Author Topic: franksolich to explore means of quitting smoking  (Read 7248 times)

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franksolich to explore means of quitting smoking
« on: December 21, 2009, 06:17:48 AM »
This constant debate--this constant acrimonious debate--about conventional medicine versus unconventional medicine inspired me to embark upon a "project" I had thought about for a long time, but never did anything about it.

My own position on medicine has always been reasonably clear; that while conventional medicine has its obvious advantages, it is probably not the only solution to problems with health and well-being, and in fact what is considered unconventional medicine might present better solutions, and so it is well worth exploring.

disclosure: my hostility towards pharmaceuticals is well-known; a hostility based upon lifetime (their lifetimes, not mine) experiences with drugs, had by the parents, the older brothers and sisters, and the in-laws--and now, alas, the nephews and the nieces-in-law.  It has never been a pretty sight, and I want no part of it.

Given that, I am willing to concede that some pharmaceuticals have uses, and can in fact be important for the maintenance of human life.....but but but but but they need taken only with the utmost of caution and care, and if an alternative is available, generally it's a good idea to at least try the alternative thing.

Nothing in my life has aged me more--not even deafness--than watching family decline prematurely.

And so now I'm going to try something, to test the efficiacy of what is considered unconventional medicine.  I have nothing to lose; the worst that can happen is that nothing happens, but the thing most likely to happen least something.

I'm going to check out to see if acupuncture can help one stop smoking.

(Please notice the all-important word, "help," which does not mean the same thing as "do it all.")

I am not familiar with acupuncture, but I am aware, however, that some have claimed that acupuncture can help one quit smoking.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2009, 12:02:57 AM by franksolich »
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2009, 08:04:17 AM »
I really need to quit smoking; since I was 18 years old, I've been a veritable smokestack, a compulsive chain-smoker.  At times, it seems I am probably single-handedly financing Benito Bo's health care for children, in all those taxes I pay for smoking.  I can't even stand an hour-long church service, even a wedding or a funeral, without taking a break circa half-time, to surreptitiously dash outdoors to puff on a cigarette.

My father too had been a chain-smoker, but my mother, and my brothers and sisters, never smoked, much in the same way that when younger I used to tipple rather too much, while the parents and older siblings were teetotalers.  And so it's not like the habit was acquired because those older and wiser than I practiced it.

I suspect I smoke simply to alleviate stress.

Being deaf imposes a great deal of stress upon a person born that way, but it seems more than doubled, tripled, quadrupled, when one was raised such as I was, as if deafness doesn't exist, and one should accept no allowances, no breaks, no slack, for being deaf, even if such are offered to one.

I am a great actor, quite possibly as good as John Barrymore, strutting around on the stage that is the world, as if this thing does not exist.  (Remember, the absence of ears is disguised by my wearing my hair a tad bit longer than what is usually fashionable for men; if nothing else [but of course there is a great deal more else], God gave me an excellent full head of hair.)

To be as something one is not, is very stressful.

However, as beneficial as smoking has been in alleviating stress, the physical damage is slowly beginning to outweigh the emotional benefits.

At the time the ulcer in the windpipe broke open in early August of this year, I was doing circa three packages of cigarettes a day (as I had been doing for years); since that bloody episode, the past three months I have been doing only a single package a day.  One might consider that as "progress" in doing something about smoking, but really, it's not.

My greatest fear about quitting smoking is a possible recrudescence of something within myself that seems genetic.  My father and older siblings, while people of outstanding character and integrity, were notoriously hot-tempered.  Just really hot tempered, maybe even as bad as Chief S itting Bull, the bird-smacking stoned red-faced primitive on Skins's island.

My mother was the sole exception, practicing the ancient Roman Catholic virtue of fortitude; and I myself have always believed that Fortitude is the greatest of all the Virtues.  I would much rather be like her, than be like the rest of them, most especially since I never saw a case where losing one's temper ever helped anything.

If possible, I'd just as soon prefer to remain insouciantly, sometimes insolently, mellow and laid back, which I believe is my real nature, the way God means me to be.

That is the bottom line goal here; for franksolich to be the way God means franksolich to be.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 09:40:59 AM by franksolich »
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2009, 08:26:36 AM »
With this in mind, I approached Patriot Lady here, given her vast training in medicine, both conventional and unconventional.

Patriot Lady at first offered the conventional medical advice, much as what one gets from a run-of-the-mill physician.

Conventional medical remedies of course make sense, but they leave out one essential factor; that of the individual's willingness to get well, to do 99% of the work himself.  There is no such thing as a pill or chemical that "does it all."

I have used conventional medical means dealing with this before, managing to quit smoking for as long as three months at a time, after which I lapsed.  This was not due to any inadequacy on the part of the conventional medical remedies; it was always due to a lacking of willingness, of spirit, on my own part.

Well, I did that often enough, that I was almost turning into a Democrat, liberal, or primitive, doing the same thing over and over and over again, expecting a different result.

Patriot Lady then offered other conventional medical advice, such as cutting back (already done) or the use of non-nicotine substitutes; the problem with those remedies being that they involve sticking something into one's mouth, and that is exactly the sensation I wish to rid myself of, the "need" to jam something into the mouth when stressed.

Since Patriot Lady was not bringing up the subject of unconventional means of dealing with this, I finally brought it up myself.  Patriot Lady at no time foisted anything but the standard recommended conventional medical advice on me.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2009, 10:09:54 AM »
There appear to be many acupuncture practices up here on the roof of Nebraska, the eastern slope of the Sandhills, one of the deepest-red areas of the state.  When in the big city, I see them, but never paid any attention to them.

For some reason, many seem connected with chiropractic clinics; I have no idea why, but whatever.

As soon as I get it together, I am submitting a list of acupuncturists in this area, to Patriot Lady, so she may make her suggestions.  Patriot Lady of course does not know anybody from the Sandhills of Nebraska, and so cannot really recommend someone (only "suggest"); her expertise is merely sought in the deciphering of titles.

Acupuncturists tend to string a whole lot of initials after their names, like English peers; while I have no problem deciphering "K.G., O.B.E., O.M." after the name of an English lord, I have no idea what the initials following the name of an acupuncturist mean; they could mean anything from an authentically medically-educated to a strip-mall tenant who does hair-dressing or sells lottery tickets on the side.

Once Patriot Lady explains the titles to me, I shall select an acupuncturist, and go to that practitioner with the objective of being helped in quitting smoking without sacrificing what I believe is my essential persona, that of being mellow and laid back, sometimes rudely so.

Now, this is the week of Christmas, and next week is the week of New Year's, and it's a season unpleasant for traveling to the big city, so this is going to take time; in the manner of the gigantic primitive from Skins's island who's linking weight-loss goals with his birthday of March 17, I hope to have some sessions under my belt (I am not sure how much time this is going to entail) by my own birthday, March 6, after which we can all see the efficacy of trying unconventional medicine.

But of course success or failure ultimately lies upon my own shoulders.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 10:23:44 AM by franksolich »
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2009, 10:23:02 AM »
Finally, this is going to demand the cooperation of some member here in real life, because while I don't believe franksolich suffers a lack of credibility, I wish it to be unquestionable that I'm doing what I allege I'm doing.

After all, this is the internet; anybody can allege anything they want, and who can disprove them?

What I would like is for a long-established member here, someone with whom I am comfortable, and ideally someone utterly neutral or indifferent about conventional-versus-unconventional medicine, and myself, to exchange real names and real addresses.

I'm nervous about this, because being pursued (not merely read, but actually stalked) by Fat Che from Skins's island was not a pleasant experience, the result making me skittish about posting personal information on the internet.

As it happens then, I will mail the real-life documentation--via real mail, the U.S. Postal Service--to that person.  That person will asked to NOT post the details of the documents, but simply to verify here that I'm doing what I say I'm doing, based upon what that person is getting in the mail.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2009, 12:45:07 PM »
Well I will be interested to see how it turns out.  Been quitting for years, and I am hesitant to take the medications that are offered.  I have used the nicotine substitutes, but I always go back to the real thing.  Looking forward to your insight, as acupunture is one of the methods I have considered. 
R.I.P. LC and Crockspot.  Miss you guys.

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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2009, 01:29:47 PM »
I too, will interested in how it works for you.

The other half has been a smoker for since early teens. For the last 16 years he has told me he was going to quit.

