Author Topic: DUmmies Discuss One-Eyed Bouncy Tale  (Read 775 times)

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DUmmies Discuss One-Eyed Bouncy Tale
« on: August 06, 2009, 08:09:58 PM »
One-eyed DUmmy loyalkydem shares a confusing bouncy tale about the horrible state of healthcare in the horrible United States:
loyalkydem (781 posts)        Thu Aug-06-09 07:22 PM
Original message
Hello DU, I'm back and I'm blaming the insurance industury for what happened to me
The insurance companies are the main reason why I lost my eye sight. Seven years ago, I had a good job working for a Satellite Television company. One day, I noticed that my eyesight was getting worse and worse. Over the next eighteen months, 3 cataract surgeries later, I lost my job. As a result, I lost my insurance.

My doctors informed me that the cataracts were coming back and it was a matter of time before I go 100% blind. In a panic, I started trying to find more insurance. Each insurance company said that I couldn't get insurance because I had a pre-existing condition. I started to loose hope and at the same time, my eye sight got worse and worse. Eventually the denials from the insurance companies forced me to wait months and eventually, I lost my eye sight in my left eye. Luckily, I did find an insurance company willing to cover me but the damage had been done. Looking back on it years later, if I had to do it all over again, I would have never left my job, especially if I knew it would cost me my eye sight.

Two weeks ago, I shared my story with the President and received a response from him. While I'm hopeful that maybe we might get a health care bill, I can't help but feel bitter at being denied insurance at a critical time that could have saved my eye sight. It left me extremely depressed and sad for almost a year. I can't tell you how many of my friends and family was worried about me. A company out of the North East, Cigna (I believe) came to my rescue and if it wasn't for that company, I would be 100% blind today and not able to be with you guys.

I took a break from Democratic underground for the last few weeks or so and now I'm back. I'm so angry and outraged particularly at the Republicans and their lobby war machine. Many of the same people I see on the news have Medicare like I do and don't realize how they are hurting it for the rest of the folks who don't have health care. I can't help but wonder if we had a system like they do in Canada or Great Brittan would I be blind today.
Not being from the medical profession, I am confused by this tale of woe. My understanding has always been that cataracts exist when the lens of the eye becomes cloudy. In cataract surgery, the lens is removed and replaced with a synthetic material of some kind. At least that's always been my understanding. But one-eyed DUmmy loyalkydem had three cataract surgeries, and still had cataracts relentlessly returning to claim his vision.

But then, wouldn't you know it, those insurance companies didn't want to sell a policy to one-eyed DUmmy loyalkydem that would cover another three or four or who knows how many cataract surgeries for a condition he already had. No company, that is, until DUmmy loyalkydem happened onto this little unknown company in the Northeast, named CIGNA. A little boutique insurer that specializes in paying for pre-existing conditions. Saved his eyesight.

And then, one-eyed DUmmy loyalkydem claims to have Medicare! I am really confused here.

Now DUmmy graywarrior, a published writer who cannot pass a high school writing proficiency test, confesses to scamming the deadbeat insurance system financed by the Peoples' Republic of Massachusetts:
graywarrior  (1000+ posts)      Thu Aug-06-09 07:30 PM
Response to Original message
1. Man, what a story.
I am so happy you are back here and able to share that with us. I am also really sorry you lost sight of one eye. How devastating that is and it could have been prevented so easily.

I had heard that CIGNA was a good company. I just got approved for Commonwealth Care in MA and am so grateful and relieved but I had to move here from where I really wanted to be in order to get it. It is so frustrating and infuriating that the very people who have health care are against helping those who don't. They do not see the consequences or they just do not care.

I wish I could find a way to help you. I hope things get better for you and for all of us soon.

Normally, we condemn scammers. But in this case, the victim is the Peoples' Republic of Massachusetts. Attaboy, DUmmy graywarrior!

DUmmy Bluzmannnumbers meets two requirements for DUmmy cred: a) he includes vile, obscene language in his post, and b) he accepts a ludicrous bouncy story as fact:
Bluzmann57  (1000+ posts)        Thu Aug-06-09 07:32 PM
Response to Original message
2. Dirty miserable cocksuckers
I make no apologies for my harsh language after reading your story. Miserable bastards at the insurance companies wouldn't cover you because of a pre-existing condition. That just stinks. Glad you are at least able to see out of one eye and my deepest sympathies to you. Good luck to you in the future.   

JimWis  (1000+ posts)      Thu Aug-06-09 07:33 PM
Response to Original message
3. Sorry for your misfortune. I wish you all the best going forward.
Thank you for sharing your story with us, and especially for sharing it with the President. I hope it helps the cause.

I'm really sorry, DUmmy JimWis, but I doubt the jug-eared Kenyan would have any more luck understanding this goofy, confused tale than the rest of us. I believe one-eyed DUmmy loyalkydem may be yet another DUmmy posting here under the name vesta111.

TexasObserver (1000+ posts)        Thu Aug-06-09 07:48 PM
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4. Ours is a cruel, inhumane system, as your story proves.

bbinacan  (1000+ posts)      Thu Aug-06-09 08:13 PM
Response to Original message
5. You say you have Medicare
Wouldn't you be covered by it?

Every time a DUmmy gives a tearful illustration of how terrible it is to live in a free country, a stinking teabagger comes along to cast doubt on his story.

I expect DUmmy bbinacan to be reported to the jug-eared Kenyan's hotline for reporting fishy people who disagree with socialism.

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Re: DUmmies Discuss One-Eyed Bouncy Tale
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2009, 08:36:46 PM »
There was nothing stopping the DUmmy from getting the surgery..he's have just had to pay for it.  And I'd be willing to bet, in a situation involving the loss of vision, he's be able to find a Dr that would take payments.

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Re: DUmmies Discuss One-Eyed Bouncy Tale
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2009, 09:05:47 PM »
I lost the sight in my left eye a year and a half ago.  The doctor I was referred to waived his physician fees after the first surgery did not correct the problem.  The hospital waived 50% of their fees because I was uninsured, but I still owe them $20,000 in medical bills.

If I had my own policy and was not dependent on employer-based insurance at the time, I would have elected to continue my coverage while I was unemployed.   My entire working adult life, I have been accustomed to my employer picking up the majority of the cost for my health insurance.  Getting a notice in the mail that your $100/month insurance premiums have jumped to $400 because your former employer is no longer picking up 3/4 of the tab is a huge ****ing shock.  As it is, I have the equivalent of a Nissan Sentra worth of medical bills to account for because I had grown accustomed to my boss paying the majority share of my health coverage with no effort on my part.  If I hadn't been lulled into that false sense of complacency, I would have bought my own insurance instead of depending on someone else.  Fool me once...

Oh, and I'm still legally blind.  So suck it.
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Re: DUmmies Discuss One-Eyed Bouncy Tale
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2009, 09:19:16 PM »
One day, I noticed that my eyesight was getting worse and worse. Over the next eighteen months, 3 cataract surgeries later, I lost my job. As a result, I lost my insurance.


 Looking back on it years later, if I had to do it all over again, I would have never left my job, especially if I knew it would cost me my eye sight.
:bs:  One or the other, DUmmy...but not both.   ::) ::)

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Re: DUmmies Discuss One-Eyed Bouncy Tale
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2009, 09:48:16 PM »
:bs:  One or the other, DUmmy...but not both.   ::) ::)

Ha ha...

Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: DUmmies Discuss One-Eyed Bouncy Tale
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2009, 03:09:16 AM »
:bs:  One or the other, DUmmy...but not both.   ::) ::)

Yeah, I noticed that to....DUmmies lie, they always'd think they'd pratice lying more. Can't keep their lies straight.

