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The Man Who Can Stop Obamacare
« on: January 08, 2010, 03:59:55 AM »
The Man Who Can Stop Obamacare
By the Editors

The Democrats have gotten to the precipice — to borrow President Obama’s word — of victory on health-care reform for one reason above all others: 60 votes.

Their supermajority in the Senate empowered them to muscle through a sprawling mess of a bill by partisan fiat. If the ball had bounced the other way in a close race or two (or if Arlen Specter had felt more loyalty to his party of decades), the Democrats wouldn’t have gotten to 60. Once there, they were willing to resort to any expedient to stay at the magic number. After Ted Kennedy’s death last summer, the Massachusetts legislature rushed to change state election law to allow for an interim replacement in advance of a special election, explicitly to keep the Democrats at 60.

Now, the special election for the seat is less than two weeks away. It represents the only electoral threat to 60 that Democrats will face until November. Republican Scott Brown is mounting a surprisingly strong bid, trailing Massachusetts attorney general Martha Coakley by only 9 points in the latest Rasmussen poll. A state senator, Brown is running an anti-spending, anti-Washington campaign perfectly suited to the political moment. Should he win, it could make it all but impossible for Harry Reid to get 60 votes for the current version of Obamacare — and he’ll almost certainly need to meet that threshold at least one more time. In short, Scott Brown is the man who could pull the brake on this train right before it gets fully out of the station.

If you can donate to Scott Brown -- any amount $10, $25, it will make a difference.

His facebook page:

In a few weeks he has closed a 26 point Coakley lead to 9 points.  He can pull this off and we can stop Obama before the mid-cycle elections.  Help!!!

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Re: The Man Who Can Stop Obamacare
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2010, 04:22:59 AM »
Senator Paul Kirk angers critics with Martha Coakley nod
By Hillary Chabot  |   Friday, January 8, 2010  |  |  Local Politics

Photo by Ted Fitzgerald
State Republicans blasted interim U.S. Sen. Paul Kirk yesterday after he broke a legislative promise to stay out of the U.S. Senate election and endorsed Attorney General Martha Coakley over GOP candidate Sen. Scott Brown.

“You can’t trust these people,” House Minority Leader Brad Jones told the Herald. “It’s just another example of the hypocrisy of a one-party system.”

Kirk said he didn’t think twice before endorsing Coakley, even though the Legislature reversed Bay State laws and allowed Gov. Deval Patrick to appoint him based on the promise he would stay neutral.

No you can't trust them.  They are all corrupt liars.

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Re: The Man Who Can Stop Obamacare
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2010, 04:24:44 AM »
Feeling blue? Take a second look at Scott Brown
By Howie Carr  |   Friday, January 8, 2010  |  |  Columnists

Photo by Herald file
You may be a Scott Brown voter if:

•You’re in a union, and you’re going to have to pay a 40 percent tax on your “Cadillac” health-care plan if Martha Coakley gets a chance to vote for Obama’s health-care rationing bill.
•You’re still waiting for that property-tax relief that Deval Patrick promised you in 2006.
•You’re on kidney dialysis and you have to pay for your treatment . . . but illegal aliens don’t.
•You’ve been rear-ended by a drunken state senator.
•You’ve been groped in Lowell by a state senator who, when arrested, gave police the name of a state rep.
•You lost your appetite for lunch one day when you observed a female state senator in a restaurant stuffing FBI cash bribes into her bra.
•You watch this crime wave emanating from the State House and wonder why the attorney general can’t seem to find one single solon to arrest, when the feds have no difficulty whatsoever nailing House speaker after speaker after speaker on serious felonies - not the technicalities Martha Coakley’s gone after Sal DiMasi for.
•You own a package store in the Merrimack Valley, and you’re getting killed by the hacks’ new 6.25 percent sales tax on alcohol, on top of the 37 percent excise tax.
•You believe that if someone rapes his 23-month-old niece with a hot curling iron, the district attorney should go after the rapist even before the child’s mother files a complaint - even if the perp is a politically wired cop and the DA is running for higher office.
•You believe that if the governor’s appointees rubberstamp a $44 million utility-rate increase, and then the next week Deval pockets $7,000 in contributions from that same power company’s executives (and spouses) at their lobbyist’s office, perhaps the attorney general should at least have . . . a comment.
•You don’t have a big problem with making county jailbirds pay $5 a day room and board at the House of Correction, even if the SJC does.

