Author Topic: THROW GRANDMA UNDER THE BUS  (Read 7871 times)

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Offline Rebel Yell

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« on: March 24, 2008, 11:03:56 AM »
You shouldn't need a link.
March 19, 2008

Obama gave a nice speech, except for everything he said about race. He apparently believes we're not talking enough about race. This is like hearing Britney Spears say we're not talking enough about pop-tarts with substance-abuse problems.

By now, the country has spent more time talking about race than John Kerry has talked about Vietnam, John McCain has talked about being a POW, John Edwards has talked about his dead son, and Al Franken has talked about his USO tours.

But the "post-racial candidate" thinks we need to talk yet more about race. How much more? I had had my fill by around 1974. How long must we all marinate in the angry resentment of black people?

As an authentic post-racial American, I will not patronize blacks by pretending Obama's pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, is anything other than a raving racist loon. If a white pastor had said what Rev. Wright said -- not about black people, but literally, the exact same things -- I think we'd notice that he's crazier than Ward Churchill and David Duke's love child. (Indeed, both Churchill and the Rev. Wright referred to the attacks of 9/11 as the chickens coming "home to roost.")

Imagine a white pastor saying: "Racism is the American way. Racism is how this country was founded, and how this country is still run. ... We believe in white supremacy and black inferiority. And believe it more than we believe in God."

Imagine a white pastor calling Condoleezza Rice, "Condoskeezza Rice."

Imagine a white pastor saying: "No, no, no, God damn America -- that's in the Bible for killing innocent people! God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human! God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme!"

We treat blacks like children, constantly talking about their temper tantrums right in front of them with airy phrases about black anger. I will not pat blacks on the head and say, "Isn't that cute?" As a post-racial American, I do not believe "the legacy of slavery" gives black people the right to be permanently ill-mannered.

Obama tried to justify Wright's deranged rants by explaining that "legalized discrimination" is the "reality in which Rev. Wright and other African-Americans of his generation grew up." He said that a "lack of economic opportunity among black men, and the shame and frustration that came from not being able to provide for one's family, contributed to the erosion of black families."

That may accurately describe the libretto of "Porgy and Bess," but it has no connection to reality. By Rev. Wright's own account, he was 12 years old and was attending an integrated school in Philadelphia when Brown v. Board of Education was announced, ending "separate but equal" schooling.

Meanwhile, at least since the Supreme Court's decision in University of California v. Bakke in 1978 -- and obviously long before that, or there wouldn't have been a case or controversy for the court to consider -- it has been legal for the government to discriminate against whites on the basis of their race.

Consequently, any white person 30 years old or younger has lived, since the day he was born, in an America where it is legal to discriminate against white people. In many cases it's not just legal, but mandatory, for example, in education, in hiring and in Academy Award nominations.

So for half of Rev. Wright's 66 years, discrimination against blacks was legal -- though he never experienced it personally because it existed in a part of the country where he did not live. For the second half of Wright's life, discrimination against whites was legal throughout the land.

Discrimination has become so openly accepted that -- in a speech meant to tamp down his association with a black racist -- Obama felt perfectly comfortable throwing his white grandmother under the bus. He used her as the white racist counterpart to his black racist "old uncle," Rev. Wright.

First of all, Wright is not Obama's uncle. The only reason we indulge crazy uncles is that everyone understands that people don't choose their relatives the way they choose, for example, their pastors and mentors. No one quarrels with the idea that you can't be expected to publicly denounce your blood relatives.

But Wright is not a relative of Obama's at all. Yet Obama cravenly compared Wright's racist invective to his actual grandmother, who "once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe."

Rev. Wright accuses white people of inventing AIDS to kill black men, but Obama's grandmother -- who raised him, cooked his food, tucked him in at night, and paid for his clothes and books and private school -- has expressed the same feelings about passing black men on the street that Jesse Jackson has.

Unlike his "old uncle" -- who is not his uncle -- Obama had no excuses for his grandmother. Obama's grandmother never felt the lash of discrimination! Crazy grandma doesn't get the same pass as the crazy uncle; she's white. Denounce the racist!

Fine. Can we move on now?

No, of course, not. It never ends. To be fair, Obama hinted that we might have one way out: If we elect him president, then maybe, just maybe, we can stop talking about race.

4520 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64111

 :cheersmate: :clap:
I feel that once a black fella has referred to white foks as "honky paleface devil white-trash cracker redneck Caspers," he's abdicated the right to get upset about the "N" word. But that's just me. -- Jim Goad

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« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2008, 01:49:10 PM »
Grandma got run over by Obama
On his way to Denver the other eve.
You might say Obama’s not a racist,
But as for me an’ Grandpa, we believe.

He’d been taking so much flak now,
From being buds with Pastor Wright.
Who spread his hate-speech ‘bout our nation,
Even though Obama’s mom was white.

When we found her the next morning,
At the scene of the attack
She had “racist” tattooed on her forehead,
And Obama’s footprints ‘cross her back.


Now we’re so proud of ol’ Obama,
He’d explained it oh so well.
There’s race problems in this country
But even Grandma’s racist
so what the hell! (Refrain)

It’s not a campaign without Grandma,
All the family’s dressed in black.
And we just can’t help but wonder
Who’s the next family member he’ll attack! (HE’LL ATTACK!)


I’ve warned all my friends and
Better watch out for yourselves.
They should never vote for POTUS,
A guy who won’t wear flags on his lapel.

Sing it, Grandpa!
“Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian.”  -Henry Ford

Offline Rebel Yell

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« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2008, 01:51:23 PM »
Grandma got run over by Obama
On his way to Denver the other eve.
You might say Obama’s not a racist,
But as for me an’ Grandpa, we believe.

He’d been taking so much flak now,
From being buds with Pastor Wright.
Who spread his hate-speech ‘bout our nation,
Even though Obama’s mom was white.

When we found her the next morning,
At the scene of the attack
She had “racist” tattooed on her forehead,
And Obama’s footprints ‘cross her back.


Now we’re so proud of ol’ Obama,
He’d explained it oh so well.
There’s race problems in this country
But even Grandma’s racist
so what the hell! (Refrain)

It’s not a campaign without Grandma,
All the family’s dressed in black.
And we just can’t help but wonder
Who’s the next family member he’ll attack! (HE’LL ATTACK!)


I’ve warned all my friends and
Better watch out for yourselves.
They should never vote for POTUS,
A guy who won’t wear flags on his lapel.

Sing it, Grandpa!

 :cheersmate: love it.
I feel that once a black fella has referred to white foks as "honky paleface devil white-trash cracker redneck Caspers," he's abdicated the right to get upset about the "N" word. But that's just me. -- Jim Goad

Offline LadyLiberty

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« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2008, 04:30:32 PM »
Grandma got run over by Obama
On his way to Denver the other eve.
You might say Obama’s not a racist,
But as for me an’ Grandpa, we believe.

He’d been taking so much flak now,
From being buds with Pastor Wright.
Who spread his hate-speech ‘bout our nation,
Even though Obama’s mom was white.

When we found her the next morning,
At the scene of the attack
She had “racist” tattooed on her forehead,
And Obama’s footprints ‘cross her back.


Now we’re so proud of ol’ Obama,
He’d explained it oh so well.
There’s race problems in this country
But even Grandma’s racist
so what the hell! (Refrain)

It’s not a campaign without Grandma,
All the family’s dressed in black.
And we just can’t help but wonder
Who’s the next family member he’ll attack! (HE’LL ATTACK!)


I’ve warned all my friends and
Better watch out for yourselves.
They should never vote for POTUS,
A guy who won’t wear flags on his lapel.

Sing it, Grandpa!

 :rotf: :rotf:

This is great!

Ann Coulter is ma he-ro.

