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Offline thundley4

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House Republicans Press Obama on Jobs Creation
« on: October 08, 2009, 03:29:07 AM »
This will go no where and was a waste of time asking B. Hussein 0Bama to act in a bi-partisan manor.  Besides, doing these things to HELP the economy would be counter to Lord Zero's ultimate plan of destroying it.

John D. McKinnon reports on politics.

House Republicans sent a letter to President Barack Obama today, pushing the administration to seek more business tax breaks as a way to boost the number of new jobs.

With unemployment rates still climbing around the country, Republicans are trying to position themselves as the champions of job creation.

Democrats, including Obama administration officials, have been in discussions for weeks about their own ideas, including extending some expiring provisions from the February stimulus bill, such as the tax break for homebuyers, and creating a few new breaks, such as expanded deductibility of business losses.

Some advocates are also floating the idea for a broad-based employment tax credit, which had been dropped from the February stimulus bill.

Republicans say in their letter that they’re hoping to work with the White House toward a bipartisan jobs plan. But they use some tough language – calling the February stimulus “unsuccessful,” and urging Democrats to drop their “job-killing” health care reforms.

The text of the letter follows:

October 7, 2009

President Barack Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

We write today to express our desire to work with you to enact policies that will help small businesses get back on their feet and create jobs, and to highlight some of the solutions put forth by Republicans that we believe can serve as the basis for bipartisan action toward this goal.

Last Friday marked a grim milestone for our country, as the national unemployment rate reached 9.8 percent, the highest level in 26 years. It is now evident that the massive “stimulus” spending bill enacted months ago has been unsuccessful. Washington borrowed a trillion dollars from our nation’s children and grandchildren for this legislation, which was supposed to create jobs and keep the national unemployment rate from rising above 8 percent. Instead nearly 3 million private sector jobs have been lost in America since the “stimulus” was signed into law, and the national unemployment rate is nearly 10 percent, and rising.

Small businesses are bearing the brunt of these losses. According to the ADP National Employment Report released September 30, employment among small businesses (those with fewer than 50 workers) declined by 100,000 from August to September, while employment declined by 61,000 among large businesses and by 93,000 among medium-sized businesses during the same period. The American people are right to ask: where are the jobs?

The engine of job creation in America is small business, not government. Since the beginning of the year, Republicans have put forth solutions that reflect an understanding of this fact, which was lost last winter in Democratic-controlled Washington’s rush to enact a “stimulus” bill based on slow-moving and wasteful government spending.

In the time since the unsuccessful “stimulus” was enacted, the Administration and Congress have focused most of their collective attention on the goals of enacting a government takeover of health care and a new “cap and trade” national energy tax. In their current form, both of these bills would inflict further harm upon small businesses and eliminate millions of additional American jobs if enacted. Employers throughout the country are watching, and the job-killing policies on the horizon are causing them to freeze their planning and hiring. We respectfully urge you to scrap these job-killing bills and start over, this time working with Republicans for responsible legislation that will help small businesses.

In the hopes of facilitating such bipartisan action, here are some of the solutions Republicans have put forth to help small businesses get back to creating jobs:

• Allow small businesses to take a tax deduction equal to 20 percent of their income. This will immediately free up funds for small businesses to retain and hire new employees.

• Let small businesses join together to purchase health insurance for their workers the way large businesses and labor unions do.

• Enact genuine legal reform and policies that incentivize wellness to reduce health care costs for small businesses.

• Lower taxes for all taxpayers by reducing the current 15 percent rate to 10 percent and reducing the current 10 percent rate to 5 percent. This will provide an immediate increase in income to every taxpaying family in America and free up capital to help small businesses hire more workers.

• Expand health savings accounts (HSAs) to provide additional flexibility to small businesses in providing health care to their employees.

• Increase the net operating loss carry back from 2 to 5 years to provide struggling employers with additional resources to keep their doors open.

These proposals, developed by the House GOP Economic Recovery and Health Care solutions groups, were presented for your consideration earlier this year. We respectfully ask again that you consider them for the purpose of helping small businesses get back to creating jobs. The Economic Recovery Solutions Group is also developing additional proposals that will be sent to the White House soon for your consideration. We stand ready to work with you to enact these and other common-sense solutions for the American people.


