Author Topic: There is some good news  (Read 1442 times)

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Offline 5412

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There is some good news
« on: October 22, 2009, 06:24:23 PM »
Hi Folks,

Just watched Glenn Beck tonight.  Don't know where the election is but he showed the republican and democrat candidates and their stands, then some fool independent steps up and says he opposes most all the other two stand for.  Well he is jumping up in the polls like you would never believe.  The numbers from both the democrat and republican candidates dropped by double digits.

Beck's comment was simple.  Hey Republicans, (something like) I don't know how long it is going to take you to catch on but HELLO!

You folks sold me on the fact that we really need the republican party to turn conservative, not a face life, but a new heart, for us to be successful.  I realized in watching Beck we need a bunch of independents to really kick some ass to get the attention of the republican party.....hopefully.

To me that was the missing piece of the puzzle.  Instead of reaching out to be democrat lite, how about reaching out to conservatives and people with common sense.....duh!


Offline Mustang

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Re: There is some good news
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2009, 11:04:44 PM »
This is my 2 cents, for whatever it is worth:

I believe the direction of the Republican party should be the following: Move further to the right, be compassionate, have an open door policy, be positive but at the same time aggressively go after the liberal agenda. Reach out to minorities and show them that we respect them and will not victimize them like the Democrat party has been doing for the past 40 years.  Avoid being an arrogant, angry, or an exclusive party.
I guess most of you have heard the expression "a conservative is a liberal who has been hit by reality".
Sometimes I see people like John McCain and Lindsey Graham that may want to be more conservative, but have lost hope. I respect the fact that McCain was a naval officer veteran while Graham is currently a high ranking officer in the Air Force while serving as a U.S. Senator.
If we had a conservative revolution, I feel like McCain and Graham would want to join it and go along with it, if they had a chance. It's the "ideological centrists" that would never shift that need to be ousted, even if it means voting for a conservative democrat. Although I am a loyal Republican, I would vote for a conservative democrat if he/she was more conservative than their Republican opponent.  
« Last Edit: October 22, 2009, 11:12:12 PM by Mustang »

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Re: There is some good news
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2009, 05:06:58 AM »
This is my 2 cents, for whatever it is worth:

I believe the direction of the Republican party should be the following: Move further to the right, be compassionate, have an open door policy, be positive but at the same time aggressively go after the liberal agenda. Reach out to minorities and show them that we respect them and will not victimize them like the Democrat party has been doing for the past 40 years.  Avoid being an arrogant, angry, or an exclusive party.
I guess most of you have heard the expression "a conservative is a liberal who has been hit by reality".
Sometimes I see people like John McCain and Lindsey Graham that may want to be more conservative, but have lost hope. I respect the fact that McCain was a naval officer veteran while Graham is currently a high ranking officer in the Air Force while serving as a U.S. Senator.
If we had a conservative revolution, I feel like McCain and Graham would want to join it and go along with it, if they had a chance. It's the "ideological centrists" that would never shift that need to be ousted, even if it means voting for a conservative democrat. Although I am a loyal Republican, I would vote for a conservative democrat if he/she was more conservative than their Republican opponent.  


If I may add to what you say...I agree with you to a point.  First of all you and I appear to be guided by an idealogy, then look for the candidate that best suppors our ideas.  It is not relevant if that candidate be a D....R....or I for that matter.  It is the ideas of how to govern and improve our society that is paramount.

I do not believe McCain or Graham are true conservatives.  The only reason they would join in would be if that was the way the wind was blowing.  I think many politicians from both parties get so corrupted in Washington that they will go along with most anything that will keep them getting elected so they stay in power.  They start out with good intentions but somehow along the way, the longer they are there, the more they lose sight of who they are really working for.  That to me is why we should have congressional term limits.  Work on making America better and then move on.....


Offline Mustang

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Re: There is some good news
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2009, 12:46:57 AM »

If I may add to what you say...I agree with you to a point.  First of all you and I appear to be guided by an idealogy, then look for the candidate that best suppors our ideas.  It is not relevant if that candidate be a D....R....or I for that matter.  It is the ideas of how to govern and improve our society that is paramount.

I do not believe McCain or Graham are true conservatives.  The only reason they would join in would be if that was the way the wind was blowing.  I think many politicians from both parties get so corrupted in Washington that they will go along with most anything that will keep them getting elected so they stay in power.  They start out with good intentions but somehow along the way, the longer they are there, the more they lose sight of who they are really working for.  That to me is why we should have congressional term limits.  Work on making America better and then move on.....


Thank you for your kind comments. I would like to add to the issue with some hard reality.  
I live in a very blue state, New Jersey. Some so-called "conservatives" here are not conservatives at all. Some of the "conservatives" I meet or know in New Jersey are either centrists or liberals who are conservative on one or two issues. The NJ GOP is very grassroots compared to what the rest of the people on this board are used to. When we have republican candidates, they are usually authentic, and we get very excited about them.

Now here is the harsh reality that for a long time I have not wanted to face. Not too long ago I would have told you that I think Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, the twin senators of Maine, are so liberal that I would vote for a democrat, just to get them out of office, so that in the next election cycle we would get more conservative candidates. I don't live in Maine so thank God I don't have to make that decision.
The cold harsh reality is, that Maine is so liberal (even more liberal than NJ, if you can imagine that) that  Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe are as conservative as you can get for Maine, anyone who is even the least most conservative than them would never win and the numbers and data back that up. I don't want to believe that, but its the cold hard reality. And its something us real conservatives do not want to confront.

I get into heated debates more with "centrists" and left-wing "conservatives" than I do with liberals. These people make me want to puke and want to kick their asses out of anything conservative related. However I have yet to meet an employee of the NJGOP at the state or county level that was not an authentic conservative. We even have an operative from Washington working at the office I am at currently and he is very conservative like me. Maybe because the grassroots and tight-knit GOP "club" we have in the New Jersey community gives me more faith than what most people on this site may be used to a GOP that is the establishment as opposed the underdog.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2009, 12:50:24 AM by Mustang »

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Re: There is some good news
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2009, 04:05:39 AM »
Thank you for your kind comments. I would like to add to the issue with some hard reality.  
I live in a very blue state, New Jersey. Some so-called "conservatives" here are not conservatives at all. Some of the "conservatives" I meet or know in New Jersey are either centrists or liberals who are conservative on one or two issues. The NJ GOP is very grassroots compared to what the rest of the people on this board are used to. When we have republican candidates, they are usually authentic, and we get very excited about them.

Now here is the harsh reality that for a long time I have not wanted to face. Not too long ago I would have told you that I think Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, the twin senators of Maine, are so liberal that I would vote for a democrat, just to get them out of office, so that in the next election cycle we would get more conservative candidates. I don't live in Maine so thank God I don't have to make that decision.
The cold harsh reality is, that Maine is so liberal (even more liberal than NJ, if you can imagine that) that  Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe are as conservative as you can get for Maine, anyone who is even the least most conservative than them would never win and the numbers and data back that up. I don't want to believe that, but its the cold hard reality. And its something us real conservatives do not want to confront.

I get into heated debates more with "centrists" and left-wing "conservatives" than I do with liberals. These people make me want to puke and want to kick their asses out of anything conservative related. However I have yet to meet an employee of the NJGOP at the state or county level that was not an authentic conservative. We even have an operative from Washington working at the office I am at currently and he is very conservative like me. Maybe because the grassroots and tight-knit GOP "club" we have in the New Jersey community gives me more faith than what most people on this site may be used to a GOP that is the establishment as opposed the underdog.


I posted on another thread that my wife and I are looking outside the US as we are concerned about what is going on here.  What you had to say reinforces in my mind that it is quite possilbe that we have several states secede from the union.  I know several states have passed sovereignty resolutions, AZ even went so far as to say that if the president declares martial law they have the right to bring their boys home to defend their homeland. 

Sometimes it is easier to think, "screw it", let Maine, Mass. and all the heavy duty blue states fend for themselves.  We are just waiting for the first state to secede and will we likely be heading in that direction......  If you look at the demographics of the last election by county the vast majority of the country thinks as you do.  If one state secedes others will follow and I doubt Obama could muster a force to keep the union together.  Just wish they would get on with it.


Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: There is some good news
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2009, 06:42:22 AM »
If you look at the demographics of the last election by county the vast majority of the country thinks as you do.  If one state secedes others will follow and I doubt Obama could muster a force to keep the union together.  Just wish they would get on with it.


Can South Carolina just be second this time around" Just in case it don't work out to their advantage. The last time the damn union army was here it damn nigh destroyed everything.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

Offline Chris_

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Re: There is some good news
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2009, 01:36:48 PM »
Can South Carolina just be second this time around" Just in case it don't work out to their advantage. The last time the damn union army was here it damn nigh destroyed everything.

If it happens, I suspect that the individual states will have little to do with it......with the present ideological split in this country an internal conflict, I suspect, will look more like the French Revolution than the "War of Northern Aggression"........

It ain't gonna be pretty.......

If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

Offline 5412

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Re: There is some good news
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2009, 02:03:23 PM »
If it happens, I suspect that the individual states will have little to do with it......with the present ideological split in this country an internal conflict, I suspect, will look more like the French Revolution than the "War of Northern Aggression"........

It ain't gonna be pretty.......



Some Russian predicted this last summer and drew up a map.  While I did not agree with his map, it could fracture into three countries.  I doubt there would be as much bloodshed as reshuffling.


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Re: There is some good news
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2009, 04:27:33 PM »
I doubt there would be as much bloodshed as reshuffling.


Trust me, there will be much bloodshed........there is no precedent in history for a serious clash in ideologies as divergent as the one that we are marching toward to be resolved without it......

I think that it will be up to the voters next fall to determine if this train keeps speeding toward the cliff, or the brakes are applied.......if this present crop of libs in DC don't see a bloodbath of biblical proportions at the polls next November, we are likely screwed.......

If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.