The server has been loaded, installed, tweaked, and has been shipped to the Colo site in Miami. Unlike the one we're on, and the ones that most sites are on, this server is owned by us. There are only two sites that will be on the new server, USMILNET and Conservatives Cave. Once installed, the NEW url will be
http://www.conservativecave.comNotice the drop in the "S". This site will still be here, but it will be taken down and put into maintenance mode once the new server is operational. It will only be used for backups and in the event of a disaster at the Miami location and it will only be temporary until they get the new location back online.
To sum it up, server is in route. Once there, it will be installed, connected, and should be online within no time, given that the DNS resolution happens fairly quickly. This will increase our uptime exponentially. The server we're currently own houses about 17 other sites.