What she is saying is just what I have been "seeing"  from the libtards...all this talk about racism...and they have motives with it, for sure, hoping that we will just elect Obama to PROVE that we AREN'T 'racist'. They won't shut up about whites being racist against blacks, unless B.O. wins. 
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Offline LadyLiberty

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« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2008, 10:42:41 AM »
I am coming back to this thread RebelYell, because I took your bait  in the lounge where you said  that you think Yankees are so gullible, that if you tell them anything with a southern drawl, they will believe it...

I am astonished that YOU laud Ann Coulter, who is SO not a southerner.

Do you think she too is gullible and would be fooled by your southern drawl?
« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 10:44:16 AM by LadyLiberty »
"My friends, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world. I hope you'll join with me to try to change it."

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Offline SilverOrchid

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« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2008, 10:57:46 AM »
Grandma got run over by Obama
On his way to Denver the other eve.
You might say Obama’s not a racist,
But as for me an’ Grandpa, we believe.

He’d been taking so much flak now,
From being buds with Pastor Wright.
Who spread his hate-speech ‘bout our nation,
Even though Obama’s mom was white.

When we found her the next morning,
At the scene of the attack
She had “racist” tattooed on her forehead,
And Obama’s footprints ‘cross her back.


Now we’re so proud of ol’ Obama,
He’d explained it oh so well.
There’s race problems in this country
But even Grandma’s racist
so what the hell! (Refrain)

It’s not a campaign without Grandma,
All the family’s dressed in black.
And we just can’t help but wonder
Who’s the next family member he’ll attack! (HE’LL ATTACK!)


I’ve warned all my friends and
Better watch out for yourselves.
They should never vote for POTUS,
A guy who won’t wear flags on his lapel.

Sing it, Grandpa!

 :rotf: :rotf: That is awesome!  :bow:

Offline Rebel Yell

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« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2008, 11:01:13 AM »
I am coming back to this thread RebelYell, because I took your bait  in the lounge where you said  that you think Yankees are so gullible, that if you tell them anything with a southern drawl, they will believe it...

I am astonished that YOU laud Ann Coulter, who is SO not a southerner.

Do you think she too is gullible and would be fooled by your southern drawl?
Wow, I really struck a nerve there.  No, she is not a southerner.  A person doesn't have to be a southerner to have what we call "good sense".  I've read your posts, and agree with mostly everything you say.  The transplants I've dealt with ARE very gullible.  They think they're so superior to us dumb rednecks down here, that as long as you play stoopid they think you can't be pulling one over on them.  Granted, these are people I call friends.  To be truly conservative you must have southern values, also known as old time, christian values.  That's the wonderful thing about being behind the times.
I feel that once a black fella has referred to white foks as "honky paleface devil white-trash cracker redneck Caspers," he's abdicated the right to get upset about the "N" word. But that's just me. -- Jim Goad

Offline LadyLiberty

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« Reply #7 on: March 27, 2008, 11:17:51 AM »
I am coming back to this thread RebelYell, because I took your bait  in the lounge where you said  that you think Yankees are so gullible, that if you tell them anything with a southern drawl, they will believe it...

I am astonished that YOU laud Ann Coulter, who is SO not a southerner.

Do you think she too is gullible and would be fooled by your southern drawl?
Wow, I really struck a nerve there.  No, she is not a southerner.  A person doesn't have to be a southerner to have what we call "good sense".  I've read your posts, and agree with mostly everything you say.  The transplants I've dealt with ARE very gullible.  They think they're so superior to us dumb rednecks down here, that as long as you play stoopid they think you can't be pulling one over on them.  Granted, these are people I call friends.  To be truly conservative you must have southern values, also known as old time, christian values.  That's the wonderful thing about being behind the times.

It did strike a nerve, because it was offensive, and it is probably because I have roots on both sides of the family, and it is plain ignorant bigotry, plain and simple.

I definitely know what you are talking about with the northern arrogance (as I KNOW all about it, firsthanded, from living up there for 18 years), and I know how they regard southerners. It isn't right, and I don't fault you for not putting up with their condescension...but, on the other hand, it is offensive to say that non-southerners are gullible and believe anything you tell them.