The kind of health insurance the DUmmies want is one where you pay ONE months premium and get all your health problems taken care of at no further expense to themselves....then they drop out of the system until they need care again at which time they pay ONE months premium and get it all taken care of again with no further cost to themselves......In other words, they want to pay a couple hundred dollars for a million dollars worth of care when they need it and none before or after.
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Offline vesta111

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Re: DUmmies Discuss One-Eyed Bouncy Tale
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2009, 06:02:35 AM »
 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Gobucks, I have CIGNA and it is what keeps me alive.   Naturally you would not know about that.

This company has covered a family member for heart disease including implanting a pace maker, sent nurses to the house and given him electric devices that take his vitals every day and send them via radio wave to the hospital.  His out of pockets expenses for 3 years of hospital admissions up to 2 weeks and and operations have come to the grand total of $2,000.00 and that includes his medication and payments for doctors visits.

He is still alive but on SS disability, but can work a part time job for 4 hours a day.

For me, CIGNA has paid in full for tumors to be removed at Boston General, and I now have 4 doctors trying to find out why I cannot walk normanly due to nerve damage in both legs.  It also paid 100% of the cost for the leg boots and devices to keep me from breaking any more bones in my feet.

It cost me $40.00 to have 3 operations to my face due to cancer

If the Government trys to put me on another plan, where I am no longer covered by CIGNA, I will have to light a big torch and storm the Capitol.

If one looks back at the Bonus riots of long ago, you ain't seen nothing yet until a million handicapped people crawl, limp and are carried to protest this insane take over of private insurance.

The American public is doing just fine on our way of life, why give all that up so those who are not Americans can get to the head of the line.??

It is them [ being the illegals ] that are bankrupting health care, Born Americans to American parents should come first.   We built America,  fought the wars, managed to see to it that we Americans were all free to vote, own land and work.

Just because a woman gives birth on our soil does not and should not mean the child is a citizen of any country other then the mothers.

Heck, I go to Greece and drop my child there does that mean as an American mother with the child's father also an American that our child is now a citizen of Greece and not an American ????   Will this impact that child in the future from running for president ????

ATTENTION all Prego woman, stay on American soil or your child will be labled as foreign born and not a true American.

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Re: DUmmies Discuss One-Eyed Bouncy Tale
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2009, 06:48:07 AM »
3 cataract surgeries later

How many eyes does this fool have? And yeah, did he slip and admit that he left his job, not fired?

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Re: DUmmies Discuss One-Eyed Bouncy Tale
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2009, 06:50:17 AM »
here is an average cost of a cataract procedure.  If you are paying cash, it would be less. As far as medical procedures go, after paying almost a grand for glasses and an eye exam (out of pocket), surgery like this does not seem so expensive.
You see, I don't care you how feel.  I really don't.  More importantly, neither does anyone else.  Only about 200 people on a planet of 7 billion actually care about your feelings, and that's if you're lucky.  The sooner you grasp this lesson, the better off you will be.  And since almost no one gives a damn what you do, say, think, or feel, appealing to your feelings when you encounter differences of opinion is not only illogical, but useless.

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Re: DUmmies Discuss One-Eyed Bouncy Tale
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2009, 07:23:35 AM »
:bs:  One or the other, DUmmy...but not both.   ::) ::)

Nice catch.
25 years ago we had Ronald Reagan, Johnny Cash and Bob Hope.  Now we have Obama, no hope and no cash.

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Re: DUmmies Discuss One-Eyed Bouncy Tale
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2009, 08:06:37 AM »
Bounce bounce bounce.....more bounce than Dolly Parton on a treadmill.
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Re: DUmmies Discuss One-Eyed Bouncy Tale
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2009, 10:37:36 AM »
I especially like the part where he wrote to Bam Bam and heard back from him. I guess getting a form letter is as good as one on one communication! Bwahahahahahahaha!
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