Author Topic: Fox News Poll: 76 Percent Say Time for Obama to Take Responsibility  (Read 1022 times)

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Despite more voters faulting former President Bush's policies for the country's economic
woes, most American voters think it is time for President Obama to stop blaming Bush.

Nearly half of voters — 47 percent — think Bush's policies are mostly to blame for the economic difficulties the country is having today, compared to 32 percent who think Obama's policies are to blame.

Even so, fully 76 percent of voters think it is time for the Obama administration to start taking responsibility for the condition of the economy. That's more than four times as many as think it is right to continue to place the blame on Bush (18 percent). ...

Who'd have guessed there were so many racists about? ;)

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Re: Fox News Poll: 76 Percent Say Time for Obama to Take Responsibility
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2010, 06:04:49 AM »
This is just another poll which indirectly correlates the size of Obama's base - give or take 24%.  Nearly three of four Americans -- 71 percent -- say building a mosque so close to the site is not appropriate while just 22 percent say it is appropriate. Twenty-one percent say only a little has been wasted and 4 percent think that no stimulus dollars have been wasted. The survey shows an increasing number of Americans are distrustful both of Washington and the elected officials who populate it. Only 22 percent of those polled said they can trust the federal government “almost always” or “most of the time,” which Pew says is “among the lowest measures in more than half a century three-fourths, or 73 percent, say a ban is unnecessary, calling the worst oil spill in U.S. history a “freak accident,” according to a Bloomberg National Poll. The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 27% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president.

All of these unrelated polls show the same thing - the size of Obama's base. WHen all of these polls are added and divided entirely unscientifically (as In I didn't bother calculating from raw numbers, just the resulting percentage) I come up with a moonbat index of 24.5%.

BTW, The Moonbat Index almost never changes. it always hovers at 24%. This is why the Democrats are in trouble.

« Last Edit: August 28, 2010, 06:07:45 AM by miskie »

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Re: Fox News Poll: 76 Percent Say Time for Obama to Take Responsibility
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2010, 06:05:34 AM »
The only reason the 47 percent number is anywhere near as high as it has been is because the administration and MSM have been hammering that talking point until that dead horsie is a flattened pelt.

It's called the "Law of Diminishing Returns", DUmmies.  Look it up.  At some point, people aren't going to believe your bullshit anymore.
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Re: Fox News Poll: 76 Percent Say Time for Obama to Take Responsibility
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2010, 08:05:51 AM »
This is just another poll which indirectly correlates the size of Obama's base - give or take 24%.  Nearly three of four Americans -- 71 percent -- say building a mosque so close to the site is not appropriate while just 22 percent say it is appropriate. Twenty-one percent say only a little has been wasted and 4 percent think that no stimulus dollars have been wasted. The survey shows an increasing number of Americans are distrustful both of Washington and the elected officials who populate it. Only 22 percent of those polled said they can trust the federal government “almost always” or “most of the time,” which Pew says is “among the lowest measures in more than half a century three-fourths, or 73 percent, say a ban is unnecessary, calling the worst oil spill in U.S. history a “freak accident,” according to a Bloomberg National Poll. The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 27% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president.

All of these unrelated polls show the same thing - the size of Obama's base. WHen all of these polls are added and divided entirely unscientifically (as In I didn't bother calculating from raw numbers, just the resulting percentage) I come up with a moonbat index of 24.5%.

BTW, The Moonbat Index almost never changes. it always hovers at 24%. This is why the Democrats are in trouble.

Interesting, can we call them the 24%ers now?  :-)

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Re: Fox News Poll: 76 Percent Say Time for Obama to Take Responsibility
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2010, 03:44:07 PM »
Interesting, can we call them the 24%ers now?  :-)

I don't see why not -- didn't they refer to Bush supporters as 23%ers after he fell to his lowest approval rates during his presidency ? Well, regardless. When I shake my Magic 8 Ball and ask "What are the Democrat's chances in 2010 ?", it always responds with "All signs point to screwn.".

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Re: Fox News Poll: 76 Percent Say Time for Obama to Take Responsibility
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2010, 04:50:54 PM »
It's still Bush's fault!! lol
About time he steps up to the plate! :censored: