Author Topic: Rochester mayor deplores... Veterans Day speech  (Read 1230 times)

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Offline zeitgeist

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Rochester mayor deplores... Veterans Day speech
« on: December 07, 2009, 01:09:26 PM »
A truly interesting situation featuring congress critter Carol Che-Porter, socialist NH-1


By John Nolan
Monday, December 7, 2009
ROCHESTER — At the Nov. 19 meeting of Rochester Veterans Council, the group's president, Norman Sanborn Sr., read out a letter from Mayor John Larochelle, in which he expressed "disappointment" with the content of a speech made by the guest speaker at the Veterans Day evening service held in First United Methodist Church on Nov. 11.

The speaker was Capt. Ed Johnson, the chairman of the Pease Greeters, whose members have welcomed over 300 flights of military personnel returning from Iran and Afghanistan.


That this speech was not received with universal favor became clear on Nov. 12, when a longtime member of FUM Church, Sue Devito, who was present at the service, e-mailed a letter to the Rochester Times saying she was "appalled" that Johnson "gave vent to his views as if it were a 9/12 rally." Devito asserted that several people walked out. Among those who left was U.S. Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter, it later emerged. She is a member of the House Armed Services Committee.


"Patriotism shouldn't get political," said Larochelle, this week. "We have had some very good speakers in the past."

Meanwhile, Devito has been taken to task for her letter of protest by Rochester Times reader Gloria Buttrick who, on Page 6 of this edition, supports Johnson's call for change which will hopefully restore us to the ideals of the Constitution as ratified by our founding fathers. A 'Republic.' Not a socialist state."

Entire article here>

Makes ya proud, right Sparky?
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Offline 5412

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Re: Rochester mayor deplores... Veterans Day speech
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2009, 06:43:01 PM »

More the reason not to live in NY to say the least.

Lets just chop up the red states and blue states and go our separate ways.

What a crock!


Offline NHSparky

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Re: Rochester mayor deplores... Veterans Day speech
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2009, 06:48:43 PM »
5412--NH, actually.

And yeah, the hacks in this town talk about not getting political, yet they are the biggest bunch of cronies and luddites around.  Brand new shopping center running over half empty and anyone who even THINKS of moving in has to "pay" (wink, wink) to get a license.

I've run into a couple of folks who wanted to get some decent franchises of chain restaurants up here (because pretty much everyplace in this town SUCKS) who then swore they'd NEVER patronize any business in this town again.

And Che?  Eff her, the socialist hack.  Here's hoping her social worker job doesn't exist when she gets thrown out of office next year.
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Offline 5412

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Re: Rochester mayor deplores... Veterans Day speech
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2009, 07:54:41 PM »
5412--NH, actually.

And yeah, the hacks in this town talk about not getting political, yet they are the biggest bunch of cronies and luddites around.  Brand new shopping center running over half empty and anyone who even THINKS of moving in has to "pay" (wink, wink) to get a license.

I've run into a couple of folks who wanted to get some decent franchises of chain restaurants up here (because pretty much everyplace in this town SUCKS) who then swore they'd NEVER patronize any business in this town again.

And Che?  Eff her, the socialist hack.  Here's hoping her social worker job doesn't exist when she gets thrown out of office next year.


Sorry about the NH, thought it was the home of Kodak who is close to bankruptcy. 

It is going to get a lot uglier before it gets better.

Hang in there,

Offline NHSparky

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Re: Rochester mayor deplores... Veterans Day speech
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2009, 08:28:25 PM »
That's the thing about Carol Shea-Porter (aka "Che")...she thinks very highly of herself, but in reality has the intellectual acumen of a gnat.  She's a hypocrite of the highest order, primarily in the "she can dish it out but can't take it" variety.  God forbid you actually DARE to criticize her, as a retired cop found out during her minimal town hall meeting in Manchester last August.

This is the same woman who got tossed out of a Bush rally a few years back, and to this day denies it.  This is the same woman who used to hound Jeb Bradley (her predecessor in Congress) but doesn't have the time to talk to any of us "little people"...who can't be bothered to discuss her voting record, but has all sorts of time to suck up to left-wing bloggers at a national conference in Pittsburgh.

Yeah, reality is a bitch, and she's got PMS to boot.  It ain't gonna be pretty when she has to actually run on HER record and not the, "I hate Bush" meme she's used twice now.
“Any man who thinks he can be happy and prosperous by letting the government take care of him better take a closer look at the American Indian.”  -Henry Ford

Offline zeitgeist

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Re: Rochester mayor deplores... Veterans Day speech
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2009, 08:58:18 AM »
That's the thing about Carol Shea-Porter (aka "Che")...she thinks very highly of herself, but in reality has the intellectual acumen of a gnat.  She's a hypocrite of the highest order, primarily in the "she can dish it out but can't take it" variety.  God forbid you actually DARE to criticize her, as a retired cop found out during her minimal town hall meeting in Manchester last August.

This is the same woman who got tossed out of a Bush rally a few years back, and to this day denies it.  This is the same woman who used to hound Jeb Bradley (her predecessor in Congress) but doesn't have the time to talk to any of us "little people"...who can't be bothered to discuss her voting record, but has all sorts of time to suck up to left-wing bloggers at a national conference in Pittsburgh.

Yeah, reality is a bitch, and she's got PMS to boot.  It ain't gonna be pretty when she has to actually run on HER record and not the, "I hate Bush" meme she's used twice now.

Rochester NY is probably no more well served.  :banghead:  CCP needs to be sent packing in '10.  Hopefully a reasonable candidate  running against her will receive support both locally and nationally.  I really do not like her nor her sob sister "Mean Jeanne Shaheen" and let me state for the record I do not have a misogynistic bone in my body, it is strictly political.

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