Author Topic: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....  (Read 2328 times)

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Offline dandi

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Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« on: September 25, 2010, 03:48:18 PM »
This is the thread for anyone who has longed to see the pompous and pretentious "Magistrate" smacked down hard. Towards the end, he's actually on the verge of becoming shrill.

I brought over a good-sized chunk of it. Well worth a read.

virginia mountainman  (1000+ posts)        Mon Sep-20-10 11:05 PM
Original message
Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
 Edited on Mon Sep-20-10 11:09 PM by virginia mountainman
Supportive of "no fly, no buy"? Just think GWB's secret list is a great "tool" to keep guns away from terrorists? And that anyone who would oppose such "sensible" legislation is just an NRA Shill???

Read this artical...

A few "Tid bits"....

Reporting from Washington — FBI agents improperly opened investigations into Greenpeace and several other domestic advocacy groups following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, and put the names of some of their members on terrorist watch lists based on evidence that turned out to be "factually weak," the Department of Justice said Monday.

However, the internal review by Inspector General Glenn A. Fine did not conclude that the FBI purposely targeted the groups or their members, as many civil liberties advocates had charged, after antiwar rallies and other protests were held during the administration of President George W. Bush.

But Fine said the FBI tactics appeared "troubling" in singling out some of the domestic groups for investigations that lasted up to five years, and were extended "without adequate basis." He also questioned why the FBI continued to maintain investigative files against the groups.

"In several cases there was little indication of any possible federal crimes," Fine said. "In some cases, the FBI classified some investigations relating to nonviolent civil disobedience under its 'Acts of Terrorism' classification."

The FBI conducted a full investigation into Greenpeace's planned protests at shareholder meetings for two companies in Texas, and kept the investigation open "for over three years, long past the shareholder meetings that the subjects were supposedly planning to disrupt." In addition, the bureau classified its investigation as an "Act of Terrorism case" and placed several Greenpeace members on its federal watch list.

I wonder if those that think No fly, no buy, is a good idea, are still supportive of it, if they knew it would be used to take away civil rights from peace activists, animal rights supporters several other domestic advocacy groups??

Like say Move On....,0,652...

The Magistrate  (1000+ posts)        Mon Sep-20-10 11:08 PM
Response to Original message
1. We On The Left Are Used To This Sort Of 'Enforcement', Sir
 The security organs have a distinct bias to the right, and are as unwilling to aggressively enforce the law against rightists in arms as they are eager to stretch the law against left groups who do not pose the slightest real threat of violence.

The Magistrate  (1000+ posts)        Mon Sep-20-10 11:22 PM
Response to Reply #3
5. It Will Not Change Much Of Anything For Us, Sir
 For better or worse, the left in this country has pretty solidly chosen to eschew violence as a political tool. This has not stopped law enforcement agencies from treating left organizations as potential violent revolutionaries, nor has it prevented the right from accusing the left of violent intent.

PavePusher (1000+ posts)      Wed Sep-22-10 09:07 PM
Response to Reply #76
81. Respectfully, the military will be on the side of the Constitution.
 If you want them to be on the side of "the interests of the left", you would be well served to see to it that such interests are more in line with the Constitution than their opposition.

To date, I can only surmise that in such an instance, the military would be a third party, for the most part. Read that as you will.

The Magistrate  (1000+ posts)        Wed Sep-22-10 09:17 PM
Response to Reply #81
82. That Is The Civics Text-Book Answer, Sir
 "The future is hard to predict on account of it ain't happened yet."

PavePusher (1000+ posts)      Wed Sep-22-10 09:19 PM
Response to Reply #82
83. Well, having been in the USAF for 20 years now....
 Edited on Wed Sep-22-10 09:20 PM by PavePusher
I could be wrong, but I think I have some familiarity with the subject a bit deeper than a Civics book.

The Magistrate  (1000+ posts)        Wed Sep-22-10 11:13 PM
Response to Reply #83
88. The Easy Answer, Sir, Is Not So Easy On Examination
 There are, for instance, people running today for national office who hold that Social Security and Federal unemployment compensation are un-Constitutional. What people mean by 'on the side of the Constitution' is not necessarily the same. Certainly what members of the armed forces are instructed is or is not 'upholding the Constitution' could come to be an active and, shall we say, interesting question, as our politics develops, particularly in a period of national decline and racial angst....

