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DUmmies Discuss Overthrowing The Government
« on: October 29, 2009, 12:24:01 AM »
DUmmy JFN1 is having a moment of clarity in the midst of his usual drugged haze. He glimpses the true value of his life and the lives of his fellow DUmpmates, and doesn't like what he sees:

JFN1 (1000+ posts)        Wed Oct-28-09 11:25 PM
We Are Disposable. 

I keep waiting for change. Waiting for things to get better for my family, for my neighbors, for our country.

But, it doesn't.

A woman came into my wife's store today. She was completely bald, and she was wearing a wig that kept slipping off her head because it was not a real wig (she could not afford one), but one from an old Halloween costume. She had just finished up chemotherapy for ovarian cancer. She had been given - get this - a ONE MONTH health card by the State, as she had no insurance from her minimum wage job as a BANK TELLER, to pay for her chemo and time away from her job while she was too ill to continue working her wonderful minimum wage job.

One freaking month. That's it.

When my wife told me this today, I had to ask myself: How can our country treat people like this? And then it hit me - because we're disposable.

It explains a lot.

Big companies are not worried about us boycotting their goods or services. Why? Because consumers are disposable. If a boycott actually grabs hold, they don't have to care - just make a few extra currency trades, and they get those losses right back. So why should they care about a consumer boycott? Consumers are disposable, they can take us or leave us at this point.

Why do our Congressmen vote, so often, against our best interests? Why do they side with big business almost constantly? Why is it that big business has a seat at the table, a voice in the room, and we, the electorate, have only sound bites and promises? Because the voters are disposable. All a Congressman has to do is go to their big business patrons, who will promptly create a 527 group and wham! New voters appear.

How can it be, that a CEO can make 400 times what the average employee makes at their business? How can that same CEO cut benefits, but not executive bonuses? How can these mega-wealthy CEO's pay their employees minimum wage that is taxed at a higher rate than most large corporations pay after they find every loophole possible to avoid paying even their fair share of the tax burden? Because employees are disposable - there are always desperate, disposable people willing to fill the ranks of their companies - they've seen to it.

Don't you get it? WE. ARE. NOT. WORTH. IT. Individually, or collectively.

In the eyes of those who hold the wealth and the power of this nation, WE ARE DISPOSABLE.
We're of no more worth to them than the bag that lines their garbage can.
There's 300,000,000 million people in this country - and maybe only 5,000 of that number, are not disposable.
They are our elected officials, and their wealthy/corporate masters.
EVERYTHING - and I do mean everything - our government is doing today, ultimately works exclusively towards the interests of these few.
IF THIS WERE NOT TRUE, the health care debate, would sound quite different. Our leaders would be abhorred.

But are they abhorred? Or are they debating, and stalling, and endlessly discussing? Are they hedging, and pontificating, and making excuses? Are they bolstering, or compromising/watering down/eliminating? What will we eventually see out of all of this sound, and fury?

A watered down bill that has an impressive sounding name - that ultimately will signify NOTHING to that poor woman who came into my wife's store this day. It will mean nothing to her. And it will mean nothing to millions of our neighbors, families, and friends, who continue to suffer under the status quo. We'll continue to be...disposable.

But not everyone will go away unhappy - those few, those powerful, those wealthy indispensables - well, they'll be happy...

His bouncy lie about the lady with the wig notwithstanding, this DUmmy is dead on target:
We're of no more worth to them than the bag that lines their garbage can.
In fact, he may be overstating his value. He and the DUmmies are unproductive parasites, whereas garbage bags serve a useful purpose.

niyad (1000+ posts)       Wed Oct-28-09 11:28 PM
1. sad to say, you are quite correct. I really think they would like us all to die.

varelse  (1000+ posts)      Wed Oct-28-09 11:28 PM
2. And some DU'ers persist in protesting "all the hate for rich people"

Rich people = anyone with more stuff than the DUmmy. DUmmies want stuff!

DUmmy JFN1, with a total worth less than that of a garbage bag, wants a violent revolution against the United States:
JFN1 (1000+ posts)        Wed Oct-28-09 11:39 PM
6. What we literally have in this country today 
is taxation without representation. Who has representation in our government?

Big Business/wealthy interests.
Not the People. More than anything else, the health care debate PROVES this beyond any doubt.
So what will it take to organize?
I know - and so do you.

What did it take to found this country?

One must wonder what role a human garbage bag would play, in the event of a DUAC Revolt, an Uprising of the Downsitting.
And what would they do with the jug-eared muslim?

DUmmy handmade34 knows how to bring the capitalist beast to its knees:
handmade34  (1000+ posts)      Wed Oct-28-09 11:51 PM
12. campaign finance reform is #1 priority
shop coops
start coops
buy local
boycott (even if you don't think it helps)
write a letter everyday to a representative/senator/president, etc.
become more self-sufficient
don't buy the lies we're told
get a few people together and start a business
make phone calls
talk to your neighbor
help your neighbor
quit using plastic bags
eat healthy

Without plastic grocery bags, Bushco will be powerless.

MrMickeysMom  (1000+ posts)        Thu Oct-29-09 12:01 AM
20. Good list, here's one more...
Run for local govt.

You'll be given a load of crap by a few for trying to make a difference, but you'll end up making more of a difference.

I cannot believe they are all forgetting letters to the editor!

DUmmy handmade34, DUAC's answer to Vladimir Lenin, apparently lives in a van, down by the river:
handmade34  (1000+ posts)      Thu Oct-29-09 12:07 AM
25. excellent
I have always claimed that I would run as soon as my kids were grown, and now I am stuck in a job that keeps me homeless - I can't even get a PO Box, let alone run for office.

DUmmy DJ13 is clearly unaware that America's democrat parasites have a far higher standard of living than the Eurotrash masses:
DJ13 (1000+ posts)      Wed Oct-28-09 11:47 PM
8. Maybe look towards Europe on how to force the elites to back off some? 
Mass demonstrations, even riots if need be, labor stoppages ...they've shown us how, provided our people have the guts.

patrice  (1000+ posts)        Wed Oct-28-09 11:48 PM

9. We need to start building one of these . . .

But first, I think a bunch of us need to take a trip to Spain to study the Mondragon Cooperative.

I think we'd all chip in for that trip, provided the DUmmies agreed it was one-way.

sandnsea  (1000+ posts)      Wed Oct-28-09 11:58 PM
18. We Are A Cost On A Balance Sheet
Not even human.


blues90  (1000+ posts)        Thu Oct-29-09 12:05 AM
23. You are right and nothing is going to change
It has progessively become worse and worse no matter how hard the common people try. We allowed it to reach this point over years and years and for what , to be handled like so many cattle headed for the meat grinder.
Unless we decide we have colletivly had enough across the globe in one giant effort and soon we are done. 

International DUAC! International DUAC!

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Re: DUmmies Discuss Overthrowing The Government
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2009, 12:54:21 AM »
handmade34  (1000+ posts)      Thu Oct-29-09 12:07 AM
25. excellent
I have always claimed that I would run as soon as my kids were grown, and now I am stuck in a job that keeps me homeless - I can't even get a PO Box, let alone run for office.

Bu....Bu....Bu.....BullShit!!!!!! Anyone want to 'splain to me how in the hell you can't get a PO Box???????? The purpose of the post office is to get your frikkin' mail! For cruds sake, if they require a physical address, FAKE IT for cryin' out loud!!!!11111 Hell, even I can pull a fake elctric bill outa my ass!!!

How stupid do you have to be in order to not figure this out???? Oh, that's right! They're frikkin' DUmbasses!!!!11111
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Re: DUmmies Discuss Overthrowing The Government
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2009, 01:30:20 AM »
Bu....Bu....Bu.....BullShit!!!!!! Anyone want to 'splain to me how in the hell you can't get a PO Box???????? The purpose of the post office is to get your frikkin' mail! For cruds sake, if they require a physical address, FAKE IT for cryin' out loud!!!!11111 Hell, even I can pull a fake elctric bill outa my ass!!!

