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Offline franksolich

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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #100 on: January 09, 2010, 02:52:25 PM »
Btw...welcome to CC Jake.
We do discuss,we can get cranky but we do our best to try to actually think about things and disagreements are attempted to be debated civilly and thoughtfully even though I fail at that too.

The "objective" here is, since the Allentown dude left Skins's island (and hence loses his designation as a primitive), is a civil exchange of ideas--mostly because such opportunities come along so rarely.

The late Tangerine LaBamba being an all-too-short gift.

Well, maybe a long-term civil exchange of ideas is too much to hope for--it can, however, happen--in which case one goes to the second "objective," that of making someone here comfortable enough that he comes over here to see the primitives through our eyes.

It's all a plus, whatever one gets.

I'm asking the Allentown dude primitive, if he wants, and is comfortable with it, to "personal message" me his blog site.

It's all good, whatever one gets, whether a lot or a little.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline Allentownjake

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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #101 on: January 09, 2010, 02:53:50 PM »
**** you!
**** you, your mother, and your siblings. You are a sack of dishonest lying shit and I do not buy the moderated bullshit you are spewing here. Your history of DUmp concentric posts prove that. You and your brethren on the left, including 90% of the democrat party and 75% of the little Eichmanns that continue electing them into office are the NUMBER ONE enemy of this nation.

I have been reading your leftist shitbag America hating socialist "BUSH IS HITLER" drivel for several years now.
You ardently defend the "rights" of a woman to murder her unborn child yet blow your top if someone pisses in a lake or swats a fly in a forest. That is insanity.
You and your DUmp comrades *ARE* the very worst the human race has to offer. Read the posts there: the majority of you pathetic parasite ****s are on welfare, psychotropic drugs, sucks off the taxpayer tit in many ways, unemployed, fags, trannys, furrys, 'pedophile Man-Boy-Love members', with Underground Panther as your mascot. You repeatedly villify America, conservatives, Christians, and Republicans JUST BECAUSE OF THEIR POLITICS!

**** you, **** your mother, **** your siblings.
You and your cock-sucking liberal Code Pink commies represent everything wrong with America.
I do not buy your ****tard attempts at intellectualizing and defending your REAL dysfunctional belief set as you try to sway those here that you really do have a Manhattanesq cosmopolitan view of the world.

All you are doing here is trying to assuage your imaginary fairness or normalcy that never is or was a part of you. Your temporary (lie) exit from the DUmp is only because your ass is being ridiculed here and your REAL persona is being archived in the Internet for an eternity. You must be worried about further (ahem) employment and what a background check will find.

**** you and the horse you rode in on.

YOU and your leftist lik the the enemy of America and the Constitution DEMANDS that if *I* are to defend the Constitution and thus the United States of America, I MUST eliminate you.
I have zero problem with stating that here. I will not dance around the fact that this nation is going down deep and quick all at the hands of democrats, socialists, and the commie America hating college teachers, primitive protesters, Chicago political thugs, union EMPLOYEE thugs, old 60's hippies, Marxist Ayers followers, and EVERY cocksucking-fag-dyke-furry-psycho-unemployed-bong sucking-'purple haired Underground Panther breast removing tranny' pricks oat the Dump.

**** you prick!

PM me and I will fly ANYWHERE to take your ass to task.

Intellectualize that ****head!


I hope we shall... crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." --Thomas Jefferson to George Logan, 1816.

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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #102 on: January 09, 2010, 02:56:36 PM »
If not for the government stealing from the working middle class and tit-feeding you, your life would have been gone long ago.
If you knew anything about Christianity or believed even 1% of it, you would NEVER post on the DUmp nor be a member of it in the first place.
You don't fool me, ****head tool of Satan.

I made a pretty good living as an auditor till I got hit with a layoff in June.  Paid lots of taxes too. 

You are trying to sell me you are a follower of Jesus by saying you want to end my existence because of a political disagreement. 

That love and pray for your enemies thing went way over your head. 
I hope we shall... crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." --Thomas Jefferson to George Logan, 1816.

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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #103 on: January 09, 2010, 02:57:28 PM »
Couldn`t ask for better timing then that.  :rotf:
Better luck next time, Carl.  :lmao:
This post is disruptive, hurtful, rude, insensitive, over-the-top, or otherwise inappropriate.

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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #104 on: January 09, 2010, 02:57:39 PM »


Exactly - sucks to find you cannot defend nor "intellectualize" yourself out of your lies with me.

I'm still waiting ****head. I do not dance around the issues and #1 with me - gag your liberal asses on the political correctness you hide your hate behind.

Oh yea, **** the heart - do this nation a favor and kill yourself. 
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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #105 on: January 09, 2010, 03:06:12 PM »
suddenly the thread goes silent.....
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Offline franksolich

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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #106 on: January 09, 2010, 03:08:07 PM »
suddenly the thread goes silent.....

Well, it's kind of hard to top that (either way), PG, sir.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #107 on: January 09, 2010, 03:16:49 PM »

Forgive the pile-on but...

...having watched the DUmp lo these many years I see that the average liberal is as unhappy with politicians, the backroom deals, the corruption etc etc etc that is generally the foundational dissatisfaction of conservatives.

However, where a conservative would place government in a box with a sign that says "break glass in case of emergency" and then use bullet-proof glass it seems the reflex among liberals is MORE government.

Gov't run schools are screwed up? Let's give more money and power to the government.

Gov't run healthcare is going broke? Maybe we should just give the gov't more money.

Gov't subsidized mortgages defaulting in record rates? Let's have the gov't inspect itself and reset its own rules.

As a conservative I don't trust these bastards one iota. Even the best of them are compromised by the simple nature of the beast.

I'm not against gov't run programs but I think IF--and that is a mighty big if--they are enacted they should be confined to the state level. 50 laboratories can decide what best works for them, are less prone to the machinations of overly centralized power and quicker to change in the event of error than a federal program that requires a national mandate.

Did you ever wonder why when conservatives look at the state healthcare programs such as Massachusetts we go, "LOL" but when you try to make it national we lose our minds with rage? Here are a bunch of lobbyist fellating poll-dancers seeking to sink their claws into 1/6 of the economy so that ll Americans have to bow to the politicians if they want to be able to take their children to a doctor. If this thing passes and is as corporation poisoned as reports make it out to be a vote against the pols is a vote against your own health benefits.

Maybe I'm wrong but liberals seem much more preoccupied to ask "What's in it for me?" whereas conservatives demand to know, "Is this worth my freedom?"

BTW - for the record: no conservative endorses subsidizing any corporation. Tax cuts yes (read about the Laffer curve) but subsidies are as anathema to the free market as wage and price controls. I notice this fallacy a lot on DU (maybe not you, but on DU...maybe if you ever return you can speak of your time among the tea-partiers).
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline franksolich

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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #108 on: January 09, 2010, 03:17:52 PM »
suddenly the thread goes silent.....

We all have reasons, many of them valid, for disliking Democrats, liberals, and primitives, but I've always suspected my loathing is based upon personal experience with such people, not ideology.

It's very hard to like someone who insists one is "deprived" and needs big government to make up the deficits in one's life.

I suspect my own credentials for loathing the primitives on Skins's island are pretty sterling, even purer than BadCat's or GOBUCKS'.

But here we have someone who comes over here with no pretensions, no big ideas about deception (such as Pedro Picasso's stupid stunts), no holier-than-thouness (such as with the nocturnally foul one); someone who identifies exactly who and what he is.

Honesty from the other side is rare, and so one must encourage it.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #109 on: January 09, 2010, 03:26:10 PM »
I've made the decision to start a daily blog which will focus on highlights of the economic news, legislation in congress and my opinion of it and campaign finance issues.

I'm sure the world awaits with bated breath. 
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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #110 on: January 09, 2010, 03:30:49 PM »
I agree with Snugs and frank to a great degree. But it's hard to explain why someone who has engulfed themselves in hatred for 8 years can suddenly say they've woken up.  From their POV, they view Clinton as the best Republican president, say the Dems rolled everytime Bush43 wanted something, and suddenly they had some notion that Dear Leader was going to be different?  Like I said, they listen to the populist speeches, the same one's they've heard for the last 40 years, and then actually believe these Dem pols.

