Author Topic: The rally media round up  (Read 749 times)

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Offline formerlurker

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The rally media round up
« on: August 28, 2010, 04:13:58 PM »
Conservative commentator Glenn Beck and tea party champion Sarah Palin appealed Saturday to a vast, predominantly white crowd on the National Mall to help restore traditional American values and honor Martin Luther King's message

Racist crowd.

Tens of thousands? Certainly. One hundred thousand? Perhaps. Half a million? No one can really say for sure.


But the Associated Press said tens of thousands of people participated in the rally.

Authorities wouldn't say how many people turned out. The National Park Service stopped estimating crowds in 1997 after it was accused of underestimating the size of the Million Man March two years earlier.

Sgt. David Schlosser, spokesman for the U.S. Park Police, said it's extremely difficult to estimate crowds of this magnitude, given their fluctuations throughout the day and the fact that some are simply tourists.

Read more:


Likewise, if you can forget Glenn Beck's hate speech history, this shared reality Palin, Glenn Beck and the rally conjured up today was indeed inspiring. However, knowing the rhetoric he utilizes daily, along with Palin, I simply sensed the intense degree of desperation from the people attending, individuals so hungry to hear someone, anyone, say something that represents their feelings they'll gladly take Glenn Beck, even if he's someone who only walks the walk he talked today, this one day out of his life.

Every single person I talked to said the Congress and federal government is guilty of "runaway spending," the mantra, with others also talking about a "government takeover." The frustration with Congress not doing the will of the people was another constant theme. The message discipline and focus was impressive and heartfelt, with no race-baiting, hating signs in my vicinity or on the long path I walked, though it was far too crowded to possibly hit all spots. It was, however, very white.

White = doesn't count. 

Most of the major news outlets shaped their Saturday Web coverage around Beck's rally, with the event that drew thousands to Washington, D.C., on the anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech featuring in the central main display of news sites from CBS and CNN to the New York Times and LATimes. Most major outlets also tweeted their coverage.

an event that drew tens of hundreds.......

Such was the theme of the rally the Fox News pundit launched Saturday on the National Mall—an event that coincided with the 47th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s seminal "I Have a Dream" speech, which was delivered on the very same site. Officials estimated that more than 100,000 people—many of them Tea Party supporters—showed up to hear Beck pay tribute to his country and, in usual character, sling some mud at the man currently leading it. Fearing the sometimes fire-breathing rhetoric of Tea Partiers, top Republicans stayed away from the rally. Conservative strategists also worried that if Beck appeared too extreme, it could be easy in the fall for Democrats to portray Republicans as loony and on the fringe

At the Beck rally, "most of the people I see are white but that doesn't mean they are racist," he said. Still, "it seems they don't have a message that attracts people outside of the Caucasion race."

But in the days leading up to the rally, the three networks have looked at the same story very differently. One important factor may be that Beck is a popular Fox News host, and that the rally's star attraction, Palin, happens to be a Fox News contributor.

Over the past month, CNN has mentioned Beck's connection to Fox News and the rally only once as of Friday evening. On the eve of the rally Friday night, CNN aired an interview of Al Sharpton by talk-show host John King in which Sharpton criticized Beck for saying he's "reclaiming the civil rights movement." On the same day as Beck's event, Sharpton has organized another rally in Washington to honor King.

MSNBC has made numerous references to Beck and to Fox, though usually in disparaging fashion. One host, Cenk Uygur, while substituting for Ed Schultz, called the rally "ridiculous" and an "ego trip" and branded Beck "a bad guy." MSNBC host Keith Olbermann has been particularly aggressive, asking one guest on Thursday, "Are we expecting to see [Beck] part the Reflecting Pool?"

Fox News says that it has no official connection to the demonstration, explaining that Beck has organized it separately from his duties as a weekday host. Still, the network's tone has been much more friendly when it comes to the rally. In addition to dozens of mentions of it on his own show, Beck has appeared on "Fox and Friends," the network's morning program, and on Bill O'Reilly's evening program to discuss it. "Fox and Friends" directed viewers to Beck's Web site.

The rally's organizers -- the Beck-affiliated 9-12 Project and Mercury Radio Arts -- have told the National Park Service in their permit application that they expect 300,000 people to attend. That figure would place it among the largest demonstrations in the Mall's history, although some have doubted that the rally will draw anything close to it.

300,000+ to anyone who can see -- I wouldn't be surprised if the actual figure was closer to half a million people.   Putzes.

Offline true_blood

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Re: The rally media round up
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2010, 04:49:56 PM »
They're all racists!!! Just because it's predominately white, they're all racists.
You fool!!! :censored:

Offline 5412

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Re: The rally media round up
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2010, 07:59:35 PM »
They're all racists!!! Just because it's predominately white, they're all racists.
You fool!!! :censored:


The Huffington Post likely wrote the article last night before the rally.  What a crock!  At the same time, there is nothing that I read that pisses me off or was not totally predictible.

As I said to many today, Americans are angry, we are not being listened to by our congress and they will learn soon enough in November. 

We must realize it is impossible for these media outlets to write anything different from what they did.  It is no different than Al Sharpton today continuing to sell his racial hatred.  If it was not for that he would be out of a job!  We can convert voters with the truth one voter at a time.  We can never convert the press who sees their mission to appeal to a certain market segment and MUST print what they feel that segment needs to read.

Perhaps that is why the mainstream media is on it's ass financially.