He did quit before I met him for 3-4 years, but went back to it when his father spent 83 days in ICU. (I know that seems such a contradiction)

Since we have been together...he has tried Chantrix, Wellbutrin, the patches and now there is Nicorette downstairs...that he half-heartedly tried.

As I have never is difficult for me to understand how such a strong-willed person can't just quit.

And it is a very touchy subject around here....

Now that son is back here....and he smokes .....I'm going nuts with the smoke. (his girlfriend is a jock, and has never smoked either)

If it works for you Frank....maybe both of them will be willing to try it.

Best wishes for success.... :heart:

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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2009, 01:34:19 PM »
A relative with chronic back pain (numerous surgeries etc.) tried accupuncture and was relieved of pain -- no more need for pain meds.     A friend tried accupuncture after years of failed infertility treatment.  Again success, had a healthy singleton baby. 

Some people swear by it.   I hope it works for you Frank.  Keep us posted! 

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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2009, 02:14:05 PM »
I too, will interested in how it works for you.

The other half has been a smoker for since early teens. For the last 16 years he has told me he was going to quit.

He did quit before I met him for 3-4 years, but went back to it when his father spent 83 days in ICU. (I know that seems such a contradiction)

Since we have been together...he has tried Chantrix, Wellbutrin, the patches and now there is Nicorette downstairs...that he half-heartedly tried.

As I have never is difficult for me to understand how such a strong-willed person can't just quit.

And it is a very touchy subject around here....

Now that son is back here....and he smokes .....I'm going nuts with the smoke. (his girlfriend is a jock, and has never smoked either)

If it works for you Frank....maybe both of them will be willing to try it.

Best wishes for success.... :heart:

Chantix worked well for me.  I know that it causes some serious side effects for some folks, but it didn't for me.  I had quit for just under a year, then I made the mistake of having a celebration cigarette with my son-in-law the day my grand daughter was born.

That was a huge mistake.  After a couple of months of beginning to smoke again, I started taking Chantix again.  Once again it was working, but I got laid off about 2 weeks into the program.

So back to smoking I went.  I have a regular doctor appointment scheduled for just after the 1st of the year and I plan on asking for another prescription for Chantix.

I am determined to quit and it really helped that 1st time that I was successful.

I had tried various methods in the past that did not help.  The patch, the gum, hypnosis....  None worked.

Frank I wish you luck on kicking the habit.  It's a damn hard one to break.
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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2009, 03:07:35 PM »
What the hell Frank, you want some stranger to poke you in the ass with a bunch of needles? What's wrong with hypnotherapy? Hmmm. I wonder if that would work using A.S.L....


I actually know a lady that practices acupuncture, and all the other woo woo B.S. that accompanies it. What I learned is this.

1.) Not many people are very good at acupuncture. The good ones only need to use a couple of needles. The hacks make you look like a pincushion. Having said that, good luck finding an acupuncture Master.

2.) Acupuncture, like going to see the chiropractor, isn't a one time deal.

3.) You have to have some belief in acupuncture for it to work. So if you're hoping to enjoy that last Pall Mall on the doctors table, acupuncture may not be for you.

Having said all that I still think you should give it a whack. Can't hurt nothin' besides your bank account and who knows? You might come zippin' back in here on a magic carpet, sittin' in the lotus position with profound Zen koans flying out of your butt.

But if it doesn't work just switch to chewing tobacco.

Here, this is the contact info for Lars, and for wife Maki,

Give them a call and ask for info about stick pokin' and suchlike. If you want to use me as a refence, send me a P.M. and I'll set you up.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 03:48:42 PM by Aaron Burr »

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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2009, 03:36:32 PM »
After having smoked for a little over 10 years (about a pack a day toward the end), I quit not quite 31 years ago, the first time.

I'd be the first to say that 10 years is not a long time, and a pack a day habit is not that much -- certainly compared to 30 years and 3 packs a day, for example.

But I absolutely, firmly believe that the secret to quitting smoking is actually wanting to quit. Most people I've seen who are quitting want to want to quit. But they don't truly want to quit down in their gut.

Nicotine is physically addictive and it's emotionally addictive too. Then there are the added chemicals that are mixed with the tobacco that go into cigarettes and maybe even pipe tobacco -- not sure.

Anyway, I suppose it's harder to quit now than it might've been 30 years ago -- but with the sincere desire to quit and with the patch and other aids, it's surely not impossible.

