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Oscar Wilde explains why we vote Republican
« on: March 04, 2010, 06:54:43 PM »

Oh my.

Cyrano  (1000+ posts)        Thu Mar-04-10 07:50 AM
Original message

Here’s why people vote for Republicans

Most rational people look at the Republican Party and see nothing but a bunch of political opportunists who are selling greed, selfishness, bigotry and sheer hatred. How do they get away with it?

With the exception of the very wealthy who profit from having Republicans in power, the average Republican voter is drawn in by deception, misdirection and lies. The “how” is really easy. It’s a game in which someone else is always to blame for people’s misfortunes and everything else that’s wrong with the world.

Blacks are to blame. Hispanics are to blame. Illegal aliens are to blame. Liberals are to blame. Homosexuals are to blame. Muslims are to blame. Brown people everywhere are to blame. Poor people are to blame. Everyone who lives in San Francisco is to blame. Everyone, except Republicans, are to blame for the world’s ills.

That’s how they do it. And it works. Their followers are a mixture of people who are misinformed, not paying attention, susceptible to bumper sticker slogans, bigots, those who feel superior to others, those who are just plain dumb, and a variety of others who can’t go through life without having a “THEM” to blame for everything.

I’ve reached the point where I can no longer bear to even try to have a conversation with a Republican. And this will go on until the Republican Party (and all like them) become a relic of a dark past.

ShortnFiery  (1000+ posts)        Thu Mar-04-10 07:54 AM
Response to Original message

1. If you haven't noticed both the republicans and conservative democrats have been OBSTRUCTIONISTS?

IF we had a TRUE super majority in the Senate (minus the conservadems) we would not have a problem passing legislation.

Our FOCUS should be in changing and/or ousting the Conservative (obstructionist) Democrats NOT bitching about the obvious bigotry of the GOP. The foregoing is "a given." Move on?

It's only when we STAND UP for the Working Classes' rights that we'll be strong again as a SEPARATE PARTY. Right now we seemingly stand for NOTHING.

GoCubsGo  (1000+ posts)      Thu Mar-04-10 08:32 AM
Response to Reply #2

27. Exactly right.

They couldn't effectively exploit the latest "enemy" or "enemies" without a substantial number of people who piss in their pants at the drop of a hat.

Caliman73  (1000+ posts)      Thu Mar-04-10 05:35 PM
Response to Reply #2

55. Plus greed and a sprinkle of magical thinking

that is the holy trinity which keeps people going to the right. They typically want more than they need, they are afraid that someone "less deserving" is going to get it instead of them, and they actually think that the wealthy power brokers are going to give them the opportunity to join their ranks.

Stinky The Clown  (1000+ posts)        Thu Mar-04-10 07:56 AM
Response to Original message

3. Way back during the Bush/Gore race, Helen Thomas said of the repubicans ......

...... "They need an enemy" and then went to explain that if they didn't have one, they'd manufacture one.

Cyrano  (1000+ posts)        Thu Mar-04-10 08:00 AM
Response to Reply #3

5. Exactly. Back when the cold war ended, I knew that the "dirty commie bastards" would have to be replaced by a different "THEM." What I didn't expect is that all the rest of us would be the new "THEMS."

Echo In Light  (1000+ posts)      Thu Mar-04-10 07:58 AM
Response to Original message
4. I've known lefties who vote R in hopes of crashing the entire system sooner

Cyrano  (1000+ posts)        Thu Mar-04-10 08:02 AM
Response to Reply #4

8. Isn't that killing the patient to cure the disease?

sendero  (1000+ posts)        Thu Mar-04-10 08:53 AM
Response to Reply #4
31. When you find..

... as I have now, that electing Dems results in no real change, it's hard to argue with that strategy.

DrDan  (1000+ posts)      Thu Mar-04-10 08:00 AM
Response to Original message
6. I think their susceptibility to "bumper sticker slogans" is the gop's most effective tactic.

"pro-life" - who isn't pro-life. What they mean, of course, is "anti-choice"
"death tax" - that can ONLY be a bad thing
"death panels" - umbelievable how that one could ever catch on

But . . . these slogans allow the voters to be relieved of any obligation to become knowledgeable.

The gop is EXPERT at these slogans.

neil boorz actually proclaimed that Obama was coming after everyone's 401K. Obama was going to "socialize" all 401Ks and redistribute the money. Call after call expressed fear of this intent.