I'm more than willing to listen, but at some point they need to explain their sins, especially hanging out at a site like DU.  Just the stuff they've said about Gov. Palin when they personally attacked her daughter and grandchild should have been enough for any descent person to say "I'm a liberal, but this is beyond the pale.  Bye."

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Offline Allentownjake

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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #111 on: January 09, 2010, 03:32:01 PM »
We all have reasons, many of them valid, for disliking Democrats, liberals, and primitives, but I've always suspected my loathing is based upon personal experience with such people, not ideology.

It's very hard to like someone who insists one is "deprived" and needs big government to make up the deficits in one's life.

I suspect my own credentials for loathing the primitives on Skins's island are pretty sterling, even purer than BadCat's or GOBUCKS'.

But here we have someone who comes over here with no pretensions, no big ideas about deception (such as Pedro Picasso's stupid stunts), no holier-than-thouness (such as with the nocturnally foul one); someone who identifies exactly who and what he is.

Honesty from the other side is rare, and so one must encourage it.

I don't need the government, the church, or business to make me a whole person.  No politician is going to make me feel better about me nor is a church or a business.   Rich or poor I'm going to be who I am and value what I value and when I fail to live up to those values, nothing is going to make me feel better about myself other than doing some sort of penance.

There are many tools to have an honest, prosperous, good society.  Government is one, business does it's part, and private Religious institutions has its part.  They are a wonderful check and balance against each other, and as an auditor, I love checks and balances.  When they all merge together, you get Tyranny.  Which is what the people who founded this country fought against originally and where are country has been marching for 40 years.

Anyway it was pleasant talking to all of you and I wish you a happy weekend.  
I hope we shall... crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." --Thomas Jefferson to George Logan, 1816.

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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #112 on: January 09, 2010, 03:38:12 PM »
I agree with Snugs and frank to a great degree. But it's hard to explain why someone who has engulfed themselves in hatred for 8 years can suddenly say they've woken up.  From their POV, they view Clinton as the best Republican president, say the Dems rolled everytime Bush43 wanted something, and suddenly they had some notion that Dear Leader was going to be different?  Like I said, they listen to the populist speeches, the same one's they've heard for the last 40 years, and then actually believe these Dem pols.

I'm more than willing to listen, but at some point they need to explain their sins, especially hanging out at a site like DU.  Just the stuff they've said about Gov. Palin when they personally attacked her daughter and grandchild should have been enough for any descent person to say "I'm a liberal, but this is beyond the pale.  Bye."


Someone on here just urged me to kill myself.  There is plenty of crazy going around.  I think asking everyone to atone for their past "sins" some of which you are projecting onto people is a little silly at this point.  I'm not a member of the Obama administration anymore than you were a member of the Bush Administration.  We get two choices every year, equally awful and sometimes we have to lie to ourselves and tell ourselves they are great.

The only way the country will move forward is when we take off our hats and start talking to each other as Americans not labels others have given for us to fight.

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Adams could find a way to get a long.  I'm sure most Americans can as well.
I hope we shall... crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." --Thomas Jefferson to George Logan, 1816.

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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #113 on: January 09, 2010, 03:43:23 PM »
Someone on here just urged me to kill myself.  There is plenty of crazy going around.  I think asking everyone to atone for their past "sins" some of which you are projecting onto people is a little silly at this point.

You were at a site where the majority -- not just one person -- the majority were saying the woman was using her Down's child as a prop and she was covering for it being her daughter's child.  That was the mildest of all the sick stuff that was said at DU.  Either you can explain your continued participation at a site that would do that or you can't.  Because whether you like it or not, when the majority are over there doing it, and you hang with them, then you're as much as endorsing it.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #114 on: January 09, 2010, 03:46:48 PM »
If not for the government stealing from the working middle class and tit-feeding you, your life would have been gone long ago.
If you knew anything about Christianity or believed even 1% of it, you would NEVER post on the DUmp nor be a member of it in the first place.
You don't fool me, ****head tool of Satan.

Stop beating around the bush and take a stand.  :rotf:

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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #115 on: January 09, 2010, 03:50:59 PM »
Well, it's kind of hard to top that (either way), PG, sir.

I know it - ass that I am...
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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #116 on: January 09, 2010, 03:51:45 PM »
I agree with Snugs and frank to a great degree. But it's hard to explain why someone who has engulfed themselves in hatred for 8 years can suddenly say they've woken up.  From their POV, they view Clinton as the best Republican president, say the Dems rolled everytime Bush43 wanted something, and suddenly they had some notion that Dear Leader was going to be different?  Like I said, they listen to the populist speeches, the same one's they've heard for the last 40 years, and then actually believe these Dem pols.

I'm more than willing to listen, but at some point they need to explain their sins, especially hanging out at a site like DU.  Just the stuff they've said about Gov. Palin when they personally attacked her daughter and grandchild should have been enough for any descent person to say "I'm a liberal, but this is beyond the pale.  Bye."


exactly - hence my rant...

momma don't raise no fool...
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Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #117 on: January 09, 2010, 03:54:34 PM »

The only way the country will move forward is when we take off our hats and start talking to each other as Americans not labels others have given for us to fight.

The only way for the country to move forward is for people to stop feeling entitled to other peoples money.

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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #118 on: January 09, 2010, 04:09:38 PM »
Someone on here just urged me to kill myself.  There is plenty of crazy going around.  I think asking everyone to atone for their past "sins" some of which you are projecting onto people is a little silly at this point.  I'm not a member of the Obama administration anymore than you were a member of the Bush Administration.  We get two choices every year, equally awful and sometimes we have to lie to ourselves and tell ourselves they are great.

The only way the country will move forward is when we take off our hats and start talking to each other as Americans not labels others have given for us to fight.

Mr. Jefferson and Mr. Adams could find a way to get a long.  I'm sure most Americans can as well.

Plenty of miscreants throughout human history have killed themselves for their past misdeeds.
For the FIRST time in your life, be MORE than you could ever be - put yourself in the league of Socrates.
You say you are not a member of the Obama administration and that is ONLY because the big ZERO did not appoint you to teach fag-fisting-sex to five year-old kindergartners.

While you may not wear 0bama's uniform , you have espoused each and every one of his philosophical and political beliefs and actions for the past several years via your musings on the DUmp.

You cannot run scumbag and I am here to ensure that your past smothers you.

Additionally, you have ZERO factual knowledge per Jefferson and Adams and just mentioning it bastardizes the real truth of what America is and represents. Which by the way, is NOTHING you believe in. You are on the outside ****head, you are the bastard child, the freak in the basement, the animal we put down to save the flock, the enemy we kill before more unwilling innocents are murdered, the viral disease we purge to save the host, the rag head we introduce to a Predator hellfire missile before he sends his explosive laden child into the crowded town square, the American hating Nazi anti-Semitic we cage in prison for life before he murders needlessly, the epitome of liberalism we MUST destroy before innocent humans in this nation are murdered 9/11 style in the future.

Go ahead - do the Socrates and post the video on Youtube - if not for anything other than to motivate your DUmp monkey comrades to do the same.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2010, 04:11:44 PM by PatriotGame »
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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #119 on: January 09, 2010, 04:12:13 PM »
Define traditional marriage.  Marriage is an economic partnership.  Before that it was a property transaction. 

Marriage is a religious institution. The Government has NO business being involved in it. As far as being homosexual, the Christian bible, the Jewish Torah and the Islamic Qur'An forbids homosexuality. Good enough for me. (That means no gay marriage)

You are going to hate me on abortion.  Fine by that.  We will be arguing using personal beliefs on when life begins not logic so it is not an argument worth having.

 I was ambivalent towards abortion because the standard Christian Bible never stated specifically when life begins. When I read in the Epistle of Barnabas where it was stated as one of God's laws, it changed my mind. There it specifically states that "thou shalt not kill the seed of thy womb or thy children. I rethought my stance.
Separation of church and state.

IF you can show me ANYWHERE in the Constitution that there is any separation between the Church and the Government. I'll change my mind. However, you can't!! Even the first amendment states that the Government shall not establish any religion, BUT, it also states that the Government will NOT prohibit the FREE exercise thereof. This separation of church ans state comes from a letter that Jefferson wrote to some Baptist church about the wall of separation between the church and the state. It had nothing to do with the improper attitude that the Government is exhibiting towards Christianity today. IMO, the Government IS prohibiting the FREE exercise of...

The same thing can be said about Military contracts (I don't hate the Military) before WWII we had a history of disarming after conflicts. 

 That was in a world where it took a lot of time, effort and money to attack another nation. It was an attitude also prevalent to a world where Mutually Assured Destruction didn't exist. Once MAD came into the picture, we were forced to adapt. Furthermore, sure the US drew down after any war as we perceived ourselves as almost invulnerable due to our isolated  location. The Japanese proved that idea wrong. Then, look at the Navy. They keep the seas open for free trade. Without free trade, we wouldn't have the things we do.

As far as the military contract thingie, Eisenhower warned of the Military Industrial Complex. However, one must look at what we've received through the MIC. A lot of the technology we rely on today is rooted in military technology.

Jefferson did not like two things.  Standing armies and government sponsored banks.  Looks like we got both right now.

As far as Government sponsored banks, it makes sense to have a single currency for our country. I don't know if you've ever served and been abroad, you haven't stated, but imagine, having 50 different exchange rates in ONE Nation?? As far as bailing out the banks, I don't think that's quite right. Government sponsored banks are a must to a small extent, but our current Government has gone too far.
"The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation."- IBID

I AM your General Ne'er Do Well, Troublemaker & All Around Meanie!!

"Congress has not unlimited powers to provide for the general welfare, but only those specifically enumerated."-Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #120 on: January 09, 2010, 04:18:55 PM »
The only way for the country to move forward is for people to stop feeling entitled to other peoples money.

I LOVE General Patton. In fact, he is my #1 hero!

I love the way he talks too, Paraphrasing on how we negotiates with the enemy (the left, you, liberals, democrats) "When they are face down in the mud, my boot against the back of their neck, my .45 cocked and loaded pointed at the backs of their heads". I then say, "if you want to negotiate, now is the time".

Get it?
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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #121 on: January 09, 2010, 04:19:41 PM »
Stop beating around the bush and take a stand.  :rotf:

I need to come out of my cocoon!  :-)
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Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #122 on: January 09, 2010, 04:23:08 PM »
Marriage is a religious institution. The Government has NO business being involved in it. As far as being homosexual, the Christian bible, the Jewish Torah and the Islamic Qur'An forbids homosexuality. Good enough for me.

me too.

I was ambivalent towards abortion because the standard Christian Bible never stated specifically when life begins. When I read in the Epistle of Barnabas where it was stated as one of God's laws, it changed my mind.

I never had any doubt at all on the subject.

As far as the military contract thingie, Eisenhower warned of the Military Industrial Complex. However, one must look at what we've received through the MIC. A lot of the technology we rely on today is rooted in military technology.

I think MIC means the heavily inefficient and corrupt system that encourages the use of the military to justify its continued existence.

As far as Government sponsored banks, it makes sense to have a single currency for our country.overnment has gone too far.
It makes sense to have one official currency but that should not mean that barter and trade using other means should be outlawed.

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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #123 on: January 09, 2010, 04:23:30 PM »
The only way the country will move forward is when we take off our hats and start talking to each other

Yeah, that ain't gonna happen.

You can blame the DUers and the KosKiddies, along with the liberal mouthpieces such as Queef Olberman.
They've convinced me that the only good liberal is a dead one.
Help keep America beautiful...deface a liberal.

The Democrat and Republican parties are simply the left and right wings of the same bird of prey.

The road to freedom is paved with dead liberals.


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Re: Allentown dude primitive follows squawking primitive out the door
« Reply #124 on: January 09, 2010, 04:24:13 PM »
I LOVE General Patton. In fact, he is my #1 hero!

I love the way he talks too, Paraphrasing on how we negotiates with the enemy (the left, you, liberals, democrats) "When they are face down in the mud, my boot against the back of their neck, my .45 cocked and loaded pointed at the backs of their heads". I then say, "if you want to negotiate, now is the time".

Get it?

Oh I get it, clearly.