Author Topic: Leona Helmsley of DUmmieland reads franksolich  (Read 757 times)

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Offline franksolich

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Leona Helmsley of DUmmieland reads franksolich
« on: August 19, 2009, 12:56:51 PM »

Oh my.

This is one of the largest bonfires, ever, on Skins's island; it deals with Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) pronouncing the "public option" dead.

It's full of all sorts of minutae, all sorts of sub-issues, the primitives tying themselves up into knots; to post even just excerpts here would overrun the character-limit.

But this leaps out like a sore frog, about six miles into the bonfire:

flyarm (1000+ posts)        Tue Aug-18-09 11:23 PM
Response to Reply #78
221. seems to me DK is trying to wake people up to the reality of the bullshit they have been force fed

so some of us ( alot of us? Perhaps) can call the liars out to their faces and shit-can the bullshit that is being sold to us ! watered down public option is the bullshit..

5-10 million only to get coverage in 10 years and anyone here calls that reform?????????

Where are the people I used to post with that were the truthtellers at DU??????? oh yeah , many have been run off..or they are called names, or intimidated by fellow DU'ers.

You think DK is a quitter?? about so many here that have been so willing to swallow bullshit as their daily meal..and do tell us how many will be so helped by this crap that is dished out as a public option?

And how many here today are those getting paid $6-15 $$ and hour to sell this bullshit on message boards and blogs..

I can not be sold pig shit as gold..

and this is pig shit that we are being told on a daily basis to be so thankful for!

Pig shit is pig shit , no matter how you try to dress it up!

Single Payer is care reform..

this public option crap crap..unless it has teeth and unless it negotiates costs of medical care, and coverage care and Pharma costs.and allows cheaper drugs to be brought into this country from cheeper distributors...hell most of it is made here and shipped to other countries at a very inexpensive price through negotiations!

And spare me if you want to dispute what I am saying..because I lived in Canada for 22 years..I know what real health care reform is! And I know what affordable drugs are as well! I could only wish my country cared about it's people as much!
« Last Edit: August 19, 2009, 01:11:44 PM by franksolich »
apres moi, le deluge

Offline thundley4

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Re: Leona Helmsley of DUmmieland reads franksolich
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2009, 01:09:17 PM »
The outgoing president of the Canadian Medical Assoc. thinks the government care program needs competition from the private sector. :)

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Re: Leona Helmsley of DUmmieland reads franksolich
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2009, 01:31:01 PM »
The DUmmies do realize that if they decline to buy the gov't insurance, they'll be fined $2,500?  Instead of just blindly following O-care, they should read the bill.  There's a lot in there they'd hate, if they only knew. 

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Re: Leona Helmsley of DUmmieland reads franksolich
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2009, 01:34:42 PM »
The DUmmies do realize that if they decline to buy the gov't insurance, they'll be fined $2,500?  Instead of just blindly following O-care, they should read the bill.  There's a lot in there they'd hate, if they only knew. 

Reich-wing, fascist, Nazi Brown Shirt, whargarble....... Alert, Alert. /DUmode

That is asking them to take a shred of personal responsibility.  They know that the One would never lie to them.  :uhsure:


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Re: Leona Helmsley of DUmmieland reads franksolich
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2009, 02:37:53 PM »
It sounds like DUmmy flyarm is familiar with the William Rivers Pitt....pit.
She is obsessed with The Kootch the way poor stupid Beth worships The Yugo.

Some people may not know that DUmmy flyarm is the wife of the Baltimore Orioles'
radio broadcaster, who helped her run a big Paypal scam on the DUmmies and the
Baltimore Orioles' owner a few years ago.

Offline whiffleball

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Re: Leona Helmsley of DUmmieland reads franksolich
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2009, 07:14:48 AM »

Some people may not know that DUmmy flyarm is the wife of the Baltimore Orioles'
radio broadcaster, who helped her run a big Paypal scam on the DUmmies and the
Baltimore Orioles' owner a few years ago.

Can you relate some of the details on that?  That's one I've never heard of, but I didn't "discover" The Island until the AS saga.

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Re: Leona Helmsley of DUmmieland reads franksolich
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2009, 07:41:59 AM »
Can you relate some of the details on that?  That's one I've never heard of, but I didn't "discover" The Island until the AS saga.

We all became familiar with Leona about the time of the Scamdal.

The late red round one and Leona were really really really good friends; pals, chums.

But it was most peculiar that while her really really really good friend was ill and to undergo perilous surgery, Leona didn't interrupt her plans for a several-weeks' shopping spree in Paris.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: Leona Helmsley of DUmmieland reads franksolich
« Reply #7 on: August 20, 2009, 07:54:41 AM »
Quote from:

And how many here today are those getting paid $6-15 $$ and hour to sell this bullshit on message boards and blogs..

I'm guessing the one's getting paid $15/hr are white males.  White females probably earn somewhere in the $12/hr range.  Minorities and ACORN members are getting the $6/hr.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

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Re: Leona Helmsley of DUmmieland reads franksolich
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2009, 08:06:51 AM »
Can you relate some of the details on that?  That's one I've never heard of, but I didn't "discover" The Island until the AS saga.

Where this is relevant to the original topic is, during the Scamdal we noticed both Leona and the sensitive lad, the piano-playing primitive "goodboy", had the most curious habit of emulating the language and style of franksolich from the DUmmie FUnnies and our old home, although Leona did a better job of it.

Talk about imitation being the most sincere form of flattery.

At times, they might have just as well copied-and-pasted franksolich.

To check this out, I consistently used arcane words peculiar to my own background, or to the deaf, or to the Sandhills of Nebraska--words that could not possibly occur to someone in urban New Jersey or urban Ohio--and much to my surprise, found Leona and the sensitive lad using exactly the same words in subsequent comments on Skins's island.

One has to admit the odds are pretty long, that Leona, living in Streisandian opulence and splendor in New Jersey and Florida, has ever thought of antique swine manure a second in her life, unless she's read the stories about the William Rivers Pitt.

But that's okay; I'm flattered that a few primitives read me, such as Grandma, the "hippywife" primitive, who always waves to me from the cooking and baking forum on Skins's island, or the Rita Hayworth primitive, "Tangerine LaBamba," who makes oblique references to her age, something she never did until franksolich pointed out how ancient she is.

It's not only franksolich the primitives imitate; for example, Pedro Picasso, the "Atman" primitive, whose screen-name is derived from a line of women's cosmetics and underwear pimped by Bill Simmons or Richard Russell (or whatever), imitates USA4ME a great deal.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and so it's all copacetic, cool.
apres moi, le deluge


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Re: Leona Helmsley of DUmmieland reads franksolich
« Reply #9 on: August 20, 2009, 11:08:27 AM »
Can you relate some of the details on that?  That's one I've never heard of, but I didn't "discover" The Island until the AS saga.
I was referring to one of the lies she spun during the andyscam. She told the DUmmies that she had persuaded her husband to
intercede with the fabulously wealthy owner of the Baltimore Orioles on behalf of the red queer, to arrange for his admission to
Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. At Johns Hopkins, and only at Johns Hopkins, could he get a type of surgery that was almost
certain to save his life, overturn the Ohio presidential election results,  and prevent any future Republicans from winning the
presidency. But none of this could happen, she assured the DUmp, unless they continued to shower the ringleaders of the scam
with enough Paypal money to avoid any delay in the surgery.

The money poured in, but at the last moment, wouldn't you know it, bloodthirsty freepers and an abysmally incompetent mailroom
at Hopkins caused a short delay in the lifesaving surgery. When you have choreographed a ballet of salvation, and then its tempo
is interrupted by sinister forces, you can't expect a good outcome. Pirouettes and plies become pratfalls. Sure enough, the red queer
died, and as a result George W. Bush was allowed to continue his stolen presidency.  And the vicious freepers had blood, or dust
bunnies, or something, on their hands.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 11:29:56 AM by GOBUCKS »

Offline franksolich

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Re: Leona Helmsley of DUmmieland reads franksolich
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2009, 11:21:23 AM »
I was referring to one of the lies she spun during the andyscam. She told the DUmmies that she had presuaded her husband to intercede with the fabulously wealthy owner of the Baltimore Orioles on behalf of the red queer, to arrange for his admission to Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore.

Actually, sir, I noticed at the time something unusual about that claim.

For those who don't know, Leona's husband works for a memeber of the Board of Directors of Johns Hopkins.

Unless I missed it, I noticed it was Doug's stupid ex-wife who made that claim, about this "personal intervention," while Leona was mum about it.

Leona's silence spoke volumes, unless I didn't hear her.
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Re: Leona Helmsley of DUmmieland reads franksolich
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2009, 11:56:17 AM »
The majority of leftists pushing this debacle hardest are wealthy enough they wouldn't be affected one iota by this. When every single person pushing this crap decides to prove what a good deal socialized medicine is by pooling all their money and trying it first then we can talk. Until then they can shove it.

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