How stupid do you have to be in order to not figure this out???? Oh, that's right! They're frikkin' DUmbasses!!!!11111

Poor DUmbass can't afford $40 or so a year for a PO Box?  That less than a tank of gas for his van down by the river....

He'd use more gas than that in a year driving to the Post Office to get his mail out of a PO Box than he'd spend on a PO Box....   :thatsright:
Murphy's 3rd Law:  "You can't make anything 'idiot DUmmie proof'.  The world will just create a better idiot DUmmie."

Liberals are like Slinkys.  Basically useless, but they do bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs...
Global warming supporters believe that a few hundred million tons of CO2 has more control over our climate than a million mile in diameter, unshielded thermo-nuclear fusion reactor at the middle of the solar system.

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You can't fix stupid, but you can vote it out of office.

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Re: DUmmies Discuss Overthrowing The Government
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2009, 02:00:33 AM »
DUmmies are disposable.....who didn't know that?
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

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Re: DUmmies Discuss Overthrowing The Government
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2009, 04:45:24 AM »
She had been given - get this - a ONE MONTH health card by the State, as she had no insurance from her minimum wage job as a BANK TELLER,

Just one lie after another in their little screeds.
Often wonder if most are moles just stirring the pot and laughing how quickly the vermin on the island eat it up and start adding their own to be a part of the story.

They can never just discuss an issue,they always have to be victimized by it personally it seems.

Offline RobJohnson

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Re: DUmmies Discuss Overthrowing The Government
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2009, 04:50:42 AM »
Just one lie after another in their little screeds.
Often wonder if most are moles just stirring the pot and laughing how quickly the vermin on the island eat it up and start adding their own to be a part of the story.

They can never just discuss an issue,they always have to be victimized by it personally it seems.

I agree.

The last ad I seen for bank tellers was offering $11 an hour to start, way above the fed. min. wage.

A woman came into my wife's store today. She was completely bald, and she was wearing a wig that kept slipping off her head because it was not a real wig (she could not afford one), but one from an old Halloween costume.

Just in time for Halloween........give me a break.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2009, 04:52:36 AM by RobJohnson »

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Re: DUmmies Discuss Overthrowing The Government
« Reply #6 on: October 29, 2009, 04:55:30 AM »
Bu....Bu....Bu.....BullShit!!!!!! Anyone want to 'splain to me how in the hell you can't get a PO Box???????? The purpose of the post office is to get your frikkin' mail! For cruds sake, if they require a physical address, FAKE IT for cryin' out loud!!!!11111 Hell, even I can pull a fake elctric bill outa my ass!!!

How stupid do you have to be in order to not figure this out???? Oh, that's right! They're frikkin' DUmbasses!!!!11111

The last I heard, you could write your address on a watermellon and Mail Boxes Etc would take that as proof of physical address.  :evillaugh:

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Re: DUmmies Discuss Overthrowing The Government
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2009, 07:54:30 AM »
I keep waiting for change. Waiting for things to get better for my family, for my neighbors, for our country.

Dear DUmmie,

Get off your worthless, lazy ass and do something about your life.  You are owed precisely ****-all.  Entitlement whores like you make me sick.


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...let the cannibal who snarls that the freedom of man's mind was needed to create an industrial civilization, but is not needed to maintain it, be given an arrowhead and bearskin, not a university chair of economics.
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Re: DUmmies Discuss Overthrowing The Government
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2009, 08:35:59 AM »
I check the mailbox everyday looking for my change. Have you seen my change?

I think it behooves the DUmmies to start their own coop. They will have real buying power that way, they can buy Cheetohs by the truckload and distribute it amongst themselves. Of course that might take some work. As a matter of fact they should form their own government, each of them has to pay in and get a little back. Maybe they'll figure it out sooner or later.

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Re: DUmmies Discuss Overthrowing The Government
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2009, 09:11:19 AM »
DUmmie, if you think people are treated as disposable under Capitalism, you've never taken an honest look at how they are regarded in your typical Workers' and Peasants' ParadiseTM.  Our system may occasionally leave a bit to be desired, but it can't hold a candle to Socialist governments that institutionalize as inescapable national policy the worst practices of our few most cynical and manipulative private employers.   
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That here, obedient to their law, we lie.

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Re: DUmmies Discuss Overthrowing The Government
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2009, 09:18:43 AM »
Yeesh, just like Frank, I thought the DUmbasses would be happy and content with Oblahma in orfice.
Seems the lack of freeponies  is wearing them thin to the point that their bouncies, don't bounce much.

minimum wage job as a BANK TELLER
Utter bullshit. The reality is, if there IS any reality, the person in question exceeded the policies pay out.
“The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced, if the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.”

        -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC (106-43 BC)

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Re: DUmmies Discuss Overthrowing The Government
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2009, 10:13:49 AM »
sandnsea  (1000+ posts)      Wed Oct-28-09 11:58 PM
18. We Are A Cost On A Balance Sheet

A nonsense drama-queen post, showing that Sandnsea flunked Accounting.   These posts remind me of "Like Sands in the Hourglass, So Go the Days of our Lives." 

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Re: DUmmies Discuss Overthrowing The Government
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2009, 10:21:33 AM »
sandnsea  (1000+ posts)      Wed Oct-28-09 11:58 PM
18. We Are A Cost On A Balance Sheet

No, you're a liability.  Better just to off yourself to get off the books.

Sorry, that was unusually cruel from me.  And I'm even in a good mood. :-)
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Re: DUmmies Discuss Overthrowing The Government
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2009, 11:47:49 AM »
Quote from:

90. has anyone really looked to who runs our leaders? Look at the WORLD SERIES FOR EXAMPLE THE BASEBALL OWNERS ARE ALL MOSTLY THE VERY ELITE.. they 100% supported Bush..they in fact were Bush Cheerleaders..these are all very powerful people outside of baseball with huge corporations ..these people have all been very vocal "REPUBLICANS"

Now we see the New President getting real face time at the baseball All Star Game in July, and then last night..Mrs Obama and Mrs Biden throw the first pitch the first World Series game..

hello people..lepoards don't change their spots..they just don't, not as drastically as it seems Baseball has with this new President.

The Baseball Owners were always very "cool" with Clinton..but were right up the ass of Bushy boy, a former they can't get far enough up Obama's ass and ass kissing him..and they are now running a scam PR tool for him with this volunteer is all to make you "think" he gives a shit about the little people..

ask yourself ..why???????? who owns he representing you?? hell no.

So Now Mrs Obama goes to the World Series and is there supporting the military and Vets..when her husband is sitting on the decision to send more and more of our soldiers to war ..for what???????? Soldiers that are getting arms and legs blown off..and the UN is yelling about the damn Drones Obama is sending into Pakistan in record numbers that are killing innocent mothers and fathers and toddlers and children and grandma's and grandpas collateral damage!!

I thought as dems we stood against these ****ing wars to no where?? I thought as dems we voted for a guy who was the most "anti war" is all pr and bullshit folks!

Now Obama and his wife have joined the elite group of baseball owners who are historically very republican..who run huge conglomerate Corporations..that you are not party to.

So who is getting Obama's support?? YOU?????????

think again.

or just start thinking please!

Who is getting Obama's ear?? Wall Street...and those who have the biggest pocketbooks!!

You are not even close to being in that equasion!

Are you still sitting there waiting for that Change you can believe in?? Well the only change is ..we now have a new Preisdent who is in the arms of most of the richest ..the baseball and football owners..who are republicans by nature and business. And you have been conned by the biggest scam game going!

This post is the closest any of them get to critizing Dear Leader; just barely touching him with kid's gloves.  They're still afraid to come out and rip him on their board.  Individuals who are too afraid to rip Dear Leader for fear of being booted from a web pol site are too afraid to do anything about all their complaints.  Primitives are the tools they complain that others have become.  If fact, they're worse.  They voted for the idiot who, in turn, treats them like tools, and they're too scared to admit it.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

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Re: DUmmies Discuss Overthrowing The Government
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2009, 12:12:03 PM »
This post is the closest any of them get to critizing Dear Leader; just barely touching him with kid's gloves.  They're still afraid to come out and rip him on their board.  Individuals who are too afraid to rip Dear Leader for fear of being booted from a web pol site are too afraid to do anything about all their complaints.  Primitives are the tools they complain that others have become.  If fact, they're worse.  They voted for the idiot who, in turn, treats them like tools, and they're too scared to admit it.


In case you disremembered this, sir, Leona Helmsley of DUmmieland, the "flyarm" primitive, is the wife of the radio announcer for the Baltimore Orioles baseball team.

A lot of money behind that screen-name.

Not to totally disparage Leona; unlike most primitives, she does have a history of working, once being a working girl.  An airline stewardess, back when airplanes still used propellers.

Leona, who was a delegate for the Bostonian Billionaire at the Democrat National Convention in 2004, from Florida (Leona actually lives mostly in New Jersey, but with taxes there and all, never mind), was not a supporter of Bo during the 2008 primaries.  Leona preferred John Edwards, and if not Edwards, then Dennis Kucinich was her second choice.

Once one of the most popular primitives, with lots and lots of primitive groupies salivating at her every word, alas Leona has dipped in popularity on Skins's island--I imagine it's because she was't big on Bo.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: DUmmies Discuss Overthrowing The Government
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2009, 02:04:15 PM »

In case you disremembered this, sir, Leona Helmsley of DUmmieland, the "flyarm" primitive, is the wife of the radio announcer for the Baltimore Orioles baseball team.

A lot of money behind that screen-name.

Not to totally disparage Leona; unlike most primitives, she does have a history of working, once being a working girl.  An airline stewardess, back when airplanes still used propellers.

Leona, who was a delegate for the Bostonian Billionaire at the Democrat National Convention in 2004, from Florida (Leona actually lives mostly in New Jersey, but with taxes there and all, never mind), was not a supporter of Bo during the 2008 primaries.  Leona preferred John Edwards, and if not Edwards, then Dennis Kucinich was her second choice.

Once one of the most popular primitives, with lots and lots of primitive groupies salivating at her every word, alas Leona has dipped in popularity on Skins's island--I imagine it's because she was't big on Bo.

I had heard that Bud Selig is a big Democrat who gave a bunch of money to the Dems in general and Obama in particular.
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Re: DUmmies Discuss Overthrowing The Government
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2009, 02:31:59 PM »
I don't suppose that it ever occurred to them that the solution to their problem would be to:

.....Work hard

.....Get rich

.....Buy all the political influence that they want

Nah......couldn't happen......

If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

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Re: DUmmies Discuss Overthrowing The Government
« Reply #17 on: October 29, 2009, 02:38:40 PM »
handmade34  (1000+ posts)      Thu Oct-29-09 12:07 AM
25. excellent
I have always claimed that I would run as soon as my kids were grown, and now I am stuck in a job that keeps me homeless - I can't even get a PO Box, let alone run for office.

But he DOES have access to the internet!  :rotf:

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Re: DUmmies Discuss Overthrowing The Government
« Reply #18 on: October 29, 2009, 04:34:23 PM »
Just one lie after another in their little screeds.
Often wonder if most are moles just stirring the pot and laughing how quickly the vermin on the island eat it up and start adding their own to be a part of the story.

They can never just discuss an issue,they always have to be victimized by it personally it seems.

I noticed the lie about a bank teller making min wage right away then again Obama owns some of the banks now so maybe the pay Czar cut her pay too.
I may not lock my doors while sitting at a red light and a black man is near, but I sure as hell grab on tight to my wallet when any democrats are close by.