House Republican Leader John Boehner
House Republican Whip Eric Cantor
House Republican Conference Chairman Mike Pence
House Republican Policy Committee Chairman Thaddeus McCotter
House Republican Conference Vice Chairman Cathy McMorris Rogers
House Republican Conference Secretary John Carter
National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions
Rules Committee Ranking Republican David Dreier
Chief Deputy Whip Kevin McCarthy
Congressman Roy Blunt

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Re: House Republicans Press Obama on Jobs Creation
« Reply #1 on: October 08, 2009, 05:05:22 AM »
At least the GOP is (sort of) waking up.  A few Republicans still recognize the fact that government doesn't create jobs, BUSINESSES do, and when government taxation and regulation are too oppressive, businesses shut down.

Government does not "create", it only hinders.
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Offline Chris_

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Re: House Republicans Press Obama on Jobs Creation
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2009, 11:08:18 AM »
There also needs to be some government spending cuts.
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Re: House Republicans Press Obama on Jobs Creation
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2009, 02:15:43 PM »
The "Intentionally destroying the economy" rhetoric is too over-the-top for me.  There are undoubtedly a tiny number of holdout Marxist/Leninist types in the Democrat intelligentsia who really would like that, but I don't think it's true of any of the principal public players are among them.  A truly destroyed economy would take all of them down with it, after all, since while they are at the controls the blame for that would be inescapable for them despite the 'Bush's fault' mantra.

Certainly many of them have a casual indifference to civil liberties except for those of their own ilk, but that problem exists across the whole political spectrum, it really isn't unique to them.  Think about it, after all - their following depends on entitlements, and a truly destroyed economy produces nothing from which to draw the transfer payments necessary to fund those entitlements.  Even the most entitlement-addicted plantation Democrat can tell the difference between getting 'gubmint munny' and standing in a three-block line for a bread ration (The latter being the outcome of a destroyed economy), and at that point even most of them would rebel or just revert to a complete social chaotic every-man-for-himself approach; in such conditions there is no loyalty to the past, and even a far-right-wing despot would be appealing to people as an alternative to continued disorder.

No, what we are dealing with is colossal, arrogant ignorance, based on economic theories that are totally without relation to reality or consistent with any historical experience.  It is a Utopian experiment writ large, and by children who only partially understand even their own cock-eyed theory, which they follow only to the extent of its promises without grasping any of the issues, costs, or assumptions inherent to it.

They are not people of ill will.  They are more dangerous than that.   
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Offline thundley4

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Re: House Republicans Press Obama on Jobs Creation
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2009, 02:24:57 PM »
Even the most entitlement-addicted plantation Democrat can tell the difference between getting 'gubmint munny' and standing in a three-block line for a bread ration (The latter being the outcome of a destroyed economy), and at that point even most of them would rebel or just revert to a complete social chaotic every-man-for-himself approach; in such conditions there is no loyalty to the past, and even a far-right-wing despot would be appealing to people as an alternative to continued disorder.

They are not people of ill will.  They are more dangerous than that.   

How many DUmmies have basically said that their main goal is to hurt those with more wealth than them? They already think they deserve whatever the government can take from those better off. Some have talked about lynching/killing the rich and taking their possessions. That is the DUmmies though.

OTOH, if there is a complete breakdown of the economy, and society devolves into chaos, well there is always martial law which could keep the current president in office for a very long time.
  Yes, 0Bama is an egotistical, naive little twit, but look at his list of czars and advisors. They are even more to be feared than 0Bama, because they know how to feed his ego to manipulate him.

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Re: House Republicans Press Obama on Jobs Creation
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2009, 08:26:05 AM »
DAT, don't be so quick to dismiss Obama's will to destroy the economy, get a change in our currency, and Lord knows whatever other nefarious schemes he has in mind. The World Bank is already discussing a mandatory change in our currency because the dollar's value has descended into hell.
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