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Re: The Man Who Can Stop Obamacare
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2010, 07:46:55 AM »
Howie Carr rocks!  He comes on after Rush on a Boston channel - WRKO. I used to listen to him all the time but moved out of his broadcast area. I still listen to him on the internet when I have the time. Great guy to tune into if you want to know what's happening in Mass, or details on this election.
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Re: The Man Who Can Stop Obamacare
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2010, 09:43:13 AM »
The Man Who Can Stop Obamacare

I disagree, but only slightly. Sure, having Scott Brown there would be to healthcare like the pop-up steel barrier in Stop! Look! and Hasten! was to the coyote, but there's another way to look at this. It's really the voters who will be the ones to stop this. You know, those people who actually make this country work and who have been looked down upon and ridiculed for so long, especially in the past year? In a few days, they will have the opportunity to not only make their voices heard, but to even change the course of the entire Obama agenda. The Congress may have ignored the protests, the Tea Parties, and the town hall meetings (those that even had them), but there is no way they can possibly ignore the people after they vote in a republican which would deny them their [Gollum]precious[/Gollum] 60 votes. And even if Brown loses, it will be close enough to hopefully give a few democrats some doubts about this atrocity that is healthcare.

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Re: The Man Who Can Stop Obamacare
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2010, 09:59:39 AM »
Well, A Brown victory would be nice, but I still say the race is Coakley's to lose -- HOWEVER -- if a race in the bluest state of them all can be competitive, it will give pause to Senators and Congressmen who are in states that are more evenly divided, or perhaps even red , where they ended up elected on a wave of hopey-changy and/or anti Bush sentiment.

If a sure thing such as Coakley isn't such a sure thing in Massachusetts - then voting for unpopular things can and will certainly unseat them. Remember - a politician's first duty is to get reelected.

I can also say that the Commonwealth's Tea Party contingent is FIRED UP for Brown in a way I have never seen. So, if the turnout is low, or perhaps suppressed by bad weather .. Just maybe he can pull off what will be the greatest upset in history.

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Re: The Man Who Can Stop Obamacare
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2010, 10:08:44 AM »
but there is no way they can possibly ignore the people after they vote in a republican which would deny them their [Gollum]precious[/Gollum] 60 votes.

Thats been the genius about Brown's campaign - he is essentially running as a RINO - so much so that the establishment GOP has been nowhere to be seen. - ANd for good reason.

If the race becomes Democrat vs Republican in Massachusetts, the Republican loses. Every time.

If the race continues to be voting against Status quo, then the opposition stands a chance.

Brown knows this - his most effective (and leftist angering) TV commercial links him to JFK. He is also on record stating he is not beholden to the Republican party.  Coakley knows this too -- which is why her commercials are doing their best to make this a Democrat vs Republican race, and of course, attaching the label GW Bush to Brown.

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Re: The Man Who Can Stop Obamacare
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2010, 10:22:19 AM »
Feeling blue? Take a second look at Scott Brown
By Howie Carr  |   Friday, January 8, 2010  |  |  Columnists

Photo by Herald file
You may be a Scott Brown voter if:

•You’re in a union, and you’re going to have to pay a 40 percent tax on your “Cadillac” health-care plan if Martha Coakley gets a chance to vote for Obama’s health-care rationing bill.
•You’re still waiting for that property-tax relief that Deval Patrick promised you in 2006.
•You’re on kidney dialysis and you have to pay for your treatment . . . but illegal aliens don’t.
•You’ve been rear-ended by a drunken state senator.
•You’ve been groped in Lowell by a state senator who, when arrested, gave police the name of a state rep.
•You lost your appetite for lunch one day when you observed a female state senator in a restaurant stuffing FBI cash bribes into her bra.
•You watch this crime wave emanating from the State House and wonder why the attorney general can’t seem to find one single solon to arrest, when the feds have no difficulty whatsoever nailing House speaker after speaker after speaker on serious felonies - not the technicalities Martha Coakley’s gone after Sal DiMasi for.
•You own a package store in the Merrimack Valley, and you’re getting killed by the hacks’ new 6.25 percent sales tax on alcohol, on top of the 37 percent excise tax.
•You believe that if someone rapes his 23-month-old niece with a hot curling iron, the district attorney should go after the rapist even before the child’s mother files a complaint - even if the perp is a politically wired cop and the DA is running for higher office.
•You believe that if the governor’s appointees rubberstamp a $44 million utility-rate increase, and then the next week Deval pockets $7,000 in contributions from that same power company’s executives (and spouses) at their lobbyist’s office, perhaps the attorney general should at least have . . . a comment.
•You don’t have a big problem with making county jailbirds pay $5 a day room and board at the House of Correction, even if the SJC does.

Sounds like Scott Brown shouldn't run for the Senate so much as he should take off, and nuke Massholistan from orbit.  It's the only real way to be sure.
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Re: The Man Who Can Stop Obamacare
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2010, 02:32:16 AM »
Democrats to US in general and Massachusetts in particular: **** you, we want to seize 1/6th of the economy and turn you all into our dependents:

It looks like the fix is in on national health-care reform - and it all may unfold on Beacon Hill.

At a business forum in Boston today, interim Sen. Paul Kirk predicted that Congress would pass a health-care reform bill this month.

“We want to get this resolved before President Obama’s State of the Union address in early to mid-February,” Kirk told reporters at a Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce breakfast.

The longtime aide and confidant of the late Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, who was handpicked by Gov. Deval Patrick after a controversial legal change to hold Kennedy’s seat, vowed to vote for the bill even if Republican state Sen. Scott Brown, who opposes the health-care reform legislation, prevails in a Jan. 19 special election.

“Absolutely,” Kirk said, when asked if he’d vote for the bill, even if Brown captures the seat. “It would be my responsibility as United States senator, representing the people and understanding Senator Kennedy’s agenda. . . . I think you’re asking me a hypothetical question but I’d be pleased to vote for the bill.”

Few have considered the Jan. 19 election as key to the fate of national health-care reform because both Kirk and front-runner state Attorney General Martha Coakley, the Democratic nominee, have vowed to uphold Kennedy’s legacy and support health-care reform.

But if Brown wins, the entire national health-care reform debate may hinge on when he takes over as senator. Brown has vowed to be the crucial 41st vote in the Senate that would block the bill.

The U.S. Senate ultimately will schedule the swearing-in of Kirk’s successor, but not until the state certifies the election.

Today, a spokesman for Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin, who is overseeing the election but did not respond to a call seeking comment, said certification of the Jan. 19 election by the Governor’s Council would take a while.

“Because it’s a federal election,” spokesman Brian McNiff said. “We’d have to wait 10 days for absentee and military ballots to come in.”

Another source told the Herald that Galvin’s office has said the election won’t be certified until Feb. 20 - well after the president’s address.

Since the U.S. Senate doesn’t meet again in formal session until Jan. 20, Bay State voters will have made their decision before a vote on health-care reform could be held. But Kirk and Galvin’s office said today a victorious Brown would be left in limbo.

In contrast, Rep. Niki Tsongas (D-Lowell) was sworn in at the U.S. House of Representatives on Oct. 18, 2007, just two days after winning a special election to replace Martin Meehan. In that case, Tsongas made it to Capitol Hill in time to override a presidential veto of the expansion of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.

Yesterday, Brown, who has been closing the gap with Coakley in polls and fund raising, blasted the political double standard.

“This is a stunning admission by Paul Kirk and the Beacon Hill political machine,” said Brown in a statement. “Paul Kirk appears to be suggesting that he, Deval Patrick, and (Senate Majority Leader) Harry Reid intend to stall the election certification until the health care bill is rammed through Congress, even if that means defying the will of the people of Massachusetts. As we’ve already seen from the backroom deals and kickbacks cut by the Democrats in Washington, they intend to do anything and everything to pass their controversial health care plan. But threatening to ignore the results of a free election and steal this Senate vote from the people of Massachusetts takes their schemes to a whole new level. Martha Coakley should immediately disavow this threat from one of her campaign’s leading supporters.”

A spokeswoman for Coakley’s campaign declined to comment today.

This is as corrupt as that shit Zelayas pulled in Honduras.
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Re: The Man Who Can Stop Obamacare
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2010, 08:33:01 PM »
I didn't expect anything less - the bookmark that they installed in the Senate will not be removed until the damage is done. Period. As for the brazenness in admitting this upfront - this is nothing new in Massachusetts politics. A democrat seeking reelection stands about 90 or so percent chance of prevailing. A Democrat who makes unpopular decisions stands a better than 80% chance of getting reelected. They know it , so they say and do as they please because nobody will call them on it.