Author Topic: INTERPOL issues global alert for increased terror threat if Koran burning in US  (Read 992 times)

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Offline thundley4

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LYON, France – INTERPOL has today issued a global alert to its 188 member countries following the request of Pakistan’s Minister of the Interior, and its own determination, that if the proposed Koran burning by a pastor in the US goes ahead as planned, there is a strong likelihood that violent attacks on innocent people would follow.

Minister Rehman Malik personally contacted INTERPOL Secretary General Ronald K. Noble to engage the world police body’s assistance in warning law enforcement of the increased terrorist threat if plans reported by the media to burn the holy book were carried out on Saturday’s anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

“One of INTERPOL’s primary functions is to prevent crime, and given that we have been made aware of a significant threat to public safety – an assessment which we share – it is our duty to ensure that we pass this information on to law enforcement agencies around the globe so that they can take appropriate measures,” said INTERPOL Secretary General Ronald K. Noble.

“Although there are currently no specific details as to what forms of terror attacks would follow, what is clear is if the Koran burning goes ahead as planned, there will be tragic consequences, ones which may well claim the lives of many innocent people,” added Mr Noble.

INTERPOL has circulated Pakistan’s warning and its own alert to all National Central Bureaus around the world, and also has requested that any country receiving information about a potential threat to public safety contact INTERPOL’s General Secretariat headquarters immediately.
Interpol Press Release

Offline cavegal

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This is just wild i say. Kinda like when the Germans said give up your country or we will kill you. NO? WHY GIVE IN TO THEM? :fuelfire: It is a f-n book. Nobody burned a Koran on 9/10/01 they still attacked us. What about the USS Cole, what was burned then? I could go on. They need to be stopped.

“Look, we’re led by a man that either is not tough, not smart, or he’s got something else in mind,”  Donald J.Trump. 6/13/16

Offline whiffleball

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All this international angst by way of a tiny rural FL church.  Seems a little suspicious in the timing of all the drama.  A liberal seems to have been behind the Kos Kids stunt, after all.