Enter, the fat man. Now it heats up:

one-eyed fat man (1000+ posts)        Wed Sep-22-10 11:39 PM
Response to Reply #88
91. You don't want the answer.
 ......and yet you already have it.

The last time push came to shove the President of the United States offered command of all Federal Armies to a general who, as a matter of conscience, turned him down.

Today were are still using his front lawn as a graveyard.

Each soldier will make his own choice as to which side is the enemy of the Constitution he swore to uphold.

The Magistrate  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-23-10 12:42 AM
Response to Reply #91
93. Why Does It Not Surprise Me, Sir, You Are A Fan-Boy Of Treason And Secession?

one-eyed fat man (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-23-10 10:27 AM
Response to Reply #93
96. Are you blind to reality?
 There are many on the Left now, if not openly hostile to military service, view it as suitable career choice for only for rural bumpkins. Evidenced by the fact that very same elite colleges that provided the bulk of volunteers for the most demanding and dangerous services, Air Corps, Naval aviators, the submarine service, PT boats, and the OSS in World War 2 now bar all military recruiters from campus.

The draft-dodgers of the Sixties are now themselves in their sixties and have become all they are likely to be. With the military an all-volunteer force and their offspring reared with the notion the Army life is for losers, they have pretty much ensured that only those whose worldview has not been colored by psychedelic images of burning ROTC buildings will be the bulk of those who ARE in the military. Not unlike the Roman citizens who discovered when they eschewed service in the Legions that the barbarians they hired were a lot more loyal to each other than to Rome.

Back in 1994, the question has actually been asked, and answered.

The speed with which reports and rumors of this survey percolated through the military community was amazing. That it was being discussed at Fort Knox, Kentucky by Army tank crewmen within a week of being administered to Marine infantrymen at Twenty-nine Palms, California is testimony to the stir it caused. Just freshly retired from active duty then, many of my fellow soldiers and I were troubled not only by the questions but also who wanted to know the answers and why. That the questions were framed in the context of confiscation of firearms from American citizens was especially alarming. And too chillingly believable.

While it was part of a research project by a student at the Naval War college many wondered if it was another of the DoD surveys we had all seen in the past. Even as an academic exercise, to soberly consider the modern equivalent of joining the Army of Northern Virginia was uncomfortable.

While you are scurrilous in your slurs about treason and sedition, if you expect a half million soldiers to blindly follow orders you are looking at the wrong Army. As the author of the 1994 survey discovered if you pick a divisive enough issue and force soldiers to choose, they will divide. He concluded that many combat units would become ineffective or openly refuse. You will note, even today, individual soldiers have asserted their conscience, and faced the consequences of their actions regardless of your views. Soldiers have declared them selves gay. Soldiers have refused deployment in what they felt was an immoral war. There is a colonel right now refusing orders until he sees the President's birth certificate. This is not some idealistic kid making a statement without regard to his future. Mistaken and misguided as he might be, this is someone who has spent a good chunk of a career in the military and has picked a hell of a time to throw it all away.

What you forget is a mutiny is a coup that fails. If you intend to foment a mutiny from without, it'd be great idea to have folks who agree with you within.

George Santayana is right; ignore his advice at your peril.

The Magistrate  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-23-10 10:58 AM
Response to Reply #96
97. You Do Not Much Like Leftists And The Left, Do You, Sir?
 You love traitors and secessionsts, of course.

one-eyed fat man (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-23-10 11:55 AM
Response to Reply #97
98. Nah, it's simpler than that
 Doctrinaire dolts disturb me, regardless their stripe.

"Don't call me Sir; I work for a living."

(Those that know the quote will understand, those that don't, don't matter.)

The Magistrate  (1000+ posts)        Fri Sep-24-10 06:12 AM
Response to Reply #98
103. Then Down Here, Sir, You Must Be In A State Of Perpetual Disturbance
 Indeed, your own company you must find nearly insupportable....

one-eyed fat man (1000+ posts)        Tue Sep-21-10 01:35 PM
Response to Reply #5
39. The LEFT has eschewed violence?
 Bombing the Pentagon is 'civil' disobedience? Bombing research facilities by ALF is non violent? Burning down ROTC buildings doesn't count? The Immigration protesters who carried brass knuckles, maced those opposing amnesty and then stomped on them, as reported in the SF Weekly, were merely intense debaters? The ELF torching car dealerships not count? What about the vandals torching cars at all the G8, G20 etc conferences? Code Pink firebombing military recruiting offices?

Your memory is either short, selective, or both.

And "plausible deniability" doesn't work. PETA claims it doesn't condone violence, yet they use their collected money to pay legal fees for ALF members charged with felonies.

The extremes on both sides have always been violent. Many of the real butchers were Leftists. They promoted armed revolution until they got in power then, disarming their citizens, used State sanctioned thugs to keep the population in line. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Tito, Pol Pot, Castro, Chavez, need anyone add to the list?

There are plenty of lefties that support violence if it is for achieving their goal. Ignoring or, worse, denying that fact merely makes the rest look stupid or blind to reality. You might be against violence, but you have "allies" that aren't if you don't as vociferously condemn them as you do right-wing wackos.

The Magistrate  (1000+ posts)        Tue Sep-21-10 05:04 PM
Response to Reply #39
49. Damn, Sir! Are There Things Such As You Allowed Out Of Doors Down Here?
 This sounds like an old John Bircher's fantasy reel.

hendo (1000+ posts)        Wed Sep-22-10 12:36 PM
Response to Reply #5
71. ELF and ALF are decidedly left wing
 and both often resort to violence.

The Magistrate  (1000+ posts)        Wed Sep-22-10 03:24 PM
Response to Reply #71
77. You Have A Death Toll, Sir?
 Have they killed as many people as the anti-abrtion fanatics of the right?

Killed as many people as the 'sovereign citizen' types of the right?

Killed and robbed in the style of the Phineas Priesthood?

Maintain armed camps and regularly exercise with firearms in the woods in rural areas?

You make my point, Sir, with what you think may undermine it....

one-eyed fat man (1000+ posts)        Wed Sep-22-10 07:06 PM
Response to Reply #77
79. Do you want to start with Truman assassination attempt?

The bombing of the Los Angeles Times on October 1, 1910 killed 21 people. The prepetrators of this crime were the McNamara brothers (James and John McNamara), two Irish-American brothers who wanted to unionize the paper. The McNamaras became a cause célèbre amongst the labor movement in the United States, though their support eroded when they admitted their guilt. Are bombs with a Union label a conflicted idea for a non-violent Leftist?

In late April 1919, approximately 30 booby trap bombs were mailed to a cross-section of prominent politicians, including the Attorney General of the United States. The Galleanists intended their bombs to be delivered on May Day, the international day of communist, anarchist, and socialist revolutionary solidarity. (Ya gotta admit, that's pretty stereotypical Left wing.)

The mail bombs were wrapped in bright green paper and stamped "Gimbel Brother's - Novelty Samples." Inside the paper was a cardboard box containing a six-inch by three-inch block of hollowed wood about one inch in thickness, packed with a stick of dynamite. A small vial of sulfuric acid was fastened to the wood block, along with three fulminate-of-mercury blasting caps. Opening one end of the box (one end was marked "open") released a coil spring that caused the acid to drip from its vial onto the blasting caps; the acid ate through the caps, igniting them and detonating the dynamite.

On the evening of June 2, 1919, the Galleanists managed to blow up eight large bombs nearly simultaneously in eight different U.S. cities. These bombs were much larger than the April bombs. One used twenty pounds of dynamite, and all were wrapped or packaged with heavy metal slugs designed to act as shrapnel.

The Galleanists detonated a bomb at 12:01 p.m. on September 16, 1920, in the Financial District of New York City. The blast killed 38 and seriously injured 143. It was more deadly than the bombing of the Los Angeles Times building in 1910. It was the deadliest bomb attack on U.S. soil until the Bath School bombings in Michigan seven years later.

The attack on the US Capitol in 1954, or how about in your life time?

How about the Weather Underground?

Oh,Susan Rosenberg and Bill Ayers who on June 18, 1969 authored the founding document calling for a "white fighting force" to be allied with the "Black Liberation Movement" and other radical movements to achieve "the destruction of US imperialism and achieve a classless world: world communism."

