Author Topic: maudlin waif primitive a liberal first, Democrat second  (Read 420 times)

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Offline franksolich

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maudlin waif primitive a liberal first, Democrat second
« on: August 16, 2009, 06:16:01 PM »

Oh my.

The maudlin waif primitive, who must've been high, and not in control of all of his mental faculties, when he sat down at his keyboard--this by the way was posted some hours before Pa Kettle in the White House hoisted the white flag:

Mythsaje  (1000+ posts)        Sun Aug-16-09 04:24 AM
Original message

Liberal First, Democrat Second 
I don't feel bad blasting sell-souls in Congress who don't give a shit about us little folks. Fact is that people are suffering out here, and will continue to suffer, as long as they allow the insurance industry parasites to play with our lives for the sake of profit. There shouldn't even be a debate on whether or not Single Payer is the best idea going, or whether or not we should have the half-ass "public option." The only reason we are having these debates is because the insurance and pharmaceutical industries have been granted WAY too much influence in the debate. Influence, I might add, they only have because we've been shoveling money at them for years now.

Health insurance companies are parasites. They add NOTHING to the process except delay and expense. They are, in fact, often guilty of practicing medicine without a license because THEY think they have the right to decide what is and what is not a "necessary" medical procedure based not only any knowledge of medicine, but on how much it may or may not cost.

I really, really want to support Obama. I love the fact we've got a real geek in the White House, a fellow Star Trek and Spider-man fan. I like the fact that he's traveled the world, and grew up at least partially in Hawaii, among people who have a different take on race than those of us on the mainland. I think he can teach us a lot. But I think he's absolutely wrong about accepting a "uniquely American" take on health care reform.

I hate the fact that there are people here who think that we can justify preserving the life of a parasite at the expense of the long-term welfare of the patient. I hate the fact that the best we can expect to get out of this whole fiasco is the elimination of denial of service based on "pre-existing conditions" and some sort of mandate that everyone have insurance. We've got millions of people who don't even have HOMES, and can't get regular meals. How will forcing them to buy insurance make their lives any better?

This whole debate has been controlled by people who have NO RIGHT to be involved in the first place. People who don't have to worry about getting sick and losing their jobs, homes, and everything else. It's clear that these so-called "grass-roots" protests have been engineered by those who benefit the most from the status quo, and yet we're going to ignore their behavior and give them at least a portion of what they're fighting for--the right to ruin any chance at real reform.

And the politicians who accept it, who roll over and lick the boots of the insurance industry thugs behind it, well they don't deserve our respect, our money, or our votes. They've shown where their loyalty lies--with the parasite currently sucking the life blood out of America.

Yes, I realize that's hyperbolic rhetoric. But the fact remains that we're increasingly unlikely to get what we need, what we hoped for, and what would be best for America and Americans. All so the parasite can remain fat and happy while it continues to feed off our suffering.

Do we really have to wonder why the Republicans so easily paint us as appeasers and surrender monkeys? Do we really? We let them call us names, scream insults rather than engage in rational debate, threaten our politicians without repercussions, and feed lies to the American people and pretend it's "news." And only a handful of people with the status and exposure to be heard bother to call them on it.

Given a spine, the Democrats in Congress would be fighting back with all the weapons at their disposal. Truth, for one. Truth about the astroturf, truth about the pundits incitement to violence, truth about the Republican Party's blatant support for the deliberate derailment of Democratic processes.

We don't have to become them to fight them. We just have to stop acting like we're afraid of them. We've allowed our political arena to become a haven for schoolyard bullies, and those allegedly in charge refuse to act like adults and call them to task for it.

I'm PROUD to be a liberal. It's hard to say anyone's actually proud to be a Democrat right now.

And, you know, I don't think that's what any of us signed up for.

A few primitive comments, selected at random:

Mythsaje  (1000+ posts)        Sun Aug-16-09 04:56 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. If we're ever to get actual campaign finance reform we're going to have to force the issue. They'll NEVER actually do it themselves. Oh, they'll throw us a bone every once in a while, pretending to give a damn and giving us quack nostrums, but nothing that will actually cure the ailment. We need to USE THE STATE INITIATIVE PROCESSES to institute public financing of elections in those states where we can. We'll have to also address the "corporate personhood" and "Money = Free Speech" nonsense at the same time, lest it fall afoul of Constitutional issues, but that's the only way I can ever see it happening."

Mythsaje  (1000+ posts)        Sun Aug-16-09 05:39 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. Well, we can already guess how the opposition would frame it. 

But money doesn't equal speech and I can't believe they've gotten away with saying it does for so long.

Mythsaje  (1000+ posts)        Sun Aug-16-09 03:31 PM
Response to Reply #8
24. Ultimately REPUBLICANS are selfish... 

If PEOPLE were selfish, we wouldn't be having this discussion at all. I'd be doing something else. More fun, if not more productive.

Oh, I dunno.  The subway cat and Pedro Picasso strike one as being very selfish people, and I don't suspect they're Republicans.  Whatever.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline USA4ME

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Re: maudlin waif primitive a liberal first, Democrat second
« Reply #1 on: August 16, 2009, 07:40:58 PM »
Quote from:

Liberal First, Democrat Second

American is not even on the list.

That's the most accurate reflection of Skin's island.

Quote from:
Health insurance companies are parasites. They add NOTHING to the process except delay and expense. They are, in fact, often guilty of practicing medicine without a license because THEY think they have the right to decide what is and what is not a "necessary" medical procedure based not only any knowledge of medicine, but on how much it may or may not cost.

They continue to exhibit their fatal flaw; the false belief that a single-payer system won't ration healthcare.  Until they're willing to admit that as undisputed fact, then there's no way they'll ever be worthy of having their opinion considered.

« Last Edit: August 16, 2009, 08:12:23 PM by USA4ME »
Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline franksolich

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Re: maudlin waif primitive a liberal first, Democrat second
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2009, 08:11:16 PM »
.....then there's no way they'll ever be worthy of having their opinion considered.

Oh now, the maudlin waif primitive's opinions on things political haven't been taken seriously for a very long time now.

It's sort of like taking franksolich's opinions on things military seriously.

"Shoemaker, stick to your last," is one of best old adages I've ever run across.

Both the maudlin waif primitive, on things political, and franksolich, on things military, have shot off their mouths here-and-there, but neither can be taken seriously, because neither know what they're talking about.

How much happier the destiny of the maudlin waif primitive would be, if he stuck to his last (some sort of cobbling equipment), and wrote about people, rather than about issues or fantasies.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline The Village Idiot

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Re: maudlin waif primitive a liberal first, Democrat second
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2009, 08:14:54 PM »
They want something for nothing, they want everything for nothing. How dare YOU be selfish and not give it to them.


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Re: maudlin waif primitive a liberal first, Democrat second
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2009, 08:26:40 PM »
"Shoemaker, stick to your last," is one of best old adages I've ever run across.

Not one DUmmy in ten thousand would know what that means.