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Offline Javelin

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Here is the link, with internal links to places such as the Washington Times to verify the info.

I’ve written at length about the reasons why targeting American citizens for assassination who are far away from a "battlefield" is so odious and tyrannical, and I won’t repeat those arguments here.  Suffice to say — and I’m asking this literally — if you’re someone who believes, or are at least willing to acquiesce to the claim, that the U.S. President has the power to target your fellow citizens for assassination without a whiff of due process, what unchecked presidential powers wouldn’t you support or acquiesce to?  I’d really like to hear an answer to that.  That’s the question Al Gore asked about George Bush in a 2006 speech condemning Bush’s claimed powers merely to eavesdrop on and imprison American citizens without charges, let alone assassinate them:  "If the answer is yes, then under the theory by which these acts are committed,are there any acts that can on their face be prohibited? . . . If the president has th[is] inherent authority. . . . then what can’t he do?"  Can anyone defending this Obama policy answer that question?

Yet people believe that voting will be enough... I am just curious.  When exactly will Americans really wake up to the reality that they are living in?  Not many people here know me.  Yet I worked in the intelligence field.  More specifically counter intel and counter insurgency.  Americans have no idea what kind of battle lines are being drawn.

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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2010, 08:26:56 PM »
Glenn Beck was all over this today.

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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2010, 09:27:46 PM »
Here is the link, with internal links to places such as the Washington Times to verify the info.

Yet people believe that voting will be enough... I am just curious.  When exactly will Americans really wake up to the reality that they are living in? Not many people here know me.  Yet I worked in the intelligence field.  More specifically counter intel and counter insurgency.  Americans have no idea what kind of battle lines are being drawn.

You've pointed this out a few times
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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2010, 10:57:12 PM »
That's messed up. 

I missed the first 45 minutes of Beck's show, so I did not catch this story there.  I am glad you posted it here though.  Otherwise there was no way of knowing since our media doesn't cover stuff like this.  Sadly.
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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2010, 06:40:20 AM »
Plenty of German Americans went to Europe to fight for Hitler during WW2. Most endured their fates anonymously but even if we knew the name and face and location of any particular transgressor the fact that we were at war remained.

We are fighting a war where drones and targeted killing serve as the best practice. If ANY president can provide sufficient background as to how an American citizen's presence gives aid or comfort to an enemy actively engaged in acts of war in lands not subject to American jurisdiction I expect the government to take no extraordinary efforts to arrest that person or restrain the prosecution of the war simply to spare their life.

If killing that "American" hurts the enemy, then kill them without hesitation or remorse.

I'd damn well would expect Dick Cheney to do it.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2010, 07:55:17 AM »
That's messed up. 

I missed the first 45 minutes of Beck's show, so I did not catch this story there.  I am glad you posted it here though.  Otherwise there was no way of knowing since our media doesn't cover stuff like this.  Sadly.


Here is a transcript.


GLENN: So let's start here. If I told you that the president had a list of people that he could assassinate and it was a list of people that were on the battlefield and off the battlefield, your friends wouldn't believe me. If I told you that these were American citizens, that the president who campaigned against scooping Arabs off the street without due process had a list of people that he deemed a danger and a terrorist threat, American citizens that without due process would be assassinated, your friends wouldn't believe me. That's why I'm going to have to go to another source, and I apologize because I know it's cable news. So, you know, "Oh, well, then he just went to Fox." I want you to listen. Listen please carefully to this report.

GREENWALD: Well, I know that that's the fact. I mean, the Republicans are at least being consistent. When Bush was president they said, we think the president should be able to have whatever powers he wants in an unchecked fashion as long as it's justified by terrorism and war. The Democrats, though, said that they were against those things, that the president shouldn't have powers to exercise in an unchecked fashion. And again if you look at what Democrats, including Barack Obama, objected to, it was merely things like eavesdropping on Americans and detaining them without due process and without charges. And now Democrats have completely abandoned those objections now that there's a Democrat in the White House and apparently not just detaining and eavesdropping Americans but targeting them for murder is acceptable to the Democratic Party now that there's a Democrat in the White House.

GLENN: Now listen.

GREENWALD: And again if you justify that, targeting American citizens for assassination without any due process, what don't you approve of?

RATIGAN: Are you surprised at the media's lack of an outroar relative to this when you consider what it might have been if George W. Bush did the exact same thing? Quickly.

GREENWALD: Well, I think the media wasn't really particularly all that upset about what Bush did, either, and I think the problem is that if you justify something with the word terrorism, it scares the media and they are afraid to appear sympathetic to terrorism by opposing it. And what they have to get back to is the basic rights and Constitution that say that political leaders in the United States cannot exercise power in an unchecked way.

RATIGAN: Glenn, sing it loud, sing it proud. Thank you so much for —

GLENN: Of course that was — was something wrong with the tape? That didn't sound like Neil Cavuto. Oh. Oh, that's right. It wasn't. It was Dylan Ratigan, a name most of America had never heard of because he's in the witness protection program, otherwise known as MSNBC. And is that Glenn Greenwald from Salon?

PAT: Mmm hmmm.

GLENN: That's Salon and MSNBC.

Now, I tweeted this this weekend. Your friends wouldn't believe it if it came from me. But here it is, MSNBC saying where's the press on the president developing a list with the national security adviser of people that can be assassinated because they're a threat to terrorism. And not just on the battlefield. We are now giving — remember with Bush they talked about the FISA court. You are going to some FISA court? How dare you! For eavesdropping on American citizens overseas! That was their problem.

Now the president, who campaigned that he doesn't want to scoop up Muslims and just hold them without trial — I didn't know we did that in America but apparently so. American citizens that were held without trial, scoop them up because they're Muslim, that wasn't going to happen anymore, at least on a mass scale. But now we're not even talking about scooping them up. We're talking about executing them. We're talking about assassination.

Now, something's not right here because the president's men all say there is no terror. They all say there are no Islamic extremists. They all have done everything they can to shut down the war on terror. What is going on?

GLENN: So what is this really all about? We have the president when he is running for office saying that we're not going to round up Arab families anymore. I didn't know we were.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: If there's an Arab American family being rounded up without benefit of an attorney or due process, that threatens my civil liberties.

GLENN: Okay, stop.

PAT: Whole families.

GLENN: Whole families were rounded up.

PAT: Wow, wow.

GLENN: Whole families were rounded up.

PAT: We shouldn't have done that.

GLENN: No, we shouldn't have. I didn't know we did.

PAT: That threatens my security. I'll second that emotion.

GLENN: Okay, it threatens your security. It threatens your security if the president is allowed to make a list of people, American citizens, American citizens that he wants to assassinate. Because they pose a threat to the nation.

PAT: Well, those are the only people who can pose a threat because we know there's no other terrorists around. We've heard that from John Brennan.

GLENN: We know that what?

PAT: There's no terrorism, there's no terrorists, there's no jihadists.

GLENN: Hold it.

PAT: There's no extreme Islam.

GLENN: Here's John Brennan. Here is the guy that is helping make the list and check it twice.

BRENNAN: The president's strategy is absolutely clear about the threat we face. Our enemy is not terrorism because terrorism is but a tactic. Our enemy is not terror because terror is a state of mind. And as Americans we refuse to live in fear. Nor do we describe our enemy as jihadists or Islamists because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam meaning to purify oneself of one's community. And there is nothing holy or legitimate or Islamic about murdering innocent men, women and children.

GLENN: You know, he says terror in kind of a weird way, terror.

PAT: Terror.

GLENN: Terrorists, there's no terror. Maybe it's the fact that he went to school in Egypt for oh, so many years that he has that weird terror. Anyway, I'm sorry to such a sidetrack there. ADD, I don't know what that has to do with anything. Anyway, so who is the president targeting? Well, we know that there's one American citizen who is a cleric in Yemen. Okay. You know what? I'm probably with ya on the Yemen guy. Probably with ya. But he's an American citizen and he is also not on the battlefield. I'm not saying that we have to go capture him and bring him back or cut him any slack. Could we maybe have a little due process before we execute? If you're on the battlefield, shoot them in the head. Shoot them in the head. If you are now outside of the battlefield area, I don't think so call me old fashioned.

PAT: Like the guy said, if this was Bush saying these things or having this policy, the left would be in an uproar. Democrats would be screaming at the top of their lungs.

GLENN: So why is he doing this? Because he doesn't want innocent Arabs just scooped off the streets, but he will go without due process, any due process. Just make a list of people that need to be assassinated in case of an emergency. In an event happens, the orders are there from the president: Just shoot these people. Oh. Okay. Wow. Really? Hmmm.

[NOTE: Transcript may have been edited to enhance readability - audio archive includes full segment as it was originally aired]

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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2010, 07:55:57 AM »
Glenn Beck was all over this today.

Thanks to Javelin, I have a vague feel of what is going on here, but I'll really be listening when Beck comes on my local AM station here in 5 minutes. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. It already reeks. I'll reserve comment until I get the full story from Glenn.

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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2010, 09:29:51 AM »
Plenty of German Americans went to Europe to fight for Hitler during WW2. Most endured their fates anonymously but even if we knew the name and face and location of any particular transgressor the fact that we were at war remained.

We are fighting a war where drones and targeted killing serve as the best practice. If ANY president can provide sufficient background as to how an American citizen's presence gives aid or comfort to an enemy actively engaged in acts of war in lands not subject to American jurisdiction I expect the government to take no extraordinary efforts to arrest that person or restrain the prosecution of the war simply to spare their life.

If killing that "American" hurts the enemy, then kill them without hesitation or remorse.

I'd damn well would expect Dick Cheney to do it.
I have to agree here.
We *ARE* at war, just substantially different than what we saw with WWII. If a person is aiding our enemies, on the battlefield or in my back yard, they are fair game for elimination.
I just would like to eventually see the video on YouTube.
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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2010, 10:22:47 AM »
I have to agree here.
We *ARE* at war, just substantially different than what we saw with WWII. If a person is aiding our enemies, on the battlefield or in my back yard, they are fair game for elimination.
I just would like to eventually see the video on YouTube.
As I noted, the targetted killings should be based on findings.

Let the intel and law enforcement services collect information. Let them provide that information to the CinC and let the CinC make his decision.

A truly reputable CinC will proactively present his findings and decision to select members of the senate from both parties.

If they truly feel an injustice is being perpetrated they can go public otherwise they should STFU and let the CinC be CinC.

If a president doesn't want to be proactive he risks a political Hiroshima even if his targets are 100% legitimate. Still, the sensitivity of the issue is such I can see how any POTUS would want to keep his cards close to his vest.

If we can send a green beret dressed as a business man to some foreign shit hole where he creeps up on his target in the dead of night and drops a pair of .22 rounds behind the target's left ear while the target sleeps next to his own wife then jets home and by doing so disrupts enemy operations intent of violently disrupting peaceful political processes then I'm OK with that even if the target was born in Ox Snot, West Virginia and is a member of the Antioch Baptist Church in good standing.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2010, 02:03:48 PM »
Beck, Napolitano & Co. are all wet on this for the reasons MSB puts actual war, it is not just the prerogative of the Executive to kill enemies without trial, it's his damned JOB.  It does not matter whether the target is under arms and immediately engaged in a firefight, or going about his grocery shopping in downtown Backwaterville between shifts at the enemy command bunker, he is a legitimate target either way. 

The Brits would no doubt have loved to have the G2 on when they could catch Lord Haw-Haw (A Brit citizen) on a lone plane the way we did to Yamamoto (A non-citizen enemy combatant, successfully targeted for assassination).  When Bush was President, were sure as Hell trying to assassinate Saddam when he was hiding out after the Iraq invasion, and we blew the holy living shit out of a restaurant full of people mistakenly thinking he was there one fine day.

The basic problem is establishing that the person targeted is actually in enemy service and engaged in the conflict ("Engaged" in the big sense, not the idiotic close-combat test Judge Napolitano was applying to it on Fox this morning), but when they self-declare it makes that determination relatively easy.
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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2010, 02:07:40 PM »
Bingo.  Adam Gahan could be 1000 miles from the nearest firefight, but the fact he's given aid and comfort as well as all the other shit he's done only justifies a double tap to the back of the head, but in reality, if he's ever captured, he'll be brought back, given a VERY public trial, then plead down to something pathetic and spend a few years at Club Fed, much like Taliban Johnny--who, BTW, just applied for early release.
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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2010, 02:37:13 PM »
Bingo.  Adam Gahan could be 1000 miles from the nearest firefight, but the fact he's given aid and comfort as well as all the other shit he's done only justifies a double tap to the back of the head, but in reality, if he's ever captured, he'll be brought back, given a VERY public trial, then plead down to something pathetic and spend a few years at Club Fed, much like Taliban Johnny--who, BTW, just applied for early release.

I would feel absolutely no remorse if that traitorous S.O.B. wound in up dead in one of our raids while I was here.

He gave up the rights and my PERSONAL opinion...afforded an American citizen the day he chose to side with the Taliban.

No reason...again in my PERSONAL opinion that he shouldn't find his life coming to an end thanks to a fine product from General Dynamics...Boeing or Raytheon.
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The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years.  The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Offline Javelin

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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2010, 06:08:08 PM »
As I noted, the targetted killings should be based on findings.

Let the intel and law enforcement services collect information. Let them provide that information to the CinC and let the CinC make his decision.

A truly reputable CinC will proactively present his findings and decision to select members of the senate from both parties.

If they truly feel an injustice is being perpetrated they can go public otherwise they should STFU and let the CinC be CinC.

If a president doesn't want to be proactive he risks a political Hiroshima even if his targets are 100% legitimate. Still, the sensitivity of the issue is such I can see how any POTUS would want to keep his cards close to his vest.

If we can send a green beret dressed as a business man to some foreign shit hole where he creeps up on his target in the dead of night and drops a pair of .22 rounds behind the target's left ear while the target sleeps next to his own wife then jets home and by doing so disrupts enemy operations intent of violently disrupting peaceful political processes then I'm OK with that even if the target was born in Ox Snot, West Virginia and is a member of the Antioch Baptist Church in good standing.

Some of you people are out of your friggin mind!  Some of you actually believe that this is a good idea.  The very fact that a US citizen can be assasinated on our own soil or elswhere in the world without due process.  Your no better than the left and like ******* Mao, Lenin and Hitler.

When we ran covert when it involved a US citizen there were serious implications that came to bare depending on what was needed.  So now you would have no problem being placed on a target list for me to come after you because the current administration sees YOU AS A TERRORIST or have you friggin lost your mind and forgotten?

Some here call themselves Republicans, others conservatives and if anyone agrees with this I call you a traitor.

Has the American people lost its sensibility?  Have they really awaken from a sleep?  Or are we just pining away at each other for the party out of power here?  WTF!

I didnt fight for this.  I didnt serve for this.  One thing is for sure, in the end I will not be fighting on your side.

[youtube=425,350]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US&amp;fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/youtube]

Some of you actually believe this is ok?  Yet some still wonder why Three Percenters and Constitutionalists are a breed apart.  May God help us all.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2010, 06:14:50 PM by Javelin »

Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2010, 06:15:29 PM »
Call us whatever makes you happy, but since we're American citizens I guess we don't have to worry about you doing anything except trying to get a warrant served on us.

Go and tell the Spartans, O traveler passing by
That here, obedient to their law, we lie.

Anything worth shooting once is worth shooting at least twice.

Offline Javelin

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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2010, 06:18:54 PM »
Call us whatever makes you happy, but since we're American citizens I guess we don't have to worry about you doing anything except trying to get a warrant served on us.


One thing is for certain, your name fits who you are.  Glad to know that you agree to the murder of American citizens.  If this is what a Republican is I will treat you just as the Democrats from this day forward.  Your friggin brainwashed.  I find it astonishing that you mock the need for a warrant.  Perhaps you prefer the idea of someone kicking down your door and dragging you out into the street.  

This country has absolutely no sense of itself anymore.  Has it come to this?  Have republicans just become a punch line where your the butt end of the joke as they strip away your Liberty?  

Wtf is wrong with you?
« Last Edit: July 20, 2010, 06:30:39 PM by Javelin »

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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2010, 06:34:56 PM »
One thing is for certain, your name fits who you are.  Glad to know that you agree to the murder of American citizens.  If this is what a Republican is I will treat you just as the Democrats from this day forward.  Your friggin brainwashed.  I find it astonishing that you mock the need for a warrant.  Perhaps you prefer the idea of someone kicking down your door and dragging you out into the street.  

This country has absolutely no sense of itself anymore.  Has it come to this?  Have republicans just become a punch line where your the butt end of the joke as they strip away your Liberty?  

Wtf is wrong with you?

WTF is wrong with you??

Whether a citizen of this country or not, when one works with, lives with etc the enemy they should be shot on site.

FOAD :bird:
You got off your ass, now get your wife off her back.

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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2010, 06:44:33 PM »
One thing is for certain, your name fits who you are.  Glad to know that you agree to the murder of American citizens.  If this is what a Republican is I will treat you just as the Democrats from this day forward.  Your friggin brainwashed.  I find it astonishing that you mock the need for a warrant.  Perhaps you prefer the idea of someone kicking down your door and dragging you out into the street.  

This country has absolutely no sense of itself anymore.  Has it come to this?  Have republicans just become a punch line where your the butt end of the joke as they strip away your Liberty?  

Wtf is wrong with you?
Settle down, Francis.

What I've said is absolutely nothing new in history or the law including the constitution.

If given the choice between engaging an enemy combatant or letting innocent Americans die the choice is clear. You can froth and fume all you want but you're trading 1 life that has pledged war against the US against hundreds or thousands simply trying to go about their lives.

Show me the due process for the victims of the terrorists. Show me their legal rights. If the government cannot/will not protect them it loses all justification for taking their money and governing their society.

You can wave your credentials all you want. Well, guess what, so can we. ESPECIALLY those who do not serve because it is those people we're supposed to defend. They are our sole purpose for existing. Not some pederastic camel ****er that would cut their heads off.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline Javelin

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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2010, 06:46:16 PM »
WTF is wrong with you??

Whether a citizen of this country or not, when one works with, lives with etc the enemy they should be shot on site.

FOAD :bird:

Ahh so I take it that the Tea Party being branded as racists and terrorists have no real issues for you.  I mean I see you flying that little dont tread on me flag there under your name.  So you have no worries ever about becoming the target of the left?  Hmmm, so apparently everyone that does not feel threatened by this are nothing but political lap dogs which live in an illusion that your security is forever secured.  You idiot.  If they so choose they will kick down your door and put a bullet through your head and say its for national security.  Now your the enemy.  But you have no problem with that or is all this "Dont Tread On Me" jive just a wad of BS for your party?


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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2010, 06:47:38 PM »
One thing is for certain, your name fits who you are.  Glad to know that you agree to the murder of American citizens.  If this is what a Republican is I will treat you just as the Democrats from this day forward.  Your friggin brainwashed.  I find it astonishing that you mock the need for a warrant.  Perhaps you prefer the idea of someone kicking down your door and dragging you out into the street.  

This country has absolutely no sense of itself anymore.  Has it come to this?  Have republicans just become a punch line where your the butt end of the joke as they strip away your Liberty?  

Wtf is wrong with you?

Have you ever once wondered why your arrogant pompous bombast on every thread you appear always leaves you looking like a ranting fool?
You are not worth having a discussion with and to be honest I give your claims of having worked in some sort of intel no better then a 50/50 chance of being true.

Even to a complete civilian I doubt a person of your temperament or thinking ability would allow for that.

There are lots of current and former military folks here and would ask what has been the official policy regarding treason,because that is what we are talking a battle theater.

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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #19 on: July 20, 2010, 06:50:37 PM »
Settle down, Francis.

What I've said is absolutely nothing new in history or the law including the constitution.

If given the choice between engaging an enemy combatant or letting innocent Americans die the choice is clear. You can froth and fume all you want but you're trading 1 life that has pledged war against the US against hundreds or thousands simply trying to go about their lives.

Show me the due process for the victims of the terrorists. Show me their legal rights. If the government cannot/will not protect them it loses all justification for taking their money and governing their society.

You can wave your credentials all you want. Well, guess what, so can we. ESPECIALLY those who do not serve because it is those people we're supposed to defend. They are our sole purpose for existing. Not some pederastic camel ****er that would cut their heads off.

First of all it is unconstitutional.  Secondly we are not talking about a combat zone in Iraq.  We are talking about anywhere in the world including at home.  Thirdly I love your phrase about the rights of the victims... ahhh you sound just like Van Jones... the ends justify the means?  Oh yeah, I forgot that.  So amazing how you agree but your supposed to be for the conservative side.

You stand upon no principles and have no bearing.

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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #20 on: July 20, 2010, 06:53:31 PM »
Have you ever once wondered why your arrogant pompous bombast on every thread you appear always leaves you looking like a ranting fool?
You are not worth having a discussion with and to be honest I give your claims of having worked in some sort of intel no better then a 50/50 chance of being true.

Even to a complete civilian I doubt a person of your temperament or thinking ability would allow for that.

There are lots of current and former military folks here and would ask what has been the official policy regarding treason,because that is what we are talking a battle theater.

Great so quit replying to my threads it would make this easier.  Perhaps you can explain to me how you justify that the administration can do this act of MURDER anywhere in the world including FAR AWAY from a COMBAT ZONE? 

Now I am not sure what ego trip you just stepped off of but I have presented nothing but facts and your chiming in with the crowd saying murder is good for the last time I checked we were allowed due process and to face our accusers.  Hmmm.  Im sorry I am just not buying the ranting fool bs.

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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #21 on: July 20, 2010, 06:59:03 PM »
First of all it is unconstitutional.  Secondly we are not talking about a combat zone in Iraq.  We are talking about anywhere in the world including at home.  Thirdly I love your phrase about the rights of the victims... ahhh you sound just like Van Jones... the ends justify the means?  Oh yeah, I forgot that.  So amazing how you agree but your supposed to be for the conservative side.

You stand upon no principles and have no bearing.

OK, you have a US citizen who has openly vowed war against the US directing attacks against the US from foreign soil. The national government there cannot/will not arrest him. His attacks are costing American lives. You have an armed drone over his location.

Why won't you push the button?

What inside the COTUS prevents the pushing of the button?

BTW - George Washington personally lead federal troops against tax protesters. Not a conservative? Impeachable? America-hater? Unprincipled? Or maybe he's a commie like Van Jones.


Here's some more commie propaganda for you, Francis:

The authorities essential to the common defense are these: to raise armies; to build and equip fleets; to prescribe rules for the government of both; to direct their operations; to provide for their support. These powers ought to exist without limitation, because it is impossible to foresee or define the extent and variety of national exigencies, or the correspondent extent and variety of the means which may be necessary to satisfy them. The circumstances that endanger the safety of nations are infinite, and for this reason no constitutional shackles can wisely be imposed on the power to which the care of it is committed. This power ought to be coextensive with all the possible combinations of such circumstances; and ought to be under the direction of the same councils which are appointed to preside over the common defense.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #22 on: July 20, 2010, 07:02:08 PM »

OK, you have a US citizen who has openly vowed war against the US directing attacks against the US from foreign soil. The national government there cannot/will not arrest him. His attacks are costing American lives. You have an armed drone over his location.

Why won't you push the button?

What inside the COTUS prevents the pushing of the button?

BTW - George Washington personally lead federal troops against tax protesters. Not a conservative? Impeachable? America-hater? Unprincipled? Or maybe he's a commie like Van Jones.


Here's some more commie propaganda for you, Francis:

Ahh I see.  So I take it that when they have finished declaring that the Republican party along with all of my other extremist right wing buddies are terrorists... Hmm kind of like the document they issued last year with the start of the Tea Party movement, and they begin to assassinate you then you still have no problem with it then?

I understand.  Your still a moron.

The ends justify the means is what you say, until your the one being taken out in the end. 

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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #23 on: July 20, 2010, 07:04:09 PM »
Great so quit replying to my threads it would make this easier.  Perhaps you can explain to me how you justify that the administration can do this act of MURDER anywhere in the world including FAR AWAY from a COMBAT ZONE? 

Now I am not sure what ego trip you just stepped off of but I have presented nothing but facts and your chiming in with the crowd saying murder is good for the last time I checked we were allowed due process and to face our accusers.  Hmmm.  Im sorry I am just not buying the ranting fool bs.

Dude,take a deep breath and step away from the coffee.
I suspect that this has been SOP for decades and as military folks have pointed out that seems to be the case.
It seems that you are the one extrapolating it into a conclusion you somehow will be declared an enemy of the state and summarily "assassinated".

Tell me again now who is on an ego trip?

Fwiw you posted a thread,there was discussion and a segment was in disagreement with your conclusions or assertions.
What was your response?

To blow back in with wild histrionics accusing all that dared take a different opinion to yours virtually un-American.
That will get you no where and as always you look like a mental case,ranting idiot.

Take some friendly advice and :) and tone it down a notch or two before you call a member here that has proudly served this country in the armed forces a moron again.

You are treading very thin ice with that.

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Re: Brennan admits Obama allows targeted assassination of Americans
« Reply #24 on: July 20, 2010, 07:09:44 PM »
You've pointed this out a few times