The Haymarket Police Memorial bombing October 7, 1969

Park Place Police Station bombing, February 1970

New York City, Judge Murtagh's home firebombed, February 1970

Greenwich Village townhouse explosion, March 1970 (Aw too bad, the bomb they were building to bomb a dance at the Fort Dix NCO club exploded prematurely. Do the dead bodies of mechanically inept leftists count?)

Timothy Leary prison break, September 1970

The bombing of the United States Capitol on March 1, 1971.

The bombing of the Pentagon on May 19, 1972.

The January 29, 1975 bombing of the United States Department of State Building.

Plot to Bomb Office of California State Senator John Briggs (1977)

Brinks robbery (1981)

May 19th Communist Organization

The May 19 Coalition (also variously referred to as the May 19 Communist Coalition, May 19 Communist Organization, and various alternatives of M19CO), was a US-based, self-described revolutionary organization formed by members of the Weather Underground Organization. The group was originally known as the New York chapter of the Prairie Fire Organizing Committee (PFOC), an organization devoted to legally promoting the causes of the Weather Underground. This was part of Prairie Fire Manifesto change in Weather Underground Organization strategy, which demanded both aboveground mass and clandestine organizations. The role of the clandestine organization would be to build the "consciousness of action" and prepare the way for the development of a people's militia. Concurrently, the role of the mass movement (i.e., above ground Prairie Fire Collective) would include support for, and encouragement of, armed action. Such an alliance would, according to Weather, "help create the 'sea' for the guerrillas to swim in." The Weather Underground members involved in the May 19th Communist Organization alliance with the Black Liberation Army continued in a series of jail breaks, armed robberies and bombings until most members were finally arrested in 1985 and sentenced as part of the Brinks Robbery and the Resistance Conspiracy case.

The (BLA) was an underground, black nationalist-Marxist militant organization that operated in the United States from 1970 to 1981. Composed largely of former Black Panthers (BPP), the organization's program was one of "armed struggle" and its stated goal was to "take up arms for the liberation and self-determination of black people in the United States." The BLA carried out a series of bombings, robberies (what participants termed "expropriations"), and prison breaks.

According to a Justice Department report on BLA activity, the Black Liberation Army is suspected of involvement in over 60 incidents of violence between 1970 and 1976 and the murder of 13 police officers.

On October 22, 1970, the BLA planted a bomb in St. Brendan's Church in San Francisco.

On May 21, 1971, the shootings of two New York City police officers, Joseph Piagentini and Waverly Jones.

On August 29, 1971, the murder 51-year old San Francisco police officer John Victor Young.

On the 3 November, 1971, Officer James R. Greene of the Atlanta Police Department was shot and killed. His wallet, badge, and weapon were taken. Two men had attacked the officer to gain standing with their compatriots within Black Liberation Army.

United Freedom Front, a small American Marxist organization active in the 1970s and 1980s. Between 1975 and 1984 the UFF carried out at least 20 bombings and nine bank robberies in the northeastern United States, targeting corporate buildings, courthouses, and military facilities. Brent L. Smith describes them as "undoubtedly the most successful of the leftist terrorists of the 1970s and 1980s."

The Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) was an American self-styled, far left "urban guerrilla warfare group" that considered itself a revolutionary vanguard army. The group committed bank robberies, two murders, and other acts of violence between 1973 and 1975. Among their most notorious acts was the kidnapping and the brainwashing of the newspaper heiress Patty Hearst.



Earth Liberation Front (ELF) Environmental activists using arson, vandalism, and bombs in lieu of protest signs is a more recent development. The Earth Liberation Front has been classified as threat only since 2001.

Animal Liberation Front (ALF) Animal rights activists had a history of committing low-level criminal activity in the U.S. dating back to the 1970s. PETA feigns non-violence, but, in fact, routinely pays the legal bills of persons they deny are members, but who have been arrested for bombings and other criminal acts.According to ALF statements, any act that furthers the cause of animal liberation may be claimed as an ALF action.

In 1982, letter bombs were sent to all four major party leaders in England, including the prime minister, Margaret Thatcher. The letter bombs were claimed by the Animal Rights Militia (ARM)

In June 1990, two days apart, bombs exploded in the cars of Margaret Baskerville, a veterinary surgeon working at Porton Down, a chemical research defense establishment, and Patrick Max Headley, a psychologist at Bristol University. Baskerville escaped without injury by jumping through the window of her mini-jeep when a bomb using a mercury-tilt device exploded next to the fuel tank. During the attack on Headley, which involved the use of plastic explosives, a 13-month-old baby passing by in a stroller suffered flash burns, shrapnel wounds to his back, and a partially severed finger.

Nine American and two Canadian activists calling themselves the "family," engaged in direct action in the name of the ALF and ELF. Environmental and animal rights activists have referred these acts as the "Green Scare." The incidents included arson attacks against meat-processing plants, lumber companies, a high-tension power line, and a ski center, in Oregon, Wyoming, Washington, California, and Colorado between 1996 and 2001.

You sure you still want a body count? Or will you concede that violence used by groups who want to effect change rather than established political processes is Left-wing extremism, and it is as reprehensible and as morally bankrupt as the use of violence by the Right wing.

The Magistrate  (1000+ posts)        Wed Sep-22-10 07:33 PM
Response to Reply #79
80. Deaths In the United States, Sir, In The Present Day
 That is the subject at hand.

If you have some principled objection to violence per se, one wonders what you are doing down here....

one-eyed fat man (1000+ posts)        Wed Sep-22-10 10:25 PM
Response to Reply #80
85. I have a very principled view to violence.
 Having spent 26 years on active duty, combat service in two wars I have a very good idea of how to inflict violence. I also have a pretty well-developed personal moral code and would only resort to violence when unavoidable, justifiable, legal and necessary for defense. In that event, it would be total, merciless, by any means at hand.

It was your contention that the Leftists are incapable of such tawdry behavior. The only thing I might concede, based on the examples of the 60's and 70's is that crop American Leftist Radicals were often "millionaire Marxists." The spoiled and pampered off spring of successful upper class families wasting their parents' money, cutting classes in Ivy League schools, spouting slogans, fancying themselves downtrodden proletariat while wearing designer jeans made in some Third World sweatshop.

Since they tended to eschew military service and manual labor they blew themselves up almost as often as they blew up the capitalistic lackey dogs they targeted with bombs that would have been better built if they had taken a high school shop class.

Timothy McVeigh and Eric Rudolf were effective partly due to their use of their military training and experience to at least build competent bombs. A dope smoking draft dodger was unlikely to sitting in a class on improvised explosives. The neat thing about the training, is not only to you learn the theory in the classroom. You actually build explosive devices and detonate them on a training range to see how well they work. I am certain that compounds I learned to make from ordinary household chemicals in 1968 will still work as well to day.

What I have an objection to is to those who refuse to see the bombing of military recruitment offices by Code Pink as criminal because they agree with Code Pinks "objectives" It goads me as much as Jane Fonda saying despite the torture, repression, and everything else the North Vietnamese did she couldn't bring herself to say anything bad about a Marxist regime.

I gave you a century's worth of Leftist bombings and murders, in the United States, you dismiss out of hand. You want something more current

A black bloc is a tactic for protests and marches, whereby individuals wear black clothing, scarfs, ski masks, motorcycle helmets with padding or other face-concealing items and often carry some sort of shields and truncheons. The clothing is used to avoid being identified, and to, theoretically, appear as one large mass, promoting solidarity or creating the illusion of a larger group.

The first recorded use of the tactic in United States of America was in 1989 at a protest at the Pentagon. Other early use in the US were the Earth Day Wall Street Action in 1990 and the February 1991 protests against the Gulf War. These were initiated by Love and Rage, a revolutionary Leftist organization active in New York.

They garnered significant media attention when a black bloc caused damage to property of GAP, Starbucks, Old Navy, and other retail locations in downtown Seattle during the 1999 anti-WTO demonstrations. They were a common feature of subsequent anti-globalization protests. During the 2010 G20 Summit in Toronto, a black bloc riot damaged an Urban Outfitters, American Apparel, Adidas Store, Starbucks and many banking establishments.

Back to the original question, as you say Leftist organizations eschew violence, is it your contention that none of those organizations are/were Leftist?

If they are Left wing do you contend that bombing, killing, looting, rioting, vandalism, arson, assault are not violent if they do it?

If roving bands of people committing crimes supporting causes you agree with do you condone their methods?

Did the 1924 Democratic National Convention end with a large celebratory cross-burning?

Was not the Ku Klux Klan the "action wing" of the Democratic Party's "solid South" from the end the Civil War until Lyndon Johnson signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act?

You need to know where the skeletons are buried, because the other side sure does. To blithely deny the sins and excesses of the past by asserting the Left is too pure to have done any such nasty things as those evil right wingers is ludicrous.

Lust for power, greed, corruption, violence are not the exclusive to EITHER extreme. I thought the Patriot Act and all that secret no-fly terror watch list was an unconstitutional power grab by an over-reaching Bush Administration. Now Frank Lautenberg and a boat load of "Leftists and Progressives" (sic) think the very same bogus list they RAILED against when it was the Shrub's is just the PERFECT tool for the Obama Administration to use to deny gun sales.

Yeah, it's bogus unconstitutional power grab, but now it's OUR unconstitutional power grab?

If you buy that crap, be my guest, I'll pass.

The Magistrate  (1000+ posts)        Wed Sep-22-10 11:00 PM
Response to Reply #85
86. Deaths In The United States In the Present Day, Sir
 "Tits ---or sit the **** down!"

X_Digger  (1000+ posts)        Wed Sep-22-10 11:07 PM
Response to Reply #86
87. Feel free to put those goal posts down, they must be heavy.
 "against left groups who do not pose the slightest real threat of violence."

"the left in this country has pretty solidly chosen to eschew violence as a political tool."

What were the examples that one-eyed fat man posted if not 'violence as a political tool'?

The Magistrate  (1000+ posts)        Wed Sep-22-10 11:17 PM
Response to Reply #87
89. A Death Toll, Sir, Was Askd For, Directly: None Has Been Provided
 All that was provided was a farago of left-hating dreck one would expect to encounter on Free Republic rather than Democratic Underground.

Neither of the comments you have excerpted amounts to a statement the left is wholly pacifist, in this country, but being a person who speaks English, you were of course aware of that....

X_Digger  (1000+ posts)        Wed Sep-22-10 11:24 PM
Response to Reply #89
90. Yes, that was one goal post move.. your point?
 Another was 'yes, yes, but anything RECENT'?

That's two hefts that I can see on casual perusal. They must be made of styrofoam.

The Magistrate  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-23-10 12:48 AM
Response to Reply #90
94. On Consideration, Sir, Your Pecking Is Not Even Worth An Attempt At Humor
 You just go on and live in a world where the United States is stalked by violent leftists.....

X_Digger  (1000+ posts)        Thu Sep-23-10 03:39 PM
Response to Reply #94
100. Dropped the posts and picked up some straw, eh? n/t


The fat man has also made some pretty strong remarks about the negative impact of the welfare state on families. I'm surprised he hasn't bitten the pizza. He has the makings of a future CCer.





« Last Edit: September 25, 2010, 03:58:18 PM by dandi »
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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2010, 03:54:59 PM »
CUer or CCer?
"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"All you have to do is look straight and see the road, and when you see it, don't sit looking at it - walk!" -Ayn Rand
"Those that trust God with their safety must yet use proper means for their safety, otherwise they tempt Him, and do not trust Him.  God will provide, but so must we also." - Matthew Henry, Commentary on 2 Chronicles 32, from Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible

"These anti-gun fools are more dangerous to liberty than street criminals or foreign spies."--Theodore Haas, Dachau Survivor

Chase her.
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Offline dandi

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2010, 03:57:24 PM »
I don't want...anybody else
When I think about me I touch myself

Offline BlueStateSaint

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2010, 04:02:27 PM »
LOL Yeah, my bad. CCer.

No blood . . . no foul.
"Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

"All you have to do is look straight and see the road, and when you see it, don't sit looking at it - walk!" -Ayn Rand
"Those that trust God with their safety must yet use proper means for their safety, otherwise they tempt Him, and do not trust Him.  God will provide, but so must we also." - Matthew Henry, Commentary on 2 Chronicles 32, from Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible

"These anti-gun fools are more dangerous to liberty than street criminals or foreign spies."--Theodore Haas, Dachau Survivor

Chase her.
Chase her even when she's yours.
That's the only way you'll be assured to never lose her.

Offline crockspot

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2010, 04:08:30 PM »
Wow, the Magistrate is barely treading water. What a tool. I'm surprised the fat man is still allowed to keep posting.

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2010, 04:10:09 PM »
No way in hell The Magistrate actually believes that line of crap he's pushing.
Liberalism Is The Philosophy Of The Stupid

The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years.  The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

If it walks like a donkey and brays like a donkey and smells like a donkey - it's Cold Warrior.  - PoliCon

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Offline Randy

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2010, 04:16:21 PM »
Not only is he right, he's readable too. Unlike most moonbats we all know he can string together a sentence and CC&P facts together in a legible, non-spittle slinging way. I'll +1 the idea and vote him as an Honorary Member here.  :-)

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2010, 04:22:36 PM »
Not only is he right, he's readable too. Unlike most moonbats we all know he can string together a sentence and CC&P facts together in a legible, non-spittle slinging way. I'll +1 the idea and vote him as an Honorary Member here.  :-)

My only issue is that he did not provide that tool a body count for the anti-abortion movement, which is something like a total of five deaths, and in the same time frame of some of the leftist deaths he provided. That would have specifically answered one of the Magistrates questions, as well as undermined his currency "argument".

But the Magistrate did not want any answers anyway. He was desperately yanking for any straw he could find.

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2010, 04:28:38 PM »
This thread is a keeper -

One knows there is trouble brewing in Liberal Land when even the seemingly unflappable Magistrate has his panties in a wad.

I also suspect that Mag will get some real fresh numbers a few days after the Democrats blow the election on leftist violence in the United States -- maybe even before at the October second Union Thuggathon in DC.

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2010, 04:34:11 PM »
My only issue is that he did not provide that tool a body count for the anti-abortion movement, which is something like a total of five deaths, and in the same time frame of some of the leftist deaths he provided. That would have specifically answered one of the Magistrates questions, as well as undermined his currency "argument".

But the Magistrate did not want any answers anyway. He was desperately yanking for any straw he could find.

Remember One Eyed Willy IS a DUmmie.  :-)
Besides old MagicSnake had already dismissed any and all arguments against him as right wing talking points so any further discussion was/is a waste of time.

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2010, 05:23:37 PM »
Wow. To say the Magisterial primitive is dumber than a 5 pound bag of shit is to insult 5 pound bags of shit.

I think I have my nomination for DUmbass of the year.
Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer "extortion." The "X" makes it sound cool. - Bender

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2010, 09:56:27 PM »
Wow. To say the Magisterial primitive is dumber than a 5 pound bag of shit is to insult 5 pound bags of shit.

I think I have my nomination for DUmbass of the year.

He is one to keep an eye on. Even Bobolink isn't that blindly stupid.

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2010, 12:17:16 AM »
"The Magistrate" is not the sharpest tool in the drawer, his carefully polished faux monocle notwithstanding.  This is not the first time I've seen his attempts at argument crumble into the equivalent of finger pointing and yelling "Freeper!" 

From "Flame Warriors," a compilation of oft-observed internet types:

"Profundus Maximus eagerly holds forth on all subjects, but his thin knowledge will not support a sustained assault and therefore his attacks quickly peter out. Profundus Maximus often uses big words, obscure terms and...ahem...even Latin to bluff his way through battle..."

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2010, 12:42:42 AM »
Oneeyed--we may not see eye to eye, but you are a reasonable person.

You're welcome here in my book anytime.
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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2010, 05:18:22 AM »
Oneeyed--we may not see eye to eye, but you are a reasonable person.

You're welcome here in my book anytime.
Second's nice to see that they aren't all willfully blind to their own side's actions.  Why, some may not even blame the victim!

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2010, 01:54:23 PM »

"Profundus Maximus eagerly holds forth on all subjects, but his thin knowledge will not support a sustained assault and therefore his attacks quickly peter out. Profundus Maximus often uses big words, obscure terms and...ahem...even Latin to bluff his way through battle..."

With the exception of the Latin......this description sounds much like AllentownJake.......

One wonders.....

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2010, 03:28:56 PM »
Reality check, all the political violence in the world since the 19th century has been from the left/progressive/communist/fascists.

When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2010, 04:09:40 PM »
"The Magistrate" is not the sharpest tool in the drawer, ....

Understatement of the year.  Not sure if he's even in the drawer, but he's definately a tool of what the Dem party wants him to believe.  Dolt doesn't have an original idea in his empty little head.

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2010, 05:04:38 PM »

That thread should go to our Ammunition Forum.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2010, 05:42:32 PM »
What the hell with the "sir" thing?  Does he think he is being respectful?  Does he think it is witty?  It is possibly more annoying than anything I have read at DU in a loooooooong time.  He reminds me of a 4th grader who gets straight As and thinks that they are, therefore, the smartest person on the planet.  You just have to roll your eyes and walk away.  He will never see ANYTHING wrong with ANYTHING he says.
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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2010, 05:43:31 PM »
I'm absolutely amazed by this thread, and particularly impressed with the one-eyed fat man.  :cheersmate:

I second any nomination to make him an honorary member.

It is profoundly heartening whenever I run across a leftist who doesn't base his entire worldview on utter bullshit. Actually, whenever I run across anyone who has the courage to admit their mistakes, yet maintains the courage of their convictions. Tends to make their arguments that much stronger.

I'd like to meet the man and thank him not only for his service, but for his obvious self-respect as well. WTF is he doing THERE????

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2010, 05:45:00 PM »
What the hell with the "sir" thing?  Does he think he is being respectful?  Does he think it is witty?  It is possibly more annoying than anything I have read at DU in a loooooooong time.  He reminds me of a 4th grader who gets straight As and thinks that they are, therefore, the smartest person on the planet.  You just have to roll your eyes and walk away.  He will never see ANYTHING wrong with ANYTHING he says.

Reminds me of that prick olberdouche, right???  :bird:

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #22 on: September 27, 2010, 06:14:48 PM »
What the hell with the "sir" thing?  Does he think he is being respectful?  Does he think it is witty?  It is possibly more annoying than anything I have read at DU in a loooooooong time.  He reminds me of a 4th grader who gets straight As and thinks that they are, therefore, the smartest person on the planet.  You just have to roll your eyes and walk away.  He will never see ANYTHING wrong with ANYTHING he says.

I took it as a term of condescension, to put whoever he's talking to "beneath" the speaker.

Makes him sound like a total DUmbass
Murphy's 3rd Law:  "You can't make anything 'idiot DUmmie proof'.  The world will just create a better idiot DUmmie."

Liberals are like Slinkys.  Basically useless, but they do bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs...
Global warming supporters believe that a few hundred million tons of CO2 has more control over our climate than a million mile in diameter, unshielded thermo-nuclear fusion reactor at the middle of the solar system.

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #23 on: September 27, 2010, 07:35:24 PM »
What the hell with the "sir" thing?  Does he think he is being respectful?  Does he think it is witty?  It is possibly more annoying than anything I have read at DU in a loooooooong time.  He reminds me of a 4th grader who gets straight As and thinks that they are, therefore, the smartest person on the planet.  You just have to roll your eyes and walk away.  He will never see ANYTHING wrong with ANYTHING he says.
Almost as annoying as CalPiggy's "My dear _________" predicate to ever response she makes.

"My dear Anal Carbuncle, these are the memories we will always share."
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

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Re: Think "No guns for Terrorists" is a good idea...THINK AGAIN....
« Reply #24 on: September 28, 2010, 01:32:44 AM »
Almost as annoying as CalPiggy's "My dear _________" predicate to ever response she makes.

"My dear Anal Carbuncle, these are the memories we will always share."

That's what DUmmies use for brains.   :lmao:

Want to give a DUmmie a concussion?  Kick him/her/it in the ass.   :rotf:
Murphy's 3rd Law:  "You can't make anything 'idiot DUmmie proof'.  The world will just create a better idiot DUmmie."

Liberals are like Slinkys.  Basically useless, but they do bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs...
Global warming supporters believe that a few hundred million tons of CO2 has more control over our climate than a million mile in diameter, unshielded thermo-nuclear fusion reactor at the middle of the solar system.

"A dead enemy is a peaceful enemy.  Blessed be the peacemakers". - U.S. Marine Corp

You can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out of office.