Author Topic: "We let him get on the plane."  (Read 695 times)

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Offline dutch508

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"We let him get on the plane."
« on: February 05, 2010, 04:53:52 PM »
Karmadillo (1000+ posts)      Wed Feb-03-10 01:20 PM
Original message
Congressional hearing reveals US intelligence agencies shielded Flight 253 bomber
  Edited on Wed Feb-03-10 01:23 PM by Karmadillo
ON EDIT: I should note it's worth reading the entire article. It gives some reasonable speculation as to what was actually going on with Abdulmutallab. If this is true, it's interesting how little coverage it is getting in the Corporate Media.

Amid media blackout
Congressional hearing reveals US intelligence agencies shielded Flight 253 bomber
By Alex Lantier
3 February 2010

A January 27 hearing of the House Committee on Homeland Security established that US intelligence agencies stopped the State Department from revoking the US visa of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. The Nigerian student, whom US officials suspected of being affiliated with the Yemeni terrorist group Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, attempted to set off a bomb on Northwest Flight 253 into Detroit on Christmas Day. Revocation of Abdulmutallab’s visa would have prevented him from boarding the airplane.

The hearing was reported in a brief article posted January 27 on the web site of the Detroit News, headlined, “Terror Suspect Kept Visa to Avoid Tipping Off Larger Investigation.”

The revelation that US intelligence agencies made a deliberate decision to allow Abdulmutallab to board the commercial flight, without any special airport screening, has been buried in the media. As of this writing, nearly a week after the hearing, the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and Los Angeles Times have published no articles on the subject. Nor have the broadcast or cable media reported on it.

This is despite—or perhaps more accurately, because of—the fact that this information exposes the official government story of the near-disaster to be a lie. President Obama, who has joined with top US intelligence, FBI and Homeland Security officials to insist that Abdulmutallab was inadvertently allowed to board the plane carrying explosives because of a failure to “connect the dots,” has from the start been deceiving the American people.

The official line strained credulity from the outset, given reports of multiple advance warnings that the Nigerian student was linked to terrorists in Yemen who were planning attacks on the US.


You know, I don't think the Government is covering anything up but their asses. I think they ****ed up royally and now are spinning the "Oh...we MEANT to do that." line. I do think it's funny that Barry is thought to be part of the problem now.

spanone  (1000+ posts)      Wed Feb-03-10 01:54 PM
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3. time to investigate the u.s. intelligent agencies? naw, never gonna happen.
 Edited on Wed Feb-03-10 01:54 PM by spanone
are the cheney moles working overtime?

AND we are back to Cheney running the country. Damn these people are THICK THICK THICK THICK THICK...

JackRiddler  (1000+ posts)        Wed Feb-03-10 02:32 PM
Response to Reply #8
9. A more considered reply referencing today's news stories... 
 Edited on Wed Feb-03-10 02:38 PM by JackRiddler
So today the NPR news (the daily propaganda agenda in just 5 minutes) tells me the authorities made an announcement saying that Abdulmutallab is talking, naming people who helped him and specifying the places where he trained in Yemen.

What an awesome load. If the full story were no more than what we are told, i.e. that he is a for-real terrorist bomber who was not detected in advance, and who was dispatched by a network waging war on the US, which the US wishes to neutralize...


"Hello, Yemeni accomplices of Abdulmutallab! Hello, training camps in Yemen! Better pack your bags and get a move on, 'cause JUSTICE is coming to your door. Really, really soon. Like, we mean it. Soon!"

Utter bullshit, and there are only three possible explanations - of which the first two are very likely both true:

1) Self-praising PR bullshit by functionaries in the "War on Terror" or whatever it's now been rebranded as.

2) The US government already has a list of the Yemeni people they want to kill and places they want to bomb, whether or not these have an Abdulmutallab connection, and this announcement is part of the propaganda preparation for the military actions.

3) They actually want to warn his accomplices (I remember something similar on 9/11 - CNN announcing that warrants had been issued for searches in particular locations, before these were executed.)

That's because CNN was actively trying to derail the investigation?

gulfcoastliberal (1000+ posts)      Wed Feb-03-10 03:09 PM
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11. "I'll take patsies for $200, Alex..." nt

Obama MIHIP?...or is Barry just too ****ing stupid to realize Dick is running things?

RB TexLa  (1000+ posts)      Wed Feb-03-10 07:46 PM
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13. We are still talking about a person who did NOT blow up a plane?


Blue Owl  (620 posts)      Thu Feb-04-10 12:00 PM
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 If someone in our own ****ing CIA is abetting these terrorist acts for the purpose of advancing a fear-based, pro-war, police-state agenda -- I wanna know WHO these *******ed mother****ers are.

 I'd start looking at the Democrats in Congress.

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Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: "We let him get on the plane."
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2010, 04:55:38 PM »
Dudes. Abetting terrorists? Look in the mirror, your supporting them

Offline miskie

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Re: "We let him get on the plane."
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2010, 05:58:41 PM »
Where are the cries of MIHOP and LIHOP ?

Oh wait they are there, and they point the finger at Cheney ---  :mental:

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Re: "We let him get on the plane."
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2010, 12:50:27 AM »
Where are the cries of MIHOP and LIHOP ?

Oh wait they are there, and they point the finger at Cheney ---  :mental:

You have to give the DUmmies credit for one thing.  They are consistent....   :loser:

Consistently STUPID!   :mental:

Murphy's 3rd Law:  "You can't make anything 'idiot DUmmie proof'.  The world will just create a better idiot DUmmie."

Liberals are like Slinkys.  Basically useless, but they do bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs...
Global warming supporters believe that a few hundred million tons of CO2 has more control over our climate than a million mile in diameter, unshielded thermo-nuclear fusion reactor at the middle of the solar system.

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Re: "We let him get on the plane."
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2010, 09:00:38 AM »
RB TexLa  (1000+ posts)      Wed Feb-03-10 07:46 PM
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13. We are still talking about a person who did NOT blow up a plane?

If he had been successful, it would have been much easier to cover up. No doubt, we would still be waiting for the results of the NTSB investigation on this "terrible accident".

Offline ScubaGuy

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Re: "We let him get on the plane."
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2010, 09:24:59 AM »

Article from the "World Socialist Web Site".  Yep that a good source for truth in reporting. :mental:
25 years ago we had Ronald Reagan, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope.  Now we have Obama, no hope and no cash.

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Re: "We let him get on the plane."
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2010, 09:31:45 AM »
RB TexLa  (1000+ posts)      Wed Feb-03-10 07:46 PM
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13. We are still talking about a person who did NOT blow up a plane?

If wasn't for some courageous civilian passengers we would be talking about a person who did blow up a plane with 300+ innocent people and possibly many more innocents on the ground would be dead too. The system failed you moron that is why it is an important discussion. Even though you all are talking some tin foil nonsense. Obama is responsible for the ball being dropped whether you like it or not just, like Bush is held responsible for 9-11 happening and for 8+ years you goons blasted him for doing nothing to stop it or saying that the guy too stupid to tie his own shoes was behind it all.

I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.

Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: "We let him get on the plane."
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2010, 09:32:19 AM »
Obama needs an "event".....and he'll invent one if he has too.
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Offline Randy

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Re: "We let him get on the plane."
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2010, 11:30:47 AM »
The DUmmies are missing a huge point here with the penis bomber  burner. For over 9 years now Bush has been blamed for 9/11, less than 8 months after he took office. Barry was in office for over 10 months before the flames touched balls. This is entirely in Oneder boys lap going by DUchebag standards.