And YOU saying that only true conservatives are southern is just flat out ignorant as well. Ronald Reagan is not a southerner, neither is Ann Coulter.  You saying that is not only false, but it is full of ignorant arrogance as well.

The place I witnessed the quintessential state-of-the-welfare mind was IN the south, the rural south. I have room to make many comparisons on that.
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« Reply #8 on: March 27, 2008, 11:27:28 AM »
I think he's calling the arrogant ones who think they are pulling one over on "simple Southerners", gullible. They really think they are getting away with something.

I do think he's onto to something when it comes to conservative values and geography. However, I find conservative roots in what I would call the "heartland" and not just the South. Like others have said in different threads, "Southern mentality" can be found all over the U.S.

Since a lot of Southerners are conservative, the terms become interchangable. While not always correct, it's usually on the mark. I equate liberalism with both coasts and large metropolitan cities like L.A. or NYC. Those are decidedly not "Southern" places. We're all guilty of generalizing.

And you're right about liberalism and a sense of entitlement having deep roots in the South. But look at where that's happening - in places where liberals have a stranglehold on politics and the race pimps have a bully pulpit.
I can see November 2 from my house!!!

Spread my work ethic, not my wealth.

Forget change, bring back common sense.

No, my friends, there’s only one really progressive idea. And that is the idea of legally limiting the power of the government. That one genuinely liberal, genuinely progressive idea — the Why in 1776, the How in 1787 — is what needs to be conserved. We need to conserve that fundamentally liberal idea. That is why we are conservatives. --Bill Whittle

Offline Rebel Yell

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« Reply #9 on: March 27, 2008, 11:51:46 AM »
I am coming back to this thread RebelYell, because I took your bait  in the lounge where you said  that you think Yankees are so gullible, that if you tell them anything with a southern drawl, they will believe it...

I am astonished that YOU laud Ann Coulter, who is SO not a southerner.

Do you think she too is gullible and would be fooled by your southern drawl?
Wow, I really struck a nerve there.  No, she is not a southerner.  A person doesn't have to be a southerner to have what we call "good sense".  I've read your posts, and agree with mostly everything you say.  The transplants I've dealt with ARE very gullible.  They think they're so superior to us dumb rednecks down here, that as long as you play stoopid they think you can't be pulling one over on them.  Granted, these are people I call friends.  To be truly conservative you must have southern values, also known as old time, christian values.  That's the wonderful thing about being behind the times.

It did strike a nerve, because it was offensive, and it is probably because I have roots on both sides of the family, and it is plain ignorant bigotry, plain and simple.

I definitely know what you are talking about with the northern arrogance (as I KNOW all about it, firsthanded, from living up there for 18 years), and I know how they regard southerners. It isn't right, and I don't fault you for not putting up with their condescension...but, on the other hand, it is offensive to say that non-southerners are gullible and believe anything you tell them.

And YOU saying that only true conservatives are southern is just flat out ignorant as well. Ronald Reagan is not a southerner, neither is Ann Coulter.  You saying that is not only false, but it is full of ignorant arrogance as well.

The place I witnessed the quintessential state-of-the-welfare mind was IN the south, the rural south. I have room to make many comparisons on that.

Number 1.  You have lived down here long enough to know that I don't mean ALL yankees.

Number 2.  I didn't say only southerners are conservative, I said conservatives hold predominantly southern values which come from us being behind the times down here.  All I ask is that you don't twist my words.

Number 3.  Your dead on point about the welfare state down here.  I can't elaborate more on that because I've been warned about my views there.  P.S. Welfare is on the way out, they're all getting disability now.
I feel that once a black fella has referred to white foks as "honky paleface devil white-trash cracker redneck Caspers," he's abdicated the right to get upset about the "N" word. But that's just me. -- Jim Goad

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« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2008, 02:18:20 PM »
Right, you did say that true conservatives hold southern values...which I suppose was not the same thing as how I originally took what you said. I apologize for that.

I still disagree with that though, because it sounds like you are giving southern values full credit for conservatism.

Your signature consists of a quote from the original Conservative himself, the Great Abraham Lincoln  :bow: , and he was born in Illinois, as was Reagan.

One show I used to watch growing up that I felt had a conservative "tone" to it was Little House on the Prairie...the midwest today is predominantly conservative.

I think when you say "southern values", you are referring to family values, specifically, Christian values, and morals...and the right to private property.

Personally, I did not care for Mike Huckabee At.All.,  because he was a phony...but sure was a big Christian...yet the  majority of the deep south chose him in the primaries.

You are right about the south now cashing in on disability...and I personally knew someone who purposely burned their trailer down just so they could have a new house built  :whatever: That is very typical.

But, there are many very charming things about the south, which is why I personally prefer it over the north, any day.

On the other hand, I will say that the work ethic in the south stinks, and I have been hired for jobs in the south, where I had NO experience whatsoever specifically because my northern background (and therefore work ethic) was the appeal.

But, to say that true conservatism has southern values is as true as saying that true conservatism has midwestern values, because that is saying that "family value" and "morals" originated in the south, when that is hardly the case.  Don't  try to take the credit for such things.
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Offline Rebel Yell

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« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2008, 02:47:10 PM »
Right, you did say that true conservatives hold southern values...which I suppose was not the same thing as how I originally took what you said. I apologize for that.

I figured you just took that wrong.  No harm, no foul.

I still disagree with that though, because it sounds like you are giving southern values full credit for conservatism.

Not full credit, but we're looked down on for not keeping up with the times.  Simple values, like you said, Family, Christ, Honesty, Hard work (we don't call welfare queens southerners, we don't even call them welfare queens).
Your signature consists of a quote from the original Conservative himself, the Great Abraham Lincoln  :bow: , and he was born in Illinois, as was Reagan.

I'll give you Reagan, but Lincoln was not a conservative.  It's thanks to him that the federal government has it's hands in every facet of our lives. 

One show I used to watch growing up that I felt had a conservative "tone" to it was Little House on the Prairie...the midwest today is predominantly conservative.

You're right, for the most part midwest and south are interchangeable.
I think when you say "southern values", you are referring to family values, specifically, Christian values, and morals...and the right to private property.

Personally, I did not care for Mike Huckabee At.All.,  because he was a phony...but sure was a big Christian...yet the  majority of the deep south chose him in the primaries.

Neither did I.  Personally, I was for Fred.  Jimmy Carter was from about an hour from where I live, and that's what I saw when I looked at Huckabee.

You are right about the south now cashing in on disability...and I personally knew someone who purposely burned their trailer down just so they could have a new house built  :whatever: That is very typical.

There are crooks everywhere.  I work in insurance, so that one is no shock to me.

But, there are many very charming things about the south, which is why I personally prefer it over the north, any day.

On the other hand, I will say that the work ethic in the south stinks, and I have been hired for jobs in the south, where I had NO experience whatsoever specifically because my northern background (and therefore work ethic) was the appeal.

The working people down here are some of the hardest working people you'll ever meet.  Unfortunately, there are fewer than there used to be.  Not knocking your work ethic, but some people down here do think having a northern background makes you more educated.
But, to say that true conservatism has southern values is as true as saying that true conservatism has midwestern values, because that is saying that "family value" and "morals" originated in the south, when that is hardly the case.  Don't  try to take the credit for such things.

I never said they originatd in the south, I'm saying that they are still stronger in the south.  i have lived up north, too.  And on the average there are ALOT more immoral goings on up there.  Down here the churches still hold alot of power in the small towns.

And just for the record, Atlanta is not the south.  Ask any southerner.
I feel that once a black fella has referred to white foks as "honky paleface devil white-trash cracker redneck Caspers," he's abdicated the right to get upset about the "N" word. But that's just me. -- Jim Goad

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« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2008, 03:08:27 PM »

And just for the record, Atlanta is not the south.  Ask any southerner.
I have to agree.  I came over from Louisiana in 1999 and was rather surprised at what I saw.

Atlanta is not a southern capital by any means, at least not anymore.

If you want a city that represents the South, I'd say Savannah does a far better job.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

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« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2008, 03:09:57 PM »

And just for the record, Atlanta is not the south.  Ask any southerner.
I have to agree.  I came over from Louisiana in 1999 and was rather surprised at what I saw.

Atlanta is not a southern capital by any means, at least not anymore.

If you want a city that represents the South, I'd say Savannah does a far better job.

Nashville is pretty southern.

Offline Chris_

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« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2008, 03:10:29 PM »

And just for the record, Atlanta is not the south.  Ask any southerner.
I have to agree.  I came over from Louisiana in 1999 and was rather surprised at what I saw.

Atlanta is not a southern capital by any means, at least not anymore.

If you want a city that represents the South, I'd say Savannah does a far better job.

Nashville is pretty southern.

Can't disagree with that. :)
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

Offline Rebel Yell

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« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2008, 03:29:19 PM »

And just for the record, Atlanta is not the south.  Ask any southerner.
I have to agree.  I came over from Louisiana in 1999 and was rather surprised at what I saw.

Atlanta is not a southern capital by any means, at least not anymore.

If you want a city that represents the South, I'd say Savannah does a far better job.

Nashville is pretty southern.

Can't disagree with that. :)
As far as the major cities, Savannah is it.  But for true southern culture, stop in one of the small towns during a local festival.  We just had ours this past weekend.

The site has not been updaed to this past FaF.
I feel that once a black fella has referred to white foks as "honky paleface devil white-trash cracker redneck Caspers," he's abdicated the right to get upset about the "N" word. But that's just me. -- Jim Goad

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« Reply #16 on: March 27, 2008, 03:33:08 PM »
You guys hit on something that LL briefly mentioned upthread. Liberal strongholds in the South. Memphis, Atlanta and I'm sure a few others top my list as places that tend to be more moonbatty than the rest. I blame the Democrats and race pimps who have worked very hard at stoking the fires amongst the professional victim class. I grew up in and around Memphis. It's really gone downhill over the last 20 years. Both sides of my family have been there for 75+ years. My dad has worked for the county government for 38 years. It's sad to see such a wonderful, vibrant city be ruined. And the blame can be laid squarely on racial politics and people who think Obama's pastor is just speaking truth to power.
I can see November 2 from my house!!!

Spread my work ethic, not my wealth.

Forget change, bring back common sense.

No, my friends, there’s only one really progressive idea. And that is the idea of legally limiting the power of the government. That one genuinely liberal, genuinely progressive idea — the Why in 1776, the How in 1787 — is what needs to be conserved. We need to conserve that fundamentally liberal idea. That is why we are conservatives. --Bill Whittle

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« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2008, 03:42:41 PM »
You guys hit on something that LL briefly mentioned upthread. Liberal strongholds in the South. Memphis, Atlanta and I'm sure a few others top my list as places that tend to be more moonbatty than the rest. I blame the Democrats and race pimps who have worked very hard at stoking the fires amongst the professional victim class. I grew up in and around Memphis. It's really gone downhill over the last 20 years. Both sides of my family have been there for 75+ years. My dad has worked for the county government for 38 years. It's sad to see such a wonderful, vibrant city be ruined. And the blame can be laid squarely on racial politics and people who think Obama's pastor is just speaking truth to power.

Despite Savannah being one of the few major Southern cities, it's becoming a moonbat territory too, with Obama and Ron Paul supporters everywhere. :(

Chatham County, especially, is heavily Democratic from what I've seen. 

