Author Topic: QUERY: Why Did the Ancients Destroy Entire Civilizations?  (Read 3530 times)

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Offline AllosaursRus

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Re: QUERY: Why Did the Ancients Destroy Entire Civilizations?
« Reply #25 on: October 07, 2009, 12:09:41 AM »
The other argument I hear is: That's not the way we want OUR civilization to be treated by others/lead from the front and moral high ground.

That's the biggest bunch of Bull Shirt to ever pass a liberals lips! Like you stated above, our enemies would think nothing of wiping us off the face of the earth, yet we want to play "fair"!

Our Lord God would never put up with this crap! Unfortunately, he has left it up to us, since we killed Jesus.

What utter Bull Shirt!!!!!!!11 Until we get as ruthless and uncaring as our enemies, our hands are tied! We used to have an "eye for an eye" in this country. No longer! Now we are the biggest ***** of a country to be a super power on the planet! Thanx entirely to liberal DemonRats and Rinos like Mc Cluck
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Re: QUERY: Why Did the Ancients Destroy Entire Civilizations?
« Reply #26 on: October 07, 2009, 03:17:10 AM »
That's the biggest bunch of Bull Shirt to ever pass a liberals lips! Like you stated above, our enemies would think nothing of wiping us off the face of the earth, yet we want to play "fair"!

Our Lord God would never put up with this crap! Unfortunately, he has left it up to us, since we killed Jesus.

What utter Bull Shirt!!!!!!!11 Until we get as ruthless and uncaring as our enemies, our hands are tied! We used to have an "eye for an eye" in this country. No longer! Now we are the biggest ***** of a country to be a super power on the planet! Thanx entirely to liberal DemonRats and Rinos like Mc Cluck

Let's see going back in time there is not allot of good things to be said about trusting ones enemys----or admitting one has any enemy's.

This is major one problem with society's that are so egotistical they believe they can just send bad acting country's to their room when they act up.  As is said "Spare the rod spoil the child."

Some animals are natural born killers, and so are some society's of humans. For thousands of years war, rape, pillage has been a way of life.  It takes hundreds of years to evolve into a society with its own sets of values and traditions.  The society's are PROUD of their heritage and lives of their forefathers.

Then there is all ways internal struggles to change the stats quo, people that want to be sole Sayers on how their own people live.

America is different from any other society ever known on earth.  We took this land by force, we have kept this land by force, until now.  No one alive for 6 generations has ever had to face foreign invaders or seen first hand war on our soil, until now.

Sad but I believe it would be better to be ruled by despots then idealists.  Despots are beheaded but the idealists keep the pot boiling making way for going against human nature  and refusing to face reality.

Our POTUS has an ego that wants to be remembered as a peace giver. However he has forgotten why  the revolver was called " A Peace Maker" in our wild west.

He has been called a deep thinker, well he best quit the books and get on with reality. He has 24/7 protection for himself and family but has not given a thought to the citizens that have no protection.   

He has all his life locked the door to his home but left the door open for everyone Else's home or life.

He should know full well what a turf war is yet he ignores the bad guys that want to come play on our turf and kill us all.

In fact he reminds me of a snotty young teenage boy who refuses to listen to his father, joins a gang of dangerous fellows and hides when a rival gang sets fire to his home.

There is something seriously out of wacko with the POTUS, he has refused to speak softly and carry a big stick.  He has as his hero Abe Lincoln yet he has not the morals or the self sacrifice to what Lincoln had in his big toe.

The POTUS is coming off as a coward to the rest of the world, afraid to stand up for his/our rights and giving the bully's our lunch money.

His failure to grasp His goals is causing him to act in a manor that is not going to be viewed by history as strong, courageous, and bold.

He will go down as week, indecisive, a bit crazy, and future generations will wonder how we ever voted him in in a time of war and only 7 years after being attacked.

Rant ended--for now.

Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: QUERY: Why Did the Ancients Destroy Entire Civilizations?
« Reply #27 on: October 07, 2009, 06:46:32 AM »
I would not bet the rent on nuclear weapons having produced a sea change in human nature.  Only a limited number of countries have them, even now.  Nobody who has them has so far been in a war that was desperate enough to require their use, and their usefulness in your typical Third World war is really pretty limited since the downwind pattern of bursts in most cases would extend beyond the territorial limits of the actual combatants (The Jordanians, for instance, are probably not too keen on the idea of anyone nuking Israel, since they'd get a great big lethal piece of the aftermath).

It's more a matter of the means not being suited to the ends than anything else.   
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Re: QUERY: Why Did the Ancients Destroy Entire Civilizations?
« Reply #28 on: October 14, 2009, 04:51:17 PM »
It's always good when the experts agree with proves how smart they really are:

In an important article in the current Middle East Quarterly, Daniel Pipes reviews the terrible failure of the 1993 Oslo accords, and homes in on the root fallacy of the diplomatic approach it embodied: the belief that the Arab-Israeli war can “be concluded through good will, conciliation, mediation, flexibility, restraint, generosity, and compromise, topped off with signatures on official documents.’’ For 16 years, Israeli governments, prodded by Washington, have sought to quench Palestinian hostility with concessions and gestures of good will. Yet peace today is more elusive than ever.

“Wars end not through good will but through victory,’’ Pipes writes, defining victory as one side compelling the other to give up its war goals. Since 1948, the Arabs’ goal has been the elimination of Israel; the Israelis’, to win their neighbors’ acceptance of a Jewish state in the Middle East. “If the conflict is to end, one side must lose and one side win,’’ argues Pipes.

Diplomacy cannot settle the Arab-Israeli conflict until the Palestinians abandon their anti-Israel rejectionism. US policy should therefore be focused on making them abandon it. The Palestinians must be put “on notice that benefits will flow to them only after they prove their acceptance of Israel. Until then - no diplomacy, no discussion of final status, no recognition as a state, and certainly no financial aid or weapons.’’

So long as American and Israeli leaders remain committed to a fruitless Arab-Israeli “peace process,’’ Arab-Israeli peace will remain unachievable. Let the newest Nobel peace laureate grasp and act upon that insight, and he will do more to hasten the conflict’s end than any of his well-meaning predecessors.

This is from the Boston Globe no less. It is also 100% correct. Israel needs to simply dstroy the will of the Arabs-who-call-themselves-Philistines and if they cannot destroy their will the Israelis should destroy them outright. No shame. No crime. Just simple, self-preservation between 2 competing societies that cannot come to terms.

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Offline AllosaursRus

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Re: QUERY: Why Did the Ancients Destroy Entire Civilizations?
« Reply #29 on: October 17, 2009, 01:51:49 AM »
Amazing! Vespa actually made some sense! Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
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