Let's face it - they are not too bright, they are very fearful (hence their gun obsession), and, and as you say, they are very susceptible to short, "bumper sticker" slogans.

trumad  (1000+ posts)        Thu Mar-04-10 08:00 AM
Response to Original message

7. I think they're flat out lazy...

They except the first version and that's it. That's why guys like Beck, Limbaugh, and a Network like Fox can flourish. Their listeners and viewers take what they hear and view it as fact--- first time out of the gate. That's all they need---the first version.

The Repub propagandist understand this and know all they have to do is make shit up and the sheep will drink the Kool-Aid.

OHdem10 (1000+ posts)       Thu Mar-04-10 08:08 AM
Response to Original message
12. They will never become a relic of the past as long as the Left continues to lie down and roll over. "We are not like them".

If one is unwilling to talk to them how can they ever be challenged?

Cyrano  (1000+ posts)        Thu Mar-04-10 10:27 AM
Response to Reply #12

40. Talking to them is like trying to have a conversation with a yak.

They can't be convinced. They need to be politically destroyed. The problem is how to do it.

They control the vast majority of the media. They march in lockstep. And they are fanatical about sticking together to fight the "evil Democrats."

It's been said many times that getting Dems to act together is like "herding cats" and it's true. We'll never destroy their ideology, their tactics and their never-ending lies until we can actually band together and fight them as though they are a threat to a civilized world. Which, in fact, they are.

Bluenorthwest  (1000+ posts)      Thu Mar-04-10 08:21 AM
Response to Original message

23. It used to be that was just the Republicans. Sadly, that is not the case any longer. The entire DNC leadership is anti gay, opposed to equality, many opposed to gay people having any form of family rights at all.

Time Kaine is against civil unions. They stand on stages with hate preachers who speak of how 'those people' are 'attacking' their families.

One of Barack Obama's campaign surrogates is infamous for stating on television that gay people are 'trying to kill our children.'

Do you suggest that such tactics and rhetoric are not lies? That they are not attempts to blame others for their own failings? When any number of heterosexual politicians have adulterous affairs, does any one, Democrat or Republican, come at them with all the 'defense' of marriage bullshit, do they get framed as attacking all families? No.

Do you suggest that when Democrats hold bigoted views and promote discriminatory policy, that somehow that is fine, or mitigated by the 'faith' of the bigots?

It is great to call out Republicans, but once our side has taken up bigotry, slander, and divisive anti minority rhetoric, to call them out for that is simple hypocrisy.

Too bad it is that way, but according to Obama, he's a Christian and that means he has to be a bigot. God is in the mix, he shouts, one man, one woman, same spew Johhny Edwards used until he got called out for what he is. Same spew Palin uses.

Snazzy company. Good people on the President's side of this issue. Hate mongers and adulterers. He should have a smoke and a drink and think about it.

Cyrano  (1000+ posts)        Thu Mar-04-10 08:43 AM
Response to Reply #23

28. Many "so-called" Democrats are from conservative districts.

The basic truth is that these people possess no values or principles. They have but one goal: to get reelected.

They will say and do whatever is necessary and will go to any lengths to ensure their own personal political survival. To me, people such as these are the scum of the earth. (Perhaps I've just described 98% of all politicians.)

Nonetheless, party titles, in many cases, are meaningless. The opinions in the district a politician represents is everything. People like Blanche Lincoln and Kent Conrad are perfect examples of this particular type of hypocrite.

Bluenorthwest  (1000+ posts)      Thu Mar-04-10 09:38 AM
Response to Reply #28
36. Did you read what I posted? 

Was I speaking of Blanche and Kent, or of Obama and Biden and Kaine? You claim Republicans alone use fear and bigotry and division, but to repeat, Obama used preachers on the trail that said 'gay people are trying to kill our children'. Not Blanche, not Kent. And he continues to oppose equal rights. Not Blance, not Kent. He says he is against some minorities on orders from God. Whatever. Blanche! Kent! Not the subject at hand, but whatever.

Cyrano  (1000+ posts)        Thu Mar-04-10 10:44 AM
Response to Reply #36

41. Yes, I read what you posted.

To quote Claude Rains in "Casablanca," "There's gambling going on here. I'm shocked. Shocked."

And to paraphrase that: Obama is a politician. I'm shocked, shocked.

There are a thousand things I wish Obama had done and would do. But changing the ways of politics, and especially Washington D.C., is like trying to turn around a battleship in a bathtub.

I too would like to see Obama dump the crap that all politicians use, but it ain't gonna' happen. The unfortunate reality is that in order to get elected, you've got to be willing to compromise your beliefs.

I find it hard to recall a 20th or 21st century politician who wasn't willing to sell their soul to gain and hold onto power. It was only a matter of price.

DisgustedInMN (819 posts)      Thu Mar-04-10 09:05 AM
Response to Original message
34. Perhaps some people vote for Repubs..

... for the reasons you stated, but broadbrush generalizations have to the tendency to be overly simplistic and wrong. MANY people also vote for Republicans because they have been lied to, condescended to by, and ignored by Democrats.

As long as bigshots in the Democratic Party, follow Republican Light policies, it will remain so. Personally, I have not ever, nor do I foresee myself in the future, voting for any Republican.

However, what I do refuse to do EVER AGAIN, is vote or support ANY candidate that isn't a SOLID Progressive, for any office. I WILL NOT hold my nose and vote for a candidate that stinks, no matter what party (s)he CLAIMS to belong to.

There are other options, going third party or writing in a Progressive Democrat or not voting at all. I prefer the second option.

Cyrano  (1000+ posts)        Thu Mar-04-10 11:02 AM
Response to Reply #34

43. As much as I agree with what you've said, I have a disease called pragmatism.

Reality keeps intruding on all of our dreams. I've had to hold my nose and vote in the past, and I'll no doubt have to do it again at some point in the future.

All too often, the person I'd like to see elected can't win for a variety of reasons. So I end up voting for the Dem who can win because he or she is not a Republican. It sucks, I hate it, and I hate the sewer into which our politics has fallen.

Nonetheless, I'll do whatever is necessary to prevent any Republican from being elected.

Tigermoose (1000+ posts)        Thu Mar-04-10 11:10 AM
Response to Original message
44. Republicans are to blame!

(irony alert, irony alert!)

Cyrano  (1000+ posts)        Thu Mar-04-10 11:52 AM
Response to Reply #44

45. Actually, we are to blame for letting them get away with the past 30 years of lies, greed, hatred and pure evil they have turned loose on this country.

It seems to me that the majority of Americans are sane, but we must have been in a coma to let this happen to us. Damned if I can explain it.
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Re: Oscar Wilde explains why we vote Republican
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2010, 06:57:27 PM »
So much projection. So little brainpower.
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Re: Oscar Wilde explains why we vote Republican
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2010, 07:05:09 PM »
Blacks are to blame. Hispanics are to blame. Illegal aliens are to blame. Liberals are to blame. Homosexuals are to blame. Muslims are to blame. Brown people everywhere are to blame. Poor people are to blame. Everyone who lives in San Francisco is to blame. Everyone, except Republicans, are to blame for the world’s ills.

Republicans are to blame. Conservatives are to blame, Old white men are to blame.  Capitalism is to blame. Fundies are to blame.  Rich people are to blame.  George W. Bush is to blame.  Karl Rove is to blame.  Dick Cheney is to blame. America is to blame. Everyone, except liberals, are to blame for the world's ills.

Epic fail, Oscar Wilde.
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Re: Oscar Wilde explains why we vote Republican
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2010, 07:37:34 PM »
How many of the super rich are actually Republicans?? Very few I have heard of.

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Re: Oscar Wilde explains why we vote Republican
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2010, 08:54:58 PM »
That whole thread was painfully stupid and funny at the same time.  A bunch of primitives who spend 24/7/365 on Skin's island living in fear and blaming everyone else for things they don't like are saying that others live in fear and blame everyone else.  Someone should buy them a mirror, but no doubt they still couldn't see their own reflection.  Thank goodness they're nothing more than entertainment to be laughed at, belittled, and spit upon.

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Re: Oscar Wilde explains why we vote Republican
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2010, 09:39:19 PM »
Folks, this is clearly a textbook example of affirmative action sperm.  There is no way in hell these primitives represent the winners of a level playing field, 50 million strong.  Either that, or the sperm confused the egg for a welfare office. 

In the spirit of my comment, I just noticed this smiley appears to be doing something inappropriate, so I will use it.   :hi5:

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Re: Oscar Wilde explains why we vote Republican
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2010, 09:42:04 PM »
.... affirmative action sperm...


That's pretty funny.  Welcome.

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Re: Oscar Wilde explains why we vote Republican
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2010, 09:46:46 PM »
No, "BigNose" you ignorant slut, I vote republican because in my opinion, it's the shortest way back to my Founding Fathers!

Lord, oh Lord, grant me the ability to reach thru my monitor and choke the shirt out of this traitor!

ETA:( I am still testing the screen to see if HE will grant my prayers! )
« Last Edit: March 04, 2010, 09:49:59 PM by AllosaursRus »
I'm the guy your mother warned you about!

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Re: Oscar Wilde explains why we vote Republican
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2010, 10:00:32 PM »
8. Isn't that killing the patient to cure the disease?

That's funny... I too was thinking that exact thought, only it was directed at your health care "reform".

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Re: Oscar Wilde explains why we vote Republican
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2010, 10:21:33 PM »
Folks, this is clearly a textbook example of affirmative action sperm.  There is no way in hell these primitives represent the winners of a level playing field, 50 million strong.  Either that, or the sperm confused the egg for a welfare office. 

In the spirit of my comment, I just noticed this smiley appears to be doing something inappropriate, so I will use it.   :hi5:

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Re: Oscar Wilde explains why we vote Republican
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2010, 10:49:38 PM »
Welcome! I think you're goin' to fit right in! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!11

Thanks.  My wife lets me use The DUmpster as therapy, so I can stand to be around her parents.  Both of them are as nutty as a fruitcake, made in a special fruitcake only pan. 

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Re: Oscar Wilde explains why we vote Republican
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2010, 11:02:09 PM »
Blacks are to blame. Hispanics are to blame. Illegal aliens are to blame. Liberals are to blame. Homosexuals are to blame. Muslims are to blame. Brown people everywhere are to blame. Poor people are to blame. Everyone who lives in San Francisco is to blame. Everyone, except Republicans, are to blame for the world’s ills.

"Well, allow me to retort."

I don't blame all blacks for anything. I blame individuals within the black community for adopting a perpetual victim mentality, refusing to accept responsibility for children they they father, and eschewing traditional virtues of abiding by the law, educating oneself, and behaving in a civil manner in public. I blame liberals for enabling this behavior by diverting the responsibility for crime from the individual to ethereal factors like "poverty" and "hopelessness," creating the air of sexual permissiveness that's led to so many single parent homes, and the perpetual demagoging over how blacks can never get ahead without the help of the government. All of which keeps them in a cycle of dependence and removes any notion of personal responsibility from the equation.

I don't blame all Hispanics for anything. I blame individual Hispanics who break this country's laws by coming here illegally and who use up our limited resources. The same Hispanic individuals who then demand government-sponsored accommodation of a separate and distinct culture, especially of language, without any hint of compromise towards the traditional value of the "melting pot," wherein we adopt common cultural characteristics which bind us as a nation. I blame liberals for once more cynically attempting to "buy" a block of voters by ignoring the law regarding this immigration in the hopes of appearing more sympathetic to their plight, and sacrificing our common culture on the altar of diversity, which pushes us further apart.

I don't blame all homosexuals for anything. I consider it to be a perversion and a sin in God's eyes. But since it generally takes place between two consenting adults, and creates no significant physical risk to the public at large, I see no reason to create laws that restrict homosexual behavior or for otherwise law abiding practitioners of such behavior to be harrassed or injured. Not being without sin myself, I won't even get up on a soapbox and rant against the behavior per se. I do, however, blame individual homosexuals and liberals in general when they actively try to promote this behavior as mainstream or virtuous in some way, particularly in the media, and will fight against that as a private citizen. I also reject special "rights" or protections, e.g. same-sex state sanctioned marriage. If you want a legal contract, go see a lawyer and give each other durable power of attorney for health care or whatever. Go to your "clergy" and let them wave a willow branch over you and declare you "married." Otherwise, forget it.

I don't blame all Muslims for anything. There is no denying though, no matter how many time you chant the names of Timothy McVeigh and Eric Rudolph, that the vast number of terrorists and people in general who do violence in the name of religion belong to the Muslim faith, and there is nothing that has been done to these individuals which justifies the wanton, indiscriminate slaughter in which they engage. Again, I place at least some blame on liberals. Not for the individual acts of these murderers, but for so often acting as apologists and enablers for them by deflecting blame from their personal responsibility towards so-called "oppressors" (Always Jews and Westerners of course. The Middle East would be idyllic without them).

There's plenty of other blame to go around, of course, for politicians, liars and cheaters of all persuasions, and for the apathy that often befalls ourselves as conservatives. But for sheer reckless, arrogant, society-destroying behavior? It's you, liberals. It's you.
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Re: Oscar Wilde explains why we vote Republican
« Reply #12 on: March 05, 2010, 01:57:44 AM »
"Well, allow me to retort."

I don't blame all blacks for anything. I blame individuals within the black community for adopting a perpetual victim mentality, refusing to accept responsibility for children they they father, and eschewing traditional virtues of abiding by the law, educating oneself, and behaving in a civil manner in public. I blame liberals for enabling this behavior by diverting the responsibility for crime from the individual to ethereal factors like "poverty" and "hopelessness," creating the air of sexual permissiveness that's led to so many single parent homes, and the perpetual demagoging over how blacks can never get ahead without the help of the government. All of which keeps them in a cycle of dependence and removes any notion of personal responsibility from the equation.

I don't blame all Hispanics for anything. I blame individual Hispanics who break this country's laws by coming here illegally and who use up our limited resources. The same Hispanic individuals who then demand government-sponsored accommodation of a separate and distinct culture, especially of language, without any hint of compromise towards the traditional value of the "melting pot," wherein we adopt common cultural characteristics which bind us as a nation. I blame liberals for once more cynically attempting to "buy" a block of voters by ignoring the law regarding this immigration in the hopes of appearing more sympathetic to their plight, and sacrificing our common culture on the altar of diversity, which pushes us further apart.

I don't blame all homosexuals for anything. I consider it to be a perversion and a sin in God's eyes. But since it generally takes place between two consenting adults, and creates no significant physical risk to the public at large, I see no reason to create laws that restrict homosexual behavior or for otherwise law abiding practitioners of such behavior to be harrassed or injured. Not being without sin myself, I won't even get up on a soapbox and rant against the behavior per se. I do, however, blame individual homosexuals and liberals in general when they actively try to promote this behavior as mainstream or virtuous in some way, particularly in the media, and will fight against that as a private citizen. I also reject special "rights" or protections, e.g. same-sex state sanctioned marriage. If you want a legal contract, go see a lawyer and give each other durable power of attorney for health care or whatever. Go to your "clergy" and let them wave a willow branch over you and declare you "married." Otherwise, forget it.

I don't blame all Muslims for anything. There is no denying though, no matter how many time you chant the names of Timothy McVeigh and Eric Rudolph, that the vast number of terrorists and people in general who do violence in the name of religion belong to the Muslim faith, and there is nothing that has been done to these individuals which justifies the wanton, indiscriminate slaughter in which they engage. Again, I place at least some blame on liberals. Not for the individual acts of these murderers, but for so often acting as apologists and enablers for them by deflecting blame from their personal responsibility towards so-called "oppressors" (Always Jews and Westerners of course. The Middle East would be idyllic without them).

There's plenty of other blame to go around, of course, for politicians, liars and cheaters of all persuasions, and for the apathy that often befalls ourselves as conservatives. But for sheer reckless, arrogant, society-destroying behavior? It's you, liberals. It's you.

Wow! Good rant!!!! So, how do you really feel?
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Re: Oscar Wilde explains why we vote Republican
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2010, 08:15:56 AM »
"Well, allow me to retort."

Word!!  :clap:  Your entire response is excellent!
Piney Power!!

Grow your own dope -- plant a Democrat!

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Re: Oscar Wilde explains why we vote Republican
« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2010, 08:21:44 AM »
Quote from:

I think their susceptibility to "bumper sticker slogans" is the gop's most effective tactic.

"pro-life" - who isn't pro-life. What they mean, of course, is "anti-choice"
"death tax" - that can ONLY be a bad thing
"death panels" - umbelievable how that one could ever catch on

But . . . these slogans allow the voters to be relieved of any obligation to become knowledgeable.

The gop is EXPERT at these slogans.

Let's face it - they are not too bright,.... they are very susceptible to short, "bumper sticker" slogans.

This is especially funny from a group of dolts who voted for Dear Leader based upon the bumpersticker slogans of:

"Yes, we can!"

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Re: Oscar Wilde explains why we vote Republican
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2010, 08:26:47 AM »
This is especially funny from a group of dolts who voted for Dear Leader based upon the bumpersticker slogans of:

"Yes, we can!"


Well, you know how it is, you have to keep'em short for the idiots.
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Re: Oscar Wilde explains why we vote Republican
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2010, 08:32:06 AM »
Well, you know how it is, you have to keep'em short for the idiots.

26 letters in the alphabet and it only took 11 of them arranged in a certain way to get them all worked up into an emotion driven frenzy.  Such simple-minded creature these liberals are.

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Re: Oscar Wilde explains why we vote Republican
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2010, 08:41:08 AM »
26 letters in the alphabet and it only took 11 of them arranged in a certain way to get them all worked up into an emotion driven frenzy.  Such simple-minded creature these liberals are.


Then we should eliminate the other 25 useless letters.

Don't question my math, I used a DUmmie math book.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin