Author Topic: Today I came face to face with a Rush Limbaugh fan who had stepped over the edge  (Read 761 times)

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Offline dandi

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Bouncy goodness:

Bjorn Against  (1000+ posts)        Wed Nov-25-09 12:40 AM
Original message
Today I came face to face with a Rush Limbaugh fan who had stepped over the edge 
 Edited on Wed Nov-25-09 12:50 AM by Bjorn Against
Tonight I had an encounter with a Rush Limbaugh fan. I am a political activist who has taken public stands on many occasions so I have certainly had some encounters with angry right-wingers in the past, but this time it was different. This man was not just angry, he was completely unhinged to the point that you could not help but worry that he was about to pull out a gun and go postal. Here is how it all happened...

Every Tuesday I participate in a peace vigil outside the office of Congressman John Kline, a neo-con who has been a long-time cheerleader for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Tonight we had people standing on three corners of the intersection when a young man pulled his car into John Kline's parking lot and approached my friends standing on the corner opposite from me. He was holding a cane and clearly had a disability that made it difficult for him to walk, we would later find out that this disability was the result of injuries suffered in the Iraq War.

When we first saw this man approach our friends we could not tell if he was there to give us his support or to express his disagreement and because we were on the other side of the intersection we could not hear what he was telling our friends. A couple minutes later we saw him crossing the street to talk to a couple other friends who were on the other side, it was clear at this point that he was not a supporter of ours but I did not realize just how angry he was until he crossed over to the corner I was standing on.

I was standing with a friend of who happens to be one of the most patriotic people I know, she is a person who...edited for self-serving bullshit

As the angry right-winger crossed the street the first thing he did was yell at my friend, “Are you going to burn that flag when you go home tonight?!”. He launched into a tirade, yelling “why the **** do you hate America you ****ing pathetic losers”, and then proceeding to see how many swear words he could squeeze into a single sentence. He told us that he hoped we all died in a terrorist attack, and he actually threatened physical violence against one of my friends. He told us that he listened to Rush Limbaugh because Limbaugh gave him the “truth”, and that truth according to him was that it was anti-war protesters like us who were responsible for the problems in Iraq.

This man wasn't just angry, he seemed to be on the brink of violence. After threatening violence against my friend, wishing that my family was killed in a terrorist attack and accusing me and my friends of treason it seems that I might get angry myself. I don't feel I can be angry at him however, instead I feel sorry for him.

I feel sorry for him because he is a victim of a war based on lies, he fought in this war and he came home with a serious injury and now he requires a cane to walk. I don't know if his injury is permanent, I don't know if the leg he was walking on was real or prosthetic, I don't know if he saw his friends killed in front of his eyes, but I do know...edited for dimestore psychoanalytical bullshit

This man had been used and lied to by the people he trusted, and he wanted blame to pretend that we were responsible for the problems that led him to his situation. He clearly wants us to stop expressing our opinions against the war, but we are not going to stop instead we are only going to speak louder and we are going to speak out for people like him.

This man is one of the reasons why we protest against this war, he may never admit but we are not protesting against him but rather we are standing up for people like him. We are standing up for all...edited for "we're doing it for the troops" bullshit

I don't know if this man will ever be able to admit that George Bush and Rush Limbaugh lied to him, I don't know if he will ever stop being angry at those of us who stand up against war, and I don't know if he will ever be able to live a life that is not consumed by hatred and violence. All I can hope is that one day this man will turn off hate radio and get some help before he hurts someone.

Followed by a bunch of We-Know-More-About-Iraq-Than-The-Vets-Who-Have-Been-There bullshit.

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Offline blitzkrieg_17

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Sub-Zero Bouncy. That kind of stupid ought to really hurt.
Caught somewhere in time

Offline DefiantSix

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Sub-Zero Bouncy. That kind of stupid ought to really hurt.

In real life - as oppposed to the Bizzarro World the DUmbasses live in - it does.
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Offline IassaFTots

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  • Oh well, I wasn't using my civil liberties anyway.
Isn't this a repeat almost word for word from another submission a couple months ago?
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Offline Chris_

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 :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: :bs: 10 Bullshits....I am beginning to dislike DUmmies.
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Offline Toastedturningtidelegs

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Isn't this a repeat almost word for word from another submission a couple months ago?
It's a formula all of the idiots over there follow! It's really quite boring now! Used to be entertaining now it's just old and stale :yawn:
Call me "Asshole" One more time!