If acupuncture works, great. Pony up your money, Frank, and get stuck with needles.

Good luck.
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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2009, 04:06:34 PM »
Usually I would avoid this conversation.  After 40+ years of being a 'chimney', I had what at the time I thought was a stroke.  After one and a half weeks of being in a drug induced coma by the doctors, when they brought me out of it, I admit I was scared - enough so that I figured after that long I didn't need them anymore.  The last one was April 8, 2002, and I haven't missed them one bit.  'Frank' - sure hope it doesn't take the same thing to help you in your decision.
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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2009, 04:11:09 PM »
As someone who smoked a pack to a pack and a half a day, and who has quit smoking twice - once for a year and a half, and currently going on nine months (as of Jan. 1 it'll be 9 full months - I picked as my quit date April 1st, for obvious reasons :D ) - I would say that you have every reason to avoid the synthetic chemistry unless all else fails, and try just about anything else that won't put you at additional risk (kinda hard to do with smoking, though).

The main thing I've found is that all that's really needed is the will to do it, adequate preparation (pick a quit date at least 3 weeks ahead, and get ready to find substitutes for all of the other habitual things you love doing - I gave up reading the newspaper and drinking coffee/tea for two months when I first stopped smoking, so intertwined with smoking were those habits), and something, anything that will take the acid edge off of that perverse little voice in the back of your head telling you to "go ahead, just take one drag; it won't hurt, and it'll make you feel so much better."  The first time I quit, I went cold-turkey; I had anger and the fact that my wife was pregnant to help motivate me and keep that ugly little voice distracted.  The second time I used Wellbutrin and that, too, took that awful acid edge off of the little voice in the back of the head.

There was a discussion elsewhere that brought up the placebo effect, so even on that count, if you find something that seems to work for you, then stick with it (provided it's not doing actual harm to you, like hitting yourself on the head with a hammer every time you want a smoke).  Beyond that, there are some studies that suggest that acupuncture can help smokers quit, so it's definitely worth giving it a try.  There are other non-chemical methods that work for some people as well, such as hypnosis - I had a friend in undergrad who went to a stop-smoking hypnotherapy session and after the sessions were over, she never smoked again (for at least 4 years, which was as long as I kept in touch with her afterwards).

Good luck, and best wishes.  It's a hard, hard road to travel, and very often lonely, but it's worth taking the trip.

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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #13 on: December 21, 2009, 05:08:14 PM »
I've been waiting to catch the flu again. The last I caught the flu, smoking just made me feel worse, so I wound up quitting. As fate would have it, I haven't had the flu in over a decade.....
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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #14 on: December 21, 2009, 07:16:27 PM »
I am with all of you guys-- GOOD LUCK Frank! You are the CC bonified experiment!
Remember to have a game plan! You have to go in knowing exactly how or who you are going to be when you get off of the table.
Another idea-- many hospital have Acupuncture clinics for dependency. Check them out too.
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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #15 on: December 25, 2009, 08:56:16 PM »
I am a newbie here as of today, and this topic intrigued me.....Iam an ex smoker, for about 16yrs now....It wasn't that I wanted to quit...I really enjoyed smoking, but decided I wanted to live to see my grandchildren grow up, and I did...I am even seeing great grandchildren growing up....I had smoked for 40 yrs....suffered with asthma all of those yrs.. so I feel blessed to be able to breath at all....But most of all, to be alive...I used no medication of any kind, no acupuncture or hypnosis, I just quit...Not cold turkey, but I used a lot of my own little tricks and a lot of walking to kick this disgusting stinky habit, and once accomplished, have never looked back, and I know I never will.....So I wish anyone wanting to and trying to the very best of luck....It is so worth it......
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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2009, 07:29:21 AM »
Acupuncture does not work when there is an infection present, at least it did not work for Hubby for Bells Pauly's

I am curious here Frank, can you be hypnotized with lack of hearing ?

Quitting smoking is much like quiting alcohol it must be done very carefully.

Years of the body adjusting to the changes caused by either of those drugs places the body in a dependent state of functioning with them.

To quit cold turkey in a state of trying to survive without them the body goes into a mild or severe state of shock.

As an example when heavy drinkers stop cold turkey, their blood thickens up as alcohol is a blood thinner----they are in danger if they keep to their old eating habits as Vita.K will thicken it even more.   

