Author Topic: Obama Delays Trip to Indonesia to Work on Health Care  (Read 591 times)

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Offline thundley4

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Obama Delays Trip to Indonesia to Work on Health Care
« on: March 12, 2010, 09:01:43 AM »
President Obama has pushed back his trip to Indonesia for three days to work with beleaguered Democrats on trying to wrap up a health care overhaul.

The president was expected to leave Thursday for the six-day tour that included Guam and Australia. He has pushed it back until next Sunday.

The White House made the announcement on Press Secretary Robert Gibbs' Twitter.

"The President will delay leaving for Indonesia and Australia - will now leave Sunday - the First Lady and the girls will not be on the trip," Gibbs tweeted.

On Wednesday, Gibbs hinted that the president wasn't planning on delaying his travel to negotiate the sticking points among House Democrats in accepting the Senate health insurance reform bill.

"If we have any changes in the schedule, we'll certainly let you know, but the president believes it is an extremely important trip with -- it's an important region of the world and these are important partners," he said.

Gibbs added that "if it takes a couple of days extra" to get the bill passed, the president would be fine with missing the March 18 deadline he set for lawmakers "even if he's already gone."

On a side note, the promised transparency is out the window, the DimRats are back behind closed doors to work on HCR.

Offline debk

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Re: Obama Delays Trip to Indonesia to Work on Health Care
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2010, 10:10:28 AM »
I thought Michelle and the girls were going because it was to be a trip for showing the kids his childhood in Indonesia.

I'm not surprised that he's done this. Last night on Hannity(?) one of the talking heads said the reason Obama wants this passed by the 18th is that he was leaving the country for 10 days....BUT that Congress was going to be off and back home with their constituents for 2WEEKS.....and that the administration is afraid that the fence sitters will fall on the side of "NO" voting after being around the people who elected them.

Which they probably would.

Now he's going to stay and continue to run all over the country pushing health care.

Shoot...he needs to go to Indonesia.

It would be cheaper for the taxpayers in multiple ways.  :censored:
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Offline thundley4

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Re: Obama Delays Trip to Indonesia to Work on Health Care
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2010, 10:31:08 AM »
You're right Deb.  The DimRats are afraid of the voters, and they don't want congress to face them until after a vote is done.

Offline Peter3_1

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Re: Obama Delays Trip to Indonesia to Work on Health Care
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2010, 06:17:50 PM »
Hope he decides to stay overseas for, say , the next two decades.