I don't want to see this beautiful city go the way of Memphis.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

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« Reply #18 on: March 27, 2008, 03:44:53 PM »
You guys hit on something that LL briefly mentioned upthread. Liberal strongholds in the South. Memphis, Atlanta and I'm sure a few others top my list as places that tend to be more moonbatty than the rest. I blame the Democrats and race pimps who have worked very hard at stoking the fires amongst the professional victim class. I grew up in and around Memphis. It's really gone downhill over the last 20 years. Both sides of my family have been there for 75+ years. My dad has worked for the county government for 38 years. It's sad to see such a wonderful, vibrant city be ruined. And the blame can be laid squarely on racial politics and people who think Obama's pastor is just speaking truth to power.

Despite Savannah being one of the few major Southern cities, it's becoming a moonbat territory too, with Obama and Ron Paul supporters everywhere. :(

Chatham County, especially, is heavily Democratic from what I've seen. 

I don't want to see this beautiful city go the way of Memphis.

Why are all the threads becoming about the South?  I am getting the feeling CC stands for "Confederate Conservatives."
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

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« Reply #19 on: March 27, 2008, 03:45:02 PM »
You guys hit on something that LL briefly mentioned upthread. Liberal strongholds in the South. Memphis, Atlanta and I'm sure a few others top my list as places that tend to be more moonbatty than the rest. I blame the Democrats and race pimps who have worked very hard at stoking the fires amongst the professional victim class. I grew up in and around Memphis. It's really gone downhill over the last 20 years. Both sides of my family have been there for 75+ years. My dad has worked for the county government for 38 years. It's sad to see such a wonderful, vibrant city be ruined. And the blame can be laid squarely on racial politics and people who think Obama's pastor is just speaking truth to power.

I know LL will sting me up for this, but Atlanta gets worse and worse the more yankees move there.

On edit:  Not every Yankee that moves there, but the big city N.E. types.
I feel that once a black fella has referred to white foks as "honky paleface devil white-trash cracker redneck Caspers," he's abdicated the right to get upset about the "N" word. But that's just me. -- Jim Goad

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« Reply #20 on: March 27, 2008, 03:46:36 PM »
You guys hit on something that LL briefly mentioned upthread. Liberal strongholds in the South. Memphis, Atlanta and I'm sure a few others top my list as places that tend to be more moonbatty than the rest. I blame the Democrats and race pimps who have worked very hard at stoking the fires amongst the professional victim class. I grew up in and around Memphis. It's really gone downhill over the last 20 years. Both sides of my family have been there for 75+ years. My dad has worked for the county government for 38 years. It's sad to see such a wonderful, vibrant city be ruined. And the blame can be laid squarely on racial politics and people who think Obama's pastor is just speaking truth to power.

Despite Savannah being one of the few major Southern cities, it's becoming a moonbat territory too, with Obama and Ron Paul supporters everywhere. :(

Chatham County, especially, is heavily Democratic from what I've seen. 

I don't want to see this beautiful city go the way of Memphis.

Why are all the threads becoming about the South?  I am getting the feeling CC stands for "Confederate Conservatives."

I had nothing to do with this one.  And I started the thread.
I feel that once a black fella has referred to white foks as "honky paleface devil white-trash cracker redneck Caspers," he's abdicated the right to get upset about the "N" word. But that's just me. -- Jim Goad

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« Reply #21 on: March 27, 2008, 03:49:10 PM »
You guys hit on something that LL briefly mentioned upthread. Liberal strongholds in the South. Memphis, Atlanta and I'm sure a few others top my list as places that tend to be more moonbatty than the rest. I blame the Democrats and race pimps who have worked very hard at stoking the fires amongst the professional victim class. I grew up in and around Memphis. It's really gone downhill over the last 20 years. Both sides of my family have been there for 75+ years. My dad has worked for the county government for 38 years. It's sad to see such a wonderful, vibrant city be ruined. And the blame can be laid squarely on racial politics and people who think Obama's pastor is just speaking truth to power.

Despite Savannah being one of the few major Southern cities, it's becoming a moonbat territory too, with Obama and Ron Paul supporters everywhere. :(

Chatham County, especially, is heavily Democratic from what I've seen. 

I don't want to see this beautiful city go the way of Memphis.

Why are all the threads becoming about the South?  I am getting the feeling CC stands for "Confederate Conservatives."

I had nothing to do with this one.  And I started the thread.

Well, I could start sputtering about "State's Rights," "It Was Never About Slavery," "Lincoln Was Evil" and then you could merge like 10 or 15 threads... ;)
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

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« Reply #22 on: March 27, 2008, 04:00:33 PM »
You guys hit on something that LL briefly mentioned upthread. Liberal strongholds in the South. Memphis, Atlanta and I'm sure a few others top my list as places that tend to be more moonbatty than the rest. I blame the Democrats and race pimps who have worked very hard at stoking the fires amongst the professional victim class. I grew up in and around Memphis. It's really gone downhill over the last 20 years. Both sides of my family have been there for 75+ years. My dad has worked for the county government for 38 years. It's sad to see such a wonderful, vibrant city be ruined. And the blame can be laid squarely on racial politics and people who think Obama's pastor is just speaking truth to power.

Despite Savannah being one of the few major Southern cities, it's becoming a moonbat territory too, with Obama and Ron Paul supporters everywhere. :(

Chatham County, especially, is heavily Democratic from what I've seen. 

I don't want to see this beautiful city go the way of Memphis.

Why are all the threads becoming about the South?  I am getting the feeling CC stands for "Confederate Conservatives."

I had nothing to do with this one.  And I started the thread.

Well, I could start sputtering about "State's Rights," "It Was Never About Slavery," "Lincoln Was Evil" and then you could merge like 10 or 15 threads... ;)
Check the O.P.  I try to stay on topic, whatever thread I'm in.
I feel that once a black fella has referred to white foks as "honky paleface devil white-trash cracker redneck Caspers," he's abdicated the right to get upset about the "N" word. But that's just me. -- Jim Goad

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« Reply #23 on: March 27, 2008, 04:03:35 PM »
Well we do have a lot of Southerners on CC. :-)

And what's happening in major metropolitan areas across the South is very relevant to the topic at hand.

(And no, I'm not talking about them damn Yankees! I'm talking about Obama's racial politics, liberalism v. conservatisim, etc...)
I can see November 2 from my house!!!

Spread my work ethic, not my wealth.

Forget change, bring back common sense.

No, my friends, there’s only one really progressive idea. And that is the idea of legally limiting the power of the government. That one genuinely liberal, genuinely progressive idea — the Why in 1776, the How in 1787 — is what needs to be conserved. We need to conserve that fundamentally liberal idea. That is why we are conservatives. --Bill Whittle

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« Reply #24 on: March 27, 2008, 04:08:39 PM »
You guys hit on something that LL briefly mentioned upthread. Liberal strongholds in the South. Memphis, Atlanta and I'm sure a few others top my list as places that tend to be more moonbatty than the rest. I blame the Democrats and race pimps who have worked very hard at stoking the fires amongst the professional victim class. I grew up in and around Memphis. It's really gone downhill over the last 20 years. Both sides of my family have been there for 75+ years. My dad has worked for the county government for 38 years. It's sad to see such a wonderful, vibrant city be ruined. And the blame can be laid squarely on racial politics and people who think Obama's pastor is just speaking truth to power.

Despite Savannah being one of the few major Southern cities, it's becoming a moonbat territory too, with Obama and Ron Paul supporters everywhere. :(

Chatham County, especially, is heavily Democratic from what I've seen. 

I don't want to see this beautiful city go the way of Memphis.

Why are all the threads becoming about the South?  I am getting the feeling CC stands for "Confederate Conservatives."

What the hell?  I was merely saying that the areas are going  DEMOCRAT.  What's wrong with discussing that?   

Oh great, do I have to walk on egg shells around the Yankees here now? :whatever:

« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 04:10:37 PM by ACrazyConservative »