Author Topic: Coakley campaign has ceased to be, it's expired and gone to meet its maker...  (Read 11299 times)

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Offline SSG Snuggle Bunny

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And just to make sure that the campaign is, in fact, dead, we now have this scintillating gem of abject boneheadery. I think we've just about ran out of forks to stick in her.

In Catholic Massachusett(e)s?


Her campaign manager will probably be found swinging in his garage come morning.
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Offline debk

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And just to make sure that the campaign is, in fact, dead, we now have this scintillating gem of abject boneheadery. I think we've just about ran out of forks to stick in her.

This woman makes STUPID look smart.....

If she gets elected....her constituents deserve everything they get for being represented by an idiot.

Just hand over the chocolate...back away slowly...far away....and you won't get hurt....

Save the Earth... it's the only planet with chocolate.

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Offline Duke Nukum

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Offline NHSparky

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This woman makes STUPID look smart.....

If she gets elected....her constituents deserve everything they get for being represented by an idiot.

Unfortunately, with her being a DimRat, teh stoopid she spreads will be felt far beyond the borders of Massholistan.
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Offline miskie

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What the hell is wrong with this woman ? The biggest cities in Massachusetts are extremely Catholic - Greater Boston - Fall River, New Bedford etc.. - Its as if she is now targeting her base for alienation.  :mental:

Offline SSG Snuggle Bunny

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What the hell is wrong with this woman ? The biggest cities in Massachusetts are extremely Catholic - Greater Boston - Fall River, New Bedford etc.. - Its as if she is now targeting her base for alienation.  :mental:
Please let us know if her comment reaches wide circulation. We want the pulse of the man o the street.

Go. Now...feel his wrist!
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline miskie

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Poll shocker: Scott Brown surges ahead in Senate race

Riding a wave of opposition to Democratic health-care reform, GOP upstart Scott Brown is leading in the U.S. Senate race, raising the odds of a historic upset that would reverberate all the way to the White House, a new poll shows.

Although Brown’s 4-point lead over Democrat Martha Coakley is within the Suffolk University/7News survey’s margin of error, the underdog’s position at the top of the results stunned even pollster David Paleologos.

“It’s a Brown-out,” said Paleologos, director of Suffolk’s Political Research Center. “It’s a massive change in the political landscape.”

The poll shows Brown, a state senator from Wrentham, besting Coakley, the state’s attorney general, by 50 percent to 46 percent, the first major survey to show Brown in the lead. Unenrolled long-shot Joseph L. Kennedy, an information technology executive with no relation to the famous family, gets 3 percent of the vote. Only 1 percent of voters were undecided.

Paleologos said bellweather models show high numbers of independent voters turning out on election day, which benefits Brown, who has 65 percent of that bloc compared to Coakley’s 30 percent. Kennedy earns just 3 percent of the independent vote, and 1 percent are undecided.

Brown has met 50% in this poll - and a Coakley victory is still within the margin of error, but Damn...

Offline Duke Nukum

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What the hell is wrong with this woman ? The biggest cities in Massachusetts are extremely Catholic - Greater Boston - Fall River, New Bedford etc.. - Its as if she is now targeting her base for alienation.  :mental:
It's even more chilling because she's talking about the alleged separation of church and state in emergency rooms!  She's giving the endgame away. 
“A man who has been through bitter experiences and travelled far enjoys even his sufferings after a time”
― Homer, The Odyssey

Offline formerlurker

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Brown has met 50% in this poll - and a Coakley victory is still within the margin of error, but Damn...

Oh God please let him win!

Offline formerlurker

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BREAKING: Coakley -- Catholics Shouldn't Work in Hospitals‏


This will go over very well with the Catholics in MA...... the state of course having an EXTREMELY large population of Catholics...

Offline formerlurker

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The Democrats are turning on Coakley -- damage control people.  This has nothing to do with Obamacare, and everything to do with Coakley being a very bad and incomptent candidate:

I will buy a little of both.   :-)

Offline SSG Snuggle Bunny

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Oh God please let him win!

And of, perchance, Brown wins the DUmmies and the clucking class will pout and kick dirt saying they had a bad candidate.

No...they had an arch-typical democrat. They endrsed her because she was one of them. Coakley is everything we have come to know and loathe in the likes of Boxer, Jackson-Lee, Feinstein, Fwank, Dodd, Rangel, Dead Ted, Reid, Pelosi...and Obama to name a few.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline formerlurker

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Globe going after Coakley also -- she lost this, the DNC did not:

Offline formerlurker

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And of, perchance, Brown wins the DUmmies and the clucking class will pout and kick dirt saying they had a bad candidate.