Tobacco is possibly the worse drug known to man. It has 1001 other uses that benefit us but inhaling it for 20-30 years, to just STOP  will cause the heart and lungs to try to adjust to this new state, the veins and arteries to began to change to cope with new and different changes.

Sounds so simple to just quit bombarding the body day after day with anything from salt to taking an aspirin a day, it is not that easy.

With your smoking history Frank and the years of damage done to your body, this process will need more then a few needles in your body.  You will need expert advice on homeopathy, what to avoid in your diet that can complicate with drawell symptoms and take some of the stress on your body off for a time. 

Lots of research quite fascinating how SNUFF was handled in the 17 century in England.

Side note----  I tried that Snuff years ago trying to quit smoking----it is still sold at Tobacco shops in a little red container the size of a book of matches.     I gave that up right smartly as the snuff is a white powder and questions are asked now a days when one pulls out the box and places a pinch of that up their nose.   :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #17 on: December 26, 2009, 09:16:25 AM »

Acupuncture does not work when there is an infection present, at least it did not work for Hubby for Bells Pauly's
The cause of Bell's palsy is not clear. Experts believe some cases may be linked to the herpes virus that causes cold sores. In most cases of Bell's palsy, the nerve that controls muscles on one side of the face is damaged by inflammation. I have treated about 10 people with Bell's Palsey and for the most part, they did very well. The needling is good for the nerve and inflammation, whereas- there are many herbal formulae for infection in the Oriental Medicine system.

I am curious here Frank, can you be hypnotized with lack of hearing ?
I was mentored for a while by a psychologist that hypnotized his patients. Hearing is not necessarily involved in the process. The optic nerve is the key.

Quitting smoking is much like quiting alcohol it must be done very carefully.

Years of the body adjusting to the changes caused by either of those drugs places the body in a dependent state of functioning with them.

To quit cold turkey in a state of trying to survive without them the body goes into a mild or severe state of shock.

As an example when heavy drinkers stop cold turkey, their blood thickens up as alcohol is a blood thinner----they are in danger if they keep to their old eating habits as Vita.K will thicken it even more.   

Tobacco is possibly the worse drug known to man. It has 1001 other uses that benefit us but inhaling it for 20-30 years, to just STOP  will cause the heart and lungs to try to adjust to this new state, the veins and arteries to began to change to cope with new and different changes.

Sounds so simple to just quit bombarding the body day after day with anything from salt to taking an aspirin a day, it is not that easy.

With your smoking history Frank and the years of damage done to your body, this process will need more then a few needles in your body.  You will need expert advice on homeopathy, what to avoid in your diet that can complicate with drawell symptoms and take some of the stress on your body off for a time.

Kudos to you! Some great advice from one who did it!!!
It seems to me that when one stops, they usually try to start some good regimes. Your walking was a very healthy start!
Also- when treat patients, I usually recommend some sort of liver cleanse or detox. Homeopathy has a lot of protocols for this.

Again- we are with you Frank!!! You will not be the first to do this and hopefully not the last!

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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2009, 07:02:31 PM »
Frank, there is a homeopathy remedy from Newtons Lab we have in the shop,called Tobacco Addition in drops. Also the herb Lobelia calms the nerves that has worked well. These are not to expensive. And to remove the nicotine taste in the mouth, tea tree toothpaste has worked or their toothpicks.

Acupuncture can get expensive. I tried it on my sciatic nerve, out of Dallas a few years back. He was Oriental,and good but need me to come back everyday for a couple of weeks. That was an hour drive from where I live. But the treatments I did received worked for awhile.

I have confidences it could work. Good luck!

The Bell's Palsy is a nerve disorder and what we have had luck with in the shop is B-complex,B-12 sublingual (1000-3000mcg), and L-Lysine(up to 2000mg daily) which is a amino acid for viruses. We have seen results pretty quick(3days to a Week).
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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #19 on: December 26, 2009, 07:20:31 PM »
I quit smoking 1-2 packs a day on March 7th 2003.

To make a long story short there were events that showed the fact I was staying in a job largely for the retirement plan it offered while doing something that would probably guarantee I would never see any of it.
Finally struck me as stupid.

At that point I was mentally able to quit and it was easy although I could start again in a moment if I let myself.
Such is the curse of it.



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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2009, 07:57:15 PM »
I too, will interested in how it works for you.

The other half has been a smoker for since early teens. For the last 16 years he has told me he was going to quit.

He did quit before I met him for 3-4 years, but went back to it when his father spent 83 days in ICU. (I know that seems such a contradiction)

Since we have been together...he has tried Chantrix, Wellbutrin, the patches and now there is Nicorette downstairs...that he half-heartedly tried.

As I have never is difficult for me to understand how such a strong-willed person can't just quit.

And it is a very touchy subject around here....

Now that son is back here....and he smokes .....I'm going nuts with the smoke. (his girlfriend is a jock, and has never smoked either)

If it works for you Frank....maybe both of them will be willing to try it.

Best wishes for success.... :heart:

Can't you bribe them with Chocolate???    :-)
"Liberals are like slinkies.They're really good for nothing, but they bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs."

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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2009, 09:48:56 PM »
Can't you bribe them with Chocolate???    :-)

Somehow I managed to have a child that doesn't like chocolate... :thatsright:

The other half eats it....but is not obsessive enough about it to bribe him.

Hmmm....they addicted to milk..... :evillaugh:
Just hand over the chocolate...back away slowly...far away....and you won't get hurt....

Save the Earth... it's the only planet with chocolate.

"My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far I've finished two bags of M&M's and a chocolate cake. I feel better already." – Dave Barry

A balanced diet is chocolate in both hands.

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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #22 on: December 27, 2009, 10:47:27 AM »
We are all throwing some great advice at Frank and others. I was thinking about this last night- As well intentioned as all of us are- it is a lot of info. Also, I am not comfortable with telling people to take this and that. People have spent gads of money because of advice from well intentioned friends or magazine articles. Many of my patients come in here with shopping bags full of supplements and I always sit with them to sort them out and see what they really need. Oftentime, they are taking far too much and if anything, I save them a lot of money. As I have said many times in this forum, start with a good multivitamin and then we can follow up as we see what else the body needs.
I also tell my patients to see someone who is qualified when they decide to take anything. All of our bodies are different and we all need different things. The only way of know what we really need is to have someone knowledgeable or licensed to sit with us and discuss the body's' signals.
In Acupuncture, we can tell a lot from the tongue and pulse. This cannot be done over the computer.
At any rate, we have to be cautious because some supplements can be dangerous when taken in large amounts and herbs are very dangerous when someone does not know what they are doing. That is why I mentioned herbs many times but never gave a name. In Chinese medicine, we have thousands of formulae but must see the patient before we recommend any herb.
BTW- homeopathy is safe and has little or no side-effects. At the worst, you can waste money on the wrong one. Also- a good homeopath also needs to see or talk with the patient first. One of my mentors is the oldest, formally trained homeopath in the USA. I always go to him when I need some help with protocol.
So- we are here to share ideas and knowledge, but we all have to be careful about what we do with our bodies.
There are many disciplines out there, many ways of thinking.... if anything, my hope is to give everyone some direction as to what might be a good road to take.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2009, 11:04:13 AM by Patriot Lady »
-- Goethe


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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #23 on: December 27, 2009, 01:38:53 PM »
Somehow I managed to have a child that doesn't like chocolate... :thatsright:

The other half eats it....but is not obsessive enough about it to bribe him.

Hmmm....they addicted to milk..... :evillaugh:

Well your son and I sound like two of a kind...I am not a chocolate person either...My husband is, kids are....
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Re: *****ANNOUNCEMENT FROM franksolich*****
« Reply #24 on: December 27, 2009, 01:41:11 PM »
I quit smoking 1-2 packs a day on March 7th 2003.

To make a long story short there were events that showed the fact I was staying in a job largely for the retirement plan it offered while doing something that would probably guarantee I would never see any of it.
Finally struck me as stupid.

At that point I was mentally able to quit and it was easy although I could start again in a moment if I let myself.
Such is the curse of it.


But your not going to start again  right???  I hope not..It is too hard to stop again, and way too darned expensive......I have to say, I have never had the urge to restart.....After 40 some yrs with that nicotine monkey on my back, I feel blessed to not look back on those addictive days.....
"Liberals are like slinkies.They're really good for nothing, but they bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs."