge

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Newsflash, DUmmies--you tried that bullshit already.  The attendance at your little forced rally last weekend proves contrary to your claim.
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Offline Splashdown

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It may be true a lot of people don't trust the republicans but, after the past 20 months they trust the democrats even less. Besides the tea party is slowly taking over the GOP anyway so maybe in the next few years we will have a trustworthy Republican party.

I high fived you. Republican insiders have been getting their asses kicked, as well. This is a movement of the people. Not of the party.
Let nothing trouble you,
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All things are passing;
God never changes.
Patience attains all that it strives for.
He who has God lacks nothing:
God alone suffices.
--St. Theresa of Avila

"No crushed ice; no peas." -- Undies

Offline DefiantSix

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I hope DUchebag Zephyr has some type of head matter containment system on the night of NOvember 2.

Given the hard vacuum between the ears of 99% of DUmbshits, I fully expect heads on the 'Island to IMplode, rather than EXplode.  All that remains is for the rest of us to grab a hold of something secure, because as DUmmy craniums collapse the night of November 2nd,  I fully expect new singularities to form where DUmbshits used to be.
"Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here."
-- Capt. John Parker

"I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission"
-- Capt. Steve Rogers

"In this present crisis, government in not the solution to our problem, government IS the problem."
-- Ronaldus Magnus

Offline AllosaursRus

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Given the hard vacuum between the ears of 99% of DUmbshits, I fully expect heads on the 'Island to IMplode, rather than EXplode.  All that remains is for the rest of us to grab a hold of something secure, because as DUmmy craniums collapse the night of November 2nd,  I fully expect new singularities to form where DUmbshits used to be.

OOOOOOH!!!!! This could be dangerous! That many DUmbasses "imploding" could actually create a black hole! Of course it will be no surprise that the GLBTF population will welcome this turn of events! Although I have it on reliable info they prefer "brown"!

I recommend everyone download the VRWC force field generator, pronto! It may be the only thing we have to combat such a vacuum that not even light can escape!
I'm the guy your mother warned you about!

Offline Randy

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Holy Crap! The OP really needs to back away from that crack pipe ASAP. That shit's rotting his brain....

Offline AllosaursRus

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Holy Crap! The OP really needs to back away from that crack pipe ASAP. That shit's rotting his brain....

I don't think it's crack! I think he's smokin' the brown acid, somethin' for which it was never intended!
I'm the guy your mother warned you about!

Offline true_blood

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It may be true a lot of people don't trust the republicans but, after the past 20 months they trust the democrats even less. Besides the tea party is slowly taking over the GOP anyway so maybe in the next few years we will have a trustworthy Republican party.
I'm with you brother! We need to put this Country back on the "right" track!! :hi5: :cheersmate:

Offline USA4ME

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You know, it is one thing to tell lies, it is quite another when they actually start believing their lies.

No kiddin'.  The only thing is all their posts are starting to sound the exact same way, it's just this particular primitive didn't know when to shut up and cut his loses.  But, that disease seems to infect libs in general.

Republicans tend to do better among voters who are more civically involved.  A corollary is that Democrats do best when turnout is highest; that is, when relatively apathetic voters can be roused to go to the polls.  This year the voting public are apathetic, despite what the DZ primitive would have his fellow lunatics believe.

« Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 07:49:29 PM by USA4ME »
Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.