No...they had an arch-typical democrat. They endrsed her because she was one of them. Coakley is everything we have come to know and loathe in the likes of Boxer, Jackson-Lee, Feinstein, Fwank, Dodd, Rangel, Dead Ted, Reid, Pelosi...and Obama to name a few.


Offline SSG Snuggle Bunny

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Globe going after Coakley also -- she lost this, the DNC did not:

From your article:

Prominent Democrats in Boston are privately seething at the candidate and her campaign. First and foremost, they see the immediate impact defeat could have on the health care overhaul. Beyond that, they fret about the seismic impact a Republican victory in Massachusetts would have on Obama’s national standing. And they are nearly despondent about what a defeat would mean to Ted Kennedy’s legacy and memory.

As if they had no hand in her selection or how she was managed.

The upside of Coakley: she's a stark contrast to Sarah Palin and I'll take Palin any day as would 4 out of 5 Americans. I hope/expect the contrast between our opposing matriarchs to become more pronounced over then next week or so.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline formerlurker

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From your article:

As if they had no hand in her selection or how she was managed.

The upside of Coakley: she's a stark contrast to Sarah Palin and I'll take Palin any day as would 4 out of 5 Americans. I hope/expect the contrast between our opposing matriarchs to become more pronounced over then next week or so.

Prominent Democrats in Boston are privately seething at the their candidate and her campaign.


Offline Happy Fun Ball

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This ad didn't last long. Look at around :05 (or the preview here) to see why.


Offline formerlurker

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This ad didn't last long. Look at around :05 (or the preview here) to see why.


Has anyone ever seen a major campaign this badly handled in one short week?  Most of the blame goes to Coakley, but the DSCC was the group that sent Michael Meehan to help with messaging this week.  His first contribution was to commit assault and battery on a reporter for the Weekly Standard.  Now the DSCC chooses an image of the World Trade Center, Ground Zero on 9/11, to represent Wall Street and to attack Brown.  That’s not just “distasteful and disrespectful” to someone who served in the war on terror and remains in the National Guard to this day, it’s flat-out stupidity.
And don’t believe it when the DSCC claims it was a mistake, either.  The World Trade Center is a very distinctive-looking building, one that every American grew to know in the endless replays of the 9/11 attack.  Anyone working in politics who didn’t recognize it either has been asleep for nine years or is irretrievably dense.
When the dust settles on this campaign, Democrats will be quick to blame Coakley for its failure (assuming she loses), but she won’t be the only one who screwed up this election.

Offline JohnnyReb

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Since the American public fell for the black, Muslim, non citizen, communist from Kenya, democrats think they can get away with anything now.

When does John Kerry come up for realection? Since it looks like I'm going to have to discontinue using the term "State of Massive-two-shits", I'd like to see them both replaced by republicans......if it were to happens, I'll have the big one Elizabeth.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

Offline TheSarge

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I think when you see elections like this understand why Libs like Kennedy held onto their seats for so long...if they don't...their seat is doomed because the potential Liberal replacements are idiots.
Liberalism Is The Philosophy Of The Stupid

The libs/dems of today are the Quislings of former years.  The cowards who would vote a fraud into office in exchange for handouts from the devil.

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Palin has run a state, a town and a commercial fishing operation. Obama ain't run nothin' but his mouth. - Mark Steyn

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Even the lib media--NYT most notably--is attacking Coakley now--They're in protect Obama mode. That's a good sign.
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Offline vesta111

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We get rather ugly with that -- total homers that we are.  :-)

Not just you my dear, we in all New England  embrace the football, baseball, basketball and hockey teams.   You guys are us, the states up here bleed into each other and Boston teams are our Hero's. 

Offline Happy Fun Ball

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Just when you thought it can't get any more disgusting, now we have this. This is so bad that Brown even filed a complaint about it.

Offline debk

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Just when you thought it can't get any more disgusting, now we have this. This is so bad that Brown even filed a complaint about it.

Oh. My. God.

That a woman would sink so low as to allow her name to be associated with something like that totally speaks to the character of the woman.

This woman is the AG of a state?

Once she loses this election....wonder how long it will take the people of MA to get her out of the AG's office?
Just hand over the chocolate...back away slowly...far away....and you won't get hurt....

Save the Earth... it's the only planet with chocolate.

"My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far I've finished two bags of M&M's and a chocolate cake. I feel better already." – Dave Barry

A balanced diet is chocolate in both hands.

Offline The Village Idiot

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That a woman would sink so low as to allow her name to be associated with something like that totally speaks to the character of the woman.

The woman kept an innocent man in jail and then kept child molesters from going to jail.

She should be in prison if you ask me.

Her character is much worse than we know.